Shared posts

07 Jun 02:50

needsmorestartrek: shittybeatnik: ancamnarvienn: thevoyagerete...

Tom Wright

I get that the original message of the poster is that the old Star Trek is better than the new, but I still like the new timeline. Don't care for that casual sexism, though. It's in the older Treks as well, and the new Trek should have done without.

Give me some more social commentary, Star Trek. What a great genre science fiction is.

TNG 5x17 'The Outcast': An androgynous race prohibits any expression of gender, as it is viewed as 'primitive'.

TOS 3x15 'Let That Be Your Last Battlefied': Two members of the same species view the other as inferior because of which color is on which side of their body.

VOY 7x13 'Repentance': Voyager rescues passengers from a prison ship whose prisoners are on their way to be executed.

TNG 2x9 'The Measure of a Man': Data's sentience is brought into question when he is forced by Starfleet to undergo an undesired procedure.

TNG 7x20 'Journey's End': The Enterprise is ordered to relocate a population of Native Americans from their planet of 20 years because of a treaty with the Cardassians.

ENT 2x14 'Stigma': T'Pol is recalled when it is discovered she has Pa'Nar syndrome, a disease transmitted through mind-melds conducted by an unaccepted sub-culture of Vulcans.

DS9 6x13 'Far Beyond the Stars': Benny Russel is fired from his writing job when his story about a black space station commander receives scrutiny from the publisher.

TNG 7x9 'Force of Nature': Two Hekarans board the Enterprise to convince them that their warp drive is damaging their home world and the space around it.

TOS 1x23 'A Taste of Armageddon': The Enterprise discovers a 500 year war on a planet that is run by computers that calculate the fatalities and force those people to die.

VOY 3x6 'Remember': B'Elanna experiences the memories of a telepathic woman's youth, where her lover and his people are relocated and murdered without repercussion.





Star Trek + Social Commentary (context in the captions)

THIS is what the original Star Trek TV series and films were about. Not just about blowing up things in space and snazzy lens flares with a side order of casual sexism -.-‘.

dude do you know how many people I have pissed off by saying the exact same thing?

Not enough people.

The good work is never finished. Spread that Good Trek News across the galaxy!

06 Jun 22:01


Tom Wright

In the words of the esteemed John Honohan, "Raisin cookies would be good, if chocolate didn't exist."

06 Jun 17:39

an end-of-year card I made that you can share with your...

Tom Wright

Molly, would you have liked this card from a student?

an end-of-year card I made that you can share with your teachers.

05 Jun 01:11

Right-click not allowed!

by CommitStrip
Tom Wright

How do you like THIS right-click!?


03 Jun 21:01


Tom Wright

Is this true? Should women just use razors marketed to men?

03 Jun 14:59

Flowers for Randy

by Neil
Tom Wright

The journey is better than the punchline in this case. Really, the punchline isn't all that good, but I like how he got there.


Check out The Other End store at Society6

02 Jun 19:21

The French Play Monopoly

Tom Wright


Most people don't realize this, but according to the official rules if you play with the top hat you can't go to jail.
02 Jun 02:27

#1343 – Emergency (No Comments)

by Chris
Tom Wright


01 Jun 03:54

Meanest Person Ever

by Neil
Tom Wright

Gary makes this comic.

Meanest Kid Ever

01 Jun 03:51

#1342 – Favorite (No Comments)

by Chris
Tom Wright


31 May 13:13

Some grains just want to watch the world burn.image | twitter |...

Tom Wright

Still shaking my head.

Some grains just want to watch the world burn.

imagetwitter | youtube

27 May 01:04

Finals Week

by alex
Tom Wright

What's the real nightmare?

Finals Week

25 May 13:56

Cartesian Roommates

Tom Wright

Did not expect that ending.

Spinoza thinking about the keys like three days later:
25 May 02:19

Heart feels confident

by The Awkward Yeti
Tom Wright

It's like arguing with me.

Heart feels confident

22 May 19:34


by Justin Boyd
Tom Wright

The worst.


I wanted the one sentence explanation at best. You’ve already gone four sentences too far.

bonus panel
20 May 13:39

#1334 – Awake (No Comments)

by Chris
Tom Wright

Emily closes her eyes at night and this is all she sees.

Also, I forgot my phone charger at home, and I got an unbelievable amount of work done.

None of it was actual work work, though. All my own side projects.

So productive.

20 May 00:15

Understanding dev culture

by CommitStrip
Tom Wright


19 May 11:18

Coder Dilemma #9 – The Upgrade

by CommitStrip
Tom Wright

This was me at EBQuickstart.

We got hacked.

16 May 06:10

the secret

Tom Wright

Po, there is no secret ingredient. The secret... was in you.

15 May 14:14

Have a Nice Day.

Tom Wright

Yeah, for reals, kid.

Don't go making promises you can't keep you little shit!
15 May 04:18


Tom Wright


13 May 14:09


Tom Wright

The best version of Dumbledore. Bar none. Even better than the original.

12 May 15:37


Tom Wright

College was fun. Really fun.

But real life is much better. The only quizzes I take now are on The Old Reader.


08 May 02:54

Texts From SuperheroesFacebook | Twitter | Patreon

Tom Wright

Happy Mother's Day, everyone. It's a Mother's Day miracle.

Texts From Superheroes

Facebook | Twitter | Patreon

08 May 02:41

last wish

Tom Wright

Yeah, sorry, can't help you.

08 May 00:51

When Jamey Met Gelati

by Jamey Stegmaier
Tom Wright

Jamey Stegmaier is hilarious.

IMG_5284Today commemorates a special and tragic day: After dinner a few minutes ago, I ate the last scoop of ice cream. Her name was Gelati.

Gelati was no ordinary scoop of ice cream, mind you. My relationship with her started over 4 months ago when I bumped into her at Gelati Celesti in Richmond, Virginia, when I was there for the holidays.

I didn’t expect anything to come of it, we grew close in a short amount of time. Very close. Before I left town, I took Gelati in my arms–all 11 quarts of her–packed her in a cooler with some dry ice, and transported her across state lines back to St. Louis.

I knew my time with Gelati would be fleeting, and I wanted to enjoy every last drop of her. I’ve spent nearly every evening with her over the last 4 months. She’s been the inspiration for several blog posts, including the one about licking and spooning.

This love story ends today, my friends, but with every dusk there comes a dawn. I appreciate the time I had with Gelati, and I will miss her dearly over the next few months until I see her again. Sparks will fly, waistlines will expand, and we will grow old together.

Goodbye, dear Gelati. We will meet again.

07 May 01:02


Tom Wright


05 May 20:38

Selected for the Society Of Illustrators annual, and hanging...

Tom Wright

Yeah, me too.

Selected for the Society Of Illustrators annual, and hanging between now and June 11 in their gallery in New York. Now I can share which cartoon was chosen.

05 May 04:20

Mine now.

Tom Wright

Never let Molly borrow your hoodie. Trust me on this.

Mine now.

03 May 12:21

thoodleoo: if you ever feel like you’re too obsessed with something, just remember that, according...

Tom Wright

I did not know that.


if you ever feel like you’re too obsessed with something, just remember that, according to plutarch, alexander the great slept with his prized copy of the iliad under his pillow alongside a dagger, presumably so that he could murder anyone who tried to take his copy of the iliad away from him