Shared posts

03 Aug 14:25

Director Wes Anderson's color schemes

by Rob Beschizza
moonrise kingdom @presentcorrect created Wes Anderson Palettes, a Tumblog of gentle twee wonder. [via Kottke]
03 Aug 14:19

Max Max: Muppet Road

by Cory Doctorow

Mad Max Mayhem [JoopaDoops/Deviant Art] (Thanks, Fipi Lele!)

02 Aug 04:30


02 Aug 04:29


28 Jul 19:48

It's Friday. You're A GIF. And This Is A Party. 

by Ria Misra

Eat, drink, and be merry GIFs, for someday, you shall pixelate. Today, though, you shall only party.


28 Jul 19:45

Here's How the Scooby Doo Crew Would've Dressed Through the 20th Century

by Katharine Trendacosta

In her delightfully titled “Scooby Doo, When Are You?” series, artist Julia Wytrazek has perfectly imagined what Velma, Daphne, Shaggy, and Fred would have worn from 1910 through to the ’90s. I might be biased, but I like Velma’s looks the best.


28 Jul 14:42

Death Metal meets J-Pop

by Rob Beschizza

Ladybird combines all the things you love about Japan. Wait, what? Xkaki0F

28 Jul 14:28

Astonishing smokable blunt sculptures

by David Pescovitz

Highly creative blunt sculptures as seen on ValleyRecreational420's Instagram account. Read the rest

27 Jul 20:17

What Color Was Jesus Again?

by Hemant Mehta

Don Asmussen offers this hilarious take on the Rachel Dolezal controversy in his strip Bad Reporter:

Full strip here.

(via Jerry Coyne)

27 Jul 20:03

WATCH: What is the resonant frequency of googly eyes?

by David Pescovitz

433 Hz. Now you know. (more…)

27 Jul 19:33

Wood furniture that unzips in a delightful way

by Mark Frauenfelder

Sebastian Errazuriz’s Wave Cabinet is made of connected movable slats that can be arranged by brushing your hand against them. Beautiful! I want a desktop sized model to fiddle with.


27 Jul 18:45

Chuck Palahniuk reads children's book 'Fight Club 4 Kids'

by Andrea James


"We'll call it the Horsing Around Club, and we'll just f***in' go to town on each other, just visceral disturbing sh*t, y'know?" The only thing that would be better than Chuck Palahniuk reading Fight Club 4 Kids would be if this book were real. (via) Read the rest

24 Jul 17:41

Memento Mori: the beautiful ways we have kept the dead among the living

by Cory Doctorow
Art historian Paul Koudounaris travelled the world, visiting 30 countries to document the practices—ancient to modern, solemn to joyous—by which human remains are displayed. From good luck charms to genocide memorials, his gorgeous art book Memento Mori collects the finds. Read the rest
24 Jul 17:38

Three Little Pigs' houses built at site of terrible pig truck crash

by David Pescovitz

After a pig truck crashed in Xenia, Ohio last week, killing about half of the 2,200 piglets in the trailer, someone built three houses on the side of the road inspired by the Three Little Pigs. Read the rest

24 Jul 17:36

People who take tiny doses of LSD and other psychedelics every day say it's wonderful

by Mark Frauenfelder

A strong dose of LSD is 500 micrograms. Some people are taking daily microdoses of 10 to 15 micrograms, which is not enough to feel trippy, but provides a sense of well-being and mental clarity.

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23 Jul 14:40

My Smartphone Gave Me a Painful Neurological Condition

by Adam Clark Estes on Gizmodo, shared by Ria Misra to io9

A few months ago I started getting headaches, and they were weird. If a bad hangover headache feels splitting, I’d describe these headaches as searing, as if someone had hit me over the head with a red hot rod of steel sending electric bolts of pain across my skull.


16 Jul 20:40

20 essential job interview tips

16 Jul 20:28

elboscogallery: Spanish painter Arantzazu Martinez


Spanish painter Arantzazu Martinez

13 Jul 15:18

Man who spread chocolate on lawn to deter dog-walkers draws neighbors' wrath

by Mark Frauenfelder

Clean up your shit!

A San Diego neighborhood is in an uproar because a man spread chocolate on his lawn to deter dog walkers from allowing their pets to evacuate their bowels on his property.

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13 Jul 14:25

The Rules Of Riding On The Back Of Another Man's Motorcycle

by Patrick George on lanesplitter, shared by Damon Lavrinc to Jalopnik

Besides chain smoking, or being a 1960s movie star, nothing makes you look sexier than riding a motorcycle. But when you’re a man it’s awfully hard to look cool on the back of another man’s bike, an unceremonious position referred to as “riding bitch.”


07 Jul 20:15

Attention Police Officers: Please Enforce The Left Lane Law

by Doug DeMuro

So I’m driving along the other day in the left lane of a major interstate highway, and I get up behind a Honda CR-V with “Conserve Wild Resources” license plates. These license plates have a picture of an owl on them. It was at this moment when I knew I would soon be passing on the right.


07 Jul 20:10

Leo Fitzmaurice, You’re Beautiful I Think, 2008.Found Coca-Cola...

Leo Fitzmaurice, You’re Beautiful I Think, 2008.

Found Coca-Cola cans arranged by sun fade, sent to me from The Sunday Painter gallery in London.

07 Jul 17:52

Top Fuel Motorcycle Dirt Drag Racing Is Your New Favorite Nuttiness

by Damon Lavrinc on Black Flag, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

How top fuel motorcycle dirt drag racing has escaped my attention until now is an unforgivable crime, and it’s time to make up for it.


06 Jul 15:07

Facts You May Not Know About One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

by Lisa Marcus

Image: United Artists

It's hard not to be moved by Milos Foreman's classic One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The film can lead even the most hardened of filmgoers from laughter to tears. Yet it's not only the audience that is emotionally affected by the material. One cast member even had his sanity questioned by the end of the shoot.

The place in which the actors lived during production didn't help the situation. In fact, all of the actors who played patients in the film lived at the Oregon State Hospital psychiatric ward during the shoot. The men brought personal effects to their sleeping spaces, spent their days inside the ward and regularly interacted with the psychiatric patients there. That's more than a flyover — it's moving right in. 

Read more interesting facts about One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest here. 

06 Jul 14:06

cjaj: Not finished. Mucha. Cycles Perfecta.


Not finished.


Cycles Perfecta.

30 Jun 13:59


by Jennie Breeden
26 Jun 13:32

Organizational Structures: A Survival Guide


Organizational Structures: A Survival Guide

25 Jun 19:32

Tabby EVO – the $4000 open source electric car you can build yourself in an hour

by Nigel


Do you want to know what’s keeping car industry execs awake at night right now? It’s not oil prices, it’s the convergence of open source and 3D printing technologies. Sure, right now the whole idea of DIY cars is a pipe dream, but look forward a decade or so and you can easily see a situation where car production goes completely local.

The new Tabby EVO is a prime example of how things could develop in [...]

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25 Jun 14:39

Giving A Truck A Camera And A TV Is The Best Idea We Never Thought Of

by Michael Ballaban on Truck Yeah, shared by Nicole Conlan to Jalopnik

Alright, ignore that this is a terrible ad from Samsung, a massive South Korean multinational conglomerate that also dabbles in surveillance and weapons technology, for a second and just BASK IN THE GENIUS. Mostly because it seems like one of those brilliant ideas that everyone should’ve thought of before but didn’t.


24 Jun 17:58


by Jennie Breeden