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30 Jan 14:14

There were no digital effects used in that shot. They actually...

by aishiterushit

There were no digital effects used in that shot. They actually had David Bowie hanging upside-down on this rig system with his boot glued to the brick. Then they just flipped him around and were like, ok David, don’t die.

29 Jan 17:34

Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just The Megacity 1,000 Miles Away?

by Alex

Image caption: On May 11-12, 1997, NASA used a specially outfitted Lear Jet to collect thermal data on metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Nicknamed "Hot-Lanta" by some of its residents, the city saw daytime air temperatures of only about 26.7 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit) on those days, but some of its surface temperatures soared to 47.8 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit). In this image, blue shows cool temperatures and red shows warm temperatures. Pockets of especially hot temperatures appear in white. (Image courtesy NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio.) via Wikipedia

Is it hot in here or is it just the megacity a continent away? Just when you thought that climate change couldn't get any more controversial, a new study reveals that urban heat island can affect the weather thousands of miles away:

“What we found is that energy use from multiple urban areas collectively can warm the atmosphere remotely, thousands of miles away from the energy consumption regions,” said lead author Guang Zhang of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. “This is accomplished through atmospheric circulation change.”

In studying the excess heat generated by daily activities in cities around the Northern Hemisphere, Zhang and colleagues from the National Center for Atmospheric Research and elsewhere found that a significant amount of the heat is lifted into the jet stream, causing the fast-moving current of air to widen. Overall, this causes an average of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit warming during the winter for most of North America and Asia, and 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit cooling during the fall for Europe.

The explanation for this phenomenon is fairly simple: A disproportionate amount of the excess heat produced by human activity is concentrated in a few key areas, and many of these areas (the East and West coasts of the U.S., as well as Western Europe and East Asia) lie underneath the jet stream and other prominent air circulation belts. When the heat is taken up into the system, it disrupts the normal flow of energy and can cause surface temperatures to change in distant locales affected by the same air circulation patterns.

As a result of the urban heat island, the temperature over a wide area can rise or fall by a couple of degrees. Read more over at the Smithsonian Magazine's Suprising Science Blog: Link
29 Jan 15:34

‘Mood Indigo’ Trailer: Michel Gondry Unveils Another Dreamy Romance

by Angie Han

Michel Gondry‘s varied resume includes several documenatires, a superhero flick, and a scrappy urban drama, but he’s still best known for his most whimsical, even dreamlike creations. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is rightly hailed as a classic, and while Be Kind Rewind and The Science of Sleep aren’t at that level, they had a sweet, oddball charm that felt uniquely Gondrian.

His newest feature, Mood Indigo, puts him squarely back into that same quirky territory. The romance follows a blissed-out young couple (Romain Duris and Audrey Tautou) whose marriage becomes complicated by her illness. If that doesn’t sound so weird, wait til you hear the details: He’s the wealthy young inventor of an olfactory-musical device called the pianocktail, her sickness is caused by a water lily in her lung, and the only treatment is to surround her constantly with fresh flowers. Mood Indigo is actually an adaptation of Boris Vian‘s 1947 novel L’Écume des Jours, but Gondry could hardly have found a more suitable premise for his sensibility if he’d come up with it himself. Watch the first trailer after the jump.

Vulture picked up the new trailer, which is in French with no subtitles. Fortunately, you don’t need to speak the language to appreciate Gondry’s weird little universe, the Lumineers’ “Hey Ho,” or the way Tautou and Duris look at each other.

Gondry’s strong visual sense makes for great trailers, even if the movies themselves turn out to be wildly uneven. It’s too soon to tell whether Mood Indigo is as messy as some of his others have been, but it certainly looks lovely. Plus, the cast is top-notch (Omar Sy, Gad Elmaleh, and Aïssa Maïga also star with Tautou and Duris) and the story sounds appealingly bittersweet. Given all those factors, this could very well prove his best film since Eternal Sunshine.

Mood Indigo opens April 24 in France, and will open in the U.S. at an unspecified date later this year.

29 Jan 14:51

Google publica mapa atualizado da Coreia do Norte com campos de prisioneiros

O Google publicou um mapa atualizado da Coreia do Norte onde podem ser identificados os campos de concentração do regime comunista, assim como um centro de pesquisa nuclear, em um momento de crescente tensão entre Pyongyang e a comunidade internacional. "Durante muito tempo, a Coreia do Norte permaneceu como uma das mais amplas zonas com dados cartográficos limitados. Atualmente, estamos remediando", escreveu em seu blog Jayanth Mysore, diretor do Google Map Maker.
Google Maps amplia cobertura sobre a Coreia do Norte e revela os campos de concentração comunistas, também conhecidos como "gulags"
Google Maps amplia cobertura sobre a Coreia do Norte e revela os campos de concentração comunistas
Leia mais (29/01/2013 - 11h12)
29 Jan 14:50

How I'm expecting Valentine's Day to go down

Submitted by: madeyoulol
Posted at: 2013-01-29 03:56:25
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29 Jan 14:50

How do you even have that much evil in your heart.

29 Jan 14:43

Cracking the Retinal Code

Blindness is a private matter between a person and the eyes with which he or she was born .

29 Jan 14:24

Spider Pushes Down Web To Catch A Bug



Spider Pushes Down Web To Catch A Bug

Submitted by: ToolBee

Tagged: nature , yikes , crazy , gifs , spider Share on Facebook
29 Jan 14:23

NOVO MENE os animais que fazem um Globo Repórter sobre a vida do...

by pensamentosdoamanha

NOVO MENE os animais que fazem um Globo Repórter sobre a vida do Sergio Chapelin

28 Jan 13:59

Banana oxidation art, made using only a pin.

Submitted by: thatiscool
Posted at: 2013-01-28 02:16:26
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28 Jan 00:55

Found in my physics book

Submitted by: madeyoulol
Posted at: 2013-01-27 09:10:01
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28 Jan 00:54

The progress bar

Submitted by: smileifuh8ppl2
Posted at: 2013-01-27 05:27:31
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28 Jan 00:45




Submitted by: terius33

Tagged: capitalism , hugs , money Share on Facebook
28 Jan 00:37

NVIDIA's GeForce Experience gaming tune-up reaches open beta

by Jon Fingas

NVIDIA GeForce Experience beta

NVIDIA wants to take the mystery out of gaming performance through its GeForce Experience. It's been hard to appreciate that when the app has been in closed testing for well over a month, however -- so it's good news that the company just recently opened the beta program to everyone. Along with bringing faster and better-looking graphics to the PC gaming masses, the public version widens the optimizations to include Core 2 processors, 2,560 x 1,440 displays and games like Far Cry 3 and Mechwarrior Online. There's no word yet on when the app will reach its finished form, although we hope it's sooner rather than later when Project Shield's remote PC game streaming will depend on GeForce Experience to run. For now, players running Windows can grab the beta at the source link.

Filed under: Gaming, Software, NVIDIA


Via: WinBeta

Source: NVIDIA

27 Jan 23:19

Voice Over

by René

Vimeo Direktvoice

Sehr schöner Kurzfilm von Martín Rosete, der einen erstmal mit SciFi abholt, dann mit drei oder vier tollen Twists überrascht und am Ende eine wirklich wunderbare Auflösung hinlegt. Toll!

I-will-not-tell-you-whose voice leads us through three extreme situations that are actually the same… Will you survive?

Voice Over, hier noch ein Making Of des Films (via Seitvertreib)

27 Jan 22:29

Synthetic alcohol: booze without the hangover

by Sam Scott
No hangovers

What is non-alcoholic and non-toxic but gives you the buzz of a beer? Synthetic alcohol, according to David Nutt of the Brain Sciences Division at Imperial College London.

Nutt, formerly the government's senior drugs adviser, has identified a substance that is alcohol-free but acts as a substitute. It has a chemical structure similar to benzodiazepine, a class of psychoactive drugs that treat anxiety and insomnia. The as-yet-unnamed drug can produce alcohol's desirable effects such as sociability and relaxation, but without negative effects such as nausea.

By: Sam Scott, Edited by: David Cornish

Continue reading...
27 Jan 21:47

January 26, 2013

27 Jan 21:38

Chaos Outside Brazil Nightclub Fire That Killed More Than 200

A fire erupted at a nightclub in southern Brazil early Jan. 27. Nearly 250 people were killed and another 200 were injured in the deadliest fire of its kind in a decade.
27 Jan 21:37

Weekend Diversion: The Methuselah of Mars

by Ethan

“In any field, find the strangest thing and then explore it.” -John Archibald Wheeler

Sometimes, things get difficult. Sometimes, there are challenges you have to face that you never even expected, much less were prepared for. And sometimes, it seems like there’s no point in even holding on to hope that things will get better. But as long, as The National would tell you, as you’re no


you’ve still got something worth striving for. Even if there’s something newer, shinier, and more powerful than you.

Image credit: NASA / Hubble Space Telescope.

Even on Mars.

Nine years (and three days) ago, on January 24, 2004, Mars Opportunity began its mission on the surface of the red planet.

Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech.

Despite plenty of advance testing here on Earth and countless simulations anticipating what Opportunity would face, no one quite knew exactly how the rover would perform once it arrived on the Martian surface. And at a typical distance of over 20 light-minutes from its controllers, it needed to be able to make its own driving decisions and maneuvers.

And designed for a 90-day mission and 2.5 million turns of its wheels, powered by its on-board solar panels, only time would tell exactly what Opportunity would actually wind up doing.

Images credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Cornell / Arizona State Univ.

But it’s been more than 3000 days, over 70 million turns of its wheels, and a lifetime’s worth of discoveries that make Opportunity the most successful planetary science mission of all-time. And it’s still going. The panorama above — shown in both true color (top) and false color (bottom) to highlight the different features in the terrain — is just one of a myriad of images from this unforgettable mission.

While the world has moved on to focus on Curiosity, the latest generation of Mars rover, Opportunity is still going strong, and has a lifetime of achievement behind it. Let’s take a look back.

Image credit: NASA / JPL.

It discovered the very first meteorite — an iron-nickel fragment — on the surface of another world.

Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech.

It exhibits the same surface features that windblown sand creates on iron-nickel meteorites found in the desert here on Earth: exactly what you’d expect to find on Mars.

Image credit: NASA / JPL.

Since it began its journey at Eagle Crater on Mars in 2004, Opportunity has taken an unprecedented journey to some spectacular places, including Endurance crater,

Image credit: NASA / JPL.

where Opportunity was able, for the first time, to take a look at some of the sedimentary history of the Martian surface. The hills and cliffs inside this crater are so steep that pieces of Mars’ geological history were revealed, as the photo of Burns cliff inside the crater shows.

Image credit: NASA / JPL.

It also visited a slew of other interesting features, including the beautiful Erebus crater,

Image credit: Mars Opportunity Rover / NASA / JPL.

The deep and spectacular Victoria Crater, with one of its many outcroppings (Cape St. Vincent) shown below,

Image credit: NASA / JPL / Cornell.

and in the area surrounding Victoria, Opportunity found “Martian blueberries,” or hematite spheres that look to be evidence of past water on Mars.

Image credit: JPL / NASA / Cornell University.

Blueberries were found at other sites, too, but after visiting Victoria crater, the decision was made that Opportunity would run the first Mars-half-marathon, and head to the gigantic Endeavour crater, despite the fact that its solar panels were only operating at 50%, thanks to being covered in years of Martian dust.

Image credit: NASA / JPL.

But a simple gust of wind came along and partially cleared off the panels, giving the eponymous rover the opportunity to make the spectacular journey in less time than anyone had anticipated.

Image credit: NASA / JPL.

Last year, during Martian winter, it took the most spectacular panorama of its entire journey: an 817-image-composite of Greeley Haven.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/Arizona State Univ.

And the journey continues. The half-marathon has pushed Opportunity’s total mileage up over 22 miles so far, which means that later this year, if all goes well, it should become the most-traveled vehicle on any world beyond Earth, breaking the 30+ year old record held by a Russian lunar rover.

And if you want to know what a 3-year, half-marathon journey looks like, from Victoria to Endeavour craters, the Opportunity team has put a spectacular video together.

So the next time you think of Mars, don’t just think about Curiosity and the latest, newest, shiniest thing to see. Remember her much older sister, Opportunity, still chugging away and finding things we’ve never expected, from mineral veins to evidence for past water.

It’s the longest-running-rover in history, and it’s still full of life. As she enters her tenth year on the red planet, don’t forget about Opportunity, the Methuselah of Mars!

27 Jan 21:34

China and Japan

Submitted by: madeyoulol
Posted at: 2013-01-27 09:10:22
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27 Jan 21:33

This is the Immortal Jellyfish, a small jellyfish hydrozoan. It's currently the only known species known to man to live forever.

27 Jan 21:32

Hydroelectricity in Brazil

by carolcavaleiro

Hydroeletrics are Brazil's biggest source of power. Howhever, this summer didn't rained as much as expected, causing blackouts in some states. Done with Rubens Paiva e Edmilson Silva.
27 Jan 21:22

Homenagem às vítimas: um mutirão nacional nas casas de show

by luisnassif

Por Robson Lopes

O que ocorreu em Santa Maria, infelizmente, é uma tragédia anunciada, nós não precisamos ter dons premonitórios para ver que isso está prestes a ocorrer em grande parte das boates do país e em muitos locais de eventos.

leia mais

27 Jan 21:12

January 27, 2013

27 Jan 17:11

January 26, 2013

26 Jan 23:26

Anhumas Abyss, where the sun rays touch the ocean bottom.

Submitted by: thatiscool
Posted at: 2013-01-26 11:44:29
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26 Jan 23:13

Found some awesome bookends

Submitted by: madeyoulol
Posted at: 2013-01-26 04:56:22
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26 Jan 23:12

You text someone something really heartfelt. They respond: "Who is this?"

You text someone something really heartfelt.
26 Jan 23:12

É bem assim...

by Mauricio Amaral

26 Jan 23:10



não pisar em nada se voltar ao passado