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09 Dec 08:01

TGI Fridays' mistletoe delivery drone draws blood

by Mariella Moon
Cooper Griggs

This is dumb. Really dumb.

If you think a crowded restaurant is one of the worst places to fly a drone in, photographer Georgine Benvenuto will most likely agree with you. After all, the mistletoe drone TGI Fridays unleashed in its Sheepshead Bay, New York location didn't lead...
09 Dec 03:00

Likes | Tumblr

by kleeft
09 Dec 02:11

well, that didn’t work

09 Dec 02:08


by jensen
09 Dec 01:03

Candyland and the Nature of the Absurd

Cooper Griggs

via Burly.Thurr

Sartre and Camus told everyone that their falling out was over politics, but really it was mostly over Sartre evoking
08 Dec 21:35

Why gas prices are so low right now, explained in 2 minutes

by Brad Plumer
Cooper Griggs

via Burly.Thurr

Gasoline prices in the United States have fallen to their lowest level since 2010. And the reason for that is pretty simple — global oil prices are crashing. But why are oil prices crashing? That's a more complex story, as we explain in the video above.

oil prices and gas prices dec 7


Further reading

Oil prices keep plummeting as OPEC starts a price war with the US

What the huge drop in gasoline prices means for America

How far do oil prices have to fall to throttle the US shale boom?

Right now is a perfect time to raise the gas tax

08 Dec 21:27

Josef Stoitzner:   Aus den Tauern, c. 1915....

by evencleveland
08 Dec 21:25

Judges rule that UK spying doesn't violate human rights

by Jon Fingas
British spies may be peeking into webcams and modifying internet traffic, but all that is above board -- if you ask the UK's Investigatory Powers Tribunal, anyway. Its judges have ruled that the Government Communications Headquarters' (GCHQ) intellig...
08 Dec 21:23

Slake Michigan

Cooper Griggs

fucked up

Has Michigan passed a law exempting emergency medical personnel from treating gay people?
08 Dec 21:22

New ‘8-Bit’ Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister

by Christopher Jobson

New ‘8 Bit Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister watercolor pop culture painting

New ‘8 Bit Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister watercolor pop culture painting

New ‘8 Bit Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister watercolor pop culture painting

New ‘8 Bit Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister watercolor pop culture painting

New ‘8 Bit Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister watercolor pop culture painting

New ‘8 Bit Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister watercolor pop culture painting

New ‘8 Bit Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister watercolor pop culture painting

New ‘8 Bit Watercolor Paintings Inspired by Atari and Nintendo Graphics by Adam Lister watercolor pop culture painting

Artist Adam Lister continues his examination of pop culture and art history through these unusual watercolor paintings inspired by his love for 8-bit graphics found in old Nintendo and Atari video games. These are some of his more recent paintings, and you can see plenty more on his website where he has quite a few prints available.

07 Dec 23:09

nevver: Koto Bolofo

Cooper Griggs

sort of NSFW

07 Dec 22:29

Sooooo not cool.

Sooooo not cool.

07 Dec 22:29


07 Dec 22:29


07 Dec 19:55

luang prabang, laos: dinner at tamarind for our first night in...

the phil



sampler platter

frog salad

sour pork

sticky rice!!

granita with lao lao shot

the tab

luang prabang, laos: dinner at tamarind

for our first night in luang prabang in north central laos we treated ourselves to a recommended dinner of lao cuisine at the tamarind restaurant in the old quarter.

we started with a sampler of lao favorites, including lao sausage which has a sightly grainy texture and a subtle meat flavor. also on this platter was a buffalo jerky with a coating of sweet glaze that, i swear to you, made it taste like eating meat candy.

for dinner phil got the barbequed sour pork wrapped in lemongrass and i got the very flavorful fried frog salad. both of these were eaten with our hands using the delicious sticky rice provided in small woven baskets.

for drinks i had a granita of watermelon and chili with a chili infused lao lao shot on the side - lao lao being the local whisky of sorts that’s strong and tasty. phil had a pineapple ginger “crush” with a ginger infused lao lao shot. you’ll detect a lao lao theme at this point. it’s good stuffs.

the bill came to 232,000 kip… or about $30 USD. the same meal in the states would have easily been close to $100 and would have had the further disadvantage of not being in the beautiful town of luang prabang.

07 Dec 19:34


06 Dec 19:22


06 Dec 18:45

(via gifini)

Cooper Griggs

Who's your buddy?

(via gifini)

06 Dec 18:45

(via jeffrothehomo)

(via jeffrothehomo)

06 Dec 18:45

(via pardonmewhileipanic:felix-kjellbergs-suspenders:octogirl:fel...

06 Dec 18:43

(via unclefather)

Cooper Griggs

Paging Mr. Anderson, Mr. Anderson you have a glitch in the Matrix.

(via unclefather)

06 Dec 17:21

mekong river, laos it’s official: i love the mekong...

early morning


some light chop

a khmu village, one of many we passed along the way

phil on the boat

me, in the final hour of our two days on the boat

mekong river, laos

it’s official: i love the mekong river

it is beautiful. it is peaceful. it is filled with life and calm and a gentleness that i could feel around me.

i had no idea what to expect about this part of the trip, and maybe that’s a good thing, because i’ve been left with the feeling that i experienced something truly special.

06 Dec 17:13

Acoustic Radar.

by comkee
Cooper Griggs

Could you speak up please?

06 Dec 17:12

this isn't happiness.™ Peter Nidzgorski, tumblr

by villerito
Cooper Griggs

It's all computers man.

06 Dec 17:11


by hesling
06 Dec 17:10


06 Dec 17:10

finegarten - artsandcrafts: via

by adampsyche
06 Dec 17:09

(via yeahiwasintheshit)

Cooper Griggs

"And next week, you will put that same plate out. You feel me Bob?"

06 Dec 17:08

(via itsdougthepug)

(via itsdougthepug)

06 Dec 17:01

GIF Anime

by lithiumc