Shared posts

11 Mar 17:58

at Santa Monica, California

at Santa Monica, California

11 Mar 17:58

Graphic and Creative Calligrams

by Katia

Ji Lee est un designer coréen qui a grandi au Brésil et vit désormais à New York. Il est fermement convaincu que les idées ne sont rien, mais que les actions sont tout : cela le pousse à produire des travaux personnels toujours plus riches et créatifs, passionnés. Word as Image est une collection de calligrammes qu’il a réalisé sur plusieurs années, reprenant des films célèbres, des personnalités, des villes et des objets divers, en disposant graphiquement le mot pour qu’il illustre son concept.

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11 Mar 17:56

Random Ghost

by sincretic
11 Mar 17:56

Adobe warns users to patch a critical Flash vulnerability

by Steve Dent
Stop me if you've heard this one. Adobe has released a new patch for Flash that fixes "critical vulnerabilities that could potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system," according to the security bulletin. It says the update (...
11 Mar 00:50

New fuel cell tech could power phones for a week

by Timothy J. Seppala
No matter how efficient our devices get in terms of power usage, there's really only so much manufacturers can do given the limitations of the energy source: lithium-ion batteries. But researchers from Pohang University of Science and Technology in S...
10 Mar 23:34

DOJ files a response to Apple in San Bernardino iPhone case (update)

by Jessica Conditt
The Department of Justice is not happy with Apple's refusal to unlock the iPhone 5c of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, as stated in a response filed today. "By Apple's own reckoning, the corporation -- which grosses hundreds of billions o...
10 Mar 23:34

Scientists find new bacteria species that can eat plastic

by Devindra Hardawar
Plastic is a problem. We use too much of it -- over 300 million tons are produced every year -- and we can't easily get rid of it (there's that whole lack of biodegradability thing). But scientists in Japan may have come upon a solution to our enviro...
10 Mar 23:34

Vibrant Oil Finger Paintings by Iris Scott

by Christopher Jobson


Brooklyn-based painter Iris Scott (previously) eschews brushes and palette knives in favor of using the most traditional art tools of all time: her fingers. Her color-saturated canvases of thick oil paint capture shaking wet dogs, dreamy urban cityscapes, and serene outdoor scenes. “There’s nothing between me and the paint, I feel all the tiny nuances,” says Scott. “I can manipulate thick paint with my fingers in ways brushes never could.” The physicality of using her digits brings a unique sense of motion to each piece and when coupled with nearly 100 colors for a single artwork, it’s no surprise to discover how entrancing each canvas becomes.

Scott has original works available through Adelman Fine Art and at UGallery and you can follow her works in progress on Facebook and Instagram. She also just published an instructional book titled A Finger Painting Weekend.










10 Mar 23:33

Three Possibilities

by Doug
10 Mar 23:29

NOAA records the biggest annual increase in CO2 levels

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs


The Mauna Loa Observatory, which has been monitoring carbon dioxide levels since the 1950s under NOAA, has recorded the steepest rise ever within a year-long period. Apparently, the average CO2 level for February 2016 is 404.02 parts per million, 3.7...
10 Mar 23:28

dailygiffing: Video: Cyclists Barely Outrun Huge Ostrich in...


Video: Cyclists Barely Outrun Huge Ostrich in South Africa

Welcome… to Jurostrich Park.

10 Mar 23:22

NASA preps its donut-shaped decelerator for manned missions

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs

Not exactly sure how it works, but I'm interested!

NASA wants to make sure that the decelerator replacing parachutes in future deep space missions can withstand packing, compression and extreme conditions. That's why the agency created a small-scale version of the latest Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodyn...
10 Mar 21:20

by Happy Monday Comics

10 Mar 21:19

Surfer Towed by Shark?

by (Dan Evon)
A video purportedly shows a surfer being towed by a great white shark, but it was actually created as part of a 2008 advertising campaign.
10 Mar 21:17

Researchers grow crops in simulated Martian and Lunar soil

by Andrew Tarantola
Researchers from the Dutch Wageningen University and Research Center announced on Tuesday that they had successfully cultivated 10 food crops in soil that simulates what astronauts would encounter both on the Moon and on Mars. The team managed to har...
10 Mar 21:16

Gun Rights Advocate Jamie Gilt Shot by Child?

by (Kim LaCapria)
Cooper Griggs


According to sheriff's deputies, Gilt was shot in the back by her 4-year-old as she was driving.
10 Mar 21:13

Pentagon has deployed military drones in the US

by Jon Fingas
Cooper Griggs

OH shit

If you were skeptical that the US military would only fly its drones in combat zones, your suspicions were well-founded -- although the situation isn't as bad as you might think. A recently published Department of Defense report has revealed that the...
10 Mar 20:54

Google joins Facebook's effort to reinvent the data center

by Jon Fingas
Facebook and Google aren't the best of friends, but they're willing to make exceptions for the right causes: Google has joined Facebook's Open Compute Project in a bid to improve data centers everywhere. It's starting off by contributing a new server...
10 Mar 20:52


10 Mar 20:51


10 Mar 20:51

Stirring the Swarm: A Horde of 10,000 Ceramic Beetles Crawl Across Gallery Walls

by Christopher Jobson
Cooper Griggs

one hell of an installation!



Like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, UK artist Anna Collette Hunt leads swarms of 10,000 ceramic insects in a traveling exhibition that first appeared several years ago in the towers of Wollaton Hall, England, home to a significant natural history collection. Hunt compares her marching throngs of beetles and butterflies to an awakening of sorts, the idea that her installations depict a reanimation of these long-dormant creatures framed behind glass or lost in drawers. From a statement about her process:

The exhibition is a result of Anna’s preoccupation with historic houses. After recurring visits to Wollaton Hall, she was repeatedly drawn to Entomology, particularly to the fragility of the aging beetles within the collection and by the possible stories that could be crafted from them. The body of work was made in several stages: Anna created the original models and their moulds, then a team of assistants made and glazed the individual elements. Some insects have a trickle of gold lustre, which references the traditional technique of presenting insects in museum collections by pinning each one to a board. This particular aspect has also fallen into the story, where the enchanted beetles bleed gold from their wounds.

The collection of ceramic insects has been installed in numerous places over the last five years, and Hunt also offers a “full scale infestation service” where tailor made swarms can be installed into almost any location. You can see more views of Stirring the Swarm on her website. (via Colossal Submissions)








10 Mar 20:49


10 Mar 20:49


10 Mar 20:46

Hyperloop deal would link three European capitals

by Aaron Souppouris
One of the companies vying to make Elon Musk's transportation dream a reality has signed a deal with the government of Slovakia to explore building a three-country Hyperloop. Crowdsourced engineering project Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT...
10 Mar 20:46

Honda's hydrogen-powered FCX Clarity goes on sale

by Steve Dent
Hydrogen-powered cars are less efficient and environmentally friendly than EVs, but nobody can deny that they're more practical. Case in point is Honda's Clarity fuel-cell vehicle (FCV), which is now on sale to select buyers in Japan. Unlike EVs, whi...
10 Mar 20:45

MIT has a way to speed up web browsing by 34 percent

by Timothy J. Seppala
Sure, Google has a way to reduce page load speeds, but that's limited to mobile for now. From the sounds of it, the venerable Massachusetts Institute of Technology has other plans that could make mobile and desktop web browsing about 34 percent faste...
10 Mar 20:45

New electric GT racing series to feature Tesla's Model S

by Billy Steele
As soon as next year, Formula E will have some company. The Electric GT World Series was announced this week, aiming to field 10 teams for its first season in 2017. What's more, the new series will be the first all-electric GT racing series. The plan...
10 Mar 20:44

Theatrically Composed Scenes Highlight Human’s Impact on Earth

by Kate Sierzputowski
Cooper Griggs

Wow. Just amazing!

"Logic of Spring" (2015)

“Logic of Spring” (2015), all images @ Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison / image courtesy Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.

Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison have been a collaborative duo for the last 20 years, mixing Shana’s interest in dance with Robert’s background in photography to produce environments specifically for their combined practice. A constant theme throughout the couple’s two decade long work has been man’s effect on the landscape—showcasing how we are constantly influencing, and more often than not damaging, the Earth.

“We create works in response to the ever-bleakening relationship linking humans, technology, and nature,” says the ParkeHarrison’s artist statement. “These works feature an ambiguous narrative that offers insight into the dilemma posed by science and technology’s failed promise to fix our problems, provide explanations, and furnish certainty pertaining to the human condition. Strange scenes of hybridizing forces, swarming elements, and bleeding overabundance portray Nature unleashed by technology and the human hand.”

Recently the work has reflected the pair’s love of theater and performance, with pieces such as Intermission (2015) and Soliloquy (2015) showcasing stages large and small set inside larger post-apocalyptic scenes. In Riverview (2015) the subject holds a tapestry in front of a rundown carnival, an image of a beautiful river masking what may have paved over its former place. In First of May (2015) the subject listens closely to two megaphones in a hazy field, perhaps searching for wisdom from nature rather than man.

The ParkeHarrison’s exhibition Precipice opens March 11 at Catherine Edelman Gallery in Chicago and runs through April 30, 2016. You can see more of the couple’s work on the gallery’s website.

"Soujourn" (2015)

“Sojourn” (2015)

"Precipice" (2015)

“Precipice” (2015)

"Intermission" (2015)

“Intermission” (2015)

"Downpour" (2015)

“Downpour” (2015)

"Riverview" (2015)

“Riverview” (2015)

"Soliloquy" (2015)

“Soliloquy” (2015)

"First of May" (2015)

“First of May” (2015)

"Nature Morte" (2015)

“Nature Morte” (2015)

09 Mar 09:55

Each Day

Received this question from a longtime Tumblr mutual, and thought I might answer it on my blog.

I really admire your relationship with Phil. Admittedly that’s based on the imminently honest depiction of social media, but even so. I want from my future marriage something very like what you have with your hubby. That said…do you have any specific advice? About entering into a marriage or even simply about cultivating a romantic relationship?

When I got this question last night, I showed it to Phil. The first thing out of each of our mouths was “Well, if you want a relationship like ours, it helps to start with a terrible childhood.” And in that, we were only half kidding.

There are obviously a number of factors that go into finding and building a relationship. For us, one of those factors is a set of shared values born from experience. We both come from dysfunctional situations that led each of us, separately, to some similar conclusions for how we want to live.

We each want a life that is low drama. We want healthy relationships. We consider integrity important. We believe in honesty. We believe in self-reliance. We both dislike games and general inauthenticity. We try to live life with intention. We try to be kind.

So what does this have to do with a romantic relationship? Well, for me, when I realized that Phil and I shared these sorts of values, it allowed me to consider that we might be able to build something together from a common foundation.

In sharing the values of integrity and honesty, we grew to trust each other with the scary, vulnerable parts. In disliking games and drama, we’ve created a space for open, if sometimes difficult, communication based on mutual respect. In sharing intentional living, we illustrate our commitment to each other through our conscious loving actions each day.

And above all, we know it is about “each day”. Each day is work. So we show up for each other each day. We’re both present, daily, to our desire to have this work. A thousand daily micro-decisions are made with an unspoken goal of having an amazing life together.

I’m really honored that someone would follow our lives, mediated as they are, and ask for this type of advice. Phil and I are pretty stupidly happy together. But, we’d be pretty happy people individually. We’ve both worked hard to be happy despite coming from rough beginnings.

We didn’t know what we were doing when we put this relationship together, but we did pursue each step with care, respect, and kindness. And if I have any advice, it’s to lead with those.

Each day.

09 Mar 09:51

4gifs: So metal \m/ [video]


So metal \m/ [video]