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26 Jul 02:27

the uncomfortable song.

the uncomfortable song.

26 Jul 01:03

Attention: New Kitten Cam I repeat: New Kitten...

Attention: New Kitten Cam

I repeat: New Kitten Cam!

25 Jul 22:24


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Copy this into your blog, website, etc.
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22 Jul 20:38


22 Jul 18:42

A Waterspout in Florida

What's happening over the water?  What's happening over the water?

22 Jul 02:39

This is amazing

This is amazing

22 Jul 02:38

heartheambience: Just with the family…. count the number of...


Just with the family….

count the number of things wrong with this picture…

22 Jul 02:32

“You Are You” looks at a gender nonconforming camp for boys

Family members applaud a camper as he makes his way down the fashion-show runway.

Lindsay Morris

Over the past three years, photographer Lindsay Morris has been documenting a four-day camp for gender nonconforming boys and their parents.

The camp, “You Are You” (the name has been changed to protect the privacy of the children and is also the name of Morris’ series), is for “Parents who don’t have a gender-confirming 3-year-old who wants to wear high heels and prefers to go down the pink aisle in K-Mart and not that nasty dark boys’ aisle,” Morris said with a laugh.

It is also a place for both parents and children to feel protected in an environment that encourages free expression.

“[The kids] don’t have to look over their shoulders, and they can let down their guard. Those are four days when none of that matters, and they are surrounded by family members who support them,” Morris said.

Morris has stated that her photographic goal for the project is “to represent the spirit of these boys as they shine.” Some of the ways in which the kids shine is through the talent and fashion shows at camp that are popular and for which the campers come well-prepared.

“Some practice for the talent show all year, and others create their own gowns with their mothers or friends of the family,” Morris said. “The focus and enthusiasm is really pretty incredible. Also, it can be very emotional for the parents, especially the families who are new to camp and are experiencing this kind of group acceptance for the very first time.”

In this supportive environment, the children express themselves freely.

Lindsay Morris

Left: A child shows off his favorite nightgown. Right: Throughout the weekend, campers apply, remove, and reapply makeup, and wardrobe changes are constant.

Lindsay Morris

Children socialize outside the barn that serves as a performance center at the camp.

Lindsay Morris

Although it is unknown if the kids at the camp will eventually identify as gay or transgender—or even if the way gender and sexuality are defined throughout society will evolve—the camp allows the kids to look at themselves in a completely different way.

“They get enough questioning in their daily lives, so it’s a great place for them to express themselves as they feel. … I feel we hear so many of the sad stories and how LGBT kids are disproportionately affected by bullying, depression, and suicide, and it hangs a heavy cloud over them and kind of dooms them from the beginning. I’m saying this is a new story. This is not a tragedy.”

Morris hopes to eventually publish a book of her work and also launch a large multimedia show that travels the country and the world to show a new face of LGBT youth. The children featured here and in Morris’ project are photographed with the permission of the their parents. Her ultimate goal is to start a foundation that raises money to help underwrite the cost of camp for kids unable to attend. She also hopes to add even more dimension to the project, concentrating on producing more portraiture and documenting the transition the kids experience upon arrival to the camp.

“I would really love to follow the kids into adulthood and see what kind of relationships they develop,” Morris said. “I want to witness the evolution, knowing from where they started and see how life is going to play out for them—hopefully happily—and I think they’re going to have a better transition into adulthood than the generation proceeding them.”

Left: Taking a portrait during a rare still moment. Right: Wearing a tea towel to simulate long hair.

Lindsay Morris

Parents play a big role in organizing camp activities. Here, a child awaits his turn for the fashion show.

Lindsay Morris

Dress rehearsal for the talent show.

Lindsay Morris

Taking time out among the colorful chaos.

Lindsay Morris

Hours before the fashion show, a camper rehearses his ta-dah moment.
22 Jul 02:30

Ron Funches Oakstreet Speakeasy (by İlker Gürpınar)

Ron Funches Oakstreet Speakeasy (by İlker Gürpınar)

22 Jul 02:23

Why Your Dog Can Get Vaccinated Against Lyme Disease And You Can’t | WBUR

Why Your Dog Can Get Vaccinated Against Lyme Disease And You Can’t | WBUR:

Introduced in 1998, the vaccine sold well at first. But then opponents spoke out: self-described ‘vaccine victims’ — perhaps similar to people today who claim the MMR vaccine causes autism. Back then, they said that the Lyme vaccine gave them arthritis.

“And this sort of got into popular lore,” Poland recalls. “It got on the Internet. There were a number of East Coast lawyers who started putting together class-action lawsuits. There were anti-vaccine advocacy groups that were formed.”

And there were threats against the scientists who had worked to help protect people against the disease. Poland had to hide where he lived. Steere got a security detail.

The clinical data did not back up any of this. The trials had not shown such side effects. The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control looked into the claims, and then continued to recommended that people exposed to tick-infested areas get the vaccine.

But it was too late. Sales had plummeted. Four years after offering people immunity against Lyme, SmithKline Beecham stopped making the vaccine. The second vaccine-maker, Pasteur Mérieux Connaught, saw what had happened and never put out its own product.

22 Jul 02:21

Timid Little Girl Meets Awesome Comic-Con Mech. Cuteness Ensues.

by Patricia Hernandez

So that mech we mentioned last night—you know, the one that's made by the same studio that built armor for Pacific Rim and Iron Man—it's now officially going around Comic-Con. Here's some footage of the mech trying its best to befriend a little girl, brought to us by by Stan Winston School.


22 Jul 02:20

DIY: Upcycled Washer Firepit (for $10!)

by rochelle

upcycled firepit by house and fig via www.studiogblog.comWould you like to learn about making this stylish fire pit?  House and Fig has the detailed instructions for turning an old washing machine drum into this fire pit for under $10 and in less than an hour.   Hard to believe – but totally do-able.  Go check it out. 

image from House and Fig


22 Jul 02:17



22 Jul 02:06

tumblr_lgmqmx0cuu1qa2ld9o1_500.jpg 500 × 687 pixler

by error
22 Jul 02:03

Get Up & Support NYC

by gusto
22 Jul 02:01

messerschmitt-bf-109-wind-tunnel-test-1940-01.jpg 800×604 pixels

by comkee
22 Jul 02:00

Grilled Fontina + Blackberry Basil Smash Grilled...

Grilled Fontina + Blackberry Basil Smash Grilled Sandwiches

today amtt, bogo and i embarked on this recipe* and are happy to report: not only are these sandwiches dead easy to prepare, but they are absolutely delicious.

*beer not strictly part of the recipe, but it doesn’t hurt.

22 Jul 01:59


20 Jul 01:21

The Dos and Don’ts of African American Cosplay by Ron Funches

by Kimber Streams

Fuck Jar Jar Binks!

In this video, comedian Ron Funches breaks down which awesome African American characters to cosplay — and which ones to avoid at all costs — at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

20 Jul 01:14


Cooper Griggs

if only

19 Jul 20:00


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Copy this into your blog, website, etc.
<a href=""><img alt="Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic" src="" border=0></a><br />Cyanide & Happiness @ <a href=""></a>

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19 Jul 20:00

Thunderstorms Abound

by Arnold Chao
Cooper Griggs

sooooooooo cool


Lone Thunderstorm

Knotted - Halton, Ontario edge of the thunderstorm.

In Between


Lightning Above Roosevelt Lake

thunderstorm over south anastasia island, 13 july 2013

Little Pop-Up Thunderstorm

Raices en el cielo!

Scenes around the world of those “did you see that” lightning bolts, dramatic storm clouds, and distant downpours.

See, and share, more photos in the Thunderstorms Abound gallery and Lightning group.

Photos from Kai Eiselein, dmguz, Alan McCord, dangerousmeta, Eye of the Storm Photography, JordanDoane, NicLeister, amy32080, WyldeNikonShooter, and Julieta Toledo Widensky.

19 Jul 19:56

Flickr Finds No. 32

by Christopher Jobson

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds
Jamie Frith

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds
Paddy McDougal

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds
Sean Creamer

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds
Brian Day

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds
Linda Tanner, GoingSLO on Flickr

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds
Ibai Acevedo

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds
stowmaries aerodrome

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds
Lou Rouge

Flickr Finds No. 32 flickr finds eggii

Flickr Finds returns with its 32nd installment here on Colossal. These are just a few of my favorite photos seen on Flickr the last few weeks, I urge you to click through and learn more about all the different photographers. See previous Flickr Finds. (thnx, megan!)

19 Jul 19:55


18 Jul 20:57

What Happens When you Mix Ammonium Chromate & Mercury(II) and Set it on Fire

by Christopher Jobson

What Happens When you Mix Ammonium Chromate & Mercury(II) and Set it on Fire science fire

This is what happens when you mix Mercury(II) thiocyanate (Hg(SCN)2) and Ammonium chromate (NH4)2CrO4 and then set it on fire. I was honestly expecting the fiery volcano part, but at about 30 seconds in something… horrifying happens. The kids witnessing the experiment really make the video. “The kraken!!!!” (via The Awesomer)

18 Jul 18:17

A Softer World

18 Jul 18:15


Cooper Griggs


18 Jul 18:13

10 Rules of Internet

by Anil
Cooper Griggs

I have verified all of these. *sniff*

In my years working in technology, I have learned a few things. These lessons have become oft-repeated refrains when speaking to people, so I thought I'd collect them so I have a link to send folks when needed.

  1. Given enough time, any object which can generate musical notes will be used to play the Super Mario Brothers theme on YouTube.
  2. Judging by their response, the meanest thing you can do to people on the Internet is to give them really good software for free.
  3. Three things never work: Voice chat, printers and projectors.
  4. Once a web community has decided to dislike a person, topic, or idea, the conversation will shift from criticizing the idea to become a competition about who can be most scathing in their condemnation. (See The Law of Fail.)
  5. Any new form of electronic communication will first be dismissed as trivial and worthless until it produces a profound result, after which it will be described as obvious and boring.
  6. If your website's full of assholes, it's your fault. (See the post on this topic.)
  7. Most websites treat "I like it" and "This is good" as the same thing, leading to most people on the Internet refusing to distinguish between "I don't like it" and "It's not good".
  8. When a company or industry is facing changes to its business due to technology, it will argue against the need for change based on the moral importance of its work, rather than trying to understand the social underpinnings.
  9. People will move mountains to earn a gold star by their name on the Internet.
  10. The only way to get useful feedback from people on the Internet is to ask questions that are actually answerable, instead of open-ended.

Bonus rules which apply equally on the Internet and off:

  • Never argue against logic with emotion, or against emotion using logic.
  • We hate most in others that which we fail to see in ourselves. (That's pretty much where this blog started, 14 years ago.)
18 Jul 18:07

Street Artist Ludo Merges Technology and Nature to Create a New Order of Hybrid Organisms

by Christopher Jobson

Street Artist Ludo Merges Technology and Nature to Create a New Order of Hybrid Organisms wheatpaste street art

Street Artist Ludo Merges Technology and Nature to Create a New Order of Hybrid Organisms wheatpaste street art

Street Artist Ludo Merges Technology and Nature to Create a New Order of Hybrid Organisms wheatpaste street art

Street Artist Ludo Merges Technology and Nature to Create a New Order of Hybrid Organisms wheatpaste street art

Street Artist Ludo Merges Technology and Nature to Create a New Order of Hybrid Organisms wheatpaste street art

Street Artist Ludo Merges Technology and Nature to Create a New Order of Hybrid Organisms wheatpaste street art

Street Artist Ludo Merges Technology and Nature to Create a New Order of Hybrid Organisms wheatpaste street art

Paris-based artist Ludo (previously) has been active lately with works popping up all over France. His trademark monochromatic paste-ups with dripping green highlights often merge technology with plants or insects to create what he calls a “new order of hybrid organisms”. To see more of his work you can always stop by StreetArtNews or follow the artist’s blog.

18 Jul 17:47

Unite Art print by ilovedoodle on Etsy

by ilovedoodle
Cooper Griggs

I love puns