Shared posts

22 Oct 20:14

How to tie the world’s fastest shoelace knot

by Mark Frauenfelder

Most people tie their shoes with the inefficient "bunny loop" shoelace knot. Let kindly Professor Shoelace show you the superior “Ian Knot."

Besides being faster, the Ian Knot is also more symmetrical, works equally for right or left handed people, and has fewer steps to memorize, all of which make it easier to learn.

22 Oct 20:01

Watch 6,000 match heads ignite in super-slow motion

by David Pescovitz

"Match Head Bomb at 2500fps." (more…)

22 Oct 19:55

Make your own TSA universal luggage keys

by Cory Doctorow

The image above, published in 2014 in this story and credited to The Washington Post, showed the keying patterns for all of the TSA-complaint "Travel Sentry" luggage locks. Read the rest

22 Oct 19:48

Dirty Kids: homeless youth who crash hippie Rainbow Gatherings

by Andrea James

Over time hippie-inspired Rainbow Gatherings in the forest have become magnets for a new counterculture: homeless teens and young adults. Alice Stein's new film Dirty Kids explores the culture clash and commonality of the two free-spirited groups. Read the rest

22 Oct 19:36

Buy Buffalo Bill's home from Silence of the Lambs

by David Pescovitz


Buffalo Bill's home from Silence of the Lambs is for sale in Perryopolis, PA. The four-bedroom home is listed at $300k but sadly doesn't actually have a pit in the basement, so it will have to find somewhere else to rub the lotion on its skin. Read the rest

22 Oct 15:38

New pornoscanners are also useless, cost $160 million

by Cory Doctorow

The new generation of millimeter-wave body scanners from the convicted war-criminals at L-3 were supposed to replace the useless, expensive backscatter radiation machines from Rapiscan with a more robust, less privacy invasive alternative. Read the rest

22 Oct 15:10

Endless spiralling model-train

by Cory Doctorow

James Risner constructed a bi-directional spiral of track and crammed it full of HO-scale model train cars and engines, so it goes around and around in a metaphor for _________.(via Geeks Are Sexy)

22 Sep 14:56


by Miss Cellania

I learned a new word today. Recrudescence is “the revival of material or behavior that had previously been stabilized, settled, or diminished.”  It makes plenty of sense as it pertains to this comic from Lunarbaboon. And it also made me a little bittersweet. I have one child wanting to spend all her time with me because she’s leaving for college soon, and another who needs my help finding one for next year. And then there’s my husband, planning all the stuff we’ll do when we’re alone together. 

If you are a fan of Lunarbaboon, you'll want to go to the webcomic site and leave a comment of congratulations on Chris' 500th comic.

04 Sep 14:38

This Transforming Optimus Prime Birthday Cake Is Just Amazing

by Andrew Liszewski on Toyland, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

Having your parents throw an awesome Transformers-themed party for your sixth birthday is one thing. But having your dad make a talking Optimus Prime cake that actually transforms? That’s a birthday you’re never, ever going to forget.


01 Sep 17:41

Give Up On Dad Day!

Dad’s not coming.

“He is,” you tell your bride as she waits for you to recite the vows you wrote.

He’s not. And the caterer never got the check Dad said he’d give them. Mom’s new husband Rick will have to pay for that.

“I hate Rick,” you tell your brother and Best Man. “I’d rather everyone go hungry than have mom’s Rick pay a dime for my wedding. Just wait, Dad’ll get here.”

The owner of the wedding venue walks up the aisle and pulls you into a non-consensual embrace from which you can’t escape. Her mouth near enough to your ear to send a whisper straight to your spine, she says,

“Kid. We get married when we realize the limits of the family we were born into, and we decide to try and do better by making a family of our own. You reached the limit of how much a man can shuffle his feet. That girl there in the white, you make her wait a second longer and you’ll give her something to wonder about for the rest of your lives together. Give up on your Pa or I’m calling this wedding a no-go right now. I won’t allow a marriage to start like this. Not under my gazebo.”

She releases you and you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife while your father dances with a prostitute in a motel off the highway, the money for the caterer now cocaine.

Happy Give Up On Dad Day!

01 Sep 15:57

Time-capsule: hi-rez scans of 1946 Toronto Star funny-pages pull-out

by Cory Doctorow

Zack writes, "Cartoonist John Martz was contacted by a woman who found a nearly 20-page comics section from 1946 under her floorboards while doing a home renovation. He scanned every one of the classic Sunday [ed: pretty sure the Star ran its comics on Saturdays] comics featured therein, including TERRY AND THE PIRATES, FLASH GORDON, MANDRAKE THE MAGICIAN and SUPERMAN." Read the rest

31 Aug 19:57

The Saddest Puppy

by jon


Hello everyone! Welcome back to SFAM’s 2015 Guest Week. Today’s guest artist is Rachel Keslensky, who has picked up the slack with a topical gem of a comic. Thanks Rachel!


The post The Saddest Puppy appeared first on Scenes From A Multiverse.

27 Aug 19:04

Low-Ass Bridge Obliterates Another Box Truck, Happy Friday

by Patrick George

Ahh, it’s Friday at last. The end of a long week. The end of a long two weeks for most of your humble, hardworking Jalopnik staff. Time to log off, kick back, crack open a Shiner Bock and... oh look! The low-ass bridge in Boston got another truck! Hooray!


27 Aug 18:51

It Looks Like Ducati's Taking On Harley-Davidson With A Full-Fat Cruiser

by Andrew P Collins on lanesplitter, shared by Michael Ballaban to Jalopnik

The Ducati Diavel was the company’s first motorcycle that didn’t put pure performance first. Now, the next iteration seems to have been spied, and it’s looking even more like something you’d ride with no shirt under your leather vest.


21 Aug 18:23

Your Six-Wheeler Cadillac Twin-Turbo V8 Convertible Has Arrived

by Máté Petrány

Now that Pebble Beach is here, it’s time to take a look back at one of the stars of this year’s Villa d’Este, the Panther 6. It’s real alright.


21 Aug 18:03

Public Service Announcement: The Mystery Machine Is Not A VW Microbus

by Jason Torchinsky

Everyone’s at least somewhat familiar with the Scooby-Doo series of animated low-stakes real estate mysteries, correct? The one where a group of nomadic teens in a van roam the country stopping (usually) real estate developers from using Halloween costumes to force the sale of properties? You know what kind of van they drove? I bet you don’t.


20 Aug 18:57


by Jennie Breeden
11 Aug 16:09

How To Fix Your Airbag Light Without Having It Blow Up In Your Face

by Tavarish on Car Buying, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

If you’re anything like me, you hate warning lights on your dashboard because it’s your car’s way of telling you to get your shit together. One of the more dangerous lights you can have on is the airbag warning light. Here’s how to diagnose and fix it without the risk of near-face explosions.


06 Aug 14:20

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Supernatural Selection


Hovertext: Your move, people who aren't reductionists.

New comic!
Today's News:
02 Aug 04:37

Hacking a 'Smart' Sniper Rifle

by Soulskill
An anonymous reader writes: It was inevitable: as soon as we heard about computer-aimed rifles, we knew somebody would find a way to compromise their security. At the upcoming Black Hat security conference, researchers Runa Sandvik and Michael Auger will present their techniques for doing just that. "Their tricks can change variables in the scope's calculations that make the rifle inexplicably miss its target, permanently disable the scope's computer, or even prevent the gun from firing." In one demonstration they were able to tweak the rifle's ballistic calculations by making it think a piece of ammunition weighed 72 lbs instead of 0.4 ounces. After changing this value, the gun tried to automatically adjust for the weight, and shot significantly to the left. Fortunately, they couldn't find a way to make the gun fire without physically pulling the trigger.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

02 Aug 04:35

Beach rocks by Emily Blincoe

Beach rocks by Emily Blincoe

02 Aug 04:32

Boop the snoot.

Boop the snoot.

02 Aug 04:31


02 Aug 04:17

monsieurleprince: Dutch School, circa 1600, Allegory of Fortune


Dutch School, circa 1600, Allegory of Fortune

30 Jul 19:27

Hunter S. Thompson On The Hells Angels Is Even Better Animated

by Damon Lavrinc on lanesplitter, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

What’s better than Hunter S. Thompson talking about the Hells Angels and Outlaw motorcycle life with Studs Terkel? Having it animated.


27 Jul 15:27

How To Go On A Fancy-Ass Cruise Without Going Broke

by Tavarish on Adequate Man, shared by Nicole Conlan to Jalopnik

We all have that friend who just loves to tell about how they love traveling. He’s the same friend that doesn’t realize that not everyone has a seven-figure trust fund and can afford to celebrate destination half-birthdays. Some people, like you and I, work for our money. Here’s a few tips on how to show up that cackling brat and get a sunburn without the burning through your bank account.


24 Jul 18:06

Seattle's tent cities

by Cory Doctorow

Saw this first-hand in Seattle. Not a great solution, but better than no shelter at all.

Seattle has America's fourth-largest homeless population and virtually everything homeless people do is illegal in Washington State, which has added 288 new offenses related to homelessness to its statute-books since 2000 -- amazingly, this did not convince those homeless people to stop being homeless. Read the rest

23 Jul 17:53

What I Learned Riding 1000 Miles On A Motorcycle In 24 Hours

by Jerry Smith on lanesplitter, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

When I first heard about an under-the-radar bunch of road riders who rode 1000 miles in 24 hours or less just to earn membership in something called the Iron Butt Association, I thought, A thousand miles? In one day? That’s what airplanes are for. What’s wrong with these guys? So I decided to find out.


21 Jul 15:02

There's Going To Be A Brand New Tesla Roadster Soon

by Michael Ballaban

We talked about this a little bit in the original post covering Tesla’s announcement of LUDICROUS SPEED being introduced to the Model S. But buried in the details of that announcement was some more sizable news. In four years, there’s going to be a new Tesla Roadster.


21 Jul 14:44

Comic for 2015.07.19


Stay in School, kids.

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic