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10 Jun 02:38

amandapalmer: neil-gaiman: fefeferi: fighting-for-fitness-with...










This is pretty cool and eye-opening. I wish someone would do this sort of thing with male 6-pack ab models.

They even Photoshopped the woman behind Selena’s arm, because apparently not only do celebrities have to be thin, but they must also only associate with other thin people…

Enrico Francis has been caught

This pisses me off so incredibly much!

This is ridiculous. And disgusting. beautiful people being photoshopped to fit impossible standards AND most of the non-caucasian women are being white washed so they look more “appealing”




SO ANGRY. I can’t find the words to say just exactly what I feel about this…gahhhhhh just no.


It is always good to remember that you can be lied to in pictures…

I remember the first time I saw a “before & after airbrushing a model” play-by-play in sassy magazine, with the two pictures side by side. I was probably 13, and it changed my life. thanks, sassy, and thanks whoever did this. if nothing - it’s good to remember how manipulative the media can be. if you can’t fight it - you can at least see it. as a minor celebrity, I cringe everytime allow myself to be photoshopped. but I still allow it. magazines and press work that way. I’ve photoshopped myself for press photos (that pimple? easy to fix. that annoying hair? gonzo. no wrinkles though…I draw the line there.) the most disturbing one for me was the random back-ground woman’s, behind Selena Gomez. the photoshopped the BACKGROUND people? wow. do we love perfect? or do we love human? why isn’t human perfect? what’s happened to us?
10 Jun 02:34

architectureland: Deck House designed by Assadi + Pulido in...


Deck House designed by Assadi + Pulido in Alto Rungue, Chile

10 Jun 02:34


Cooper Griggs

Best Jean Reno movie.

10 Jun 02:33

Como diferenciar os fãs de Game of Thrones

by Jesus Manero

Como diferenciar os fãs de Game of Thrones

eis a diferença entre quem é fã do livro e de quem é fã apenas do seriado após o episódio dessa semana

10 Jun 02:33


10 Jun 02:32

theamericankid: This is charming, beautiful little story...

Cooper Griggs

I wanted to not get choked up over this. Dammit.


This is charming, beautiful little story brought a tear to my eye. I can’t imagine a more fitting place for that brilliant man’s words.

10 Jun 02:29


10 Jun 02:24

Coke as a broker of peace and conflict

by Marion

Coca-Cola as a peace broker

I don’t know what to make of Coca-Cola’s recent marketing strategies, as reported in the Washington  Post.   The ad,

“Small World Machines” starts with a relatively straightforward premise: India and Pakistan do not get along so well. It ends with the promise of peace: “Togetherness, humanity, this is what we all want, more and more exchange,” a woman, either Indian or Pakistani, narrates as the music swells. Sounds great. How do we get there? By buying Coke, of course.

The idea is to have two vending machines, one in Lahore and one in New Delhi, each with views of the other.  To buy a Coke, buyers have to cooperate.  Here are photos showing how it works.  And here’s how Coke explains it, with video and slides

As the Post explains, this may not be as far-fetched as it seems.

Sharing tasks and short-term, low-risk social interactions are classic conflict resolution tactics, including as a part of the civilian-to-civilian interactions sometimes termed “track two diplomacy.”  Indo-Pakistani tensions could use all the help they can get.

But the Post concludes with an update: 

Deputy foreign editor Karin Brulliard, a former Pakistan bureau chief, alerts me that, per the Wall Street Journal, Pepsi dominates the soda market there. Maybe that’s what’s been holding back peace?

This is not the first time that Coke markets its products as the key to world peace.  Those of you who are old enough might recall the “I’d like to teach the world to sing” video from 1990.

Coca-Cola as a conflict promoter

Who at Coke got the clever idea of producing personalized bottles with 150 popular names—in Israel, of all places?

Oops.  Forgot the 1.5 million Arabs who live there.

Alas, the campaign has caused a huge controversy in the Mideast.

Recall: All this is about selling Coke internationally.  Americans aren’t buying it so much anymore, so overseas it goes.

10 Jun 02:18

Pop icons in unfamiliar scenes

by Ameya Pendse

Looking at JD Hancock’s photostream, it’s easy to understand why he proudly admits to being a self-proclaimed geek. JD loves taking photos of his favorite childhood characters ranging from comic books to science fiction and adventure movies. It’s his creative approach, however, that makes his work unique.

“I go out of my way to make my photos fun and whimsical,” he says in the accompanying video. “I love putting well-known pop culture icons in situations you normally wouldn’t see them in — just to get a laugh out of the viewer.”

To put it simply, JD describes himself as “a kid at heart.” When he first joined Flickr in 2005, JD was amazed by the level of photography on the website and was moved to create images of his own. Unfortunately, he did not have the time to go out to shoot incredible landscapes or portraits.

Influenced by macro photographers like Nicolas Vallejos, JD became interested in tabletop photography and decided to create small scenes to capture with his camera.

Happy April Fools Day!

“I looked around the house and thought, ‘What could I take pictures of?’” JD says. “Finally it hit me. Toys! I’ve got my toys, my kids’ got toys. I realized instead of taking pictures of real life, I could use the characters in my house.”

Using his family’s kitchen as his photo studio, JD used whatever materials he had available, such as flashlights, plastic cups, sticky notes and raisin boxes.

“I really like the idea that I can create a whole world in my kitchen,” JD says. “I’ve gotten to the point where I can get setups done really quickly, then I can spend a lot of time on actually taking the photo and positioning characters the way that I think they should.”

Pretty Penny The New Girl

After posting several pictures on Flickr, JD quickly discovered people responding positively to his work. Viewers loved the juxtaposition of seeing their beloved characters in not-so-familiar scenarios.

“I feel like it’s sort of like a behind-the-scenes of what that character is really like in their day-to-day lives,” JD explains. “For example, the thing about Stormtroopers in Star Wars is they’re serious guys helping Darth Vader to keep a tight grip on the universe. But really, they’re just kind of regular guys. I’ve always thought it would be kind of fun to get a picture of what those guys look like after hours or between raids.”

Military Maneuvers

One of his most popular photos is called Four Storms And A Twister.

“I really liked the idea of the Stormtroopers goofing off and trying to get away with doing something fun,” JD says. “Because what they’re supposed to be doing is something awful. But all they want to do is let loose and have a good time!”

JD pushes his creativity further with every photo he takes. One of his favorites is Berry Hard Work — a photo inspired simply by noticing large strawberries in his local grocery store.

Berry Hard Work Setup (3/11) Berry Hard Work Setup (6/11)

“I saw these strawberries and thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just climb all over one of those things?’” JD says. “It was a fun setup, but very challenging. I had to slice the strawberries very, very carefully to make it look like it could have been done by one of the little guys. But in the end, I was happy with the result.”

Thunder Of Hooves

Over the years, JD has been continuously surprised by the positive feedback he’s received regarding his work, and says it only encourages him to do more. As a result, his photography has been featured in the New York Times, CBS News, Mashable — it’s even been on an album cover.

Swimming In The iPool Han Solo's Big Adventure

“My photos are really a labor of love,” JD says. “I like the idea of trying to be a photographer that shows someone something they’ve seen before, but in a completely different way. I have been a fan of geeky stuff since I was a kid, and the idea that other people are getting some enjoyment out of it makes me extremely happy.”

Visit JD’s photostream for more of his photography.

Are you looking for more macro photography? Check out our previous episode: Tiny worlds in drops of water

WeeklyFlickr LogoDo you want to be featured on The Weekly Flickr? We are looking for your photos that amaze, excite, delight and inspire. Share them with us in the The Weekly Flickr Group, or tweet us at @TheWeeklyFlickr.

10 Jun 02:17

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

No rain!

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson windows sugar food architecture

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson windows sugar food architecture

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson windows sugar food architecture

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson windows sugar food architecture

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson windows sugar food architecture

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson windows sugar food architecture

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson windows sugar food architecture

A Hilltop Solarium Made with Panels of Caramelized Sugar by William Lamson windows sugar food architecture

Designed and constructed by artist William Lamson, Solarium is a functional greenhouse with 162 windows made from carmelized sugar at the Storm King Art Center in Mountainville, New York. Via his artist statement:

Like a mountain chapel or Thoreau’s one-room cabin, Solarium references a tradition of isolated outposts designed for reflection. Each of the 162 panels is made of sugar cooked to different temperatures and then sealed between two panes of window glass. The space functions as both an experimental greenhouse, growing three species of miniature citrus trees, and a meditative environment. In warm months, a 5×8 ft panel on each side of the house opens up to allow viewers to enter and exit the house from all directions. In addition to creating a pavilion like environment, this design references the architecture of a plant leaf, where the stomata opens and closes to help regulate the plants temperature.

Lamson spent weeks testing methods for building the windows and you can watch his process in the video above by Kate Barker-Froyland. See many more views of the building here. All imagery courtesy the artist. (via architizer)

10 Jun 02:16



10 Jun 02:16


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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10 Jun 02:13

Embroidered 3D Insects and Snails by Claire Moynihan

by Christopher Jobson

Embroidered 3D Insects and Snails by Claire Moynihan textiles sculpture insects embroidery

Embroidered 3D Insects and Snails by Claire Moynihan textiles sculpture insects embroidery

Embroidered 3D Insects and Snails by Claire Moynihan textiles sculpture insects embroidery

Embroidered 3D Insects and Snails by Claire Moynihan textiles sculpture insects embroidery

Embroidered 3D Insects and Snails by Claire Moynihan textiles sculpture insects embroidery

Embroidered 3D Insects and Snails by Claire Moynihan textiles sculpture insects embroidery

Artist Claire Moynihan lives and works in rural Hertfordshire, England where she creates tiny sculptural insects and snails on felt balls using a variety of freeform embroidery techniques. After completing a collection of work Moynihan then organizes the pieces inside traditional entomological boxes which from a distance could almost pass for the real thing. See much more of her work in her gallery. (via lustik)

10 Jun 02:13

I need a guide: twins: houses in five parts by william o’brien jr.

by turn
10 Jun 02:03


by saripipicamasiripi
10 Jun 02:03

It is growth, then decay, then transformation.

Cooper Griggs

Say my name.
You're God damned right.

It is growth, then decay, then transformation.

09 Jun 17:07


09 Jun 15:09

Russian Kid At Club Can’t Be Bothered

Cooper Griggs

What song is that? Soundhound isn't picking it up.

Russian Kid At Club Can’t Be Bothered

09 Jun 07:13


09 Jun 07:13


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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09 Jun 07:12

Main-View-620x464.jpg 620×464 pixels

by reindesign
09 Jun 07:12


by error
09 Jun 07:11


by ladybird13
09 Jun 01:59

Kobe playing the part of Jose today. Good times :) (at En Fuego...

Kobe playing the part of Jose today. Good times :) (at En Fuego Cantina)

07 Jun 07:07


by ionoi
Cooper Griggs

Jeffrey's Bay?

07 Jun 06:42


07 Jun 06:07

itscarororo: burn-thenightaway: pondermoofin: watchtheskytonig...

Cooper Griggs

*fucking sigh*
How do we, as men, smack the rest of our gender in the head for doing and saying shit like this? Fucking ass hats.








I love this new trend of actresses calling reporters out on their bullshit.

Can I just, Renner’s face is the second and third frames. He’s so disappointe in the male race at that moment. And so proud of Scarlett.

Scarlett Johansen, you are badass.

Bless her.

Four for you, Scarlett! You go, Scarlett! 

Forever reblog this damn woman.

augh actresses must get SO TIRED of this shit, I would not have been as polite as she was

get it TOGETHER reporters!!

07 Jun 06:00

Ex-drone operator says he's haunted by the carnage he caused from behind the cover of a computer screen | Mail Online

by russiansledges
'I can see every little pixel if I just close my eyes,' he said. Bryant is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after his five years as a drone operator. He said he sought help for the emotions he was experiencing on his job but 'one of the weird things about the whole drone community is you don't talk about anything that you've done. You just don't,' he told NPR. He said he  began feeling paranoid that he was killing innocent people, not Taliban insurgents. And he felt that it wasn't his place to question the people giving him orders to launch the missile attacks.
07 Jun 05:59

Dry Drowning

Account of a 10-year-old boy's death explains dry drowning and its symptoms.
07 Jun 05:58

the thursday beer because may tried to kill me, and june is...

the thursday beer

because may tried to kill me, and june is already looking highly suspect.