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28 Apr 15:10

Taco Bell Fritos-Shell Tacos Spotted In The Wild

by Laura Northrup

So wrong, but I would totally get a Fritos chili cheese taco shell.

(Taco Bell via Brand Eating)

(Taco Bell via Brand Eating)

Back in December, fans of snack chip-flavored taco shells got an enticing hint in a presentation to shareholders in Taco Bell parent company Yum! Brands. As part of a slide showing planned innovations, a taco in a small Fritos bag was shown under the words “Revolutionizing the taco.” A Fritos-shell taco? What madness was this? The crunchy corn shells have become reality, and Taco Bell is beginning to test them.

You’re out of luck, Fritos fans, unless you live in Memphis, Tennessee. If you do, then you can get one for $1.49, or as part of a combo box with a beverage, a Doritos Locos taco (of course), and a Burrito Supreme.

Considering the crunchy success of Doritos Locos Tacos, it could work…but do people love Fritos as much as they love the flavor-coated tastiness of Doritos? That’s why Taco Bell is testing this line before rolling it out everywhere.

Take Our Poll
22 Apr 14:34

Microbial Group Dynamics

by Katie


Note: These are all fake group names. Viruses and tardigrades don’t have group names that I’ve ever heard of, and if anything, a group of bacteria would be a culture.

The post Microbial Group Dynamics appeared first on Beatrice the Biologist.

14 Apr 20:17

FDA To Health Food Companies: The Word ‘Healthy’ Has An Actual Meaning

by Laura Northrup

Therefore "the product contains added substances." WORDS have meanings. Some words/contexts' meanings are regulated by the FDA.

Kind bars are quite tasty, but are they healthy? Sure, they’re made from ostensibly healthy ingredients like nuts and dried fruit, but some bars also have ingredients like chocolate and peanut butter. The Food and Drug Administration sent the company a warning letter about their use of the word “healthy” to describe their snacks on the label.

Of course the FDA has rules about who can plaster the word “healthy” on their packaging: they also have rules about which products are allowed to call themselves peanut butter and ice cream. Unlike “natural,” which seems to be a meaningless marketing buzzword when it comes to food, the FDA will catch up with companies that label their products as “healthy.” Eventually.

In the case of Kind’s products, it was their saturated fat content that caught the FDA’s attention.

In accordance with 21 CFR 101.65(d)(2), you may use the term “healthy” as an implied nutrient content claim on the label or in the labeling of a food provided that the food, among other things, is “low saturated fat” as defined in 21 CFR 101.62(c)(2)

That would mean that the item has one gram or less of saturated fat per serving, or that 15% of its calories or fewer come from saturated fat. That isn’t the case with Kind bars. A company representative explained to Bloomberg News that this is because the bars are made from nuts, which contain “healthy fats.” That may be true, and the FDA’s regulations may need updating with more current information about health and nutrition, but food on the market now has to follow current regulations.

Bragg, a venerable brand in the natural foods world, also received its own warning letter about its use of the term “healthy” on the label. The FDA also objected to the product being labeled “no additives.” Why? You can see them turn on the bureaucratic snark:

Your product bears the claim “No Additives[.]” To the extent that this claim means that your Bragg Healthy Vinaigrette product contains no added substances, we note that the list of ingredients on your product label indicates that the product is composed of more than one ingredient, and therefore that the product contains added substances.

Can’t argue with that.

Kind has responded to the FDA, and will need to change the packaging of its products or risk having them pulled from store shelves.

KIND, LLC 3/17/15 [FDA Compliance Letters]

13 Apr 14:43

Here's a Puppy in a Onesie for Your Monday

10 Apr 16:14

Sometimes Ignorance is Bliss


One of my cousins has French bulldogs (iirc), in part because they can't lick their own butts (Clean kisses!). Then she saw them eating turkey poop in the yard. I just try not to think about it.

dogs,gross,comics,ignorance is bliss

Submitted by: Unknown

10 Apr 14:06

Friday Favs 4/10/15

by Jen

A Barbie/princess cake with Godzilla or a dinosaur sticking out the top would be one I could approve of.

Some of my favorite new submissions this week:


You'll never guess what kind of party this cake was for. NEVER.

Unless maybe you can read.


Eric A. reports that someone is taking a bite INTO crime at his local grocery store:

And I shouldn't be finding this quite so funny, should I.

(Hey, we've all been there, random drive-by cake eater. We've all been there.)


Think Big Bakery doesn't read this blog? WELL THEY DO. Proof: they've finally agreed with me that most bakers can't even pipe a simple balloon, and have started providing plastic ones instead.

But don't you worry, guys: where there's a wreckerator, there's a wreck:

"They just have to add strings," they said.
"It'll be easy," they said.
"No WAY anyone could foul that up," they said.


Now, I know that Easter has already come and gone, but... hey, actually, that's a pretty good segue for this:


Suzanne assures me this is exactly how her "Easter Bread" looked straight out of the package. I don't know what they were going for - besides the obvious - but it certainly rose to the occasion, no matter how you slice it. (Maybe a cross? Thor's hammer? A bug-eyed, one-eared bunny? [....and now that's ALL you see. Ha!])

Note how I resisted making any egg jokes, you guys. NOTE IT.


And finally, over on Facebook a while back I shared this fun Godzilla Princess cake that ThinkGeek posted:

Well, CW reader David got a big kick out of it, and put in a request with his friends. But then, "they went one better," he says, "and had an even awesomer one made for my birthday."

I think Dave's right, you guys; this is pretty epic:


May your weekend be as fun as a dino in a dress, everybody.


And thanks to Bethany P., Eric A., Taryn F., Suzanne C., & David E. for the Cinderella Toy Story.


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09 Apr 14:36

An Extraordinary Photo Of A Bobcat Fishing For Sharks

by George Dvorsky

That photo is awesome.

Earlier this week, a Florida resident was taking a stroll along Vero Beach in Florida's Sebastian Inlet State Park when he saw a bobcat staring at a shark that was feeding on smaller fish. But suddenly, the hunter became the hunted.


07 Apr 17:27

Floridians Won't Stop Drowning Tortoises They're Trying to "Set Free"

by Ashley Feinberg

If it's in the road, move it to the side of the road. If it have claws it doesn't want to be in the ocean.

Gopher tortoises, who enjoy being on land where they're able to maintain such basic functions as breathing and not dying, cannot swim. Which is why Florida would like to ask its residents to stop "helping" the tortoises find their way to the ocean's cold, watery depths.


07 Apr 16:06

Brontosaurus Should Be Reinstated As A Distinct Dinosaur, Say Scientists

by George Dvorsky

I don't care about all the taxonomic intricacies - I just like "thunder lizard.' Can we get "eohippus" back, too?

It's the most famous dinosaur that never was — or at least that's what paleontologists have believed for 112 years. After an exhaustive comparative analysis of over 500 physical characteristics, researchers have concluded that Brontosaurus is sufficiently distinct from Apatosaurus to warrant its own genus. Bronto, it appears, is back.


07 Apr 16:05

The creative struggle...


The man's keepin' him down!

07 Apr 13:43

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Realistic Adultery Parameters


I would totally cheat on Chris to increase NASA funding. He would probably cheer me on.

Hovertext: Adultery for NASA! Let's start a movement!

New comic!
Today's News:

 Nerd dreams *do* come true.

06 Apr 15:19

04/01/15 PHD comic: 'Srsly, this happens.'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Srsly, this happens." - originally published 4/1/2015

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

03 Apr 16:14

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Happiness Spigot


Hovertext: Also pukes on you a few times a day for about 1 year after installation.

New comic!
Today's News:

GUYS! I'm gonna be on Science Friday today! Please tune in at 220 Central Time. 

03 Apr 14:25

Oh For the Love of ... Disney's Making a Live-Action Winnie the Pooh

by Katharine Trendacosta

Oh bother!

We know. We double-checked that we hadn't all made a mistake and it was April Fool's Day again. But, no, this seems legitimate: Disney's planing on making a live-action Winnie the Pooh.


02 Apr 18:25

Fresh from the oven.

by Jessica Hagy


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The post Fresh from the oven. appeared first on Indexed.

27 Mar 14:01

Fossilized Tortoise


If the fringe of the shell weren't broken off, it would look like he'd taken a turn too fast and hit the mud bank.


Photographer: James Ruddy
Summary AuthorJames Ruddy

Featured above is an almost complete shell body of a fossilized tortoise (Stylemys nebrascensis). It was found eroding out of a clay hillside in the White River Badlands of South Dakota -- in the Buffalo Gap National Grasslands. This is perhaps the most common fossil found in the White River Badlands and was first discovered and described in 1851. It's from the Oligocene Epoch or the Paleogene Period that extended from 33.9 to 23 million years before present. Photo taken on July 24, 2009.

Photo details: Camera Maker: NIKON; Camera Model: COOLPIX L11; Focal Length: 6.2mm (35mm equivalent: 37mm); Aperture: ƒ/2.8; Exposure Time: 0.023 s (1/44); ISO equiv: 64.   

24 Mar 19:03

Leftover bacon? Lol that’s up there with unicorns, leprechauns, and soulmates.


There don't appear to be any tongue marks. Must be one spoiled kitty.


LoL by: chianty

Tagged: myth , Cats , bacon
23 Mar 16:11

"Near-Miss Day" Hits Home

by Jen

Last one works if they are fraternal twins.

It's Near-Miss Day, minions, and I know *just* how to celebrate:


[singsong] With a UNICOOORN!

[head tilt]

Is... is that a beak?


K, icks-nay on the unicorns.
How 'bout a cute butterfly?



Elephant cupcakes?


Glass of wine? (Please?)



C'mon, bakers, it's not like I'm asking for a star performance...



Tell ya what, guys, just slap down a few celebratory balloons, and we'll call it a day.

Oooh, festive.










Thanks to Brandi F., Leigh J., Amy H., Michelle, Kerri T., Daniel B., Hilary E., Claire, Eric P., & Joe V. for the farthest "near" misses of the day.


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23 Mar 15:59

Police Dispose Of 20,000 Pounds Of Fireworks By Detonating Them All

by Lauren Davis

This reminds me of a Reno 911 episode where they destroyed a bunch of confiscated marijuana by having a big bonfire. I think they did fireworks once, too. Or maybe they did thought burning fireworks would be a great idea after standing around the pot-bonfire?

Recently, 20,000 pounds of fireworks were seized in Glasscock County, Texas, and the local bomb squads helped the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to dispose of them. How? By exploding the whole lot of them over the course of three and a half days and creating a tower of sparkling smoke.


10 Mar 18:51

A Royal Flycatcher - before and after

by Minnesotastan

Before and after what? A couple shots of tequila?

Via Reddit.
06 Mar 15:36

This Is The Woman Who Replaced Skylab's Destroyed Sunshield

by Mika McKinnon

Shared so I have an excuse to share to related tidbits: One of Chris's great-aunts sewed spacesuits. My Dad fired* the guy who carved the molds for the personal fit face-masks during Apollo program (chimps and people).

*During the reduction of force in the '70s and he actually went back to his previous (civil-service military) job of gardener, iirc, for the 6 months until he could retire, which took some convincing since he didn't really want to do that again. Whenever a position is eliminated the employee always has the option to return to their previous position, I don't know what happens if it's your first job.

When the Skylab orbital workshop was damaged on launch, it lost its sunshield and started overheating. This is a story of Alyene Baker saving the station, and a story of never underestimating the importance of being able to improvise with a sewing machine.


06 Mar 15:31

Until the Thermometer Hits 70 or The Groundhog Has Heat Stroke

cat,black cats,snow,winter

Whichever comes first.

LoL by: Sylviag

Tagged: cat , black cats , snow , winter
04 Mar 21:10

Man Celebrating 101st Birthday At Restaurant That Gives Discounts Based On Age Gets $0.07 Refund On Meal

by Mary Beth Quirk


There are many perks of growing old — seeing your kids have kids, wearing shirts that say “World’s Best Grandma,” calling rowdy youngsters “whippersnappers” and more — and getting discounts on things is definitely not the least of those. But one centenarian learned that he’d reached a point where you can actually get a free mail and get paid just for your age.

A 101-year-old New Hampshire man had breakfast on the house at a Manchester restaurant that rewards customers dining on their birthdays with a discount based on their age, reports

So for example, if you’re turning five years old, the restaurant covers 5% of your bill. If you’re 85, you get 85% of your tab paid. That means that at 100, your birthday meal is free — and at 101, you actually get 101% of your meal paid for — or a 1% refund.

Thus, after chomping on scrambled eggs and ham and a piece of chocolate cake for free, the World War II veteran got $0.07 back from the restaurant. Not a bad birthday gift, if you ask me.

Man, 101, eats birthday breakfast on the house []

03 Mar 18:20

Police In New Hampshire Town Issuing Tickets Good For Free Pizza And French Fries

by Mary Beth Quirk

O.M.G. - A) PIZZA and FRENCH FRIES! B) Can the UA cops do this for peds and cyclists, and maybe drivers who DON'T block the intersection?

This is what fries look like, sometimes. (Dyanna Hyde)

This is what fries look like, sometimes. (Dyanna Hyde)

I’m halfway out the door already: Police in a New Hampshire town are rewarding residents for good behavior by issuing them with tickets that are good for free pizza and French fries. I repeat: FREE PIZZA AND FRENCH FRIES.

Winter has been tough in Farmington, N.H., so the police department thought it might be nice to make people happy for getting through the season, reports

Cops are now roving the town, on the lookout for good citizens to reward with calorie-laden, delicious prizes.

“We’ll be looking not only for people in violation of our laws in the state of New Hampshire, but we’ll also be looking out for people that are following the law – using crosswalks, driving properly, using turn signals,” Chief John Drury of the Farmington Police Department told WMUR.

Residents won’t have to go through the dread of being pulled over with lights or sirens, however — cops will make sure to hand out gift cards safely. Those cards have been donated by a local restaurant, which saw the opportunity to bring people in adfer the chief offered to pay for them all.

“We’ll know that they’re good and they can get a free small fry or grab a slice of pizza – whatever the coupon entitles them to – and they can get on with their day,” a manager at the restaurant told the station. “It’s definitely the best ticket to be getting around here. That’s for sure.”

The original plan for the droolworthy tickets was limited to just March, but police said they might repeat the project in the future if all goes well this time around. What can go wrong when pizza and French fries get together? I’ll let you answer that yourself.

Farmington police awarding good behavior in town []

03 Mar 15:53

Unusual Names Day - Now With More Porn!

by Jen

'Porn' could be a non-European based name. I've heard of 'Phuc' (yes pronouced with a uh (short u?)) from Korea, as I recall.

It may be "Unusual Names Day" to you, but for me? IT'S CHRISTMAS.

And here are some of the names on my list:



Ellen & Philip:



Try not to call your friend Georgia "Gorgia" from now on. JUST TRY.




Way to OWN that line spacing, baker.


Sophie & Reilly:

Oh, the irony. It's a two-fer!



Is this a real name? Please let this be a real name. If only so I can imagine someone saying, "Well, I should head over to the preschool to pick up my Porn."

Or, "Would you ask the babysitter to watch Porn for me?"

Or, "Hey, Mom, I posted pictures of Porn on your Facebook page!"

Or, "Thanks to Porn, I haven't slept in a week and my house is full of stinky diapers."

[gigglesnort] Yep, it's official: someone needs to at least name their dog/cat Porn, STAT.


Um, so I had more cakes to post, but I seem to have completely derailed myself with the Porn thing.
(Bet all you cubicle workers know what I mean, EH? Heyoooo!)

So here, let's just go out with a bang:
(Or did we do that already?? [Ok, Ok, I'll stop.])

I guess the lawyers insisted.

(And I can't even tell you what they renamed Piglet.)


Thanks to Andi V., Amadie H., Bryar, Jennifer A., Mark B., Rich G., Holly S., & Rachel F. for helping make today's post especially classy. (POOP AND PORN 4EVA!!!)


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26 Feb 22:01

Newly-Discovered "Sparklemuffin" Peacock Spider Is Here To Party

by Cheryl Eddy

I don't know about cute, close ups of spiders are always creepy to me. It's the extra eyes. Sparklemuffin does have a great ass, though.

Well, helllooo! Meet one of the only arachnids that we'd actually call "cute," a newly-identified species of peacock spider dubbed "Sparklemuffin." Another new discovery, "Skeletorus" (which is also pretty cute, with added mod-meets-goth flair), is pictured below.


26 Feb 15:37

February 25, 2015


Psychology and Economics - scary or awesome?

In case you missed it, thanks to our patreon subscribers, old comics are now getting voteys! If we raise a bit more, I'll increase the rate to 2 a day!
26 Feb 15:36

#662 Fux Capacitor

by treelobsters
23 Feb 19:11

Find Out Why These Gillty Fish Deserved To Be Shamed


Denise, maybe don't show this one to G.


Because fish can be jerks too.

Submitted by:

Tagged: list , jerks , shaming , fish
19 Feb 15:57

We Are All Weiners

by The CW Team

"Since Oscar grew a nice pair of groobs [grouchy boobs], this will also work for the SAGs" HAHAHAHHAHA! (I don't know why, but I had to share.)

We've already had the Golden Globes:


...and the People's Choice:


So now it's time for the Oscars! Yay!

(Since Oscar grew a nice pair of groobs [grouchy boobs], this will also work for the SAGs.)


Check out some of the nominees:


Thanks, Moomy.


The Imitation Game:

What does it all mean?


American Sniper:

Because America, that's why.


The Theory of Everything:

Stephen Hawking explains how all this stuff can exist on one cake at the same point in time.



I hear it's about a drummer whose instructor is a huge pain in the neck.




"Gobble gobble, motherf***er."

Sadly there can only be one winner, but remember, guys, it's an honor just to be wreckerated.


Thanks to Amanda L., Clairance C., Ingra P., Candy D., Leah McC., Amber G., Christie L., Emily F., Jenn A., Nicole H., Afton N., and Claire O., who all understood that reference.


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