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13 Mar 16:28

Thumbs Up, Not Guns!

by René

Großartige Blog-Idee: Thumbs & Ammo shopt Waffen aus Filmpostern und Stills und ersetzt sie mit Thumbs Up: „Real tough guys don’t need guns, they just need a positive, can-do attitude“. (via

biglebowskytumb The Cheer Hunter Taxi_Thumb Reservoir thumbs Naked thumb Hansoloprofilethumb Determinedator Bonnie_and_Clyde thumb
13 Mar 16:17

Obama says cyber threats "ramping up," but U.S. not at war

by (Kevin Collier)

"There’s a big difference between them engaging in cyber espionage or cyber attacks and, obviously, a hot war," Obama told George Stephanopoulos. "What is absolutely true is that we have seen a steady ramping up of cyber security threats."

13 Mar 05:06

A Maxis insider says that SimCity does not run computations on the server, and that single player is possible.

13 Mar 05:00

A Espuma dos Dias | Filme de Michel Gondry tem novo trailer

A Espuma dos Dias (L' Ecume des Jours), novo filme do diretor Michel Gondry (Brilho Eterno de Uma Mente Sem Lembranças) ganhou um novo trailer: <a href="" mce_href="">A Espuma dos Dias | Trailer 2</a> Baseado no romance do escritor francês Boris Vian, a história fantástica acompanha Colin, um jovem abastado que fez sua fortuna de uma curiosa invenção olfativa-musical, o pianocktail. Ele então conhece e se casa com Chloe em uma cerimônia grandiosa e generosamente doa um quarto do seu dinheiro para os amigos Chick e Alise, para que eles também possam se casar. Porém, a tragédia não tarda e ...
13 Mar 01:10

Doomsday Map of Seattle

by Alex Santoso

The bad news is that Seattle has been destroyed and civilization is in ruins. The good news is that you've survived - and thanks to local artist Tony Dowler, you know where not to go in post-apocalyptic Seattle.

Tony has drawn the Seattle Doomsday Map (and a book called "Dee Dee's Doomsday Guide to Seattle"), in which he reimagined The Emerald City after the Apocalypse.

From Tony's Year of the Dungeon blog:

Post Seattle: South Lake Union

Wild dogs and dangerous vagrants here. even the good scrounge’s been picked over.

Some smart geeks’ve set up a pig farm on a rooftop, though. Use the shit to run their generators and grow things hydroponic style. If you send some useful scrap up to them, they might just send down some hothouse cabbages.

There's a scrounger's den on Denny street. Look for the yellow flags. Climb in the third basement window on the left and secure it behind yourself. If you take something from the stash make sure you leave something in return.

Post Seattle: Denny Hill

Lots of people in Denny, but they aren’t folk. A few rival gangs, so don’t get caught wearing the wrong color. I opt for black. Still, you can find copper wire, electronics, and supplies if you know where to look.

One of the gangs here has a secret stash of clean water and lords it over the rest of them. Another gang has a scrounge racket trading in working car batteries. Another one collects ears, so know who you’re dealing with.

Check out more at Tony's blog: Link - via Mighty Mega

13 Mar 00:49

O inverno está chegando…

by Amanda de Almeida

O inverno está chegando. Dia 31 de março, a terceira temporada de Game of Thrones estreia simultaneamente nos Estados Unidos e Brasil. Para quem acompanha a série, o hiato dos últimos meses tem sido uma verdadeira tortura, que ganha requintes de crueldade a cada trailer, a cada poster, a cada notícia.

Mas, enquanto o inverno não chega, vale a pena dar uma olhada neste vídeo de 14 minutos que ajuda a relembrar os momentos mais importantes da segunda temporada, com direito à comentários do elenco e dos produtores D.B. Weiss e David Benioff.

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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13 Mar 00:47

Maurice Moss The IT Crowd: 1.02 - Calamity Jen

Maurice Moss
The IT Crowd: 1.02 - Calamity Jen

13 Mar 00:43


13 Mar 00:42

We are just trying to figure each other out.

We are just trying to figure each other out.

13 Mar 00:42

Breathing Bread


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: wtf , gifs , baking , bread , breathing
13 Mar 00:41

Bilateral gynandromporphism - half female, half male.. This...

Bilateral gynandromporphism - half female, half male.. This genetic anomaly is usually restricted to arthropods, but has been known to express itself in birds as well. 

13 Mar 00:30

Photography of the Elements by R. Tanaka - Bismuth - Gold -...

Photography of the Elements by R. Tanaka

- Bismuth

- Gold

- Palladium

- Platinum

13 Mar 00:24

Pushed code to production, recalled there was a critical bug

by sharhalakis

Submitted by segfault

13 Mar 00:24

Eu, Laerte e Chet Baker - Autor(Adão Iturrusgarai)

Lembro dessa noite como se fosse ontem. Circa 1998, Edifício Bretagne, SP, apto 176, onde eu morava. Devia ser uma quinta-feira, porque era nesse dia que tinha a famigerada reunião semanal de Los 3 Amigos. 

Leia mais...

13 Mar 00:14

Rua Goncalo de Carvalho: Most Beautiful Street in the World via...

Rua Goncalo de Carvalho: Most Beautiful Street in the World via Amusing Planet

13 Mar 00:12

It's Alright, Little Guy!

13 Mar 00:11

al-spudnik: Happy Birthday, Douglas Adams! You pretty much...


Happy Birthday, Douglas Adams! You pretty much defined my middle school experience.

(drawings by me, A.L. Cook)

13 Mar 00:08

Na poltrona

by Valerie Scavone

“Eu não sou muito bom dançarino.” - Pulp Fiction, 1994

Não me lembro de ter vivido um feriado tão longo em toda a minha vida. Assistir filmes está fazendo parte destes meus 5 sábados seguidos e hoje, coincidentemente, encontrei um tmblr com gifs de cinema. À seguir, uma seleção de mise-en-scène para você.

“- E o que você faz nas suas horas de lazer? – Ah, o de sempre: jogo boliche, dirijo por aí e às vezes tenho um flashback de ácido.” - The Big Lebowski, 1998

“As coisas poderiam ser melhores, Lloyd. As coisas poderiam ser muito melhores.” – The Shinning, 1980

“Agora eu tenho sua doença em mim.” – Blue Velvet, 1986

“Eu gosto de deuses. Gosto muito deles. Eu sei exatamente como eles se sentem.” – Le mépris, 1963

“Olha! Tem duas mulheres fodendo um urso polar! – Não me diga estas coisas agora. Agora não, cara.” - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 1998

“-Eu escrevi uma carta de suicídio. – Você fez isso? – Sim! Logo depois que eu retomei a consciência.” - The Royal Tenenbaums, 2001

“Quando você tem que atirar, atire, não fale!” - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, 1966

“Bom dia.” - One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1975

“Tenho péssimas ideias na cabeça.” - Taxi Driver, 1976

“Meu nome é Berg, meu planeta é Urânio.” - The Holy Mountain, 1973

“Eu queria tudo de uma vez só: ser sua esposa e me divertir como uma prostituta.” - La dolce vita, 1960

“Você é Henry?” - Eraserhead, 1976

“Agora eu vejo claramente. Minha vida inteira é apontada em uma única direção. Nunca houve uma escolha para mim.” - Taxi Driver, 1976

“Não sei quando eu voltei. Talvez nunca.” - Twin Peaks, 1992

“Só depois que perdemos tudo que estamos livre para fazer qualquer coisa.” - Fight Club, 1999

“Eu quero que você goste daqui. Eu gostaria que pudéssemos ficar por aqui pra sempre… sempre… sempre!” – The Shinning, 1980

“Foi um pouco da gloriosa 9ª Sinfonia de Beethoven.” - A Clockwork Orange, 1971

“Apenas um é andarilho. Dois juntos estão sempre indo a algum lugar.” - Vertigo, 1958

“Vem brincar com a gente, Danny!” - Shining, 1980

“Isto não mata. É um ritual.” - From Hell, 2001

“- Você gostaria de ser chamada de Belle de Jour? – Desde que você só apareça à tarde.” - Belle de Jour, 1967

“Vem! Está na hora de você dar sua cara para o Machine-Man!” - Metropolis, 1927

“Segunda nós queimaremos Miller. Terça, Tolstoy… Quarta Walt Whitman… Sexta Faulkner. E sábado e domingo, Schopenhauer e Sartre. Nós queimamos em cinzas e depois queimaremos as cinzas. Esse é o nosso lema oficial! - Fahrenheit 451, 1966

“Mr. Corleone é um cara que insiste em ouvir notícia ruim o tempo todo.” - The Godfather, 1972

“Por que você sorri desse jeito? Eu nunca sei se você está me julgando, me absolvendo ou zombando com a minha cara.” - , 1963

Ela poderia ter me engando, mas a minha mãe, ela não engana.” - Psycho, 1960

“Los Angeles, Novembro de 2009 – parte III.” - Blade Runner, 1982

“Dave!” - 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968

“Ela tem os olhos do pai.” - Rosemary’s Baby, 1968

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Tweet Tags: clássicos do cinema, filmes, gif animado
13 Mar 00:06


13 Mar 00:06

cdza Celebrates ‘Epic Key Changes’ in Well-Known Songs

by Kimber Streams

Experimental video musical group cdza explores Epic Key Changes in a video featuring a rapid-fire compilation of songs from the Backstreet Boys, Disney’s Aladdin, The Beatles, The Lonely Island, Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, and many more.

12 Mar 18:31

How to Choose Where to Sit

by Kimber Streams


Designer Alex Cornell helps you figure out how to choose the best seat, or at least “how not to get stuck next to someone that sucks,” with this helpful infographic.

One of the most complex social situations you will encounter is the 45 seconds that elapse while deciding where to sit for dinner at a restaurant. Your choice should appear natural, unbiased and haphazard if executed properly. Timing is everything.

These 45 seconds determine how enjoyable your next 2 hours will be. Once the pieces start to fall into place and people take their seats, your choices narrow. People sit, seemingly at random, and if you don’t take the appropriate measures, you’re inevitably stuck at the least interesting end of the table.

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

12 Mar 16:03


11 Mar 14:57

Tomb Raider analyzed by Digital Foundry, PlayStation 3 recommended console choice

by Megan Farokhmanesh

By Megan Farokhmanesh on Mar 10, 2013 at 3:57p

Digital Foundry recently critiqued Tomb Raider's performance on PlayStation 3 as the "preferred choice" to Xbox 360 for those seeking a console copy.

Although the Xbox 360 is "slightly more consistent," the PlayStation 3 has the overall advantage on image quality and presentation. Digital Foundry writes that PlayStation 3 is better suited for the overall feel and richness of the game.

"This is a game where much of the experience is built around the spectacle and in that respect, PS3 offers an advantage of its 360 sibling," the report reads.

The Windows PC version of the game also offers a favorable option for those interested. According to Digital Foundry, Tomb Raider's PC copy provides a more natural rendering of Lara Croft.

"Crystal Dynamics's goal in creating a more believable Lara Croft is taken one step further on the PC version through the use of advanced hair simulation in the form of TressFX," the report reads. " ... The effect can be convincing in slower scenes with little movement, bringing out more human characteristics in Lara's face, which in turn helps to create a better emotional hook between the player and the character."

You can find the full report here for the specifics. Tomb Raider launched for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC March 5. Read our review here.

11 Mar 14:57

Maxis: SimCity offline mode is 'just not possible'

by Jessica Conditt

@azbiker72 The game was designed for MP, we sim the entire region on the server so this is just not possible

- SimCity (@simcity) March 9, 2013

The issues barraging SimCity stem from its requirement that players are always online and connected to EA's servers, even if a player wants to experience the game alone. Making the game available offline could solve many players' issues, but that's "just not possible," developer Maxis General Manager Lucy Bradshaw said during a Twitter Q&A session.

"The game was designed for MP, we sim the entire region on the server so this is just not possible," Bradshaw said, in response to a question about offline modes. Previously Bradshaw responded to another question about an offline patch: "We have no intention of offlining SimCity any time soon but we'll look into that as part of our earning back your trust efforts."

Making SimCity offline would be a significant undertaking, if it were in the cards at all. Bradshaw further reiterated the sentiment of a leaked internal memo, noting that EA wasn't responsible for SimCity's issues; Maxis was.

"Hey, this is on Maxis," she wrote. "EA does not force design upon us. We own it, we are working 24/7 to fix it, and we are making progress."

Recent progress included increasing SimCity's server capacity by 120 percent, disabling "non-critical" game features, and a report that EA asked SimCity affiliates to stop actively promoting the game.

JoystiqMaxis: SimCity offline mode is 'just not possible' originally appeared on Joystiq on Sun, 10 Mar 2013 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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11 Mar 14:52

boca-de-lis: Famous photographers posing with their most iconic...


Famous photographers posing with their most iconic photographs.

11 Mar 14:51

Windows 98 Screensavers

Windows 98 Screensavers

11 Mar 14:51

Donkey Kong – Mashup com Filmes, Desenhos e Séries

by Redação Garotas Nerds

O game Donkey Kong, da Nintendo, marcou história e virou um clássico dos videogames, reunindo diversos fãs até hoje. Um desses fãs do game, o artista Baznet, teve uma ideia super legal e pegou uma das telas originais, mostrada abaixo, e fez mashups com diversos filmes, desenhos e séries famosos! :D

O artista pegou personagens e elementos de outros lugares e inseriou-os no estilo 8-bits da tela de Donkey Kong, fazendo alusão a filmes, desenhos e séries, como Star Wars, Alien, Indiana Jones, Batman, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Hora de Aventura e muitos outros. As telas ficaram muito legais e os mashups ficaram bem sutis, já que tudo foi adaptado de forma precisa ao estilo 8-bits, misturando-se perfeitamente à tela original de Donkey Kong.

Veja todas as telas abaixo e tente adivinhar quais são os mashups de cada uma! :D


11 Mar 14:50

typette: sigfodr: A version for tumblr that can be read...



A version for tumblr that can be read without opening a new tab, since plenty of people would scroll past this story otherwise.

if Malala doesn’t get the peace prize she was nominated for, fuck the nobel laureate.

11 Mar 14:49


by aishiterushit
11 Mar 14:48

jenngofett: Yep.

by aishiterushit

