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06 Dec 06:03

FUZE with Raspberry Pi goes retro with new-look special edition #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

by Matt

Pasted Image 12 1 14 8 41 PM

FUZE with Raspberry Pi goes retro with new-look special edition. From Raspberry Pi Pod:

The makers of FUZE, the hard-wearing, all-in-one Raspberry Pi computer, have just launched a special edition. Called the T2-SE, this has everything their normal T2 has, including a breakout board that gives you not only normal, digital input/output but analogue input as well. The cool thing they’ve done is to take a leaf out of the BBC Micro book and given it a new cream skin with red function keys. It now looks very similar to the BBC and reminds us all of what a great design that was….

Read More.

Pasted Image 12 1 14 8 41 PM

Pasted Image 12 1 14 8 42 PM

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Adafruit has the largest and best selection of Raspberry Pi accessories and all the code & tutorials to get you up and running in no time!

06 Dec 06:02

From here to paternity: how paid leave for dads helps women at work

by Addy Dugdale

"I was more professionally ambitious before I had my daughter," says Andrea, a 44-year-old operations manager of a west coast tech firm employing less than 200 people. "But I needed a much more consistent schedule to take care of a baby." It took a while, but she was ultimately able to find a job that was stable, profitable, and respectful of employees' time. "I was afraid for a while that this was a unicorn I'd never find." The downside, as Andrea tells it, "is that it's not growing rapidly like the Amazons and Googles of the world, so there's not really room to move up. That's OK with me now, but I think I would have wanted more when I was 25."

That, in a nutshell, is why the diversity reports released earlier this year by three of the biggest technology firms are so bad. For every three women employed by AppleGoogle, or Facebook, there are roughly seven men. Go into the technology departments and it drops even lower — women make up just 15 percent of Facebook’s tech workers, while Google’s leadership numbers are 79 percent to 21 percent in favor of men.

None of these firms feature on Working Mother’s annual 100 Best Companies awards — now seen as a benchmark survey for firms with mother-friendly cultures. Instead, technology is represented by the dinosaurs — IBM and HP, for example, who have bigger workforces than their younger counterparts — IBM’s stood at 431,212 in 2013, while Google has 55,000. Is it because IBM and Hewlett-Packard have been around for decades? Or is it because they both have women at the helm?

Paternity leave is crucial for gender equality

It’s well-established that a longer maternity leave is good for both employer and employee — a 2009 report by the Institute of Women’s Policy Research said as much — but this thinking has now jumped the gender gap. Last month, the ILO published a report on parental right in small- and medium-sized firms. As well as maternity protection counting for a happier, more productive workforce, it said that paternity leave resulted in reduced absenteeism amongst male employees, improved their health, and was "crucial for gender equality."

Andrea, who is the only woman on a team of 18, thinks that one significant change could help level the field. "If men took leave too, I think we wouldn't have that problem [of gender imbalance] as much," she says. "When men have a chance to spend more time with their kids, everyone benefits. Plus it helps combat any perceived productivity differences between men and women in the workplace. If both are taking time off, it helps equalize them. I don't want to be thought of as a liability to my company just because I'm female."

The great 21st-century tech triumvirate — Apple, Google, and Facebook — have among the most progressive attitudes toward parental leave in the whole of the United States. Google offers new mothers 22 weeks’ paid leave, plus a smorgasbord of benefits, while Apple recently implemented changes that give new mothers up to 18 weeks off — fathers get up to six week, with both parents enjoying their full salary while away. But only Facebook sees equal parenting rights as the way forward, offering 17 weeks paid for both parents, as well as $4,000 in cash benefits and subsidized childcare.

Paternity leave by duration

Paternity leave by duration

The US is the only developed country that doesn’t guarantee paid maternity or parental leave to workers

Under US federal law, mothers are allowed up to 12 weeks’ unpaid leave. New dads get nothing in the way of paternity leave, although they are allowed to take up to 84 days off under the terms of the Family and Medical Leave Act--provided they have worked for the same firm for at least a year, working at least 1,250 hours, and as long as that firm has more than 50 employees. This leave is, however, also unpaid and, according to a report from Boston College’s Center for Work and Family released in June of this year, men will only take time off if it is paid. If you give a man two weeks’ paid leave when his child is born, he will take two weeks off. If you offer him none, he will continue at work. Just three states — California, Rhode Island, and New Jersey — offer paid family leave, the money coming from employee-paid tax. A 2014 report by the International Labor Organization, called it the worst in the developed world. In September, US Labor Secretary Tom Perez said, "We are not serving our women well."

Livia Moore is a 29-year-old global community manager for e-commerce firm Tictail. She relocated to New York from Sweden last month and feels that rights for both men and women should be on an even footing.

"Big tech firms should set the industry standard of encouraging equal relationships, where both parents share responsibility for childcare and household work," she says. "The idea of parental leave options for men and women allows both parents time to focus on their careers and bond with their children. It also encourages a more open-minded workplace where families are not defined in the heteronormative terms of mother and father. Creating a culture that allows you to focus on both your career and having a family on your own terms is essential."

Sweden grants up to 480 days' paid parental leave per child

Sweden is, of course, seen as the most progressive nation when it comes to parental rights. Leave is not granted to the mother or father, but rather offers up to 480 days' paid parental leave per child until that child is eight. This can be shared by both parents — they can claim up to 80% of their salary, capped at a certain level —  though not at the same time, and fathers have to take a minimum of 60 days. Because the policy is centered around each child rather than its mother, no discrimination can be made against women of childbearing age by their employers.

Bjorn Jeffery is CEO of Toca Boca, a digital toy studio with offices in the US and Sweden, and he allows his employees to take up to 12 months’ leave when they have a child. "I think respecting people's time and family life as a company is something that many employees appreciate and in turn respect a lot," he said. "I would argue that overall productivity can actually increase since people can focus solely on their tasks at hand without being concerned about the rest of their lives becoming impaired because of rigid work rules."

When Bjorn became a father for the first time earlier this year, many of his Swedish friends assumed he would return to the motherland for its father-friendly policies. But then, when you’re CEO of a firm, you can choose your own childcare policy. "We don't have a predetermined time that [both men and women] can be on parental leave, other than what is regulated in law," he says. "This means you can be on parental leave for say 12 months, and still get your job back when you return."

Ask the big firms about how they are trying to rectify the gender imbalance in their ranks and they are quick to point you towards letters from their CEO regarding diversity, new hires, and board members who happen to be women, and egg-freezing perks — that’s Apple. Facebook emailed a long list of woman-friendly initiatives, including a scholarship program for female students, the Girls Who Code summer internship, and a designated team to improve the firm’s diversity rates, while declining to answer any specific questions on the subject. At time of writing, Google had yet to respond.

So what career advice would Andrea give her eight-year-old daughter should she desire unfettered access to a CEO title? "Not to drop out of the workforce, ever, and especially in tech. It's so hard to get back in, and you can never make up that lost momentum."

06 Dec 01:45

iwriteaboutfeminism: Thursday December 4th

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


Thursday, December 4th

05 Dec 14:47

Tim Armstrong Thinks Shingy Is One Of AOL's Best Assets


of course he does

AOL CEO Tim Armstrong was interviewed on-stage today at Business Insider’s Ignition conference, and sure, he touched on the ongoing speculation about a merger with Yahoo, as well as the company’s broader strategy. But towards the end of the interview he answered the question that’s on everyone’s mind: What’s the deal with Shingy?
05 Dec 13:50

The Campus Alcohol Problem That Nobody Talks About

Worried about binge drinkers? Start at the faculty club.
05 Dec 13:27

Benedict Cumberbatch Cast as the Title Character in the Upcoming Marvel Movie ‘Doctor Strange’

by Glen Tickle


Benedict Cumberbatch

Marvel Entertainment has officially announced that Benedict Cumberbatch will be playing Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange in the upcoming movie Doctor Strange. Cumberbatch has been among rumored actors to play the role since at least October 2014.

The film is currently scheduled to be released on November 4, 2016 as part of the recently announced series of nine upcoming superhero films by the studio.

OFFICIAL: Benedict Cumberbatch to play #DoctorStrange, in theaters November 4, 2016:

— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) December 4, 2014


images via Gage Skidmore, Marvel Entertainment

via Marvel Entertainment

05 Dec 13:25

CDC Says The Current Flu Shots Might Not Match The Virus This Season



Go wash your hands.
05 Dec 13:19

Newswire: Bill Cosby update: more accusers, defenders, and disappointed sailors

by Sean O'Neal

Though Bill Cosby has already been the target of numerous public allegations of sexual assault—including the civil lawsuit filed Tuesday by a woman who claims Cosby molested her when she was 15 years old—his problems have now officially reached the “Gloria Allred” phase. The attorney, lured once more to the flame of controversy and klieg lights, presided over a press conference yesterday in which three women shared their tales of abuse for the cameras. Among them: Beth Ferrier, a former Jane Doe from Andrea Constand’s 2005 lawsuit, and the subject of the National Enquirer article Cosby admitted to having killed; Helen Hayes (not the late actress, obviously), who says Cosby followed and groped her at Clint Eastwood’s Celebrity Tennis Tournament; and a former aspiring model identified only as “Chelan.”

By now, of course, you don’t have to read Ferrier and Chelan’s account to know ...

05 Dec 09:48



via Tadeu

05 Dec 06:27

Newswire: The Lonely Island developing three shows for Fox, including one starring Danny Pudi

by Sam Barsanti

Comedy singing troupe The Lonely Island signed a multi-year TV show development deal with Fox earlier this year, and now we finally have some information about three new shows that the group is working on. First, though, Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, and Jorma Taccone—the guys who make up The Lonely Island—came up with a name for their studio: Party Over Here. It’s a perfect fit for the sort of dry period pieces, hard-hitting dramas, and educational nature documentaries that the group is surely working on.

However, its initial group of shows are all comedies, so we’ll have to wait for that serious stuff. This all comes from Deadline, which reports that the three shows are titled The Tyler Zone, Home For The Weekend, and Topics With Andre Hyland, and the hope is for all three to make it to either Fox, FX, or FXX. The Tyler ...

05 Dec 06:26

That Time An NFL Team Used Truth Serum On An Injured Player


NFC South!

They had private investigators reporting on his movements. They had seen the swelling in his knee. They had seen him grimace with every step. They had heard him say that he was in pain. But still, they couldn't be sure.
05 Dec 06:19

Skeletons Found In Ancient Cemetery Still Have Shackles On Their Necks

by George Dvorsky

people suck

Skeletons Found In Ancient Cemetery Still Have Shackles On Their Necks

Archaeologists working in southwest France have discovered hundreds of Gallo-Roman graves dating to the second half of the 2nd century AD, with some of the skeletons featuring shackles still strapped around their necks and ankles.


05 Dec 06:10

Great Job, Internet!: Nick Offerman wrote a musical ode to whisky

by B.G. Henne

In case you haven’t heard, Nick Offerman is a man’s man. Through the slow melding of his own personality with that of his Parks And Recreation character Ron Swanson, Offerman conjures up archetypes of push broom mustaches, woodworking, emotional restraint, and whisky.

Fans of Offerman, Swanson, and Scotch whisky will enjoy his tribute to the delicious brown liquor. (For the uninitiated, whisky without an “e” generally refers to Scotch whisky, and whiskey with an “e” refers to Irish and American whiskey, including bourbon.) Keen eyes will discern a bottle of Oban, a classic Highlands scotch, and the distillery for Lagavulin, a favorite choice for discerning fans of peaty Islay scotch.

05 Dec 06:02

76-Year-Old Woman Posts Beautiful Ad for Haunted Sword, Give Her a TV Show Immediately - Serious offers only, please!

by Carolyn Cox

the best


Oh, God bless the Internet. Just check out the following Craigslist ad and its accompanying picture, please. (Bolding my own and out of love.)

This sword is from the 1700s. I got it at an antique store in my memaw’s home town back in 1984. The person who sold it to me told me to be careful because there is a 90+% chance that it is cursed. Since it’s been in my house my life has descended into pure chaos. My knitting group came over and they all said they could feel a strange energy in my sword room (I have a collection of over 100 swords. This is my only haunted sword). Since i got this sword, about 3 times a week a crucifix will fall off of my wall for no reason. I am 76 years old. I cannot have this cursed item in my house anymore. Please take it off my hands!!

Listen, everyone, don’t get the wrong idea about collecting ancient weaponry. Heck, this gal’s collected over 100 swords, and this is the first one possessed by the undead! I bet if she didn’t have a crucifix she’d never even have known the difference!

Incidentally, this is almost exactly how Joe Hill’s Heart Shaped Box begins. Any potential buyers looking to take that massive sword off that tiny woman’s hands better have a plan for how to deal with their new roommates. (Ghosts just can not stick to chore wheels.)

(Via io9)

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05 Dec 06:00

Patient Who May Have Ebola Arrives In Atlanta


fuck the falcons

An American health-care worker who may have been infected with the Ebola virus in West Africa has arrived at a hospital near Atlanta.
05 Dec 05:57

Boehner: Americans 'Deserve More Answers' On Eric Garner’s Death


even orange boner this this one's bullshit

The Speaker says he hasn’t ruled out congressional hearings on the case.
05 Dec 05:54

An NYPD Officer Opens Up About What Went Wrong In The Eric Garner Case


' No, it’s not a race thing. It’s a Ray Kelly thing. That man singlehandedly ruined this department. When I came up as a rookie, you were assigned an older cop who had been around and knew what they were doing. We were taught that you catch more flies with honey. Basically, if you let the small things go — like the guy selling loosies or weed or whatever on the corner — then when the big shit happens, like homicide or burglary, those are the same guys who will tell you all about it. If they hate you, they won’t tell you shit.
Nowadays, since Kelly’s Operation Impact, rookies are taught one thing: Write tickets, do searches, make money. They’ll have a quota they have to fill. They’re not supposed to, but they do. They come up not knowing their asses from their elbows. These rookies don’t understand how to let the small stuff go. They’ll be on your back for a bag of grass. So then when things happen, they overreact.'

I contacted an NYPD police officer who had been honest with me in the past and, very early this morning, after the demonstrations dispersed, we met for a drink at a bar. He agreed to speak frankly — though anonymously — with me about his views on the case.
05 Dec 05:52

Justice Department Finds Cleveland Police Used Excessive Force


'The Cleveland probe was opened after a local newspaper, the Plain Dealer, revealed in May 2011 that six officers accused of brutality had used force on 29 suspects during a two-year period.

The paper also reported that police management often “overlooked” conflicting statements in use-of-force investigations, leading to a high clearance rate for abusive officers.

But the most egregious incident cited by the Justice Department occurred on Nov. 29, 2012, when more than 100 officers launched the high speed-chase that killed Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams. The pair had driven by the local Justice Center in downtown Cleveland when officers heard a noise they took to be gunfire.

The massive chase, involving at least 62 police vehicles, some of them unmarked, lasted 25 minutes at speeds as high as 100 miles an hour. When Russell and Williams were finally cornered outside the city limits, 13 officers fired 137 shots at the car, killing both of them.

In all, about 37 percent of the on-duty force was involved in the incident. It turned out the initial “gunshots” were actually from the car’s muffler backfiring.'

The investigation began in March 2013 and carries added weight after an incident last month when a Cleveland police officer shot dead a 12-year-old boy who was carrying what turned out to be a toy gun on a playground.
05 Dec 05:50

Newswire: Lil Wayne says he’s being held (creative) prisoner by Cash Money Records

by Marah Eakin

fuck wayne

Lil Wayne says both he and his creativity are “a prisoner” of his longtime label, Cash Money Records, and that his new record, Tha Carter V, may never come out because his mentor, Baby, “refuse[s] to release it.”

While this conscious withholding could be a smart decision depending on what Tha Carter V sounds like (New single “Off Day” certainly isn’t great), Weezy says it’s unreasonable that Tha Carter V has been in limbo since at least October, if not longer. In a series of tweets posted Thursday afternoon, Wayne said that he doesn’t blame his fans if they’re “fed up with waiting for” the record, noting that he wants “off this label and nothing to do with these people but unfortunately it ain’t that easy.” He also said that he is “truly and deeply sorry” for frustrating his friends, family, and self, saying ...

05 Dec 05:42

Custom Groot Tree Topper That Turns an Ordinary Christmas Tree Into the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Superhero

by Justin Page


Groot Tree Topper by witchcraftywolfen

Freelance artist Wolfen Moondaughter has created a fantastic Groot tree topper that turned her ordinary Christmas tree into Marvel‘s comic book superhero from Guardians of the Galaxy. Moondaughter completed the tree by making a custom Rocket Raccoon plush to hang from Groot’s festive shoulder. More photos of her Guardians of the Galaxy-themed tree are available to view on Flickr and deviantART.

Groot Tree Topper by witchcraftywolfen

Groot Tree Topper by witchcraftywolfen

photos via Wolfen Moondaughter

via The Superhero Costuming Forum, Nerd Approved

05 Dec 05:40

Newswire: Chris Pratt might join the remake of The Magnificent Seven

by Becca James


According to Deadline, Chris Pratt is in talks to star with Denzel Washington in the remake of John Sturges’ classic Western The Magnificent Seven, which Washington has been prepping with director Antoine Fuqua. As previously noted, MGM has been trying to get the remake off the ground for several years, including a failed 2012 attempt that would have starred Tom Cruise. The most recent script is being handled by John Lee Hancock (The Blind Side, The Alamo), working from a previous draft by True Detective’s Nic Pizzolatto.

The 1960 version of Magnificent Seven, which starred Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen, is itself a remake of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai, and focused on seven gunslingers who fight outlaws threatening to harm a Mexican village. Deadline says Pratt is sought to play “Farraday,” though none of the remake’s characters are being modeled after the originals.

05 Dec 05:38

Das Fang, Shot Glasses Shaped Like Fangs That Come With a Specially Designed Stand

by Lori Dorn

please to pair with bone luge

David Segall and industrial designer Alex Chatham, the creators of Das Horn, are now raising money through Kickstarter to fund “Das Fang“, a set of four shot glasses that are shaped like fangs and come with a stand.

Das Fang is designed to be part of your home bar, and put on display. Design is very important to us so we spent a lot of effort getting exactly the right shape for the shot glasses, and figuring out exactly how to make a stand worthy of them. The glasses have the same timeless, and natural shape of its larger sibling, Das Horn. While Das Horn was designed by studying bovine horns, Das Fang was designed after canine fangs. The top has a lip that was designed so that the drinking experience feels right. It also serves as an easy way to hold the glasses on the stand. The shape isn’t just pretty, but actually serves a purpose: it’s a lot easier and more natural to hold.

Stand Detail

Das Fang Pouring

Das Fang

images via Das Fang

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

05 Dec 05:31

‘Light Is Time,’ An Immersive Indoor Installation of 80,000 Watch Parts Suspended From a Ceiling

by EDW Lynch

fuck your #shredding

Light Is Time Watch Installation

At the 2014 Milan Design Week back in April, Japanese watch brand Citizen and French architecture firm DGT presented LIGHT is TIME, an immersive indoor art installation in which 80,000 shimmering watch parts were suspended from a ceiling. During the installation, visitors could walk amongst the gold-hued watch main plates (the base plate on which a watch’s parts are mounted.) A somewhat scaled-down version of the installation, with 65,000 parts, was displayed at the SPIRAL cultural center in Tokyo back in November.

Light Is Time Watch Installation

Light Is Time Watch Installation

Light Is Time Watch Installation

photos via Citizen

via Spoon & Tamago

05 Dec 05:29

Our Live-Action Wonder Woman Film is Close to Hiring a Writer

by Jill Pantozzi

fuchs this

TerryDodsonWonderWomanWe were happy to hear Wonder Woman was getting a woman to sit in the director’s chair. Will we go two-for-two?

Sadly, no.

Jason Fuchs, whose name I shall avoid speaking out loud, is “in negotiations” to write our first live-action Wonder Woman film script according to The Hollywood Reporter. Fuchs, whose name I will also carefully type, wrote the script for Warners’ Pan, so we hope he’s comfortable being attached to two… aggressively discussed films.

The writer also worked on Ice Age: Continental Drift but so far no specific word on which direction Wonder Woman will take as far as storyline. However, it has been said they’ll be utilizing the character’s DC Comics New 52 origin story.

And here is where I express my disappointment in Warner not hiring a woman to work with director Michelle MacLaren. Now let me get in before “they should choose whoever is best for the job.” Fuchs is currently working with Warner Bros. and THR notes he’s also working on a Pan sequel. He doesn’t have much else on his resume so yes, I think I can safely say there might have been a few people, particularly women, better for this job. However, THR also writes, “Fuchs will work with MacLaren on the drafts.”

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05 Dec 05:26

marriedtotheseacomics: Book burning. From Married To The Sea.


fuck this book shit
letters and words are a bunch of ass

05 Dec 05:18



me irl 3am yesterday morning :( :(

05 Dec 05:00

Android 5.0.1 released; fixes inadvertent factory reset bug

by Ron Amadeo


It seems like every big software release is quickly followed up by a bug-fix update, and it looks like that's what Google has just pushed out to AOSP and the Nexus image page. Android 5.0.1 is the latest version of Lollipop and is now available for select devices.

On the factory images page, there are downloads for the Wi-Fi Nexus 9, Wi-Fi Nexus 7 (2013), and the Nexus 10, and we're expecting updates for the rest of the Nexus devices soon.

Google hasn't said anything official about the update, but Peter Kiddier, an intrepid commenter over at Android Police, has picked out the new commits from the source code. The major showstopper looks to be this bug, which, in some instances, could cause stray input on the lock screen to erase everything on the device.

Read 5 remaining paragraphs | Comments

05 Dec 04:59

About 100 human brains have gone missing from the University of Texas

by Cassandra Khaw


Roughly 100 brains, bottled in formaldehyde, are missing from the University of Texas and no one knows why. According to the Austin American-Statesman, undergraduates and other parties may have stolen them for "living rooms or Halloween pranks."

The missing organs are part of a collection that was transferred from The Austin State Hospital 28 years ago, which was owned by pathologist Dr. Coleman de Chenar. It is believed that he acquired the brains from patients in the psychiatric hospital. By the time he died in 1985, the doctor had amassed around 200 specimens, including the brain of 25-year-old Charles Whitman, otherwise known as the Texas Bell Tower Sniper. A lack of storage resulted in the gruesome hoard being relocated to the University of Texas, where only half remain today. The university said in a statement that it would "carefully investigate" the circumstances surrounding the brains.

05 Dec 04:53

Don't try this: meet the high schooler who made $300K trading penny stocks under his desk

by Ben Popper

how the fuck does a 14yo make $10k waiting tables

The mobile internet enabled one New Jersey teen to lead a risky second life as a day trader

It was just a few weeks into the new school year when Connor Bruggemann decided to play sick. He holed up in his bedroom, shut the door, and opened his laptop. Over the summer his father had opened an Etrade account for him, using around $10,000 Bruggemann had saved up over two years working as a busboy and waiter at a local BBQ joint. At first Bruggemann had used that cash to buy some big, well-known stocks: Apple, Verizon, and a few others. But today was different. One by one he liquidated those positions and put almost everything he had into American Community Development Group Inc, ticker sign ACYD, a penny stock selling for $.003 a share.

Over the next year Bruggemann would turn that $10,000 into more than $300,000, principally trading penny stocks, a practice rife with risk, fraud, and wild swings of fortune. He took off school that day, but for most of the time when Bruggemann was trading, he was also a 16-year-old high school junior in Wyckoff, New Jersey. With his iPhone in hand, Bruggemann would buy and sell six figures of stock from his lunch table, the bathroom, and, occasionally, on the sly while sitting at his desk.

What Bruggemann did with penny stocks isn’t new, but technology has changed what’s possible. Twenty years ago even the best home internet wouldn’t have supported this kind of real-time trading. A decade ago you might have done it from a home office. Today, with the supercomputers we carry in our pockets, a kid can put his life savings on the line while sitting in Spanish class.

connor bruggemann 2

connor bruggemann 2

He sold pieces of his Halloween costumeBruggemann has always been interested in making money. In kindergarten his parents dressed him up as a concession boy for Halloween, complete with a tray carrying popcorn and candy. "He came home with money, but no candy," remembers his mother, Lynn. Later he tried his luck with a lemonade stand in front of the house. "We’re on a cul-de-sac, so almost no cars come down here. He didn’t care. He waited for five hours to make that dollar happen."

He got a job as a busboy at a local restaurant at 14 and worked weekends. He put his money into a savings account, but was unhappy with the paltry interest he earned. His grandfather encouraged him to try the stock market and his father, a former Wall Street trader, eventually agreed to act as the custodian for an Etrade account. "I always talk about the glory days, so maybe it rubbed off a little," said his father John, a former vice president at JP Morgan who worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. But John never played the penny stocks. "Never. Not my game. You could make money or lose money very, very quickly."

A weakness for high risk, high reward activitiesBruggemann, on the other hand, embraced the chaos. He was a fantasy football fanatic with a head for numbers and an attention to detail. He had dabbled in sports betting and online poker, getting into trouble with his parents when they discovered it. For Bruggemann, as for many others, penny stocks were another outlet for that risky reward seeking. "There is a lot of fraud and manipulation, a lot of them are not legitimate companies," he says. "It could be someone like you or I sitting here saying we have a $5 million deal with Panasonic, when in reality that’s not true." According to the SEC, penny stock scams have surged over the last two years.
conner bruggemann 3

conner bruggemann 3

ACYD was Bruggemann’s first big trade. It’s a manufacturer of industrial grade wireless equipment for municipal Wi-Fi systems. He had listened to a conference call where the CEO announced it would buy back shares of the company to try and spur the price towards 1 cent a share. Four days later, Bruggemann accumulated a position of several million shares at the price of roughly one-third of a penny each. Four days after that, the company officially announced its share buyback program, and the price began to climb.

The stock climbed 800X in valueBy the end of September those shares had reached a price of a little over a penny each, and Bruggemann’s portfolio was worth more than $50,000. By October, the price of ACYD shares had risen to around 6 cents, 20 times what Bruggemann paid for them. His portfolio was suddenly worth just under $200,000. He sold off most of that position by the end of the December, by which time the stock was down to 4 cents.

By March, ACYD was down to a penny, and today it sits at $.0036 a share, almost exactly where it was when Bruggemann got started. It’s a reminder to him that trading such volatile stocks is a dangerous game. "I guess the rule of thumb is, when you invest in a penny stock, expect to lose every dollar you put in. So there is always that risk," he told me. "There have been several times where I put every dollar I’ve had on the line, and fortunately it's worked out almost every time." He stops, then corrects himself. "Every time! Or else I’d have nothing."

Bruggemann’s spectacular returns, experts insist, do not mean he’s got some secret formula for success. "Smartphones have exacerbated the monkeys and typewriters problem," says says Paul Kedrosky, a veteran investor. "Given enough people with smartphones, a teen from New Jersey will turn his bar mitzvah money into $300,000, purely by chance."

"It's bullshit.
Trust me."

Bruggemann’s personal success appears to be equal parts luck and hard work; a combination of diligent research, tolerance for risk, and the discipline to get out quickly to limit his losses. It’s worth noting that he’s only been trading for about 17 months. And it helped, of course, those months took place during the last year and half, while the stock market was climbing to new highs.

Like gambling at a casino, the odds when playing penny stocks are stacked against you. The high levels of fraud and volatility mean it's very difficult to anticipate what's coming. Connor's staggering success, say seasoned traders, is not a magic method others could replicate. In fact, many I talked to doubted it was real at all.

"There are NO prodigies, just bull markets," says Howard Lindzon, an investor and founder of Stocktwits. He encouraged me not to cover Bruggemann’s story. Other traders I talked to were much harsher. "It's bullshit. Trust me," said one. "This is being orchestrated by a penny stock alerts product; it's a marketing scam."

At home, in a room he shares with his older brother, Bruggemann has two monitors set up as a trading station. But most of the time, he tells me, "I prefer to trade on my phone." He monitors trades using a service called Level2, which shows him who the buyer and sellers are, what prices they’re asking for, and how many shares they hold. He also consults the chat room, which he runs, and various message boards he either operates or frequents. Finally he has the Etrade app, where he actually executes all his buy and sell orders. "In school they have a lot of things blocked, Java is blocked, so I use my iPhone instead."

"I said you probably just cost him money."

Bruggemann has had his phone confiscated a few times, leading the school to contact his parents. "Last year I got a call from the school saying the physics teacher took away Connor’s cell phone and now I have to come and pick it up," said his mother. Bruggemann bought himself a new BMW with his earnings, a new Macbook for each of his parents on their birthdays, and iPads for his siblings. "I asked what time did this happen, and she said 9:35. I said you probably just cost him money. He trades stocks, 9:35 means the market just opened, he had to make a move. They told me he’s in physics class, he can’t do that, and I’m like, ok, whatever."

tim sykes cash

tim sykes cash

Tim Sykes, a penny stock trader who Bruggemann cites as an idol. (

Bruggemann has applied to college and hopes to study finance, economics, and entrepreneurship. But he has also cooked up his own advice website, where users can learn his trading tips and tricks, follow along with his plays, and converse in a private chat room with Bruggemann and a few other traders, all the for the low price of just $2,000 a year. This is probably where his interaction with penny stocks borders most on the unscrupulous side. Bruggemann is a big fan of Tim Sykes, a former whiz-kid himself, who promises to make his customers rich in just seven days. The site Bruggeman is running doesn’t make any outlandish claims, but he’s still peddling the idea that he has a special skillset others can use to their benefit trading penny stocks, a promise that might be hard to keep.

While the promises on Bruggeman’s website are far less aggressive than "Get rich quick" schemes like Sykes', there is an element of self-interest in creating a watch list of penny stocks. "If someone is going to pay me for what I’m trading, I don’t want to get in at a penny and they get in at a penny and a half." Recommending stocks you already own without disclosing that fact is at the heart of many penny stock schemes.

It’s worth emphasizing here that, while The Verge could find no evidence of Bruggeman pushing penny stocks to his followers in an attempt to pump and dump shares, the basic nature of his website is fraught with that potential. Bruggeman says he is careful to indicate which stocks he is in and alerts followers when he enters and exits a stock. For now, the community following his watch list of stocks is fairly small. "We have 16 people it’s emailed out to daily. My Twitter is a little over 1,000. They don’t subscribe to me, but if I tweet, sometimes they will follow my plays."

His website presents opportunities for manipulationBruggemann is at a critical juncture. It would be a short hop to playing the role of the next whiz-kid, using his personal story to charge others, roping them in with a promise that they too will strike it rich. One of the big influences keeping Bruggemann honest appears to be his father, John. He saw the highs and lows of the markets first hand. When John lost his job in the financial crisis of 2008, the whole family felt the impact. "The big expensive vacations aren’t happening as often. The lifestyle that we live, we’ve had to cut back, just like everybody else, until Daddy...gets back to where he was. Even half-way would be nice."

Along with setting aside savings, John insisted Connor apply to college. He also helped Bruggemann set up his investment advice website, and was careful to keep him from promising too much. "He looks at the Tim Sykes character as his model and believes that he has insight to give. He explains his process, some stuff he’s looking at, but I never want him to give the appearance that he’s promoting a stock. Hey everybody go out and buy X, Y, and Z because I’m promoting the stock. No. Please don’t become that."

conner and john bruggemann

conner and john bruggemann

"I'm not supervising him as much as I should."While his father is technically in control of the custodial Etrade account, Bruggemann’s parents give him wide latitude to manage his money. "I’m not supervising him as much as I should," admits his father. "But he turned $9,000 into a lot of money; he’s entitled to it." He did, however, insist that Connor transfer about half his profits into a much safer long term investment account that his father still controls. "I take money away from him so that he can’t lose it all. I’m gonna trust that he knows what he’s doing, that he’s not going to put it all on one bet, but if it all goes, he still has the down payment for a house. If he lost everything, I would never forgive myself."

Bruggemann turns 18 soon, and he often teases his father that he'll be heading to the dealership the day he's old enough to do what he pleases with his cash. But he maintains no illusions about the world he’s playing in. "The company I’m in right now, the CEO got arrested for embezzling funds. He stole $185,000 from the Girl Scouts, before this." What he likes about this world is that he is competing against people like himself, mostly small-timers he feels he can beat. "[In] penny stocks, you’re playing against high schoolers. You’re playing Division III."

"He stole $185,000 from the Girl Scouts."

He says that he’s tried some of the more well-known stock exchanges, but felt that high-frequency traders using sophisticated algorithms were eating into his profits. He keeps a copy of Michael Lewis' new book, Flash Boys, on his dresser as a reminder that in their own ways, all markets have their unscrupulous players. Penny stocks are a risky game, he acknowledges, but "there is way more cheating on Wall Street."

05 Dec 04:51

Android Policy For Nexus and Google Play Devices Updated To Excuse Carrier Delay

by Soulskill

womp womp

An anonymous reader writes: Google has quietly updated its Android update policy for both Nexus and Google Play edition devices. In short, if you bought either type of smartphone or tablet from a carrier, you may experience delays that result in waiting longer than two weeks to get the latest version. Google has tweaked the "Android updates: Nexus & Google Play edition devices" support page to add, "Based on your carrier, it may take longer than two weeks after release to get an update." It's worth emphasizing this won't stop you from downloading a given Android update directly from Google or your device's manufacturer, and installing it yourself on your device. This is mainly for over-the-air updates, which carriers can choose to delay on their own networks.

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