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25 Jun 17:27

mediumaevum: Tawdry means “cheap and gaudy in appearance.” Its...


Tawdry means “cheap and gaudy in appearance.” Its story begins with a 7th-century queen Æthelthryth who renounced her royal life and became a saintly abbess.

Suffering from a fatal condition that included a swelling in her throat, the dying abbess attributed that symptom to God’s punishment for her onetime fondness for necklaces.

After her death, the abbess became Saint Audrey, and her shrine became a popular site for English pilgrims. At an annual fair in her honor, all sorts of cheap knickknacks and jewelry were sold, including a type of necklace called Saint Audrey’s lace.

By the 17th century, St. Audrey’s lace had become tawdry lace. Tawdry came to be applied to other cheap goods sold at these fairs – and from there to other tastelessly showy things.

image: Saint Etheldreda’s statue in Ely Cathedral

25 Jun 17:14

This site is building a business on making you less famous

by Leo Mirani screenshot
Tap to expand image

The only surprise is that it took this long. This week, the French entrepreneurs behind Reputation VIP, an online-reputation management service for “brands and VIPs,” launched It’s an online tool to help Europeans submit “right to be forgotten” requests to Google, in the wake of a European Court of Justice ruling (pdf) that people should be able to edit their search results to remove out-of-date or needlessly embarrassing links. The service is free for now and will remain so until the end of summer, says Bertrand Girin, a co-founder of both websites.

Girin, who is based in Lyon, says he and his co-founders had wanted to extend their services to ordinary folk for years, since “the problem of search engines is a problem for everybody. So when the European Court of Justice made its ruling, we saw that as an opportunity.” The ruling came on May 13. Google set up an online form for requesting removals on May 30. Less than a month later, Girin’s site, which uses Google’s form, is online. He says he has already had 50 forms submitted in the one day that it has been up.

Why not just submit the request directly to Google? Girin says Google’s form has shortcomings—it’s couched in legal and technical language that some people may have trouble understanding, and doesn’t always accept web addresses with non-standard characters such as Greek script or diacritics (accent marks). But these are things that Google could easily fix.

However, also aims to make the process simpler overall. For instance, the company lists 30 case studies that offer its users canned responses to why they want a URL removed. “If someone can find a case study similar to his problem, then we can suggest a template or wording for this case and submit it to Google. And the text is written by lawyers,” says Girin. Moreover, keeps a record of the submission in case it is needed to challenge a rejection from Google. If Google agrees, the service will also periodically check every European Google search to ensure that the link has been removed.

The service is free for the moment. Girin foresees it moving to a freemium model, where people can pay for selected extra features, by the end of the summer. He will decide which features to charge for after people have been using it for a bit. “We are certain there is a market for the right to be forgotten,” he says.

25 Jun 14:59

Wikipedia Editors Hit With $10 Million Defamation Suit

by Soulskill
New submitter Andreas Kolbe writes: "Businessman, philanthropist and musician Yank Barry and the Global Village Champions Foundation are suing four Wikipedia editors for defamation, claiming they have maliciously conspired to keep Barry's Wikipedia biography unduly negative. The Daily Dot article includes a copy of the legal brief and quotes Barry as saying, "My page was so ridiculously false and made me sound like a terrible person and people believed it causing deals to fall through. I finally had enough."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

25 Jun 14:56

Microbe cross stitch! #WearableWednesday

by Jessica


Etsy user aliciawatkins has these adorable cross stitch sets in her store- super nerdy and cute!

Instant collection of 5 microbe cross stitches, completed in 3″ natural wood embroidery hoops

Choose your 5 by noting which ones you’d like in the purchase order notes at checkout. Use the drop-down list to select the first one and to look through the list to decide on your other 4.

(Note: the drop-down list sometimes includes the same microbe twice, listed under its common name and its scientific name.)

Nab a set here! These remind us of our adorable Ohm Sweet Ohm Cross-Stitch Kits. If you want to try making your own cross stitch pick up one of ours here.


Flora breadboard is Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!

25 Jun 14:54

Common Passwords Dress #WearableWednesday

by Becky Stern


Lorrie Cranor designed some fabric with the most common passwords, out of which she also made this dress! You can read more about it and her password quilt on her site. via @JuliaAngwin

Flora breadboard is Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!

25 Jun 14:35


25 Jun 14:34

Konami Code Necklace #WearableWednesday

by Becky Stern


Gotta love the blog post about the making this Konami code necklace… spacer beads FTW!

Flora breadboard is Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!

25 Jun 14:29

Planetary Panoramas – 360 Degree Night-Sky Time-Lapse (video)

by adafruit

Planetary Panoramas – 360 Degree Night-Sky Time-Lapse (video).

25 Jun 14:27

PiFox: bare-metal ARM assembly language Star Fox

by Liz Upton

"They’ve got everything you need in under 6000 lines: a rasteriser in software, 2d elements and 3d objects, DMA sound, a utility and maths library, and input from a NES controller."

_baller masterclass_

Here’s something rather special, which should resonate with those of you over a certain age.


Star Fox was a Nintendo game for the SNES, released back in 1993 with fast, 3D gameplay – the player travels at high speed along a bounded path, avoiding and shooting obstacles and enemies, while picking up power-ups. Those obstacles were filled 3D polygons, which was very unusual at the time (and hard to render).

At the start of the week, I was sent this video. It’s from a group of first-year undergraduates (first-year undergraduates!) at Imperial College in London, who wrote a version of Star Fox from scratch for the Pi, in 5900 lines of ARM assembly language. This is so good that when Lance saw it, his immediate reaction was that it must be a port. It’s not.

They’ve got everything you need in under 6000 lines: a rasteriser in software, 2d elements and 3d objects, DMA sound, a utility and maths library, and input from a NES controller.

You’ll find all the source code on GitHub – along with useful stuff like a pinout for the NES controller.

If Team PiFox are interested in taking things a little further (or if someone else fancies forking their repo), we’d encourage them in the direction of using the Pi’s GPU as a hardware rasteriser, which would allow for an HD remix. If you need pointers, it’s still early days for Eric Anholt’s full Mesa/Gallium graphics stack on the Pi, but he’s adding to it all the time and there’s already a lot of meat in there. The VideoCore IV graphics documentation that Broadcom released back in February makes it possible to use the GPU as a “dumb” 2d polygon rasteriser as in Scott Mansell’s example.

If you make the attempt, please let us know; we’d love to see what you come up with.

25 Jun 14:26

mistresssam: I really like this. The idea of cute traditional...


I really like this. The idea of cute traditional femeninity juxtaposed with violence nad the willingness to defend. I feel some ways about this

25 Jun 14:25

Space Tourism Company Shatters High-Altitude Parafoil Flight Record

by George Dvorsky

Space Tourism Company Shatters High-Altitude Parafoil Flight Record

Arizona-based World View has conducted a successful test of a scale model of its high-altitude balloon system. It ascended to a height of 120,000 feet (36 km) — a vantage point from where the darkness of space and the curvature of Earth can be seen.


25 Jun 14:23

Diane Sawyer steps down from 'World News': A look back at her career - New York Daily News


'Diane Sawyer is stepping down as ABC's evening news anchor, to be replaced by David Muir, the network announced Wednesday. ABC added that George Stephanopoulos will take on a new role as chief anchor for live news events.'

ugh, stephanopoulos


Diane Sawyer steps down from 'World News': A look back at her career
New York Daily News
Legendary newswoman Diane Sawyer is stepping down as ABC's "World News" anchor. The News takes a look back at her impressive career ... Diane Sawyer is stepping down from ABC's "World News." ...
David Muir to Succeed Diane Sawyer as 'ABC World News' AnchorNew York Times
Diane Sawyer Stepping Down From ABC's 'World News', David Muir Tapped as ...AceShowbiz
CNY Native, David Muir, Replaces Diane Sawyer as AnchorTWC News -ABC News (blog) -Washington Post (blog)
all 398 news articles »
25 Jun 14:21

Map of Illinois Central Railroad (1892)

by the59king

Map of Illinois Central Railroad (1892)

IVXYgjtpHOXBhusx_TTRand McNally's map of the Illinois Central Railroad. From 1892. Map of Illinois Central R.R. Date: 1892 Author: Rand McNally Dwnld: Full Size (16.9mb) Print Availability: See our Prints Page for more details pff This map isn't part of any series, but we have other railroad maps that you might want to check out. Here's a map of the Illinois Central Railroad. I'm afraid that I'm not all that knowledgeable,...

the BIG Map Blog - Interesting maps, historical maps, BIG maps.

25 Jun 14:17



via Tadeu
Stephen Dill Lee was a Confederate general; this bust is at Mississippi State


25 Jun 14:16



via Tadeu
baller masterclass

25 Jun 14:15

Newswire: Hulu isn’t bringing back Community

by Caitlin PenzeyMoog

via Tadeu
keep cancelling Community

Community fans ought to be used to this sort of thing by now. Hulu, one of the last remaining hopes for the canceled show, has reportedly ended its informal talks with Sony Pictures Television about a possible season six. The cult favorite has sidled its way out of tight spots before, somehow overcoming an indefinite mid-season hiatus, a previous cancellation, and the canning of creator and soul of the show, Dan Harmon. And although these precedents give fans some reason to continue hoping and tweeting their support, a doomsday clock is ticking down the days until June 30, when Community’s actors’ contracts come to an end. In these final hours, Hulu passing may be the death knell of all death knells—one that no amount of hopeful #sixseasonsandamovie tweets can overcome.

25 Jun 14:12

But is it free range? [x]


via Tadeu
yes, it's Portland

But is it free range? [x]

25 Jun 14:05

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything.


via Albener Pessoa

'Here's an idea: get some friends so you don't have so much leftover cake, losers. Or just use saran wrap. Or a cake cover. Or get bent, nobody cares if you have a bite of cake that isn't perfectly moist. Francis Galton died in 1911, about 38 years before saran wrap became commercially available. Why are we looking to the "wisdom" of a man who died before the existence of an invention that rendered his stupid technique obsolete?'

considering that it was a video on a maths-related youtube channel about a jokey maths article, we are looking at it exclusively to piss this guy off

oh shit! i just looked at it again. what is this guy's email address so I can let him know, since he's so interested

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything.

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything.

The Internet is really good at making you feel like a dumbass. Just hop on a forum, play a game or ask anyone anything and people will be lining up to tell you what a moron you are, with me usually at the front of that line.Lately there has been a flood of stupid "life hack" videos and "how-to" articles tailored for weak-minded losers. These condescending "hacks" aim to enlighten us about a "new" way of doing a common thing, like eating an apple or drying our hands. The problem is that these tips often don't work, don't save time and are wholely unnecessary. People are obsessed with these bullshit tips.Here are some of the worst:

One of the most obnoxious recent life hacks is the "scientific" way of cutting a birthday cake. The method was established by a 19th century mathematician named Francis Galton. Nevermind the fact that there's nothing "scientific" about this method, or any method of cutting a cake for that matter. You're not testing a theory, you're cutting a cake with a utensil. Galton's method involves cutting a cake's diameter so you can push the two sides together, then using a rubber band to keep it from drying out:
Putting your hands and rubber bands on the side of the cake is a great way to introduce bacteria onto your cake. Also, this only works with a certain type of cake with fondant icing or marzipan, which sucks dick full-time. Most cake these days come with whipped cream or buttercream frosting, which will get all over the place and make you look like an asshole when you grab it with your chubby knuckles. This method has been covered on NPR, Slate, Life Hacker, Daily Mail, Business Insider, The Independent, Good Housekeeping and the LA Times. How big of a problem is this that so much time and energy has been spilled on this issue? Is this a problem that really needs to be solved? You'd think people everywhere were working around the clock in labs to solve the problem of cake drying out with the amount of attention this stupid "life hack" has received. Here's an idea: get some friends so you don't have so much leftover cake, losers. Or just use saran wrap. Or a cake cover. Or get bent, nobody cares if you have a bite of cake that isn't perfectly moist.

Francis Galton died in 1911, about 38 years before saran wrap became commercially available. Why are we looking to the "wisdom" of a man who died before the existence of an invention that rendered his stupid technique obsolete? Some of these tips aren't just useless, they're dangerous. The tip in the video above about cooling your stupid soda in the freezer can cause it to explode. The picture to the right is of a boy in China who grabbed a soda can from the freezer just as it was about to rupture. The added pressure of his hand caused the can to burst, sending shrapnel across his face, requiring him to get 38 stitches. Nice life hack, dipshits. You know what? I've changed my mind. Go ahead, do all these stupid life hacks. I hope every clever cake-cutting dipshit gets botulism. Enjoy telling people that you got a scar from shitty frozen soda exploding in your face for the rest of your lives. Facehack. Tweet

459,492 people hacked their way into an emergency room.

Back to how much I rule...StoreEmailTweet

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25 Jun 14:02

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil | ebb.jpg


via Osiasjota

25 Jun 13:28

"When building your team, don’t hire a skill set, instead, says Capecelatro, choose people ‘that you..."


via Olena Bulygina
"choose people ‘that you wouldn’t mind going for a hike with after work' "

I'm never getting a job

“When building your team, don’t hire a skill set, instead, says Capecelatro, choose people ‘that you wouldn’t mind going for a hike with after work,’ and trust that, ‘most people will step up to the plate and learn the skills that they need.’”


We dig this way of thinking…

millennial CEO and founder of At The Pool, Alex Capecelatro. (via fastcompany)

25 Jun 06:10

humanoidhistory: Astronomical illustrations from Anwār al-nujūm...


Astronomical illustrations from Anwār al-nujūm (The Lights of the Stars) by Jamist al-Rumi (Jamist the Byzantinian), 17th century. (World Digital Library)

25 Jun 06:08


25 Jun 06:02





next time I need an  AND I at least know where it is.

25 Jun 06:01

tentacletherapissed: sagihairius: tinychatter: i love when people call me precious thats such a...




i love when people call me precious thats such a cute thing to call somebody

yeah it does have a nice
ring to it


25 Jun 06:00

Volunteer thank you! +inspirational chat w/ Jessamyn... Tickets, Somerville - Eventbrite

by hodad

@OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy @RussianSledges etc.

The Friends of the Somerville Public Library welcome you to a celebration of libraries and librarianship. June 25th, 7-pm. Please join us for a review of our past year and meet guest speaker Jessamyn West; blogger, rural library champion, freedom of information advocate (as we should all be), and author of

Expect Oxford commas. And cake...


Original Source

25 Jun 05:41

4gifs: Unedited

25 Jun 05:41

Games Are Way Better With Wrestling Commentary

by gguillotte
25 Jun 05:41


25 Jun 05:40

knitmeapony: ladylionhearted: WHAT A COOL MYSTIQUE...




#This is a hardcore copsplay because it would imply Mystique killed you and took your con pass

25 Jun 04:05

"Furr Division" - - Best t-shirts in the world

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

This product is custom printed especially for you, as soon as you order it. We want to ensure this new order fulfillment and production process will give you products you love. So we triple check every step along the way to guarantee their quality. Although we cannot accept returns on these custom printed products, we'll happily replace items that arrive damaged or if the quality is unsatisfactory.

Original Source