Shared posts

06 Feb 16:34

2017 is a Cyberpunk Dystopia

by Maki Naro
2017 is straight out of a 1990's science fiction story
06 Feb 16:31

Tears for Fears

by Matt Bors
Trump supporters seem REALLY excited about how bad things are getting
06 Feb 16:18

Sinfest for February 3, 2017: Poor 13

06 Feb 16:12

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Largest Number


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

At the end of the Universe, all series will converge.

New comic!
Today's News:

Only two days left to get your BAHFest MIT proposals in!

28 Jan 06:08

#1287; In which a Run is made

by David Malki

Ha ha, what a wacky misunderstanding! Anyway, you owe me three hundred dollars

23 Jan 15:53

The Greatest Generation

by Mike Dawson

We need mass mobilization around alternative energy sources. Now or never.
17 Jan 13:05

Thanks, Obama. My Farewell to Our First Black President.

by Joel Christian Gill

Obama lulled us into a false sense of security. But now, we have to wake up.
11 Jan 21:49

it's here! another intelligent and education installment of dinosaur comics, ready for you to share on social media so your friends know you're intelligent and educational too!!

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← previous January 11th, 2017 next

January 11th, 2017: How is your New Year's resolution coming? Hopefully excellent, unless you resolved to be more horrible this year, in which case, I'm not afraid to say it: I HOPE YOUR RESOLUTION IS GOING POORLY!!!!!!!

– Ryan

11 Jan 21:41

Only '90s Kids Will Get This: Artists Are Screwed.

by Mady G.

We're a long way from the prosperity of the 90's, and creatives are feeling it.
11 Jan 21:29

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Strangest People


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

I'm just saying, we don't know this isn't what happened.

New comic!
Today's News:

Last day to submit for BAHFest London! We will probably not be extending the deadline.

11 Jan 21:29

Bad Map Projection: Liquid Resize

This map preserves the shapes of Tissot's indicatrices pretty well, as long as you draw them in before running the resize.
27 Dec 12:29

US State Names

Technically DC isn't a state, but no one is too pedantic about it because they don't want to disturb the snakes.
27 Dec 06:53

#1277; Often Imitated, Never Superseded

by David Malki

You've probably never seen this mixer before because my father's friend made me sign a confidentiality agreement. Take it, but if every time you bake a cake the OSS rolls up, just tell them you're a friend of 'The Gray Spider', and then give 'em a real obvious wink

27 Dec 06:51

#1276; In which a Bar is set

by David Malki

Sure, someone led me onto this TRAIN, but that was ALSO you

27 Dec 06:50

#1274; In which Hotcakes are sold

by David Malki

You know what a REAL SAVVY CONSUMER would do? NOT STOP shoveling these into my mouth until they become effectively free!

27 Dec 06:46

#1271; In which a Spider is shunned

by David Malki

The frog bouncer knows that millipedes dislike jazz.

26 Dec 21:29

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Talk


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Somewhere in the multiverse, there's a superior universe where all comics are this dorktastic.

New comic!
Today's News:

Drawn with great humility and thanks to one of my favorite people. Scott did all of the real work, and I threw in some dirty jokes. So, hey, a pretty good deal all around.



Wednesday Book Reviews!

Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue (McWhorter)

I’m still on this McWhorter kick. This one was good, but not as good as some of the others. It’s about English and its interactions with other languages. The bulk of the book is about the idea that repeated conquests of English speakers resulted in English being particularly simplified in terms of its grammar, especially compared to related languages. There is also a large section on a proposed link between Celtic and English grammar, and even a section positing links between German and Hebrew. The latter idea is based on the work of Theo Vennemann, whose ideas are (as far as I could tell from google and wikipedia) found to be interesting but probably wrong. Because it’s McWhorter, there’s also a long lament about the popular usage of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. You get the feeling that his later book “The Language Hoax” was a great unburdening of linguistic angst.

An Extraordinary Time (Levinson) This is yet another book about the idea that we are in a period of stagnation in terms of economic improvement for the average western person. Although it was enjoyable, as a book it didn’t make a strong argument. Most of the book is (admittedly fascinating) historical tidbits about technological development, mostly in the 20th century leading up to the 1970s. Levinson’s perspective ultimately agrees with that of Robert Gordon and Tyler Cowen, at least to the extent that they all blame the nature of post-1970s technology for the failure to improve the average person’s life. And, like, the others, Levinson has hope that a few technologies on deck (e.g. self-driving cars) will reverse that trend.

<a href="

23 Nov 17:28

This Machine Makes Racists

by jon


For some weird reason, a lot of people who voted for racism don’t like being called racists! I guess it’s not PC to call them racists. Such thin skins. Maybe they need a safe space.


05 Nov 08:04

the sommelier

by kris


now available to stand around at your dinner party. “you can drink it with meats of the land”

03 Nov 16:29

in which the author complains about potato chip flavours from the comfort of his website

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← previous November 2nd, 2015 next

November 2nd, 2015: The last time I complained about food was in 2012, and within SIX MONTHS Soylent started up. Internet, I have but one request: PLEASE CONTINUE TO MAKE MY FEVERED FOOD DREAMS A FEVERED FOOD REALITY.

– Ryan

31 Oct 19:04

Hark, A Vagrant: Young Goodman Brown

buy this print!

While on book tour, I visited Salem and got to see the House of Seven Gables! So I am pumped on Hawthorne. How many people have had to read this and suffer essays over the pink ribbons and etc? I used to think that for literature to be REAL it pretty well had to be chock-full of allegory and symbols. But for real, I do love it when my comics get used in a classroom setting, and I often hear from teachers who do that to warm the class up to a topic. That's great! I should ask for a list of books to cover for this reason. Feel free to email, teachers!

Now for some store news!

We ordered 1200 of these fat little stuffed ponies, and they finally arrived at Topatoco! They will go on sale MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2. I don't know how fast they will sell, but we do anticipate them to sell out, so get there early! And if you miss it, don't worry, there are 1200 more on the way, except they won't be in time for the holiday season. It took a while but we are so happy with how they turned out, they are 100% cuddly and adorable and I have first hand seen kids go crazy for them. The best.

Here is the link to my store, check it out on Nov. 2!

And here is the star of the show!

The Princess and the Pony is selling so well and I'm so pleased! Thank you all! xoxo
29 Oct 06:20

anyway that's my visual resume, do i get this agency job or what

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← previous October 28th, 2015 next

October 28th, 2015: I'd like to thank cereal for inspiration, and for being relatively tasty.

– Ryan

22 Oct 06:39

happy back to the future day

by kris


marty and doc broke up a couple weeks later

14 Oct 14:48

this comic does assume our previous comic, "how to always avoid small talk forever", has somehow failed you

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← previous October 9th, 2015 next

October 9th, 2015: It's gotten so cold that I've been forced to conclude that summer is indeed over, and I didn't even go watersliding once :( :( D:

– Ryan

14 Oct 14:36

ARK: Survival Evolved Tree Forts and Dinosaurs

by Howard Tayler
I love playing co-op games with my kids. When I looked at ARK: Survival Evolved (currently in Early Access on Steam) it looked like just such a thing. When I dug into it and learned that I could host a LAN server in my house, and edit The Island to be a bit less deadly and a bit more generous, went all in with my sons.
Before long I had all four of my kids playing with me, and each other.
Currently my girls are the heavy hitters, training mobs of small dinosaurs, and then marching them into harm's way. The game's A.I. spawns some tough beasts, but short of the epic boss battles (which we have not bothered with), and the Alpha T-Rex (which we haven't run into), nothing stands for long against Keliana's swarm of dilophosaurs and dimorphodons, or Gleek's hopping mob of giant frogs.
Keliana and I did run into a bit of trouble with our expedition from the north-east river mouth, but that wasn't her fault. I shall now tell you about it.
We  attempted to bring 24 tamed dinos and one tricked-out crafting raft southwest through narrows and swamps. We discovered, after it was too late to turn around, that the size of our mob and the size of our raft made the trip extremely tedious. It didn't get dangerous until I got fed up and decided on a side trip.
My plan was simple. Ride Terry, my pteranodon who kept fouling the raft's travel, from our mob's location at the western edge of the Eastern Plains east and south to a platform we'd been building in the middle of the Eastern Forest. There he'd be high, dry, and safe. I would then parachute back, timing my glide to get me most of the way to safety. It's a high platform, and I'd seen my son make that kind of glide before.
(Note: The logic that goes "I saw my son do a thing in a game so it is a thing I can now do" has never gotten me into trouble before, I swear.)
A dimorphodon named Zed was following me and Terry. Unfortunately, Zed fell behind, and I forgot he was there. I landed Terry safely, lined up my jump, and leapt back the way we'd come. My chute popped perfectly, and my glide was going to be LONG. Then Zed caught up, flew straight at me, and fouled the lines of my chute.
I dropped fast. Not killed-by-the-fall fast, but definitely short-of-my-goal-by-80% fast. I landed in a boulder-filled vale just to the west of the platform. The vale's only other major feature besides boulders was hungry carnivores. I emptied my shotgun into a 'raptor, then finished it off with a pike only to discover that a carnotaur had stopped quarreling with a pair of sabertooths, and was charging me.
Carnos charge in straight lines, and turn poorly. I used the terrain to my advantage, and attempted to lead him back into his sabertoothed foes. It worked perfectly, except for the part where they decided to share a meal. I now had three carnivores chasing me.  I almost ran headlong into another sabertooth, but it leaped and I ducked, and then I kept running.
"Keliana, where are you?"
"North of that purple light. There's a cliff between me and you. You'll need to go around it."
I turned and checked to see how close pursuit was.
I screamed.
The game does a really good job of getting predators right. They don't roar or screech unless they're fighting. They come at you teeth-first, and quietly.
I had a perfect view of three sabertooths, one carnotaur, and behind them, just starting to take interest, a pair of tyrannosaurs who I may have run a bit too close to without noticing them.
The nice thing about video-game cliffs is that if they're not sheer, sometimes you can cheat them, running sideways and down, and landing without having broken your bones. I did this, knowing that my pursuit could do the same thing.
I splashed through shallows at the base of the cliffs, and then saw that I was being charged from the front by a velociraptor. It was over.
Then I saw that the velociraptor had a saddle on it, and there was a woman in the saddle.
"I've got you, Dad!"
I missed what happened next, because it happened behind me. I did get game alerts telling me that my tribe's pets were killing things, but they went by too fast for me to count. I saw exactly zero flashing red alerts, which meant that Keliana had killed everything chasing me without taking any casualties.
That's my girl.
The title of this post includes the words "Tree" and "Fort." I'll spare you the extended description of the  tree fort my kids and I built on the edge of the Writhing Swamp, and post a nice screencap instead.
Are we playing this game the way it was meant to be played? If the online PVP tournaments are any indication, we're doing it all wrong.
I base-jumped into a pack of carnivores and got rescued by my daughter, who was riding a velociraptor.
Wrong is fine.
(cross-posted from
08 Oct 01:35

did you want to read a comic about horny slugs today? GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS, FOR YOU IN PARTICULAR.

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← previous October 7th, 2015 next

October 7th, 2015: Should've written this comic on Valentine's day, but you never know when Cupid will stab you with his love dart!!

– Ryan

06 Oct 06:55

better living through chemist-- i mean, through advances in nihilist philosophy

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← previous October 5th, 2015 next

October 5th, 2015: THE PAST, AM I RIGHT??

– Ryan

24 Sep 15:48


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← previous September 23rd, 2015 next

September 23rd, 2015: Pooty poot poot

– Ryan

22 Sep 15:47

Waiting for THIS to happen.( Steven Universe fan art )



Waiting for THIS to happen.

( Steven Universe fan art )

22 Sep 15:38

do do dodo do dododo do do dodo do dododo

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← previous September 21st, 2015 next

September 21st, 2015: I wrote this comic while under the influence of music and it is too late for me; you must save yourselves.

– Ryan