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09 Jun 16:11

You want full-time work with benefits? What are you, 100 years old?

by Steven Harrell

via firehose. Scathing AF.

Cubicles? Office politics? Legal recourse for unjust termination? Who needs all that?

How do you do, fellow kids? I’d like to talk to you about how stupid full-time employment is. In today’s economy, extremely profitable corporations will let you compete to give your services to them for pennies on the dollar. Pretty cool, am I right? I, for one, think all millennials should do it!

Security? Benefits? Dude, those are things your grandparents wanted from work. You’re not a total lame-o, like your grandparents, are you? Don’t be lame, man. Crowdsource. Be part of a crowd. That sources. Profitability. For other people.*


And, did I mention the flexibility? When you don’t actually have a job, you have a ton of free time to do whatever you want! Except, pay rent. Or eat. Or have any dream of retiring. But, again, you’re not old or lame, and only old lame people retire, so who cares? Not you, because you’re having brunch on a Tuesday. Or, you would, if you could afford to. You’re keeping your options open, and I respect that.

The best part of all of this? You get to choose who you want to work for, and when you want to work. Now, of course, the person paying you also has quite a bit of choice (free market!) and isn’t compelled to do anything boring like pay a minimum wage or follow anti-discrimination employment laws when hiring an independent contractor. And, get this, they can terminate your contract at anytime, for no reason, without paying severance! Freedom!

Anyways, everyone knows that employee protection laws are just a scam perpetuated by the useless paperwork industry.

Here’s a tip for anyone who is just starting out: I recommend that you work for free for a while to prove to future employers that your work is good. A sure-fire way to convince people to pay you for your work is to produce high quality work, over and over, without being paid. That’s commitment.

Welcome to the sharing economy! And we all know that sharing is good. So, logically, this piss-poor recession/recovery cycle—that has taken so long we’ve forgotten that stable work for a majority of people is inherently beneficial for society—is a good economy!

Sharing is caring, you guys.

A version of this post originally appeared as a comment in response to an article on Medium, “The Full-Time Job Is Dead.” You can follow Steven on Twitter at @steven_harrell. We welcome your comments at

09 Jun 16:07

King Edward was apparently pro-Nazi, wanted England bombed

by Karina Urbach

via firehose.

Edward reviewing a squad of SS.

King Edward VIII was forced to abdicate in 1936, and soon took the title of the Duke of Windsor. He has always been known for his pro-Nazi sympathies. However, the extent of his betrayal could never be fully verified due to the secrecy of the Royal Archives.

The Royal Archives have always ensured that letters from German relatives of the royal family in the run up to World War II remain closed. Naturally, such censorship has led to endless conspiracy theories.

But over the past eight years I have accumulated damning evidence by sifting through 30 archives all over the world that are open. Intelligence reports and German, Spanish, and Russian documents show members of the British royal family were indeed far closer to Nazi Germany than has previously been recognized. I present this in full in my new book Go-Betweens for Hitler.

One key to this Anglo-German network is Charles Edward Duke of Coburg (1884-1954). In a Channel 4 program on him in 2007, I called Coburg “a Nazi who got away with it,” but I had no idea about the magnitude of his crimes at the time.

Coburg was part of a wider group of go-betweens—private individuals who were used for secret negotiations by Hitler. My investigation into Coburg’s work sheds new and damning light on the Duke of Windsor, a relative and confidante of Coburg.

Duke of Coburg

Coburg was a grandchild of Queen Victoria destined for a privileged and unspectacular life. But the experiences of World War I changed him. After Germany lost the war, he turned to the radical right. In the 1920s he got involved with a German terrorist group that tried to overthrow the democratically elected German Republic. Members of the group were involved in several political murders in the 1920s. Though he did not pull the trigger himself, Coburg funded these murders.

After the failed Hitler Putsch of 1923, Coburg hid several Hitler supporters on the run in his castles. Hitler would not forget this great favor and later rewarded Coburg by making him a general. But he also needed him for something more secretive. In 1933 the Führer was short of international contacts and did not trust his own foreign ministry.

He therefore used members of the German aristocracy for secret missions to Britain, Italy, Hungary, and Sweden. Coburg was particularly useful in London from 1935 to 1939 and was received in Britain due to his sister Alice Countess of Athlone’s tireless work. She was Queen Mary’s sister-in-law and fought for Coburg’s acceptance. This resulted in him not just being welcomed in British drawing rooms, but most importantly, by the royals, including the Duke of Windsor.

Royal secrets

Coburg was first invited in January 1932 to Sandringham to see George V and Queen Mary during their Christmas break. Despite the war, Queen Mary had renewed contacts with her German relatives as early as 1918. This occasion and subsequent visits were not listed in the Court Circular, as they normally would have been.

It was only by turning to intelligence reports and foreign archives that I was able to piece together that the Duke of Coburg and the Duke of Windsor dreamt of an Anglo-German alliance. Windsor helped Coburg towards this goal on several different occasions.

The Soviet intelligence services were convinced of the Duke of Windsor’s treachery when war broke out. It is probable that they had an informer on his staff. In 1940 they reported that he was conducting negotiations with Hitler to form a new English government and conclude a peace with Germany contingent on a military alliance against the USSR.

Even more evidence of Windsor’s treachery was hidden in Spanish archives. Like his relative Coburg, the Duke of Windsor was anti-Semitic. In June 1940 Don Javier Bermejillo, a Spanish diplomat and old friend of Windsor—he had known him since the 1920s—reported a conversation he had had with the Duke to his superiors.

Bermejillo reported that the Duke of Windsor blamed “the Jews, the Reds, and the Foreign Office for the war”. Windsor added that he would like to put Anthony Eden and other British politicians “up against a wall.” Bermejillo stated that Windsor had already made similar remarks about the Reds and the Jews to him long before he became King in 1936. In another conversation on June 25, 1940, Bermejillo reported that Windsor stressed if one bombed England effectively this could bring peace. Bermejillo concluded that the Duke of Windsor seemed very much to hope that this would occur: “He wants peace at any price.” This report went to Franco and was then passed on to the Germans. The bombing of Britain started on July 10.

After the war Coburg and the Duke of Windsor never met again. Windsor continued his jet-set life, and Coburg died in Germany in 1954. He never found out that his beloved Führer wanted him murdered. In April 1945 code breakers at Bletchley Park came across a telegram from Hitler, saying: “The Führer attaches importance to the Duke of Coburg, on no account falling into enemy hands.” This was one of Hitler’s famous “Nero orders,” an indirect sentence of death.

The secrets Hitler and Coburg shared seemed to be so important that they needed to be hidden from public view. More transparency at the Royal Archives is needed so that historical investigations such as this can be conducted fully, not shrouded in secrecy.The Conversation

This article was first published on The Conversation. Follow @ConversationUK on Twitter. We welcome your comments at

09 Jun 15:44

Best show of the 90s REBOOT is getting another 26 episodes #hystericalcrying


via firehose. Actually pretty excited to hear about this.

@ProJared are you pumped for the ReBoot reboot?

— Tom Hazelton (@Tom_Hazelton) June 9, 2015

*Reboot was the first CGI tv show, started in 1994
*“The new ‘ReBoot’ will feature the same action and comedy mix viewers loved in the original series, but with an updated technological universe that will fascinate a new generation of kids,” said Corus Kids content director Jamie Piekarz in a news release."

Promo image for "Reboot: The Guardian Code"

— Todd DuBois (@GWOtaku) June 9, 2015


Never seen Reboot? Here's their official summary!

08 Jun 14:39

26-Eyebrow Raising Things Yachties do that Confirm they Don’t Live in the Real World


Interesting (and disturbing) peek at the billionaire service industry.


Yacht Crew are a strange breed.  We are spoiled in many ways and we often work harder than many people could ever imagine.  One thing we are used to is the eyebrow raises, confused looks and questions we get from people in the “real world” about the every day, normal things we do.

As Yacht Crew we:

1.Expect everyone from provisoners to shop attendants to drop everything they’re doing to find last minute items for us on a Saturday…in Europe…on a holiday…during lunch.

2.Avoid eye contact with other shoppers at Costco to minimize questions about why we have multiple carts containing items like 10 packs of toilet paper, 15 packs of paper towels, 12 cases of soda and beer, 13 boxes of zip locks, 7 Tide Laundry Detergents, 10 boxes of garbage bags and produce and junk food that could feed a small school for a week.

“Are you with a Summer Camp or somethin’ “?


3. Spend almost an entire paycheck at least once on a big weekend partying and shopping with little to no major consequences because our housing, transportation and food are taken care by the boat for the rest of the month.

4.Walk into shops and casually spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on seemingly trivial things like table decorations, party materials , mosquito repellent and beauty products without the blink of an eye.

5. Spend 30 PAID days a year on holiday while everyone outside of Yachting believes we are ALWAYS on holiday anyway.

6. Own the best skateboards, bicycles, other fitness equiptment, cameras, Go Pro’s, Apple computers, Iphones, Iwatches, dive gear, expensive and trendy sun glasses jewelry, handbags, clothes and shoes even though we are “servants” on board a boat.


7. Make life plans according to seasons and say things like, “how was your season?”

8. Dream about $5,000 cash tips for a week’s worth of work and know it’s a possibility.

9. Have no major debt or bills to speak of especially if we’ve been in Yachting long enough.

10. Have ruined, or been a part of a team that has ruined, one or more of the following: plated gold, plated brass, Italian marble, wool carpet and irreplaceable clothing and china.

11. Fly on private jets and helicopters with the “boss”, his or her family and friends.

12. Continuously post photos of exotic locations that seem completely unrelated and leave our friends asking, where in the world we are now.

13. Spend six weeks a year, every year, crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a Yacht.

14. Tell people we haven’t seen anyone in our family for a few years and say it as if its completely normal.


15. Believe whole heartedly that spotless stainless steel, perfectly fluffed furniture and ironed bed sheets are essential to any room looking good.

16. Have a work week that consists of but is not limited to driving the Crew car 7 hours from Fort Lauderdale, Fl to Savannah, GA to meet the boat at the shipyard, spending $7,000 at the grocery store preparing for a guest trip, planning and arranging an upcoming Life Size Risk Game Birthday party for an 11 year old, giving our Captain an IV in our Advanced Medical Course, helping don a fire suit on the deckhand during a fire drill and making sure 42 loads of laundry are executed to perfection.

17. Have the ability to save enough money to put a down payment on a reasonable house after one year of working.

18. Wear our radios attached to our hips in public places and use them from time to time if they’re in range.

19. Talk about our Crew, Owners and Captain to family members like it’s a term everyone uses in day-to-day conversations.

20. Complain about what the Chef makes and doesn’t make us as if it’s normal to have a Chef cooking for us.

21. Have access to an Agent who will help us find whatever it is we need to do our jobs with ease and perfection.


22. Go on vacation with friends or family who are not in Yachting and dribble on about how dirty everything is or how bad the service is at our hotel.

23. Call Fort Lauderdale or Antibes our home even when when were actually from South Africa or Australia.

24. Have favorite shopping spots, restaurants and bars in places like Ville-France, France, Olbia, Sardinia and Bonifacio, Corsica.

25. Know someone in the Yachting industry who has been deported or we have been deported ourselves for intent or actually working on a boat in the US  with a B2 Visa.

26. Believe we’ll be bored if we HAVE to go The Canary Islands again this year instead of somewhere new like Palma de Mallorca on our way back to the States from Europe.


08 Jun 14:16

It’s OK not to start your y-axis at zero

by David Yanofsky

excellent. via firehose.

U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen briefs reporters on the proposed 1999 Defense Budget at the Pentagon February 2. The modest plan for military spending authority in the fiscal year beginning on October 1 is $3 billion higher than the current Pentagon budget and represents a major slice of the $1.73 trillion federal budget sent to Congress by Clinton.

We make thousands of charts a year at Quartz, and when we receive complaints about them, it’s usually that the y-axis doesn’t start at zero.

@qz Hey……where did that zero-point on the Y axis go, folks?

— Glenn Fleishman (@GlennF) January 14, 2015

@jmcduling @qz nice y axis

— Giulio Fagiolini (@GiulioFagiolini) May 19, 2015

I delight in LinkedIn's failures as much as the next guy but Y axis' should start from 0 @qz

— Not An Endorsement (@drldcsta) April 30, 2015

Their point is that truncating the y-axis, as we often do in line charts, exaggerates what the data really say. Some people consider it a maxim that the y-axis should always be zeroed. They think to do otherwise amounts to lying.

But these complaints are wrong.

Charts should convey information and make a point. We make charts to illustrate ideas that have context beyond their x- and y-axes. Forcing the y-axis to start at zero can do just as much to obscure and confuse the point as the opposite.

Of course, there’s plenty of nuance to when it is and isn’t OK. Below are some guiding principles when it comes the y-axis.

Truncate the y-axis to emphasize what you’re trying to show.

Charts serve to illustrate ideas. If the price of a stock spiked upon news of an acquisition or plummeted on the rumor of a catastrophe, the chart should show a line that spikes or plummets.

A common complaint of this is that it gives the appearance of severity when none exists.

First, this is why charts have scales. Blaming a chart’s creator for a reader who doesn’t look at clearly labeled axes is like blaming a supermarket for selling someone food he’s allergic to.

Second, the degree to which the chart emphasizes certain aspects of the data is a judgement of storytelling not chart-making. Sure, this mindset can yield misleading displays, but how is that different than words? Charts should be fair, not impartial.

Truncate the y-axis when doing so is the norm.

Stock charts, especially intraday charts, use truncated axes. It’s a convention. The purpose of these charts is to show the tiniest fluctuations relative to where the price was moments ago, not relative to zero.

Truncate the y-axis when small movements are important.

Which chart below is better at showing how the most recent financial crisis affected the US economy?

Can you look at the chart above and determine the low point of the recession? Can you determine how much US economic output shrunk? Of course you can’t, because plotting this on a zeroed axis at this aspect ratio obscures those ideas.

Now take a look at this chart. It’s the exact same data.

This chart clearly shows that the low point was in the second quarter of 2009, the result of a $0.5 trillion drop in economic output.

Edward Tufte, an expert in data presentation, agrees. “In general, in a time-series, use a baseline that shows the data not the zero point,” he wrote on his website, “don’t spend a lot of empty vertical space trying to reach down to the zero point at the cost of hiding what is going on in the data line itself.”

Truncate the y-axis when zero values are ridiculous.

Charting is about being true to the data. Some data never falls to zero—the body temperature of a living person, for instance. Who has a fever, Sara or Bob?

Let me help by truncating the y-axis.

Feel better, Bob.

In other data sets, where zero values are technically possible, they are still worth omitting when the implication that it might reach zero is preposterous. Consider the labor force participation rate in the US, which is defined as:

All persons 16 years or older in the US classified as employed or unemployed as a percent of all persons 16 years or older persons who are not inmates of institutions, and who are not on active duty in the Armed Forces.

For this figure to fall to zero, every person in the US would have to either be younger than 16, out of work, not looking for work, furloughed, in the military on active duty, in prison, in a nursing home, or in a mental facility. (At which point, all of those facilities would have to be run by volunteers or members of the military.) The labor force participation rate has never been measured below 58%.

Real world example:

Europe’s demographic time-bomb, in charts

— Gideon Lichfield (@glichfield) June 2, 2015

Real world criticism:

@glichfield What's the reason for not taking the y-axis down to zero (other than upping the scariness)

— Oliver Morton (@Eaterofsun) June 2, 2015

Putting a zeroed y-axis on this chart would suggest that it’s plausible that either every 15-64 year old in Europe could die or every person over 64 never had kids in their life. How’s that for upping the scariness?

Use a zeroed y-axis when it doesn’t matter.

None of this means you shouldn’t zero your y-axis. If doing so doesn’t obscure the point your chart is trying to make, or muddle the information, it’s often a good idea. The chart above works exactly as well with a zero axis as it does without it.

Always use a zeroed y-axis with column and bar charts.

Of course column and bar charts should always have zeroed axes, since that is the only way for the visualization to accurately represent the data. There is no debating this one (except for a few exceptions).

Never use a zeroed axis on a log scale.

That is impossible.

07 Jun 01:50

Just Because Sean O'Connell is Weighing in for an MMA Fight Doesn't Mean He Can't Have Fun


@bjorno. Something about this reminds me of you.

07 Jun 01:38

Richard Sherman stars in fake 'Jurassic World' trailer, and it's amazing

by James Dator

Sherman share.

There's a new star in Jurassic World that perhaps you didn't know about. That's right, Richard Sherman is going to be gracing the screen along side Chris Pratt. Okay... not really.

Nonetheless, Sherman is pretty great in this fake trailer. It's tough to look actually scared while running on a green screen, but he nailed it.

05 Jun 21:35

"You've Got to Be Kidding!" With Arthur

by Brad

via wumpus.

05 Jun 19:29



Pleading with flair.

05 Jun 13:27




05 Jun 02:09

Checkpoint Charlie

03 Jun 15:20

Watch CNN's blooper reel

by David Pescovitz

As part of CNN's 35th anniversary, they released these fun videos of bloopers. Keep fucking that chicken, CNN!

02 Jun 23:34




02 Jun 15:14

crossroadsbela:The old gods are deadZeus sits at the bar, he’ll buy a thousand and one drinks and...


Here's some theology I can get behind.


The old gods are dead

Zeus sits at the bar, he’ll buy a thousand and one drinks and the girls who he smiles at will raise their eyebrows and think of the pepper spray tucked into their sleeves.

Hera waits at home. She knows the numbers of all the girls and she has their facebooks open on the computer. Her hands hover over the keyboard., She wants to tell them that men will always lie. She wants to take her own advice. She never will.

Apollo and Artemis travel the world. They are chasing the sun. Chasing the moon. They will never catch up. Their hand are curled around each others hip bones. Never in public though. They look too similar for that now. Society has learned judgement and so they keep their caresses safe in the shadows.

Poseidon wanders the shore. He wears a plastic poncho and carries a bag of trash. His tears mix with the salt water. No one can tell the difference. A girl with hair that moves like serpents trails after him, retribution in her eyes.

Hades lies in bed, his wife curled around him. He smiles because people will always believe in death and finally, finally he has beaten his brothers at something.

Athena paces through college campuses, handing out pamphlets on architecture. She scoffs at professors who are simply going through the motions. She carries signs in her hands as she marches through the streets with the students, screaming about the newest problem. She laughs wild, these children, these fearless children are her people.

Hestia wants her family to come home. She waits in the doorway, arms outstretched and a smile like forgiveness waiting to embrace the siblings whom she knows will never return.

Demeter counts down the days until her daughter returns. She smiles when children cheer over the snow days she gives them. There was a time when she had a child like that.

Persephone kisses her husband and grins when people tremble. She is vengeful and wears flowers in her hair and she will make damn sure that the world will never forget her name.

Ares walks through the Middle East, picking his way around the ruins of an elementary school. He stopped understanding war a long time ago. This was not brave, this was not heroic. This was senseless.

Aphrodite narrows her eyes at boys in cars who yell obscene things. She’s long since stopped romanticizing love. She is gaunt and over worked but sometimes she sees a teenage girl handing her baby over to an older couple who had tried for years and she feels young again. Sometimes, she sees Ares from across the room as soldiers embrace their loved ones and they smile at each other. 

 Hephaestus limps through his shop, his hands are worn down, his back is still twisted but people don’t seem to notice anymore. He makes their furniture, their toys and trinkets and they thank him, they pay him.

 Hermes runs through the streets of New York, Tokyo, London. He is young in this time, young and beautiful and slipping between business men, his hands finding their way into their pockets. He never stops laughing. 

 Dionysus mixes Zeus his drinks. He watches his family grin and cry and get sick in the back room of the bar. He holds back their hair and hands them another drink before they even ask. He’s been here a long time. He’s seen them drunk more often then he’s seen them sober. He is watching them flicker out and fade. 

 The gods are dying. The gods are dead. The gods are us.


02 Jun 14:56

gifsboom: Video: Baby Polar Bear Tries to Attack Crow


Ravens mistaken as crows beat.

02 Jun 03:17

Here’s the text, use it wisely:effective....


So tempting.

Here’s the text, use it wisely:

لُلُصّبُلُلصّبُررً ॣ ॣh ॣ ॣ

01 Jun 16:38

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - You, Robot


Wouldn't you want to deorbit first, then create the dyson sphere? otherwise wouldn't the sphere get damaged by all those deorbiting planets? "that sounds nice" anyway.

Hovertext: Do you think I could get another sex droid?

New comic!
Today's News:
01 Jun 14:08

communistbakery: askclint: grapes-of-plath: epitomeofnerd: th...


via firehose.






this is never going to not be funny 

Rob Lowe says “that is fucking hilarious” with the straightest face ever

Bless you, Chris Pratt

This man is saving our galaxy

he accidentally breaks even more technology as he runs off

De las mejores tomas falsas que Tyler ha visto nunca. LOL.

01 Jun 08:03

onlinepunk:who the hell is responsible for this


via firehose.


who the hell is responsible for this

01 Jun 01:31

How to turn a liberal hipster into a capitalist tyrant in one evening



World Factory … how would you cope?
World Factory … how would you cope? Photograph: photograph by David Sandison

The choices were stark: sack a third of our workforce or cut their wages by a third. After a short board meeting we cut their wages, assured they would survive and that, with a bit of cajoling, they would return to our sweatshop in Shenzhen after their two-week break.

But that was only the start. In Zoe Svendsen’s play World Factory at the Young Vic, the audience becomes the cast. Sixteen teams sit around factory desks playing out a carefully constructed game that requires you to run a clothing factory in China. How to deal with a troublemaker? How to dupe the buyers from ethical retail brands? What to do about the ever-present problem of clients that do not pay? Because the choices are binary they are rarely palatable. But what shocked me – and has surprised the theatre – is the capacity of perfectly decent, liberal hipsters on London’s south bank to become ruthless capitalists when seated at the boardroom table.

The classic problem presented by the game is one all managers face: short-term issues, usually involving cashflow, versus the long-term challenge of nurturing your workforce and your client base. Despite the fact that a public-address system was blaring out, in English and Chinese, that “your workforce is your vital asset” our assembled young professionals repeatedly had to be cajoled not to treat them like dirt.

Related: World Factory review – interactive play smartly unravels fashion industry

And because the theatre captures data on every choice by every team, for every performance, I know we were not alone. The aggregated flowchart reveals that every audience, on every night, veers towards money and away from ethics.

Svendsen says: “Most people who were given the choice to raise wages – having cut them – did not. There is a route in the decision-tree that will only get played if people pursue a particularly ethical response, but very few people end up there. What we’ve realised is that it is not just the profit motive but also prudence, the need to survive at all costs, that pushes people in the game to go down more capitalist routes.”

In short, many people have no idea what running a business actually means in the 21st century. Yes, suppliers – from East Anglia to Shanghai – will try to break your ethical codes; but most of those giant firms’ commitment to good practice, and environmental sustainability, is real. And yes, the money is all important. But real businesses will take losses, go into debt and pay workers to stay idle in order to maintain the long-term relationships vital in a globalised economy.

Why do so many decent people, when asked to pretend they’re CEOs, become tyrants from central casting? Part of the answer is: capitalism subjects us to economic rationality. It forces us to see ourselves as cashflow generators, profit centres or interest-bearing assets. But that idea is always in conflict with something else: the non-economic priorities of human beings, and the need to sustain the environment. Though World Factory, as a play, is designed to show us the parallels between 19th-century Manchester and 21st-century China, it subtly illustrates what has changed.

A worker in a Chinese clothing factory
A worker in a Chinese clothing factory Photograph: Imaginechina/Corbis

A real Chinese sweatshop owner is playing a losing game against something much more sophisticated than the computer at the Young Vic: an intelligent machine made up of the smartphones of millions of migrant workers on their lunchbreak, plugging digitally into their village networks to find out wages and conditions elsewhere. That sweatshop owner is also playing against clients with an army of compliance officers, themselves routinely harassed by NGOs with secret cameras.

The whole purpose of this system of regulation – from above and below – is to prevent individual capitalists making short-term decisions that destroy the human and natural resources it needs to function. Capitalism is not just the selfish decisions of millions of people. It is those decisions sifted first through the all-important filter of regulation. It is, as late 20th-century social theorists understood, a mode of regulation, not just of production.

Yet it plays on us a cruel ideological trick. It looks like a spontaneous organism, to which government and regulation (and the desire of Chinese migrants to visit their families once a year) are mere irritants. In reality it needs the state to create and re-create it every day.

Banks create money because the state awards them the right to. Why does the state ram-raid the homes of small-time drug dealers, yet call in the CEOs of the banks whose employees commit multimillion-pound frauds for a stern ticking off over a tray of Waitrose sandwiches? Answer: because a company has limited liability status, created by parliament in 1855 after a political struggle.

Related: Chinese factory activity slumps to lowest for a year as demand slows

Our fascination with market forces blinds us to the fact that capitalism – as a state of being – is a set of conditions created and maintained by states. Today it is beset by strategic problems: debt- ridden, with sub-par growth and low productivity, it cannot unleash the true potential of the info-tech revolution because it cannot imagine what to do with the millions who would lose their jobs.

The computer that runs the data system in Svendsen’s play could easily run a robotic clothes factory. That’s the paradox. But to make a third industrial revolution happen needs something no individual factory boss can execute: the re-regulation of capitalism into something better. Maybe the next theatre game about work and exploitation should model the decisions of governments, lobbyists and judges, not the hapless managers.

Paul Mason is economics editor of Channel 4 News. Follow him @paulmasonnews Read his blog here. World Factory runs at the Young Vic until 6 June.

29 May 13:17

ayejiahchillout: chick-fe-latio: chick-fe-latio: I went to this pole dancing class with my...


via Sophia via Rosalind.




I went to this pole dancing class with my homegirl K the other day & we were in there with a bunch of housewives and their hubbys were watching and talking in the waiting room. We’re having fun laughing and what not learning how to swing around and pick ourselves up and hang upside down and what not. this one housewife (you know the ones that make snicker doodles for bake sale n shit) approached us and said “you two shouldn’t be here! Our husbands can see us right through that window and we don’t need you two coming in here and trying to wreck our marriages.” So at this point K and I are looking at each other like


And she’s clearly upset about it she’s redder than a habanero pepper at this point and she’s like do you have anything to say about yourselves? Are you happy that you can be the potential cause of several divorces? Blah blah blah. K and I are laughing hysterically at this point and I told her “maam, we aren’t here to ruin your marriage and if you think we are then you have problems in your marriage that are already present.” Before I can even turn around K bursts in with “plus your husband has had his eye on your friend with the Roshe Runs on anyways so looks like either A. He’s scheming on her or B. They’re already fucking and you didn’t even know it. By this point the woman is just like


The woman breaks down crying and runs out the studio and the real drama unfolded right before our very eyes turns out her husband and her friend have been having an affair since 2007, her now ex bff’s husband is trying to fight the other dude saying “you’ve been fucking my wife?” Cops get called they’re trying to separate the two men who are now in a huge brawl. The other two cops (backup) are questioning everybody else and they can’t find Roshe Run girl because she disappeared in the midst of all the chaos.

Anyways long story short, the two men were arrested for disturbing the peace and I learned never to go to a pole dancing class in the Wonder Bread suburbs ever again.

lol this really has 6.3k notes

deservedly so. this was an experience.

29 May 07:31

Amazon launches free same-day delivery in select U.S. cities for Prime members

by Xeni Jardin

I think Amazon is building a distribution center in a Minneapolis suburb. Which I hope will mean that we get this in the Twin Cities in a year or so. OMG.

How can Amazon afford to deliver same-day for free? Apparently by using child labor. Adorable, pan-ethnic, perfectly-coiffed child labor.

How can Amazon afford to deliver same-day for free? Apparently by using child labor. Adorable, pan-ethnic, perfectly-coiffed child labor.

The new free, same-day delivery service is available to Amazon Prime members in 14 metropolitan areas around the USA. Why? It removes the biggest challenge brick-and-mortar retailers still present to the ever-expanding empire of Jeff Bezos: instant gratification.

Prime shoppers can buy a product on by noon and receive it by 9 p.m., seven days a week, for free. The 14 zones where Amazon is rolling out Prime Free Same-Day Delivery:

• Atlanta
• Baltimore
• Boston
• Dallas-Fort Worth
• Indianapolis
• Los Angeles
• New York
• Philadelphia
• Phoenix
• San Diego
• San Francisco Bay Area
• Seattle
• Tampa Bay
• Washington, D.C.

From the Seattle Times writeup:

The new service, called Prime Free Same-Day Delivery, will be available on more than 1 million products and in 14 metropolitan areas in the United States, including Seattle. There will be no shipping cost for members of Amazon’s $99-a-year Prime service, as long as the order tops $35.

Amazon introduced same-day shipping in seven markets, including Seattle, in 2009, and has expanded it since then. But Prime customers have had to pay an extra $5.99 per order for the expedited shipping. (They’ll still have to pay $5.99 for same-day delivery if their order is less than $35.) Non-Prime shoppers will continue to pay $8.99 per order and 99 cents per item for same-day delivery in the markets where it’s available.

"Amazon rolls out free same-day delivery for Prime members" [Thanks, RJCJR]

29 May 03:06

what the fuck please call an exorcist


I should probably start following this tumblr. I'm liking all of it tonight.

what the fuck please call an exorcist

29 May 03:02

This A Cappella Cover Of "Chandelier" Is Unreal


Mmm, choral music and Sia. Yes, please.

Elon University’s a cappella group Twisted Measure performs a totally unique rendition of “Chandelier” by Sia.

Twisted Measure is a coed a cappella group at this really pretty school in North Carolina called Elon. The group has been around since 1999, and has a tradition of singing barefoot. Hence the lack of shoes by most members of the group in the video.

The group works closely with a cappella studio, Liquid 5th, and recorded this cover and video in their Durham studio.

Coolest thing about this group: all of Twisted Measure's songs are arranged by members of the group. So everything in this cover is 100% TM.

You can get this song (an a ton of other Twisted Measure songs) on iTunes and Spotify. DOPE. / Via YouTube

27 May 18:59

Loreen - Heal (2013 Edition) Full Album


Sweden won the Eurovision Song Contest this year, but also in 2012. That year, it was Loreen - Euphoria, which is pretty good. But it happens to be on a really excellent album that I had no idea existed. Here it is, for your EDM listening pleasure.

Buy here : Tracklist : We Got The Power : 0:00 - 03:25 My Heart Is Refusing Me : 03:27 - 07:06 Everytime : 07:09 - 1...
27 May 18:25

Newswire: Billy Corgan would like to mail you a box of food

by Lara Unnerstall

This seems to fit well with his recent forays into professional wrestling as well.

The march of time takes its toll on us all, and nowhere is this cruel reality more evident than when watching Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan sling a “limited edition small batch artisanal tasting box” that retails at $129.95 and “is perfect for Father’s Day.”

For this endeavor, Corgan has collaborated with Farm to People, an online market of small-batch food products. The tasting box will feature tea and “vegan and paleo treats” from Corgan’s suburban Chicago tea shop, Madame ZuZu’s. If that isn’t enough to tempt consumers over the edge, three recipients will receive a personalized note from Corgan along with their order. (Unfortunately, the boxes will not be matte black and embossed with phrases like “the world is a vampire...but you don’t have to be thanks to these sustainably sourced, vegan goodies” and “melons, collard greens, and infinite almonds,” which seems ...

27 May 17:15

cowscratch: crinoline-gremlin: rowsdower-saves-us: enbylebeau: xcziel: kabber: So I just woke...


via GN.







So I just woke up and my first thought was “what if in the four horsemen of the apocalypse, pestilence was one of those anti-vax moms?”

quite frankly the four white suburban soccer-moms of the apocalypse would scare me way more

War is the one constantly screaming at retail workers

Famine is a diet nut, one of the really annoying ones who is all ‘OMG PALEO IS THE TRUE WAY TO EAT AND IF YOU DON’T EAT PALEO YOU’RE GOING TO DIE OF CANCER’

Death drives a minivan


I’m sorry I just really had to draw this _(:’3_)_

27 May 15:55

Lone females retreated to isolated nesting boxes on penthouse...


Why has this not become a dramatized scifi YA novel yet?

Lone females retreated to isolated nesting boxes on penthouse levels. Other males, a group Calhoun termed “the beautiful ones,” never sought sex and never fought—they just ate, slept, and groomed, wrapped in narcissistic introspection. Elsewhere, cannibalism, pansexualism, and violence became endemic. Mouse society had collapsed.

(Fact Source/more info) 

For more facts, follow Ultrafacts

27 May 13:05

gifsboom: Video:  Cute Baby Bat


Bats are great.

26 May 15:31

multifandom-madnesss: ESC Crashes My Dash - Best Of pt....


ESC Crashes My Dash - Best Of pt. 1

Yeah, this just about sums it up.