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27 Jul 02:06

tumblr_lh4tr5CI7A1qaouuqo1_500.jpg (500×448)

by clapyrhands
Cooper Griggs

holy hell

27 Jul 02:05


Cooper Griggs

should be a Snuggie though

26 Jul 17:32

blah blah blah

blah blah blah

26 Jul 17:32



26 Jul 17:31

Architectural Columns at the Palais de Tokyo Explode into Organic Forms

by Christopher Jobson

Architectural Columns at the Palais de Tokyo Explode into Organic Forms wood installation architecture

Architectural Columns at the Palais de Tokyo Explode into Organic Forms wood installation architecture

Architectural Columns at the Palais de Tokyo Explode into Organic Forms wood installation architecture

Architectural Columns at the Palais de Tokyo Explode into Organic Forms wood installation architecture

Recently installed at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, this gigantic Gordian Knot was constructed by Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveira who is known for his near complete organic transformations of interior and exterior spaces. Titled Baitogogo, the work depicts an architectural grid of columns and support beams that seem to morph into a chaotic tangle of branches or roots. Via the Palais de Tokyo:

Through a kind of architectural anthropomorphism, Henrique Oliveira reveals the building’s structure. At Palais de Tokyo, he plays on the space’s existing and structuring features, prolonging and multiplying pillars in order to endow them with a vegetable and organic dimension, as though the building were coming alive. The artist draws inspiration from medical textbooks, amongst others, and particularly from studies of physical pathologies such as tumors. Through a formal analogy, these outgrowths evoke the outermost layers of the bark of a common tree.

The installation will be in view through September 9th, 2013. Photos by André Morin. (via dark silence in suburbia)

26 Jul 17:31

Not Your Average Drawing of a Rock: Colorful Riverbeds Drawn with Pencil by Ester Roi

by Christopher Jobson

Not Your Average Drawing of a Rock: Colorful Riverbeds Drawn with Pencil by Ester Roi rocks drawing color

Not Your Average Drawing of a Rock: Colorful Riverbeds Drawn with Pencil by Ester Roi rocks drawing color

Not Your Average Drawing of a Rock: Colorful Riverbeds Drawn with Pencil by Ester Roi rocks drawing color

Not Your Average Drawing of a Rock: Colorful Riverbeds Drawn with Pencil by Ester Roi rocks drawing color

California artist Ester Roi (website currently down) works colored pencils to create drawings of imagined riverbeds that exhibit a superb understanding of the interaction between light, color and water. Roi uses a special drawing device called the Icarus Drawing Board that allows her to effectively create warm and cool “zones” underneath a wax-based medium. According to her website “the warm zone is used for mixing pigments, blending, burnishing and reworking. The cool zone is used for line drawing, layering, detailing and finishing touches.” The careful layering of pencil and wax apparently allows for some pretty brilliant color work. Although her website is currently down you can see more of her drawing and painting over on Facebook. (via drawing pencil)

26 Jul 17:29

Pop Tarts Lowrider Commercial

Cooper Griggs


Pop Tarts Lowrider Commercial

26 Jul 17:28

An Elephant-Octopus Mural on the Streets of London by Alexis Diaz

by Christopher Jobson

An Elephant Octopus Mural on the Streets of London by Alexis Diaz street art octopi murals elephants animals

An Elephant Octopus Mural on the Streets of London by Alexis Diaz street art octopi murals elephants animals

An Elephant Octopus Mural on the Streets of London by Alexis Diaz street art octopi murals elephants animals

An Elephant Octopus Mural on the Streets of London by Alexis Diaz street art octopi murals elephants animals

An Elephant Octopus Mural on the Streets of London by Alexis Diaz street art octopi murals elephants animals

This awesome hybrid elephant-octopus was just completed this week by Puerto Rican artist Alexis Diaz. Comprised of thousands of tiny brushstrokes, the mural took a week to paint and you can see it yourself on Hanbury Street off Brick Lane. Chicago artist Phineas X. Jones also conceived of an “octophant” which has had numerous incarnations over the years. (via StreetArtNews)

26 Jul 17:28

The Pixel Painter: A 97-Year-Old Man Who Draws Using Microsoft Paint from Windows 95

by Christopher Jobson

The Pixel Painter: A 97 Year Old Man Who Draws Using Microsoft Paint from Windows 95 pointillism documentary

The Pixel Painter: A 97 Year Old Man Who Draws Using Microsoft Paint from Windows 95 pointillism documentary

The Pixel Painter: A 97 Year Old Man Who Draws Using Microsoft Paint from Windows 95 pointillism documentary

The Pixel Painter: A 97 Year Old Man Who Draws Using Microsoft Paint from Windows 95 pointillism documentary

Meet Hal Lasko, mostly known as Grandpa, a 97-year-old man who uses Microsoft Paint from Windows 95 to create artwork that has been described as “a collision of pointillism and 8-Bit art.” Lasko, who is legally blind, served in WWII drafting directional and weather maps for bombing raids and later worked as a typographer (back when everything is done by hand) for clients such as General Tire, Goodyear and The Cleveland Browns before retiring in the 1970s. Decades after his retirement his family introduced him to Microsoft Paint and he never looked back. Approaching a century in age, Lasko is now having his work shown for the first time in an art exhibition and also has prints for sale online.

Watch this touching documentary short directed by Josh Bogdan which tells how Lasko discovered an entire new artistic career well into his 80s. If you liked this, also learn about 73-year-old Tatsuo Horiuchi who paints exclusively using the shape tool in Microsoft Excel. (via Colossal Submissions)

26 Jul 17:27

it’s too long from the explodingdog archives

26 Jul 17:26

jesuisperdu: the acid sweat lodge

26 Jul 17:25

doinwork: Couldn’t not.


Couldn’t not.

26 Jul 17:21


26 Jul 17:20

NASA Releases Photo of Earth Taken from the Dark Side of Saturn by the Cassini Spacecraft

by Christopher Jobson

NASA Releases Photo of Earth Taken from the Dark Side of Saturn by the Cassini Spacecraft space Saturn NASA Earth

NASA Releases Photo of Earth Taken from the Dark Side of Saturn by the Cassini Spacecraft space Saturn NASA Earth

Yesterday NASA published a new photograph taken on July 19, 2013, by a wide-angle camera on the Cassini spacecraft that shows a view of Earth from the dark side of Saturn. In the photo Earth is 898 million miles away and the moon appears as just a tiny protrusion off to the right (you might need to see it up close). According to NASA this is only the third time that Earth has ever been photographed from the outer solar system.

26 Jul 17:19


26 Jul 17:18

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House

by Christopher Jobson

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House seasons landscapes books

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House seasons landscapes books

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House seasons landscapes books

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House seasons landscapes books

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House seasons landscapes books

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House seasons landscapes books

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House seasons landscapes books

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House seasons landscapes books

For his Behind a Little House Project Italian photographer Manuel Cosentino found an unsuspecting muse: a tiny nondescript house on an unexceptional hill. He returned to photograph the small building from the exact same location for nearly two years in order to capture the dramatic changes in weather and light that utterly changed the scenery just beyond the horizon. As part of a traveling exhibition the photos are mounted on a wall behind a book containing copies of a photo of the house against a white sky. Viewers are then invited to draw their own interpretation of what appears behind the little house. Via his artist statement:

The first photograph starts the series with a Big-Bang-like explosion and sets everything into motion, the last is a new beginning – it represents that piece of “carte blanche” that we are all given with our lives. By drawing in the book anyone is at the same time breathing life into it, keeping it alive page after page, and is also responsible for his or her contribution within a wider context.

The entire project is currently on view at Klompching Gallery in New York as part of their Annual Summer Show through August 10th. (via reddit)

26 Jul 17:07

Star Wars according to a 3 year old. (by fistofblog)

Star Wars according to a 3 year old. (by fistofblog)

26 Jul 16:31

Hypnotic Animated GIFs from Mat Lucas

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs


Hypnotic Animated GIFs from Mat Lucas gifs animation

Hypnotic Animated GIFs from Mat Lucas gifs animation

Hypnotic Animated GIFs from Mat Lucas gifs animation

Hypnotic Animated GIFs from Mat Lucas gifs animation

Hypnotic Animated GIFs from Mat Lucas gifs animation

Hypnotic Animated GIFs from Mat Lucas gifs animation

Hypnotic Animated GIFs from Mat Lucas gifs animation

UK-based artist Mat Lucas works by day as a graphic designer and by night runs a Tumblr of experimental art called 89—A. Lucas tells me that many of his GIFs begin as a problem he’s facing while learning various graphics and video applications like Cinema4D, After Effects, and Photoshop. The byproduct of his experimentation are often ethereal geometric forms that pulsate, rotate and contract in various hypnotic patterns. Above are some of my favorite pieces but you can see much more here. If you liked this also check out the work of Matthew DiVito and Paolo Čerić.

26 Jul 16:30

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif

by Christopher Jobson

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
On-Off (Katowice, Poland)

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
On-Off (Katowice, Poland)

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
Wikileaks (Valencia, Spain)

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
Ne travaillez jamais (Besancon, France)

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
Gentrification (Valencia, Spain)

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
HELP (Praghe / Czech Republic)

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
El rescate del euro (Niort, France)

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
The Enlightened Vandalism (Vila-real, Spain)

Humorous and Political Street Art by Escif street art Spain politics murals
Lock (Montreal, Canada)

Spanish muralist and street artist Escif hails from Valencia, Spain but is actively globally with recent works popping up throughout Canada, Italy, and France. His use of subdued colors and simple lines helps the artist communicate his humorous and often direct commentary on capitalism, politics, the economy and other sensitive social issues. His work is much more about the message than style. In an interview with Unurth the artist shares:

Although sometimes is not easy to separate, I try to focus my work around concepts, not just shapes. I try to found my style like the consequences of my own ideas. I understand the painting as an exercise of reflection that can be shared with people. I’m not looking for decorative paintings, I try to wake up viewers minds.

Above is just a tiny fraction of Escif’s work over the last two years or so. You can see much more on his blog Street Against, on Facebook, or over on Flickr. (via arrested motion)

26 Jul 16:25


26 Jul 02:23

but does it float

by dipre
26 Jul 02:23

A Suspended Glass Greenhouse Lamp | Colossal

by kirill
26 Jul 01:51

tumblr_mc43y2LAXQ1qkegsbo1_500.jpg 500×332 pixels

by reindesign
26 Jul 01:51


26 Jul 00:58

diegueno: I’m Not Sure I Could Do What This Actress Did — In...

26 Jul 00:57

"Lower your voice and strengthen your argument."

“Lower your voice and strengthen your argument.”

- Lebanese proverb
26 Jul 00:57

pol102: Via politicalprof: Proof that the moon landings could...


Via politicalprof:

Proof that the moon landings could not have been faked. 

ht: SK

I love it when a conspiracy theory goes down.

Nod to B for this one.  :)

26 Jul 00:56


26 Jul 00:50


by xote
25 Jul 22:27

idlnmclean: mels-ness: If you’ve never seen this movie, you...



If you’ve never seen this movie, you don’t fully understand.

Brother Cavil: “I’m a machine, and I can know much more.”
President Marjorie Bota: “According to the records at the NorthAm Robotics Company, the robot also known as Andrew Martin, was powered up at 5:15 pm on April 3rd, 2005. In a few hours, he’ll be 200 years old, which means that with the exception of Methuselah and other biblical figures, Andrew is the oldest living human in recorded history. For it is by this proclamation, I validate his marriage to Portia Charney, and acknowledge his humanity.”