Shared posts

08 Sep 14:05

berniesrevolution:Full thread here by @mheavyhead

06 Sep 21:30

thesociologicalcinema: Why Microaggressions HurtArtist: Alli...


Why Microaggressions Hurt

Artist: Alli Kirkham (x)

06 Sep 15:30

Google y Udacity están ofreciendo 75.000 becas para que tomes cursos gratuitos de programación

by Gabriela González

Win A Full Scholarship To Become A Developer Udacity

Si vives en Europa ahora tendrás la oportunidad de optar por una de las 75.000 becas para estudiantes de programación que estará ofreciendo Google junto a la gente de la plataforma educativa en linea, Udacity.

El plazo para aplicar por las primera 60.000 ayudas que forman parte del Scholarships Challenge ya está abierto, es un proyecto creado para ofrecer cursos tanto para principiantes como para programadores más avanzados.

Puedes aplicar por una de las becas si vives en la Unión Europea, Rusia, Egipto Turquía e Israel y tienes al menos 18 años. El programa incluye cursos de desarrollo web y para Android.

Admissions Udacity Google Chrome 2017 09 06 16 02 39

Se te harán varias preguntas sobre tu disponibilidad de horas para dedicar al programa y si actualmente tienes trabajo. También solicitan tu perfil de LinkedIn, si tienes uno. Hay un cuestionario de conocimientos que debes llenar como prerequisito para los programas más avanzados y también un cuestionario sobre tus metas con el programa.

Los asientos disponibles están divididos en dos programas. De los 30.000 disponibles para los cursos de desarrollo web, 20.000 son para principiantes y 10.000 son para programadores con experiencia.

Todos ofrecen tres meses de acceso a el contenido de los cursos, además del soporte de los mentores de Udacity. Si destacas y eres uno de los 3.000 estudiantes al tope de la clase, entonces serás premiado con un Nanodegree de Udacity, estos son cursos especializados mucho más largos y completos.

Tienes hasta el 15 de octubre de 2017 para optar por una de las becas, si eres elegido serás notificado el 30 de octubre y los cursos comienzan el 6 de noviembre de 2017.

Vía | Google
En Genbeta | Así puedes obtener certificación de Google como programador especializado en desarrollo web móvil

También te recomendamos

Fórmate gratis en competencias digitales con los cursos gratuitos de Google España

55 cursos cursos gratis universitarios online para formarte en junio

Épico es lo que se está liando con Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds

La noticia Google y Udacity están ofreciendo 75.000 becas para que tomes cursos gratuitos de programación fue publicada originalmente en Genbeta por Gabriela González .

06 Sep 15:05

catscatsholyshitcats: katnissdoesnotfollowback: corpsefluid: h...






im crying

Do you know how many dogs I’ve met that get scared or anxious around men because in their previous home men hit them? A lot, and they are very protective of the women who have adopted them now.

Men who are violent towards women are often violent towards animals as well. They think we’re all chattel. If a man wants you to choose between your dog or cat or him, dump the guy. Those animals will love you for the rest of your life, loyal and true.

Actually, I have something to add.

The other day I saw a story where a woman was asking why her dogs had suddenly started growling at her boyfriend whenever he was in the same room as her son.

And my immediate thought was ‘that boyfriend has hurt the kid somehow.’

Spoilers: that was exactly the case.

Trust ur dogs when they say something is off.

The first time my sister came to visit, via plane, after I got my dog, pupper growled at her and wouldn’t go near her for the first day. Next visit was by car (two day drive)and pupper LOVED my sister. They snuggled and played and none of us could figure out why the change. We thought maybe the scent of my sisters cat had lingered on her clothes, making that first visit a rough one. Whereas when she came by car, the scent had had time to wear off. Well that was partially true…

Fast forward about six months when I went north to visit my family. My sister walked into my parents’ house and pupper ran to greet my sister. Stopped dead in her tracks and started growling and barking. Hackles raised, full protection mode. My sisters husband had just walked in behind her.

My precious puppy wanted NOTHING to do with him. She barked, growled, ran away, and sat between him and my sister. Y'all my dog had spent maybe a weekend a half around my sister but protected her like this was her flesh and blood.

Eventually, my sister filed for divorce on grounds of “Extreme and repeated mental, emotional, and sexual abuse.” Divorce was final in less than a month because her claims were substantiated.

Trust the dog, honey. They KNOW.

I’ve never owned dogs, but I used to work with horses (which are a lot like big dogs).

There was this one horse I worked with named Tonto. He was a doll. He followed me like a puppy, snuck treats out of my pocket, he was the sweetest thing. We were practically inseparable.

A guy I was considering dating came to visit me one day, and Tonto wanted NOTHING to do with him. Normally well behaved, he shoved himself between us and would NOT let this guy near me. He was stomping, acting really aggressive, and tried to bite the guy. This horse was practically dragging me back toward the barn. At that moment, despite being like, 17, I knew something was up, and ultimately things didn’t pan out for guy and me.

A year later I found out he had lied about his age (he said he was 18 but he was actually 27) he was arrested for sexually assaulting an 11 year old girl.


30 Aug 17:43

systlin: rebelcaptain4life: fempunkandkittens: the-ford-twin: etrogim: wait….are any americans...






wait….are any americans aware that the cia overthrew the democratically-elected premier of iran in 1953 because he wouldn’t concede to western oil demands….and how that coup was the reason for the shah’s return to power, the iranian revolution, and the resulting fundamentalist dictatorship…, america literally dissolved iranian democracy and no one knows about it???

No. No we don’t know about it. 

Americans aren’t told this shit. 

The only thing we’re taught about any Middle Eastern country in school is that 1) the region exists 2) it’s where The War is happening and 3) Muslim people live there. That’s it. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get into the Hammurabi Code and some early Babylonian stuff but American schools seem to think that if it happened outside Europe and before the colonial period, or makes America look bad and isn’t about A Very Watered Down Version of What Slavery Was, it’s not important.

Info on this is almost notoriously hard to find. It’s not in any texts on American and Russian involvement in the Middle East during the Cold War that I can find. You have to specifically look for a book about the Shah’s return to power, and even then you’d be hard pressed to find a book like that at your local bookstore. Once you get into some higher level college courses you might know about it, but the people who can afford those are more likely to already be indoctrinated into a certain Way of Thinking (read: they’re racist as shit) by the time they get there. And it’s almost like you have to know about it beforehand if you want to find information on it.

The only reason I knew about it is because there’s a thirty second summary of the event in Persepolis. Those thirty seconds flipped my entire worldview.

“All the Shah’s Men” by Stephen Kinzer is a good, accessible text for people who want to know more about this.


I had to explain literally this to one of my co-workers, who is so fuckin racist against Middle Eastern people it’s insane.

She’s 60. She never heard of this.

As I was explaining this and how, during the Regan years, we funded Osama Bin Laden to fight against Russia, leading to the destruction of much of the infrastructure in the region, one of the plant workers came in to get his badge fixed.

He works in the quality control lab. He served 15 years active duty in the Army. Super smart guy, has a masters in chemistry and another masters in biology, raises saltwater fish in his spare time for sale, has the saltwater aquarium setup of the gods.  Raises rare corals too, some of which he donates to be used in re-seeding reefs around the world, but that’s a side tangent.

And he listened for a minute, then nodded and said “Yeah. I was there during that. I helped train people to fight. They wanted us to help them build schools and hospitals, after, but we were only interested in them as cannon fodder. Left the whole area in ruins. I wasn’t surprised when they hated us for it later. Told people then it would happen. We let them know then that they were only valuable to America as expendable bodies. Why wouldn’t they resent us for that?”

And she just looked floored.

“So…” She started, after a few minutes. “What do you think of Trump?”

“I hate him. He’s a coward and he’s going to get good people killed.” He didn’t even blink. “

She looked back and forth between us for a second, and then asked how I knew all this.

“I research things.” I said. “Google is great.” He nodded enthusiastically.

And she just sat there for a second and then said, really quietly, “I didn’t know.”

She lived through it.

American schools don’t teach you any of this sort of thing.

29 Aug 01:58

thefingerfuckingfemalefury: ophibell: a-sinner-insomniac: creep...






“I still cant feken run”


Okay this is damn funny and adorable


(Gasps softly)

she’s back on my dash

23 Aug 21:49

kinghispaniola: blackness-by-your-side: When Sherry Johnson...



When Sherry Johnson was eleven, she found one day that she’s gonna marry a 20-year-old member of her church who had raped her. She became pregnant and in order to avoid investigation and criminal case, her family and church officials decided to make the girl a legal wife of this monster.

“My mom asked me if I wanted to get married, and I said, ‘I don’t know, what is marriage, how do I act like a wife?’” Johnson remembers today, many years later. “She said, ‘Well, I guess you’re just going to get married.’” 

However, her case is one of thousand cases of child marriage. According to statistics, children 16 and under are still being married in Florida at a rate of one every few days.

Johnson and her family also attended a conservative Pentecostal church and that other girls of a similar age periodically also married. One girl said when she was 10 she was raped by both a minister and a parishioner and later gave birth to a daughter. There were all documents confirming her and her child’s age, but still, the judge approved the marriage to end the rape investigation, telling her, “What we want is for you to get married.”

And nevertheless, America prefers to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, like in Syria, calling it “defending freedom” rather than to change states’ laws and to protect American children from rape, coercion and molestation. 

Today, Johnson is campaigning for a state law to stop underage marriage that has already become a norm in some states.

Please, help me to raise awareness to this issue. No one can remain indifferent to the problem of child molestation. 

#StopChildMarriage  #StopChildAbuse

America land of the Hypocrites

23 Aug 15:33

dmc-dmc: anightvaleintern: nateswinehart: kitsiinabox: natesw...

Al Navarro

Shareable as f...






Ha ha seriously tho.

I needed to hear this right now. <3

My new favorite post.

18 Aug 14:09







Please, reblog this in case you have followers in the area of Barcelona. A van has crashed in Las Ramblas (the most crowded place in Barcelona). It could be a terrorist act. 

Please reblog this recommendations of the Mossos d’Escuadra (our police) in Catalan and Spanish in case they don’t know a lot of English so they can know exactly and clearly what to do.

A tothom que es trobi a Barcelona en aquests moments. Aquestes són les recomanacions que els Mossos d’Escuadra han donat després de l’atropellament massiu de fa uns minuts a La Rambla.

-  Eviteu la zona de les Rambles per tal de no obstaculitzar les tasques dels serveis d’emergències.

- Eviteu els focus més grans de multituds i els llocs més turístics (Sagrada Família, Estació de Sants i voltants, i la zona de la Barceloneta principalment).

- No difongueu ni vídeos ni fotos de l’operatiu dels Mossos.


A todos aquellos se encuentran en Barcelona en estos momentos. Estas son las recomendaciones de los Mossos d’Escuadra tras el atropello masivo de hace unos minutos en La Rambla.

- Evitad la zona de les Rambles para no obstaculizar las tareas de los servicios de emergencias.

- Evitad los focos más grandes de multitudes y los lugares más turísticos (Sagrada Família, Estació de Sants i alrededores, y la zona de la Barceloneta principalmente).

- No difundid ni videos ni imagenes del operativo de los Mossos.

For those of you who are in Barcelona right now, here’s some advice given by the police (Mossos d’Escuadra) after a van ploughed into a crowd in Las Ramblas.

- Avoid the Las Ramblas area so you won’t disturb the emergency services.

- Avoid crowded areas and tourist attractions (mainly the Sagrada Família, the Estació de Sants and surrounding areas, and the Barceloneta area).

- Don’t spread videos or images of the police (Mossos).

Emergency 112 and 061 

Fire fighters 080 

Urban Guard 092 

Civil Guard 062 

Police 091

Hospital phone numbers:   

Vall d'Hebron 934 893 000 

Clínic 932 275 400 

Del Mar 932 483 000 

St Joan 932 532 100 

Bellvitge 932 607 500




Hospitals in Barcelona are asking for people to go and donate blood, please if you are in the area and can do it go

Los Hospitales en Barcelona están pidiendo a la gente que vayan a donar sangre, si puedes ir por favor, ve y dona

04 Aug 19:35

netwerkengineer: 90sdefect: nvbianprincess: emilynstoryweb: c...













The Best Birth Control In The World Is For Men by Jon Clinkenbeard

If I were going to describe the perfect contraceptive, it would go something like this: no babies, no latex, no daily pill to remember, no hormones to interfere with mood or sex drive, no negative health effects whatsoever, and 100 percent effectiveness. The funny thing is, something like that currently exists.

The procedure called RISUG in India (reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance) takes about 15 minutes with a doctor, is effective after about three days, and lasts for 10 or more years…

Oh, and when you do decide you want those babies, it only takes one other injection of water and baking soda to flush out the gel, and within two to three months, you’ve got all your healthy sperm again.

The trouble is, most people don’t even know this exists. And if men only need one super-cheap shot every 10 years or more, that’s not something that gets big pharmaceutical companies all fired up, because they’ll make zero money on it (even if it might have the side benefit of, you know, destroying HIV).

signal boost 





can this replace the normal contraception methods we have pls

This has existed for YEARS. They ran an article about it in WIRED magizine but I don’t think anyone read it .-.

Maybe more reblogs then?  Up to a million at least.  We have this technology to get the word out and change the world.

I legitimately 100% want this for my penis

If I could, I would. Somebody send me a prescription link or something


03 Aug 22:53

quite-quirksome:Today is the anniversary of this iconic tweet


Today is the anniversary of this iconic tweet

03 Aug 20:33

signalrun: midnightruin: diananock: thebeautyofperception: ...

Al Navarro

"the world taken back by nature is my aesthetic"

... so true





Aw, yeah, that’s the good shit.

I love abandoned ruins so much

the world taken back by nature is my aesthetic

03 Aug 20:27

veronica-rich: black-to-the-bones: Dropping knowledge.  More...



Dropping knowledge. 

More history that our schools fail to teach

It really is. We learned NONE of this in history classes, even in college.

11 Jul 22:21

voidbat: beka-tiddalik: bitterlesbiangrandma: bitterlesbiangrandma: bitterlesbiangrandma: I...






I don’t think healthy people every really get chronic illness.

I have a friend I know from when we were both 6. She is the only person living nearby and so she saw me go from walking through limping to wheelchair on a daily basis. I keep her updated on my health even tho we rarely hang out anymore.
She was gonna come over yesterday and I had to cancel. She asked if I can’t hang out later that day. When I said i won’t feel better later, that if I feel that bad in the morning later will only get worse she got annoyed and “joked” that I’m just finding excuses. And I was surprised, she knows all about me being disabled after all? So, a bit taken aback, I told her it’s a normal thing for me.

“But you got the diagnosis now, aren’t you better?? I thought you’ll get better now”

She was honestly surprised and it made me realize a thing. They don’t get it. They don’t get that getting diagnosed only equals benefits like welfare or parking spot for us, and sometimes better pain meds but that is just like pushing luck. That it’s a forever thing. That that one day we felt good a week ago was just a bright spot and doesn’t mean we won’t need our aids anymore, cause chronic illness is not linear and will make a great comeback in next four hours, and the next good day is planned on when we’re 70.
Cause when abled people are sick, they get better. And our illness is just an excuse for them. And when we say we will never get better they think we’re being dramatic and pessimistic.
And I don’t think they’ll ever get it, cause to get it you need to live it.
And I want my friends to stay healthy and not go through hell.

This is definitely okay to reblog and abled people are encouraged to reblog cause maybe it’ll help others understand

Hello it’s me Lexa and this post is relevant again as I just had the
Legit Same Talk with someone and I exhausted my number of fucks to give

Oh my god I literally had this conversation with my mother an hour ago.

Mum: “So yeah, I was thinking that when I come down we could do visit an art gallery or a museum or something.”

Me: “I’ll have to see if I’m up for it, I’ve been going through a rough patch. I might not have the energy.”

Mum: “But you love art galleries.”

Me: “I know. What part of ‘it hurts to walk long distances now’ is hard for you though?”

lost a lot of “friends” when i ran entirely out of fucks and started responding to this kind of shit with the dictionary definition of “chronic” and “fatigue”.

I try to get my friends excited about the idea of just… I dunno, coming over to my house with their laptop so we can just sit together with Netflix and chatting as much as I have energy for and play games next to each other or something. It’s hard. I would LOOOOOVE to get out of the house and do all the partying and museums and such that I get invited to, I genuinely 100% would love that, but I can never know day-to-day what I’m even capable of. I’ve been blessed with a lot of understanding friends, but far more who have just… vanished.

07 Jul 22:18

The Best of Spider-Man on Texts From Superheroes10.   

The Best of Spider-Man on Texts From Superheroes






















05 Jul 00:24

gameraboy: Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)

Al Navarro

I've ever wondered...


Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)

23 Jun 14:58

disco-halo: bead-bead: rainnecassidy: theinturnetexplorer: G...

Al Navarro

Someone put the "Explain your smollness" caption on the first picture!





Growing up with Pets


Oh my gracious my HEART.

My nephew keeps chasing the cat around trying to brush it’s teeth. Because he has to brush everyone’s teeth.

23 Jun 14:44

catsbeaversandducks: Mojito The Therapy Dog And Skywalker The...


Mojito The Therapy Dog And Skywalker The Deaf Kitten

Best friends!

Photos by ©mojito_rose

20 Jun 21:25

PSA for turtle lovers

Al Navarro

Share to the world! (and specially to the schools, the children are the most exitable, and need to learn to love our nature with facts and knowledge)




So PETA has recently posted an article about helping turtles across the road. While this sounds great, the article is loaded with nasty images of turtles who have been crushed by cars. The images are close-up, gory, and overall terrible to look at. So, for those of you out there who don’t want to see that, I’m making a post with happy pictures instead:

So turtles are amazing. I mean, look at that face

And often times during the warm months you will see turtles on the roadway just trying to get where they’re going. Unlike this little guy who’s already found the perfect spot

If you see a turtle in the road. The best thing to do is put on your hazard lights and safely pull over. watch for other cars as you examine the situation. Most turtles you come across aren’t super aggressive, so if you go to pick them up, the only thing they’ll do is this

if the turtle isn’t a snapping turtle or other aggressive turtle, simply pick it up like a hamburger to reduce the risk of injuring it, and take it to the side of the road that it’s trying to get to.

If it is a snapping turtle like this guy

or another kind of more agressive turtle, keep your distance. try to find a stick or something else you can goad it into focusing on. If you’re lucky, it will keep trying to attack the stick and you can “kite” it across the road. If not, call animal control and wait until they arrive. They’re trained to handle the situation.

In either case DO NOT take and wild turtles or tortoises home. I realize that they are incredible adorable

but you can seriously disrupt their environment and the overall population by keeping wild animals as pets. If you are looking for a pet reptile, it’s best to adopt from a shelter, or if you can’t find one, find a breeder that raises their reptiles ethically.

In addition, do not take them to a different area either, even if it’s a nearby lake in town. You could be taking it too far away from it’s home, lessening it’s chance of survival. Only take it to where it was already going.

Thank you all for reading, please share to help spread the word. Images I posted are not mine, with the exception of the sulcata tortoise hiding in the grass (That’s my shy boy).

IMPORTANT PSA (also adorable shell photos hee please give your boy some head skritches from us) 

Wildlife professional, here!

I can’t attest to the “kiting” method mentioned here (I’m sure it’s worked for some), but this video contains some really simple methods for moving even very large snappers (you can even slip a piece of cardboard like a pizza box underneath them)!

A reminder: never ever ever pick up a turtle by its tail. When it comes to snapping turtles, it’s a tempting option, but you risk permanently damaging their spines (which are attached to their tails directly). And always remember to help the turtle across the road in the direction it was headed.

My favorite method is using the back of its shell as “handles,” which you’ll see in the video, and I’m doing here:


Granted, this is difficult if the turtle is extremely muddy! You’ll see plenty of options in the video for helping these guys across the road! 

Also remember that even non-snappers have sharp claws they will use to try to “dig” away from you, so be prepared before you pick them up so you don’t get startled and drop them!

Finally, it’s not only bad for the environment to take a turtle home, but in most places (like Ohio), it is Very illegal to collect eastern box turtles! They’re in the wild for a reason; the ecosystem needs them! SO leave them alone to do their jobs.

Thank you for keeping our wildlife safe!

20 Jun 17:42

Monkey Gets His Own Personal Guard Dog

Al Navarro

The hero we need!

A picture of a monkey riding on the back of a dog

Submitted by: (via The Meta Picture)

Tagged: dogs , monkey , funny
14 Jun 22:37


Al Navarro





09 Jun 18:14

The 7 Best Brain Exercise Games for Android and iOS

by Sandy Stachowiak

A variety of activities can train your brain, but sometimes you just want something fun. Logic puzzles, challenges that make you think outside the box, and brain exercise games offer enjoyment while keeping your mind mentally fit.

If you like mobile games that challenge your brainpower and let you have a great time while doing it, then check out these all-time greats.

1. Left vs Right

With 49 games in six categories, Left vs Right lets you exercise both sides of your brain. You can start your daily training with a tap and play four thought-provoking games.

Memorize items that customers order and then recall who ordered what. Watch the shapes move and tap the fastest one. Calculate your share of the bill based on the total and what your friends are paying. These are the types of games that test your memory, reflexes, and reasoning.

You can grab Left vs Right for free. Subscribing to a monthly or yearly plan gives you all categories each day, plus progress reports. When you have a few minutes to spare for a game, train your brain with Left vs Right.

Download: Left vs Right for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

2. Brain School

Head to class for some brain training fun in Brain School. With perplexing puzzles, challenging math questions, and logic games that make you think, this is a great way to hone your mental skills.

In its school theme, the app takes you through four years of testing. Start in year one and receive an A+ on all games and levels. Each year contains a different set of games with five levels each. Beginning challenges include solving math equations within the time limit, assembling pieces of a puzzle to match the image, and a magic hat shell game.

If you pass, you’ll take your final exam and move to year two. And you can access reports of how well you do in each year. There’s no better way to test your brainpower than in school, and Brain School is the ideal app to do it.

Download: Brain School for iOS (Free)

3. Peak

Peak is another cool way to train your brain with fun and games. Each day you are greeted with a random collection of games that test areas like memory, attention, problem solving, and creativity skills.

You may need to create words from the letters displayed, paint tiles based on the numbers in the columns and rows, or tap faces showing certain emotions. There are over 35 games, statistics for your performance in each category, and achievements you can earn.

With four workouts available for free, you can test yourself each day with something new. If you want more, Peak has a pro version that opens 16 daily workouts, unlimited access to 45 games, replays, and relaxing challenges. If this one piqued your interest, then check out Peak.

Download: Peak for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

4. Lumosity

If you’ve been looking into brain exercise games, then you might have come across Lumosity. If not, what makes this app a great challenge is that you have a daily workout that will put your problem-solving, memory, and overall thinking skills to the test.

The games in Lumosity are unique and enjoyable while stimulating at the same time. You may be in a race car testing your reflexes, swiping leaves depending on their colors to test your memory, or assembling puzzle pieces to test your problem-solving abilities.

You can challenge yourself to over 40 games, get detailed statistics, and see where you excel. Play Lumosity for free and if you like it, take a look at the paid premium plan which gives you workout mode choices, access to all games, tracking, and more. Lumosity is fun, challenging, and definitely worth a look.

Download: Lumosity for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

5. Brain Dots

More of a challenging game for your brain than a test like others on the list, Brain Dots is a fun physics-based puzzler. It’s a simple concept: your goal is to bump the two dots. But how you do that is the tricky part.

You must draw lines, shapes, or whatever is necessary to get those dots together. What makes Brain Dots an interesting challenge is that sometimes the answer is more obvious than you expect. So this enjoyable game really makes you think.

You’ll utilize a variety of tools like pencils and crayons of different colors and sizes. There are tons of levels and stages to move through. And if you are feeling inspired, you can make your own stage for other players to try.

The game offers in-app purchases for additional tools and to remove the ads. Put on your creative thinking hat and take a look at Brain Dots.

Download: Brain Dots for Android | iOS (Free, in-game purchases available)

6. A Clockwork Brain Training

A Clockwork Brain Training has been around for quite some time, but if you’ve never played it, then you’re in for a treat. The game’s intent is to exercise your memory, reasoning, language, dexterity, and attention skills with a variety of challenges.

For a test of your attention, see how quickly can pick out the object that is different from the rest. Or work your dexterity with a speed match. A Clockwork Brain Training also brings gamified elements, such as boosts in the form of Petbots, tokens to collect as you play, and attractive graphics.

If you enjoy the exercises, you can obtain more game packs via in-app purchases.

Download: A Clockwork Brain Training for Android | iOS (Free, in-game purchases available)

7. Tricky Test 2

Tricky Test 2 is a game that requires some cunning thinking. You are presented with a unique brain teaser. The tricky part, as the name implies, is that the answer is somewhat obvious. But with trick questions, it’s not as straightforward as trusting your initial reaction. You will need to strap on your thinking cap for this challenge.

You receive five lives and must pass the level to move forward, as with most level-based games. However, if you fail, you must go back a certain number of levels depending on your speed.

Curious? Check out Tricky Test 2 on Android or iOS. The games offer in-app purchases for coins that help you obtain clues.

Download: Tricky Test 2 for Android | iOS (Free, in-game purchases available)

Prepare to Train Your Brain

Sometimes it’s simply good fun to keep your mind fit with a game. You might want to test or improve your memory, dexterity, or problem-solving skills. Or maybe you’d like to hone those all at one time. Whatever your goals are for training your mind, these free brain games and apps will start you and keep you thinking.

And if you’re a puzzle fanatic, take a look at some online puzzlers along with puzzles just for Chrome.

Read the full article: The 7 Best Brain Exercise Games for Android and iOS

08 Jun 15:41

whyisthisfrenchguymasturbating: twotibsawhisker: 2tonocean: wir...





(via Show and Tell - Imgur)

I remember reading this a while back, I’m glad it’s made it’s way to my dash again

things like this are more important than 90% of tumblr

bye im crying

05 Jun 22:17

cottoncandydumpass: silentauroriamthereal: ask-keyframe: zelsbe...

Al Navarro

Man, what a beautiful person! (the gorilla one really got me...






Mr Rogers Facts.

Source: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Follow Ultrafacts for more facts daily.

always share mr rogers facts

We did not deserve this man

Mr. Rogers was the best! I still know how wax crayons (melon coloured!) are made because of him. The Land of Make Believe was the shit, and my brother and I used to bet on which colour of cardigan he’d pull out every show. It was amazing!

I definitely got my love of “how are things made??” from segments on his show like the crayon one.

26 May 16:27

Cogito Ergo Sum (I Think, Therefore I Am) [Comic]

by Geeks are Sexy
25 May 16:44

Can You Tell Which Cat Did It?

Al Navarro

Nope, haven't seen it before... (stop moving, tail!) xD

A funny gif of two cats, being questioned on who ate the toilet paper and one is innocent the other is not

Submitted by: (via onlysame1)

Tagged: Funny GIFs , Cats
24 May 19:16

The White Stag is famous for leading heroes into danger…

The White Stag is famous for leading heroes into danger…

24 May 15:14

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - A Talk


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Slowly but inexorably, SMBC become nothing but comics about parents having sex.

New comic!
Today's News:
23 May 21:55


22 May 16:52 Review (Tech Sites We Love)

by Martin Brinkmann is home to a growing number of software programs for Microsoft Windows devices that are developed by Nir Sofer.

There are only a few developers out there that have produced a constant stream of quality free software for Windows in the past 15 or so years, and Nir Sofer is definitely one of them.

Nir Sofer started to publish his programs on free sites back in 2001, and switched to the iconic domain in 2004.

Today, it is home to more than 100 freeware programs for Windows. These programs are all free, most are portable, and none include advertisement, unwanted offers or nags. Review

nirsoft homepage

As good as many of the programs are that are offered on, so messy is the site itself. The homepage has so many links that it is hard to find what you are looking for.

The best options that you have are to either use the category browser on the left, the custom search engine near the top, or to download NirLauncher, a package of Nirsoft programs that you can run locally once downloaded.

All product pages on the NirSoft website use the same layout. This is helpful for returning visitors, as you can find your way around more easily because of that.

As a rule of thumb: the download links are always listed near the end of the page. You get a description and details, command line switches, limitations, and a release history on those pages as well usually.

NirSoft programs use a custom translation system that allows anyone to contribute translations for programs available on the website. It is not uncommon that translations of programs become available shortly after release.

The average Nirsoft program has a size of less than 100 Kilobytes thanks to efficient programming in C++, and the lack of installation packages or dependencies that add to the size of the program download.

NirSoft Top Programs


The Top Downloads listing on the NirSoft website dates back to 2015. It is a bit outdated because of that, but may still be useful.

I'd like to provide you with my own top 10 listing of NirSoft applications:

  1. Browsing History View -- Reads browsing data of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari, and lists it in its interface.
  2. CurrPorts -- A handy program that lists all open ports, processes responsible for those, and other information.
  3. DNS Query Sniffer -- The program lists all DNS queries of the system.
  4. DriveLetterView -- Lists all drive letters of connected devices and devices that were connected in the past.
  5. Quick Set DNS -- A simply tool that allows you to switch between different DNS server configurations.
  6. NirCmd -- A small tool that enables you to run certain tasks on the system using commands.
  7. NTFSLinksView -- Displays symbolic links and junction points in its interface.
  8. Volumouse -- Provides access to the volume of audio components through the mouse.
  9. Wireless Net View -- Scans wireless network activity and logs it.
  10. Wireless Network Watcher -- Scans the wireless network, and lists all computer systems and devices that are connected to the network.

NirSoft Software Advantages

  • The programs are free to use.
  • All programs are small and portable, which means that you can run them from anywhere, and that they won't take up much space.
  • Most NirSoft software uses the same layout and functionality. You will feel right at home regardless of program that you run, and you can use features such as the exporting of data or sorting of data in most.
  • Most programs can be run from the command line.

NirSoft Tips

While users may concentrate on downloading software programs from the NirSoft website, other sections of the site may be overlooked. These tips provide you with information on some of the useful sections:

  • Code Samples may be useful if you are an aspiring software developer. Nir Sofer published source code samples, as well as the source code for some of his programs.
  • Donate page on Nirsoft.
  • HTTPS is supported, but it is not enabled by default. You get some mixed content warnings right now when you load
  • NirSoft Launcher is one of the best options when it comes to downloading all NirSoft programs at once, and using a launcher application to run them.
  • NirSoft Panel lists all programs, and links directly to their executable file. This is a fast way of downloading those programs from a single page.
  • The NirSoft blog is updated whenever new tools are released.

What is not so good?

Users may run into two issues with NirSoft applications. First, that some may throw false positives. The nature of some programs, programs that reveal passwords for instance, make them targets for some antivirus solutions.

Nir Sofer published a false positives list until 2008, but stopped doing so because of the large number of reports he received on a daily basis. False positives may impact NirSoft's reputation, and may also put it regularly on blacklists on the Internet.

Inexperienced users may shy away from using NirSoft programs that are flagged by their antivirus solution.

The second issue comes down to the compartmentalization of some of the program families. Most NirSoft programs sever a single purpose, and that is usually a good thing as it means that they are small in size. It can be frustrating however to download several programs for a single purpose instead of just one.

Closing Words

NirSoft is home to quality software programs for Windows, there is no doubt about that. What is great about Nir Sofer is that he kept going in all that time, and that he publishes new software programs and updates to existing programs regularly.

Now You: What are your favorite NirSoft programs, and why?

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The post Review (Tech Sites We Love) appeared first on gHacks Technology News.