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17 Nov 06:18


17 Nov 06:11

Officer Darren Wilson Can Remain A Ferguson Cop If Not Indicted

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson was also quoted by NBC station KSDK on Friday as saying that it was unclear whether Officer Darren Wilson would want to return to the St. Louis suburb's force. If the grand jury does return an indictment, Jackson said Wilson would most likely be fired. Wilson is currently on paid leave.
17 Nov 06:11

Ford, UPS, Visa And Bank Of America Lobby Are Secretly Lobbying The FCC For Net Neutrality

A corporate advocacy group, the Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee, has so far paid at least three visits to commissioners at the FCC this year. The group, which has been around for at least three decades, doesn’t disclose information about its membership, doesn’t make public statements, and doesn’t even have a website.
17 Nov 05:58

Rosetta’s Comet vs Los Angeles

17 Nov 05:58

Fuck it Fridays, Whatever Man

Fuck it Fridays, Whatever Man

17 Nov 05:57


17 Nov 05:57

femme-de-lettres: Large (Wikimedia) It’s unusual, dear reader,...


Large (Wikimedia)

It’s unusual, dear reader, for anything painted as recently as 1943 to come into the public domain.

The copyright to this, however—Dame Laura Knight’s Ruby Loftus Screwing a Breech-Ring—belonged to the government of the United Kingdom, since it was made as a War Artists Advisory Committee commission, and so had a much shorter span.

As to the content of the painting, according to the Imperial War Museums, “[m]aking a Bofors Breech ring was considered the most highly skilled job in the factory, normally requiring eight or nine years training. Loftus was aged 21 at the time of the painting and had no previous factory experience.”

17 Nov 05:56

sixpenceee: Chinese material scientists have created the...


Chinese material scientists have created the world’s lightest material: a graphene aerogel that is seven times lighter than air. The graphene aerogel is so light that an cube inch of the stuff can be balanced on a blade of grass, the stamen of a flower, or the fluffy seed head of a dandelion (Source & More Information)

God, I love aerogels.

17 Nov 05:56


17 Nov 05:56

Why Political Correctness Is Actually Great for America, According to Science

Why Political Correctness Is Actually Great for America, According to Science:



Next time someone tells you to check your privilege, do it. Not only will it improve your perspective on life, but according to new research, it’ll make you more creative, too.

In a recent study, researchers from Cornell University found that political correctness — the avoidance of offensive remarks or words chided by some as social censorship — prompts discussion and ideas far more than it hinders them.

Oh wow when you think about what you say and try not to be an ass, creativity flourishes
Thanks science

Don’t forget!  It’s good for the economy.

17 Nov 05:55

jeremylawson: A 280 square feet tiny house in Aurora, Oregon....


A 280 square feet tiny house in Aurora, Oregon. More info here.

I would love this. Don’t even need the plumbing or the kitchen. Just the space to go outside and write in…

17 Nov 05:55

Booker Prize winner named to Bad Sex in Fiction Award shortlist |

Booker Prize winner named to Bad Sex in Fiction Award shortlist |
It’s one thing to watch bad sex on screen, but to read it? Now that comes with its own much-dreaded award. The Literary Review announced the shortlist for its 22nd annual Bad Sex in Fiction Award for what they describe as “the most egregious passage of sexual description in a work of fiction.” Previous winners have included Norman Mailer for The Castle in the Forest, Tom Wolfe for I Am Charlotte Simmons, and John Updike for an overall Lifetime Achievement Award for his four consecutive “Bad Sex” nominations. This year’s nominees are a rather distinguished bunch, counting Haruki Murakami, this year’s Man Booker prize winner Richard Flanagan, and Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Cunningham as culprits of bad sex writing.

The article has the full list of nominees.

15 Nov 17:49

R. A. Montgomery, Creator of the "Choose Your Own Adventure" Books, Dead At 78

by timothy
Dave Knott writes Raymond Almiran Montgomery, original publisher and author of the incredibly popular "Choose Your Own Adventure" book series for children, the 4th bestselling children's series of all time, has died at the age of 78. In 1975, Montgomery founded a small press and when, in 1977, Ed Packard submitted an innovative book for young readers, "Sugarcane Island", Montgomery immediately saw it for what it was: a role-playing game in book form. He leapt at the chance to publish it, and launched a series, writing the second book, "Journey Under The Sea", himself. When Montgomery went through a divorce and sold his stake in the press to his ex-wife, he took the series, renamed as "Choose Your Own Adventure", to Bantam. The books went on to sell more than 250 million copies across 230 titles in 40 languages. Montgomery's interests also extended to new technology, adapting the series to the Atari console in 1984. He was also responsible for the Comic Creator software on Apple's Macintosh computers. Montgomery died on November 9th. The cause of death was not disclosed.

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15 Nov 17:43

Marshawn Lynch flips off Chiefs fans

by Seth Rosenthal

A wild Marshawn appears!

The Seahawks are in Kansas City this weekend. Marshawn Lynch is already ingratiating himself with the locals:

Coworkers buddy ran into beastmode last night. Seems friendly. #Chiefs

— DRMiller (@DRscrilla8) November 15, 2014

This is Marshawn in his natural state -- strolling lobbies swathed in comfortable garments, flipping off everyone in sight. But yeah, snap a photo of a stranger and this is the reaction you might get.

(via Arrowhead Pride)

15 Nov 14:26



via Rosalind

15 Nov 14:25

mishasminions: thefutureisbroken: ecmock: isaia: weaverworks:...


via Rosalind







I was not prepared for this level of smackdownHD.gif

I learned it from watching you, Bruce. I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU.

Bruce, he knows what a district attorney does. They get acid splashed on their face and become a member of your rogues gallery. Duh.


15 Nov 13:07

What Happens When A Math Whiz Grows Up? Depends On If You're A Boy Or A Girl

In a New York Times op-ed this week, two Cornell professors lay out a provocative argument: The gender gap in research science isn’t a reflection of sexism in the academy; the real problem is that journalists over-report small differences, thus perpetuating them and scaring women off.
15 Nov 10:48


15 Nov 10:46

Bears are so bad they broke the local newspaper

by James Dator

Interesting headline in the Sun-Times today.

— Ben Finfer (@BenFinfer) November 14, 2014

Thinking of headlines is hard. Thinking of them for a bad team is harder. At this point we don't blame the Chicago Sun-Times for just going with "Hedy Hey" and "decky decky" repeated ad nauseam.

15 Nov 10:44

Breaking Madden: Beast Mode, 3,000 players, and one controller

by Jon Bois

"He stretched out his arms, planted his face directly into the ball carrier's ass, and slowly crumpled into a lifeless heap. R.I.P., Anderson. He died of butt."

It's not fair that Jon gets to play Breaking Madden all by himself. So this time, he invited thousands of you to push the buttons for him. This is going to be so stupid.

I regard "Twitch Plays Pokémon" as one of the greatest moments in video gaming history. It's still going on as we speak, actually.

The premise, for those unaware: there's a live video feed of a console playing Pokémon, and to the right, there's a chat room. Any chucklehead can swing by and enter a request for the machine to press a button. At the peak of its popularity, the screen was an incomprehensible waterfall of up, down, A, down, right, B, and so forth. The Internet populace worked together to play the game, although the input was so dissonant that it would often take the little dude an eternity to walk across the room. We, The Internet, eventually beat the game in spite of this. It's among our greatest triumphs.

This Breaking Madden is even dumber than that. It might be the single dumbest episode in Breaking Madden history, which is saying a great deal:

At least the folks playing Pokémon could see the dang screen. Y'all had no such luxury. And by "y'all," I mean everybody who filled out the form I published earlier this week. Here's the deal:


1. I will play a game of Madden as the Seahawks, and I'll play against the Chiefs, their Week 11 opponents.
2. Every offensive play I call will be a run play that gives the ball to Marshawn Lynch.
3. I will never touch the left thumbstick on the controller. That is the one that, uh, makes your guy run.
4. I will only press randomly-selected buttons from the form you filled out.

Thank y'all so much for your button-mashing. In all, I received 3,063 submissions. Your options were as follows:

A (stiff arm). One of Beast Mode's signature maneuvers. Can send a fool to the mat, but only if it's timed correctly. You had no way of timing it, because you entered it into a spreadsheet days before the game was played.
B (spin). The most Madden of moves. For decades, this has been the bread and butter of everyone who barely knows how to play. Somewhat effective.
X (dive). I would imagine that at least half the time, this button is pressed in error. It's like if every laptop had a big honkin' "QUIT WITHOUT SAVING" key in the middle of the keyboard.
Y (hurdle). One of the funnier buttons, to be sure. For our purposes, it's also effective: since we can't use the left stick, we have to rely on any move that sends us upfield. Hurdling does. Very slowly, but it does.
LB (pitch ball). A lateral, in other words. Sometimes, Marshawn will hold the ball out but refuse to pitch it. Sometimes a teammate will catch it and run with it, and sometimes he'll fling it 20 yards in the wrong direction to absolutely no one.
RB (protect ball). Boring, but a lot of you picked this one because you value safety.
LT + X (precision dive). Depending on the situation, Beast Mode will vault into the air, ball up, and hit the ground like a meteor.
LT + Y (precision hurdle). I still haven't figured out how this is any different from a normal hurdle.
Right stick (up, down, left, right). With this stick, we're able to juke left, right, or backwards. I soon learned that if you're not touching the left stick, flicking the right stick up to truck a guy doesn't work. This move does absolutely nothing. Apologies to the 707 of you who pushed this button.

Without a left stick, Beast Mode pretty clearly needs some help. I didn't change any of his player ratings (except for Stamina, just to make sure he stayed on the field for every play), but I did reduce the Kansas City Chiefs defense to a gaggle of five-foot, 160-pound helpless babies. Longtime readers of Breaking Madden know the drill by now: I made them as slow, weak, unthinking, and oblivious as possible.



I found them on Twitter, as I always do:

if you would like to be in the next Breaking Madden, please tell me about a time you pushed a button you really shouldn’t have

— Jon Bois (@jon_bois) November 10, 2014

These really are some special folks. If you'd like to get to know them, click on over to this week's Breaking Madden Roster Cuts. Please enjoy the stories of:

- a drunk man who fed a potato to a garbage disposal because he thought it looked hungry
- a sound operator who accidentally blasted "Love Shack" during Juliet's death scene
- a woman who pressed a restaurant's panic button because she thought it was a doorbell

and many more. (Appropriately enough, I also pushed a button I really shouldn't have this week: after spending several hours creating this roster, I accidentally saved over the file and had to start over from scratch. Me: I'm just like you.)


You're probably thinking, and understandably so, that we will get absolutely nowhere with Marshawn Lynch. Well, this ought to set the table:


No left stick is necessary; our friends on the Chiefs are doing the work for us. These little fellas never bring down Beast Mode on the first try, and when they touch him, they trigger an automatic "shed tackle" response, and Marshawn trots a few yards upfield. It's like riding a wave.

As such, this is a profoundly weird-ass game, right? The other team serves to help us, and is basically on our side. With our dissonant and often-destructive button-mashing, we're actually our own opponents. This is confusing. Do we even want to win this game? In retrospect, I wish I'd asked that question in the form.

Lordy, this is so stupid.

Anyway, I did ask you folks to explain why you pressed the button you pressed. So when a play completely went to shit, I at least had some closure:


Sometimes the precision dive was just a dive. Valued Internet subscriber Untilitkillsyou did not pull off the precision dive he wanted, but he did manage to sabotage our efforts.

People loved hitting the dive button. I don't know why. So many times, the makings of something good would be promptly destroyed because someone demanded I hit X.


I should note that there was no rule against multiple submissions. Valued Internet subscriber @emerszi took full advantage of this:


This individual, who submitted "time to dive" exactly 127 times, ruined a fair number of plays. This individual also perfectly demonstrates the spirit of Breaking Madden: "just do whatever because who cares." If anything ever means anything at all, it ought to be regarded as an accident.

Another popular option: the lateral.


This was arguably the funniest way to ruin a play. Marshawn did this well over a dozen times, but thankfully, he often just refused to pitch the ball.

I'm not sure of his rationale, but this is perfectly representative of the real-life Marshawn Lynch: he does what he wants to do, and he doesn't do what he doesn't want to do. He doesn't want to be tackled, no matter how many Saints are on him. He does want to eat Skittles. He doesn't want to talk to the media. He does want to drive a golf cart around on the field. He has done nice things, and he has done bad things, and he has literally precipitated an earthquake. Our own Matt Ufford wrote a longform on Beast Mode that remains one of my favorite sports pieces I've read all year. I can't recommend that highly enough.

Oh look, a person named "Dog Wizard" would like to play! All right, "Dog Wizard," let's see what you got.


Did you see that? Marshawn Lynch somehow just trucked a dude from behind with his ass. Anderson, number 35, executed some of the worst tackling form I've ever seen. He stretched out his arms, planted his face directly into the ball carrier's ass, and slowly crumpled into a lifeless heap. R.I.P., Anderson. He died of butt.

The "precision hurdle/dive" remains sort of a mystery to me, but occasionally, the result was something special:


@Stevenkeers' rationale is perhaps not the easiest to explain, but it's clear that this move came from a spiritually true place, and it inspired Beast Mode to take to the sky like a human rainbow. He completely vaulted over that little dude. He's only five feet tall, sure, but I think this is the first time I've ever seen that.

Sometimes, y'all just let him beast.


I hope this helps somehow, Anonymous. The true stiff arms were few and far between during this game, since Madden is kind of fickle in the stiff-arming department. Given this, and that we were deprived our truck stick, this was actually not a very Marshawn Lynch affair. Don't worry, I'll fix that before we wrap up here.

Meantime, the game went bonkers again.


It would be one thing if Justin Britt, number 68, simply got in the way and knocked Marshawn over. But look, he actively reaches out his arm and rips his own teammate to the ground. Hold on, let's take a second to examine the allegiances in play here:

1. The Chiefs are basically gut flora. Just like gut flora don't actively want to help you break down that hamburger, these Chiefs don't seem to want ... well, anything. I don't know if they're evolved enough to want anything. But by virtue of the way they are and the three and a half things they know how to do, they make it possible for Marshawn Lynch to move upfield. If the Seahawks were the only team on the field, they'd actually be playing worse.

2. The Seahawks are managed by all of us, and I'm firmly convinced that half of us are trying to ruin the Seahawks. Additionally, we just witnessed the Seahawks AI blatantly tackle its own man.

I no longer understand what is going on or who any of us are or what we want. Next slide.


Watch Ragan, number 28, while keeping your eye on Beast Mode, number 24. Ragan goes up next to him and just stands there. This is the portrait of an artificial intelligence in the process of un-learning its pathos.

I say this as a lifelong Chiefs fan: I took no small amount of delight in seeing how often the Chiefs hit the ground. At the end of any given play, at least half the team would be lying around like they got unplugged from the Matrix. Since I started Breaking Madden last year, I've always wanted to knock all 11 players on the ground at the same time. I've never done this, and don't know whether it's possible. In the meantime, this will do nicely.

This was my favorite moment of the week.


I think I pressed "stiff arm" here. Whatever I did, I scared the living Hell out of number 33. He ran up to Beast Mode only to scurry off in terror. He did this three times. I want to reiterate here that I had nothing to do with that little fella's idea. That was all Madden's doing. Look, y'all, this game is working through some very difficult issues, and we need to respect that.


Final score:
Seahawks 76, Chiefs 32

Beast Mode's stats:
126 carries
998 yards
7.9 yards per carry
11 touchdowns
357 yards after first hit

Yep. No, I know. I know how profoundly stupid this is. We didn't even touch the stick that made the player move. You folks played this game from New York and Atlanta and Goodland, Kansas and Bremerton, Washington, and you couldn't even see the screen.

And y'all killed it. You did it with the help of our Twitter volunteers, sure. But you won. You beasted. I saw the entire damned thing, and I still can't believe it.

The one thing we really missed out on, regrettably, was Beast Mode being his true Beast Mode self. Trucking fools, stiff-arming jokers, watering the grass with all those chuckleheads. So for this week's final video, I decided to play as Marshawn Lynch myself and destroy some suckers. If that's your thing too, then here you go:

Click here for many more episodes of Breaking Madden.

15 Nov 07:15



via Bunker.jordan

15 Nov 07:13

Pick two.

by Xeni Jardin

via multitasksuicide
Hail enough sleep Satan

15 Nov 07:08



via Bunker.jordan
no snowdog only shiba

15 Nov 07:06

When your friend who works in Marketing at a for-profit company asks what your budget for each social media campaign is


via Rosalind

15 Nov 07:02

Mechanical Wolf by Andrew Chase


via Rosalind

Mechanical Wolf by Andrew Chase

15 Nov 05:50

Nerds Without Borders Saves Tiny Baby Adorable Turtles With Kindhearted Science - TINY TURTLE TEARS

by Sam Maggs

did a double-take

Here’s your heartwarming science story of the day!

An organization called Nerds Without Borders is helping to save North Carolinian Sea Turtles out of the goodness of their hearts. When the turtles lay their eggs on the state’s beaches, they could be crushed by unsuspecting tourists – so during the six-week-a-year window when the tiny turtles could hatch and make their crawl to the sea, the beaches are shut down.

But this costs NC some valuable tourists dollars, and also a six-week window is a long and imprecise time to be watching for tiny turtles. Now, NWB has developed a sensor that they place under each turtle nest that connects to a smartphone app. When the turtles start hatching (determined by seismic waves), the beaches are shut down. Cowabunga.

(via Engadget)

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14 Nov 23:11

Wow. Grow up, man. Be a human being. themarysue: "Now, I could...

by jessethorn

via Rosalind
seriously, this fucking guy

Wow. Grow up, man. Be a human being.


"Now, I could point out that one might be able to use this shirt as an example of how women in STEM fields might be made to feel indirectly uncomfortable in a male-dominated working environment despite no overt sexism or harassment being inflicted upon them. But I’m kind of too distracted by how tacky and outright terrible this shirt actually is. Like, seriously, dude. You wore that in public.”

(photo via Twitter)

Lead ESA Scientist Wears Shirt Covered in Gratuitous Sexy Chicks For Comet Landing Livestream | The Mary Sue

14 Nov 21:55

Google Wallet API For Digital Goods Will Be Retired On March 2, 2015

by samzenpus


An anonymous reader points out that Google plans to shut down Google Wallet API for third-party digital purchases. "Google has quietly revealed it plans to retire the Google Wallet API for digital goods on March 2, 2015. The company plans to continue supporting the sale of apps on Google Play as well as in-app payments, but users will not be able to purchase any virtual items offered on the Web through Google Wallet. We say "quietly" because there is no official announcement from Google. Furthermore, Google says it has no plans to proactively communicate the change to Google Wallet users; buyers will simply get 404 errors when trying to check out after support is pulled."

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14 Nov 21:54

Verizon settles charges that it never gave “free TVs” to FiOS customers

by Jon Brodkin

all carriers suck forever

But you might not actually get that "free TV."

Verizon has agreed to pay $1.375 million to Maryland customers to settle charges that it misled them about the price of its FiOS fiber-to-the-home service and failed to deliver promised promotional items including free televisions, Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler announced Wednesday.

"The settlement follows a wide-ranging investigation of Verizon, including its alleged failure to deliver promised promotional items to new FiOS customers, such as free televisions and gift cards; its offer of bundled prices that did not include the cost to lease equipment necessary to receive the services; its alleged practice of assessing early termination fees when customers cancelled after they did not receive what they had been promised; and other issues, including billing complaints, contract disputes, and poor customer service," the announcement said. "Although Verizon denied that it violated any Maryland laws, it agreed to a settlement that addresses the Division's concerns."

New FiOS customers reported in 2008 that they didn't receive the free TV Verizon promised them in exchange for signing up for service.

Read 5 remaining paragraphs | Comments

14 Nov 21:53

Verizon Wireless makes canceling contracts up to $70 more expensive

by Jon Brodkin

all carriers suck forever

Verizon Wireless just made it more expensive to cancel service by delaying monthly reductions in early termination fees (ETFs) until the eighth month of a contract.

Until today, the early termination fees of $350 for new smartphone contracts declined $10 each month. Customers who signed contracts before today will still see their ETFs decline the first month and all months thereafter. But customers who sign up today or later will not see any reductions until the eighth month, Verizon's updated customer agreement says. That means that after seven months, a customer's ETF would remain at $350 instead of declining to $280.

Under the new terms, ETFs will decline "$10 per month in months 8–18, $20 per month in months 19–23, and $60 in the final month of your contract term."

Read 4 remaining paragraphs | Comments