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25 Aug 18:03


Tom Wright


25 Aug 18:02


by alex
Tom Wright



25 Aug 17:59

Back To Work

by Justin Boyd
Tom Wright

Every time a teacher complains about having to go back to work after summer, an angel loses its wings midflight and plummets to the earth to die an agonizing hours-long death.

Back To Work

I gotta schedule myself that vacation I need.

bonus panel
24 Aug 18:32


Tom Wright


23 Aug 19:18

geekearth: fatcr0w: sumiinkwolf: wannabeanimator: Note: I do...

Tom Wright

I thought this was questionable as I started reading it, but the end cleared it up for me.





Note: I do not claim to be a shape expert, but it is 100% fact that BB-8 is shaped like a friend.

Hopefully any of you interested in character/prop design will enjoy!

This is some good examples of composition.


23 Aug 02:26

The Star Wars rant I said I wasn’t going to go into but woops here it is

Tom Wright

Worth a read.

I keep seeing posts supporting a Rey/Kylo romance because it would be somehow edgy and original and “unexpected.” 

Dudes. That is the LEAST ORIGINAL and MOST EXPECTED option currently on the table. 

Like, every major action blockbuster features exactly one woman, and she either ends up with the hero, or else there are several eligible dudes and then the question is which dude she will end up with. But she always ends up with someone, it’s always a dude, and he’s always white. (They’re both white. Everyone’s white. And if there does happen to be a black guy, the message is “just ignore him” because he’s implicitly in the “ineligible” category anyway. No romance for POC.)

Star Wars VII did something new and original by giving us Finn and Poe. There is still exactly one woman (who is young and hot enough to be a leading character), and she’s white, but for once, two out of the three main characters are POC. This is amazing. There is not a single eligible young white dude in the hero squad. 

So while we’re all still playing the age old game of “who gets The Girl" (or in this case, “whom does The Girl get”), for once, most of the choices are stereotype-breaking. Something we hardly EVER get to see in big movies like Star Wars is stuff like interracial relationships (such as Finn/Rey), LGBTQ relationships (Poe/Finn or Rey/girl), or women without any romantic relationships (Rey/nobody).

Every choice is mold-breaking and new and would be incredibly, incredibly refreshing after years of White Dude gets The Girl. 

The only thing the writers could do to careen off this gloriously progressive path and plunge back into We’ve-Seen-This-A-Thousand-Times-ville is to pair Rey off with the only major eligible White Dude in the movie. If he happens to be the villain, so what? There have been dark, edgy white guys and broody, pouty white guys winning the romance jackpot since forever. “Beauty and the Beast” is not a new concept. Girls helping guys transform through the power of love is not original. And even if Kylo’s redemption arc is complicated and well written and DOESN’T involve Rey playing moral nurse-maid to his poor, conflicted soul, this Villain-Turns-Good-And-Gets-The-Girl thing STILL isn’t unique. It’s not original, and it’s not unexpected.  People started expecting it from the minute he took off his helmet. 

It doesn’t matter how different Kylo is from other guys–he looks exactly like every other TV hero who ends up with The Girl.  

This isn’t to say that people shouldn’t be able to ship whomever they want; it’s just that justifying a Reylo pairing by saying it would be original is kind of missing the bigger picture. Having a racially diverse main cast was original. Breaking the racial and sexual stereotypes that define 99.9% of Hollywood movies would be original. Making Kylo Ren the romantic hero is the farthest thing from original I can think of.

Just sayin’

21 Aug 16:50

In all seriousness, if you ARE looking to bring home a pet,...

Tom Wright


But seriously, no.

In all seriousness, if you ARE looking to bring home a pet, animal shelters are the first place you should look. There are lots of wonderful animals in need of homes! The bunny that inspired my bunny character was adopted from a shelter and he was pure fabulousness (clearly).

18 Aug 21:27

rispostesenzadomanda: The call of Cthulhu (pick up, it’s...

Tom Wright

You don't even have to be socially anxious...

The phone is the last resort.


The call of Cthulhu (pick up, it’s ringing)

Alternatively: The call of normal humans, as seen by the socially anxious

18 Aug 21:02

beepboop-its-a-robot: sourcefieldmix: gillianandersunshine: im...

Tom Wright

I bet you Molly is just swooning right now.





imagine having foreign relations like this.

relationship goals

WHY CAN"T WE ALL BE SCANDANAVIA? Too pure. So much better than we.

11 Aug 21:05

Gotta Fold ‘Em All: Pokémon Origami Book

by Geeks are Sexy
Tom Wright

I've never been good at origami...


From Thinkgeek:

Origami doesn’t have to be some fancy-schmancy hobby. You can make origami anything. Take, for instance, this Pokémon Origami Book. It teaches you how to make 10 different origami Pokémon, and even includes the paper you’ll need to bring them to life. However, it does not include patience, so we hope you have some already.


[Pokémon Origami Book]

The post Gotta Fold ‘Em All: Pokémon Origami Book appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

11 Aug 20:58

Ice Cream Cones Without The Drips

by JLister
Tom Wright

Great idea. Sometimes it's melting so quickly that you have to eat it faster than you'd like.


Two teens are pitching a custom addition to the ice cream cone that’s a beautiful hack, if not necessarily a profitable business. The Drip Drop is simply an edible tray that slides onto a cone and catches any ice cream that melts and drips down the side.

The pair even have an environmental element to their pitch, claiming that the amount of napkins currently provided to customers by ice cream shops to deal with drips is equivalent to a million trees a year.

[Via: Geekologie]

The post Ice Cream Cones Without The Drips appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

10 Aug 19:00

Deleted scene: Another time machine appears and Future Future...

Tom Wright

Haha. Dumb assignments.

Deleted scene: Another time machine appears and Future Future John punches Future John for never taking breaks

09 Aug 20:36

#1380 – Cone (No Comments)

by Chris
Tom Wright

Natalie, you know you used to put Sam up to the wall so we could hear him crying better. I should have done this, except with Zoe's tail.

That would have served you right. You would have learned your lesson.

09 Aug 18:19

There’s a Pokemon Go Loading Screen Dress

by NerdGirl
Tom Wright

I'd wear it. The latest update has the servers crashing so hard. It crashed for me about ten times during lunch.

Didn't stop me from hatching a Rattata. Take that, Pokemon Go!

That didn’t take long. Yes, a Pokemon Go-inspired loading screen dress is a thing that already exists. Check out more pictures below:

Pokemon 2

Pokemon 3

Pokemon 4

If you’d like to add the dress to your list of Pokemon accessories you can find it here for $45.

Via | BuzzFeed

08 Aug 19:30

Athenian Park

Tom Wright

But what even IS a presentation?

08 Aug 15:52

Honest Pokémon Go Trailer

by Dan Jones
Tom Wright

Team Valor for life, yo.

08 Aug 14:29


Tom Wright

I love these so much.

05 Aug 21:40

Which Pokemon Go Team Are You?

It's all in the title: Are you Valor, Mystic, or Instinkt?

View Entire Post ›

05 Aug 15:49

tally-art: Only the subtlest metaphors on this Tumblr.

Tom Wright

Historically, impulse buys have not been my best life choices.


Only the subtlest metaphors on this Tumblr.

03 Aug 20:39

Cardiac Muscle

by The Awkward Yeti
Tom Wright

Doesn't Brain know that arrogant is a compliment?

Cardiac Muscle

03 Aug 16:48

A Very Big, Very Illegal Pikachu Statue Popped Up In New Orleans

by Ben Paddon
Tom Wright



Visit Coliseum Park in New Orleans and you might just spot a surprising new addition – a statue of Pikachu. What’s even more surprising is that it shouldn’t be there at all. It was erected illegally overnight by a group calling themselves “#Pokemonument”.

The whole piece is designed to look weathered and worn, as though it had been standing there for years. With a wooden base and a wire mesh body covered in fibreglass, the entire thing took seven weeks to complete, and required seven people to surreptitiously assemble it overnight without getting caught. Now that is dedication.

If you’re in the area, it’s well worth checking out. After all, who knows how long it’ll remain standing for (if it hasn’t been taken down already)? Check out another pic and a video below.

What a time to be alive. #pokemonument #pikachu #coliseumpark #gardendistrict #followyournola

A photo posted by Rissa Noell (@marissa_noell_rosy) on

(via ITM)

01 Aug 23:31

Philosopher under the bed

Tom Wright

Maybe the best one so far.

Brett should really get on The Old Reader.

I invited two new people to The Old Reader yesterday. I suspect we'll be seeing them in the comments soon.

29 Jul 00:19

Code Quality 2

Tom Wright

I love this sort of thing.

It's like you tried to define a formal grammar based on fragments of a raw database dump from the QuickBooks file of a company that's about to collapse in an accounting scandal.
27 Jul 15:38

Captain Metaphysics and the Extreme Skeptic

Tom Wright


Philosophical ideas that can be refuted by punching:
1. Moral Nihilism
2. Moral Relativism
3. Scepticism about the outside world
4. Scepticism about causation
5. Denial of qualia
6. That violence never accomplishes anything
27 Jul 00:22


Tom Wright

Strangely canon this time.

26 Jul 23:12

Creator of Content

by ray
Tom Wright

Yeah, true.

Creator of Content

25 Jul 00:14

I’ve found number 2 to be most successful.image | twitter |...

Tom Wright

This reads like Emily's "Cat Purse".

I’ve found number 2 to be most successful.

image | twitter | youtube

24 Jul 17:33


Tom Wright

I love this. I am this.

22 Jul 16:29

#1372 – Super (No Comments)

by Chris
Tom Wright

That second panel...

How do you know if someone is a Mormon?

Don't worry, they'll tell you.

(Also works with vegans)

22 Jul 13:34

I’m So Bored

by alex
Tom Wright

The best use of imagination, then.

I’m So Bored