Shared posts

26 Jan 12:30

An Owl Burrito To Go, Please

by Brinke

These little fellows are called Saw-Whet Owls, at the University of Minnesota Raptor Center’s clinic. The clinic nurses ‘em back to health when they have medical needs.


Rachel G. spotted this on The Animal Blog.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: owls
26 Jan 10:45

Timing is Everything in Photography

26 Jan 10:31

Sealed water garden thriving for 40 years without any water or air

26 Jan 10:19

Amy Pond, Fashion Critic

by John Farrier

Sombreros are cool

Yeah, it's pretty much time to find a new traveling companion. Artist Janey-Jane captures the unsupportive attitude that got her written out of Doctor Who.

Link -via Nerd Bastards

26 Jan 10:19

Try to participate in conversation No one hears you

Try to participate in conversation

No one hears you
26 Jan 10:17

This works like a charm

Submitted by: captioned
Posted at: 2013-01-25 17:49:46
See full post and comment:

26 Jan 10:17

Don't know what to get her for Valentines day?

Submitted by: captioned
Posted at: 2013-01-25 17:51:18
See full post and comment:

26 Jan 10:12


by aishiterushit
26 Jan 10:08

XBMC workaround for Android hardware video acceleration

by Mike Szczys

Waiting for the OUYA


An unofficial, but fully functional release of XBMC should make the uber-popular media center software work with almost all Android devices. About six months ago the developers of XBMC announced that it had been ported for Android. That was true, but there was one caveat. The port was made functional on one specific Android device. The hardware company Pivos paid for the devs to add support for their Xios DS device. Although that build could be run on other Android devices, the hardware video acceleration could only be use if it was the same as the Xios. When not using the hardware acceleration many common video formats would only play at a few frames per second, if at all.

This build is a workaround and is not officially supported. What it brings to the table is the ability to use an external media player with XBMC. This way any video format which your Android device is capable of playing (with hardware acceleration) can be launched from XBMC but will be played by the native video application. We haven’t tried it for ourselves. If you have we’d love to hear about your experience in the comments.

[via Ars Technica]

Filed under: android hacks
26 Jan 10:07


26 Jan 10:05

2013 Golden Globe Superhero Awards Also In Attendance: The...

2013 Golden Globe Superhero Awards

Also In Attendance: The Batman With Nipples, Dr. Chase Meridian, Invisible Woman, War Machine, Sabretooth, Two-Face, Elektro, Mr. Freeze, Colonel Chester Philips, Aunt May, Chudnofsky

26 Jan 10:01

Keep Waiting

ships,eventually it will hit,gifs,keep waiting,space

Submitted by: Unknown

25 Jan 15:25

January 25, 2013

25 Jan 14:48

Rockman Legends Was Always My Favorite Rockstation Game

playstation,rock,nerdgasm,hacked irl,video games

Submitted by: Unknown

25 Jan 08:20


25 Jan 08:20

o que a vida tribal pode nos ensinar

A tribo kaulong, da Nova Bretanha, costumava ter uma forma extrema de lidar com famílias em luto. Até os anos 50, as mulheres dessa ilha do sudoeste do Pacífico que enviuvavam eram estranguladas pelos irmãos do marido, ou, na ausência destes, por um de seus filhos. O costume não permitia outra saída. Descumprir a norma implicava desonra, e as viúvas faziam questão de pedir estrangulamento assim que seus maridos morressem. O impacto sobre as famílias era devastador, como Jared Diamond deixa claro em "The World Until Yesterday" ("o mundo até ontem", em tradução livre), seu mais recente livro. "Em um caso, uma viúva --cujos cunhados estavam ausentes-- ordenou que o filho a matasse", ele conta.
Arquivo pessoal
O biólogo Jared Diamond na Nova Guiné
O biólogo Jared Diamond na Nova Guiné
Leia mais (23/01/2013 - 19h20)
25 Jan 08:20

So this is what time zones look like in Antarctica

by Robert T. Gonzalez
Click here to read So this is what time zones look like in Antarctica Pretty trippy, right? Given that Antarctica rests on every line of longitude, you might be tempted to think the continent observes every single time zone, but this is not the case. In fact, as the maps featured here illustrate, even regions that lie along the same meridian don't necessarily observe the same time zones, due in large part to the range of territorial claims on the continent. Some places — labeled in red — have no time zone, and just observe Coordinated Universal Time, by default. More »

25 Jan 08:20

News and updates


(Image source: Wikipedia)

We hope that you all had a great holiday season and entered 2013 as enthusiastic as we are now! As you may guess we are receiving tons of emails with feature requests, and to make those easier to track we have configured a special feedback page. Go ahead and check it out - you can submit new feature requests as well as vote for existing ones. Also this now gives us lots of visibility into what our users really want, so we can spend our time on what’s important first. Keep your voices coming, but please avoid creating duplicate issues (we hate deleting them).

During past months we have mostly been busy refactoring our database backend. This is not something that you can see, but it helped us cut some hardware costs and will ensure that we can scale as fast as our user base grows. We also implemented some minor features you’ve been asking about - reverse post sorting and new passwordless Pocket integration. (You will need to check your Settings menu for that).

Unteleported logo

You might have also noticed a new image that says Unteleported on our main page. Don’t get scared, as we have not got bought by an evil corporation just yet. We have been discussing various ways to cover our increasing hardware costs, and we liked the idea of being sponsored by cool companies we can relate to. Unteleported is the first of such companies - they are our good old friends, a team of software development professionals (hey, our only real software engineer works there!) who agreed to partially cover our bills. We are extremely grateful for what they do and would like to encourage you to check their new shiny website out. If you have a cool software project to develop, they are the right people!

We were receiving requests and suggestions about translating The Old Reader to various languages. Well, we have a winner! We thank our bright friend and an early Old Reader adopter Daria Nifontova for the Russian translation she made (now available in Settings menu). For anyone else wishing to contribute there is now a separate github repository, and we are happy to accept your pull requests.

And finally, we don’t want to be ahead of ourselves, but our next major update will probably include that B-word we all are waiting for. Cool, no?

25 Jan 08:20

Apollo 16 lunar rover dash cam

by Jason Kottke

I had no idea there was footage shot on the Moon from the perspective of a lunar rover passenger...basically a lunar rover dash cam. It's the second half of this short video:

Amazing. The first part shows the rover speeding off (at about 6 miles/hr), being put through its paces. From the transcript of the "Grand Prix":

124:58:52 Duke: The suspension system on that thing is fantastic!

124:58:54 England: That sounds good. We sound like we probably got enough of the Grand Prix. We're willing to let you go on from here. Call that a (complete) Grand Prix.

124:59:03 Duke: Okay. (Pause) Man, that was all four wheels off the ground, there. Okay. Max stop.

124:59:12 Young: Okay. I don't want to do that.

124:59:13 Duke: Okay. Excuse me.

124:59:16 Young: They say that's a no-no.

124:59:22 Duke: Okay, DAC off; Mark. Okay, John. DAC's off.

124:59:27 Young: Okay. I have a lot of confidence in the stability of this contraption.

124:59:30 Duke: Me, too.

124:59:32 England: Sounds great.

Also, we took a fucking car to the Moon! Three times!

Tags: Apollo   Apollo 16   NASA   space
25 Jan 02:29


25 Jan 02:29

I lie like him. Like a Moss!

I lie like him. Like a Moss!

25 Jan 02:29

tastysynapse: Zen Pencils Comic: 100. CARL SAGAN: Pale blue dot

by crookedindifference
24 Jan 23:08

Comparing Sequences Without Sorting

24 Jan 23:05

J. J. Abrams to Direct ‘Star Wars Episode VII’

by Russ Fischer

The director for Star Wars Episode VII has been revealed, and it is J. J. Abrams, according to The Wrap. While we don’t have a release from LucasFilm at this point, the Wrap reports that Abrams will do the film, despite his proclamation to the contrary last year.

The report says that other directors such as Ben Affleck were in contention for the gig, but that new LucasFilm head Kathleen Kennedy has been heatedly courting Abrams for the job. This represents a unification of sorts for two big franchises, as Abrams has also been shepherding the revival of Star Trek at Paramount. What effect this will have on his position there remains to be seen.

Our sources have been telling us for a while now that Steven Spielberg was really pushing Kennedy to hire Abrams. The story goes that Abrams was the first filmmaker approached after Spielberg, but was very hesitant. Kennedy talked to other directors including Ben Affleck and also Matthew Vaughn who may have pitched to have Chloë Grace Moretz in the lead role. Our sources say that Spielberg was instrumental in convincing Abrams and Kennedy to make it happen.

At the recent Star Trek Into Darkness event, we asked Abrams about this possibility. He admitted that he’d been asked but was almost too intimidated by the possibility. He also said he didn’t think he wanted to be the one handling both “Star” franchises, Wars and Trek. That said, Abrams hinted it was still a possibility.

Abrams has also long said, especially when he first started Star Trek, that he was a much bigger Star Wars fan. Knowing that, we asked him what he thought of the story and script and he admitted he really liked it. Abrams previously said about the possibility of more Star Wars films:

Part of me? Thrilled. Part of me? Terrified. Most of me? Thrillified.

And when he asked about potentially helming Episode 7:

“Look, Star Wars is one of my favorite movies of all time,” J.J. gushed. He added, “I frankly feel that – I almost feel that, in a weird way, the opportunity for whomever it is to direct that movie, it comes with the burden of being that kind of iconic movie and series. I was never a big Star Trek fan growing up, so for me, working on Star Trek didn’t have any of that, you know, almost fatal sacrilege, and so, I am looking forward more than anyone to the next iterations of Star Wars, but I believe I will be going as a paying moviegoer!”

More details as we get them.

Oscar-winning Toy Story 3 and Little Miss Sunshine scribe Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3) is writing Star Wars: Episode VIIMichael Arndt has completed a 40+ page treatment for the future of the series. Simon Kinberg and Lawrence Kasdan are also writing Star Wars universe scripts as well, but it’s unclear whether their stories will be for future episodes in the Skywalker story or if they will be spin-off films.

24 Jan 23:05

J.J Abrams To Direct Star Wars Ep. VII

24 Jan 23:02

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange says a film about his whistle-blowing website is propaganda designed to fan the flames of a war against Iran

24 Jan 22:49



RADIOHEAD a cat screaming down a microphone

Submitted by: Dimethyltrip

Tagged: microphone , radiohead , Cats
24 Jan 22:47

Hola Unblocker Gives You Access to iPlayer, Netflix, Pandora, Hulu, and More Regardless of Region

by Thorin Klosowski
Click here to read Hola Unblocker Gives You Access to iPlayer, Netflix, Pandora, Hulu, and More Regardless of Region Chrome/Firefox: Hola Unblocker is a browser extension that removes region locks and allows you to watch BBC iPlayer, Netflix, Hula, Pandora, and more regardless of where you live. It doesn't require any set up and works right out of the box. More »

24 Jan 22:46

Strange Fruit

art sculpture carving fruit

Sarah Illenberger creates cool food art like this, transforming everyday fruits and veggies into something a little stranger. Check out more in the via link below!

Submitted by: (via Neatorama)

Tagged: art , sculpture , carving , fruit
23 Jan 12:16

Oh grandma...

Submitted by: qasims
Posted at: 2013-01-22 15:37:55
See full post and comment: