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31 Jan 10:31

Brendan: Idris Elba is aggressively quick in changing his mind...

Brendan: Idris Elba is aggressively quick in changing his mind to let Mako be the co-pilot. He’s like, “No you can’t! Oh, I have a nosebleed. You know life is short, go ahead.”

Diana: There is a deleted scene that I think was in between there about his realization.

Andrew: Oh really?

Diana: Also in the deleted scene he’s shirtless so that’s the real crime against humanity.

Andrew: What? There was a shirtless Idris Elba scene?

Diana: There is a cut, shirtless Idris Elba scene!

Brendan: Yeah he’s cut! (Get it?)

Diana: I do! But yes, he’s shirtless and it shows he has the same burn marks as Raleigh because he piloted a jaeger alone, but they cut it and I’m like, you fools. This would have made $100 million dollars more.

Andrew: You’re goddamn right it would have! That is shocking and disappointing.

- The Talk From Superheroes Podcast on the Dumbest Thing Pacific Rim Could Have Done

Listen to more episodes here, on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.

12 Aug 16:50

Kill the Messenger

Aditya Agrawal

Who even uses the facebook messenger

facebook messenger

Tonight’s comic refuses to install a separate messenger app.

19 Jul 22:32


14 Jul 13:30


Aditya Agrawal

Ha ha hilarious

15 Apr 12:07


16 Mar 19:38

March 15, 2014

Ada Marie Weinersmith. Born Pi Day 2014!
11 Mar 16:10

Triangles in Tight Formation

no one gets out of coffee alive.

Don’t ever #pizza say I don’t #pizza reveal my deepest #pizza emotions in my #pizza comics.

29 Oct 02:54


06 Aug 23:03

Drones: The Movie Pixar Doesn't have the Balls to Make

Aditya Agrawal

This is brilliant

By Luis Prada,Winston Rowntree  Published: July 27th, 2013  A year before 9/11, an unarmed Predator drone captured footage of Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. A year later, every Predator drone could rain death from on high. More than 10 years and hundreds of strikes later, the Pentagon nearly created a new me
28 Jul 13:01

July 25, 2013

26 Jul 17:13

My Body Image is a JPEG

Aditya Agrawal

Love it

the world's most dangerous kitten
23 May 12:21

One Frame at a Time

the world's most dangerous kitten

Name’s Jeff.

Animated Jeff.

13 May 17:46

May 11, 2013

Hey geeks! In case you've been on the fence about the Trial of the Clone gamebook app I wrote (which comes with narration by Wil Wheaton!), here's a crap-ton of reviews.
13 May 17:45

I'm So Random

In retrospect, it's weird that as a kid I thought completely random outbursts made me seem interesting, given that from an information theory point of view, lexical white noise is just about the opposite of interesting by definition.
09 May 21:16


the world's most dangerous kitten
24 Apr 18:34

Comic for April 24, 2013

19 Apr 12:41

Integration by Parts

If you can manage to choose u and v such that u = v = x, then the answer is just (1/2)x^2, which is easy to remember. Oh, and add a '+C' or you'll get yelled at.
02 Apr 23:08

April 02, 2013

We've sold over 2/3rds of the BAH! tickets. If you want to guarantee a seat, please buy online.
19 Mar 16:27


by Miss Lyd
Aditya Agrawal


19 Mar 13:42

March 19, 2013

Hey geeks! James guest starred in a video in the pimp role he was born to play.