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18 Dec 15:31

Missouri prosecutor releases more evidence from Ferguson shooting - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
"Clearly, I inadvertently omitted some material" from the Nov. 24 release, McCulloch said. "I apologize for any confusion this may have caused." It was the second time McCulloch had released evidence that was left out of dozens of documents and photos on Nov. 24. On Monday, McCulloch made public additional material after he realized they were not part of the initial release.
18 Dec 15:31

NYC police union launches campaign to keep mayor away from funerals - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
New York's police union is showing its displeasure with Mayor Bill de Blasio and the head of the city council by starting a campaign to keep the two politicians away from funerals of fallen officers. The campaign follows harsh criticism of de Blasio by Patrick Lynch, the head of the union, who said the mayor had failed to support the police after a grand jury decided against indicting a white officer in the chokehold death of Eric Garner.
18 Dec 15:31

Sony Hack: 10 New Developments

by gguillotte
Gumpert said in the leaked email, according to a report by The Daily Beast, that he had received a call from Jennifer Lawrence’s attorneys, Steve Warren and Gretchen Rush, saying the compensation deals were “unfair.” The film’s director, David O. Russell, and male actors each were slated to receive 9 percent of the pool, while Lawrence and co-star Amy Adams  were down to get only 7 percent. Gumpert suggested Megan Ellison, the head of Annapurna Pictures, which co-financed American Hustle, increase Lawrence’s take and noted doing so would also give Adams a boost. Gumpert also noted Lawrence’s original deal was 5 percent, which was later raised to 7 percent.
18 Dec 15:31

roachpatrol: tastefullyoffensive: (photos by ilikegear) this...



(photos by ilikegear)

this is evil

18 Dec 15:30


18 Dec 15:30

babygoatsandfriends: via yo saucieshares

18 Dec 15:30

lindseybluth: i hate spotify ads because i listen to playlists in the shower a lot and there is...


i hate spotify ads because i listen to playlists in the shower a lot and there is nothing more startling than being completely naked and suddenly hearing lebron james say “i’ll tell you what makes me thirsty”

18 Dec 15:30

pinkfled: David Bowie signing autographs during the Aladdin...


David Bowie signing autographs during the Aladdin Sane tour, 1973

18 Dec 15:30

nice-wig-janis: fuckyeahnarcotics: Our hospital ready for...



Our hospital ready for Christmas.

i can’t breathe

18 Dec 15:30

commandermay: BURN ( x )


BURN ( x )

18 Dec 15:29

smidgetz: kateoplis: Today in NON-Onion Thingys Of course it...

18 Dec 15:29

Bank of America sees $50 oil as Opec dies - Telegraph

by gguillotte
The Opec oil cartel no longer exists in any meaningful sense and crude prices will slump to $50 a barrel over the coming months as market forces shake out the weakest producers, Bank of America has warned. Revolutionary changes sweeping the world’s energy industry will drive down the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG), creating a “multi-year” glut and a much cheaper source of gas for Europe. Francisco Blanch, the bank’s commodity chief, said Opec is “effectively dissolved” after it failed to stabilize prices at its last meeting. “The consequences are profound and long-lasting,“ he said.
18 Dec 15:28

Anderson Cooper was pretty delighted to find out a slave killed his ancestor with a farm hoe - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. traced Anderson Cooper's family tree for an October episode of Finding Your Roots on PBS. If you didn't see it when it aired, you missed the CNN host learning that a distant relative  — his fourth great grandfather, to be exact —  was killed by one of his slaves. With a farm hoe. The segment is being enjoyed again today thanks to a boost from Twitter, where people are re-watching as Cooper absorbs the violent news with what looks something like a combination of awe and glee.
18 Dec 15:28

Donald Glover Stars In New FX Series 'Atlanta' -

by gguillotte
The series will center on Glover as a rising rap star in Atlanta, Georgia and his cousin, as they try to become successful in the music industry. The actor will also act as an executive producer on the series alongside Paul Simms and Dianne McGunigle. He will also write the first episode. Glover's character will be named Earnest Marks, according to Deadline, a college dropout who decides to pursue a career in rap music.
18 Dec 15:27


18 Dec 15:27

What a racket... Can't you be quiet?

What a racket...
Can't you be quiet?
18 Dec 15:27

iguanamouth: ??????????



18 Dec 15:26

thescarletwoman: nowonlyghosts: sixpenceee: Margaret...




Margaret Hamilton is a computer scientist and mathematician. She was the lead software engineer for Project Apollo.  Her work prevented an abort of the Apollo 11 moon landing. She’s also credited for coining the term “software engineer.” 

Those stacks are the code she wrote for Apollo 11. Incredible.

reblog all the time

Photo unsourced; Wikipedia sources it to a blog post that sources it to being “floating around the internet.”

Hamilton is CEO of Hamilton Technologies Inc. of Cambridge, MA.

Hamilton on the moon landing:

From my own perspective, the software experience itself (designing it, developing it, evolving it, watching it perform and learning from it for future systems) was at least as exciting as the events surrounding the mission. I thought about the significance of this even as the events surrounding the Apollo 11 landing unfolded. Onboard software had discovered that the CPU was fast approaching overload and there would not be enough time to perform landing functions unless emergency steps were taken. With the software’s global error detection and recovery mechanisms, nominal displays were interrupted with priority displays of 1201 and 1202 alarms. Every time the CPU approached overload, the software cleared out its entire queue of processes, restarted its functions; allowing only the highest priority ones to perform until the landing was completed. The source of the error was later found to be in the astronaut checklist document; instructing the astronaut to place the rendezvous radar hardware switch in the wrong position, thus stealing valuable CPU time. The mechanisms the software used for this emergency were thought by many to have saved the Apollo 11 mission.

18 Dec 15:26

quantumcappuccino: knowledgeequalsblackpower: reflectionof1: B...




Born today, the first Black Video Game Engineer and Designer and inventor of the modern game console, Gerald “Jerry” Lawson (December 1, 1940 – April 9, 2011).

“At a time when the computer and video game industry was primarily filled with Caucasian males, Jerry Lawson was an innovator. He created of the first cartridge based video game console (the Fairchild Channel F), designed of one of the first coin-op arcade games (Demolition Derby), was the head of Videosoft, an early independent developer for the Atari 2600, and the first African American in the video game industry to achieve such accomplishments.”

Lawson was born in 1940 and grew up in a federal housing project in Queens, New York. As a kid, he operated a ham radio; as a teenager he earned money by repairing his neighbors’ television sets.

As an engineer at Fairchild Semiconductor, Lawson designed the electronics of the Fairchild Video Entertainment System, later renamed the Channel F, in 1976.

Predating the release of Atari’s Video Computer System by a year, the Channel F was the first videogame machine that used interchangeable game cartridges, which Fairchild sold separately. Previous game machines like Atari’s Pong and the Magnavox Odyssey had all their games built into the hardware.

Lawson’s pioneering design set the standard for the game consoles of today.

Yep. Before him, the games were built into the machine so you could only play the games that came built in your system. Lawson made it possible for people to play multiple different video games at home. 


18 Dec 15:26

lokiwholockfactory: gallifrey-feels: knitmeapony: dreaminpng: ...







#probably the best explanation of a device in the tv history

This is literally my fourth or fifth time reblogging this.

It’s still hillarious.

One of my favorite lines

I kinda feel like the writers wrote this line specifically to drive the kind of fans who want to figure out how sci-fi tech would theoretically work crazy. They’re like “nope! We’re not going to give you any techno babble to tear apart or investigate or mull over to tell us how we’re doing it wrong, or how it compares in effectiveness to similar tech in other franchises.”

I also feel like this is one of those times when the TARDIS’s translation circuit just gave the fuck up. Like the ‘physics physics physics’ scene, where he is imparting secrets of the universe and the TARDIS is like THERE ARE NO WORDS FOR THIS IN ENGLISH DAMN IT DOCTOR OH HELL FUCK IT.

OH MY GODS she TOTALLY edits his speech. I be he actually swears a fuckton but the TARDIS is like THERE ARE CHILDREN



14 Dec 23:18

Iceland, just the hint of the aurora looking out to the...



Iceland, just the hint of the aurora looking out to the mountains beyond Thingvellir. A perfect night.

14 Dec 23:06

atane: midnighthatters: fullofstarlight: WHAT THE FUCK EVEN...





I showed this to my flatmate and she laughed about how Americans think that Hong Kong is in South Africa.

Your flatmate should apply for a job at CNN if she sees South Africa in the image. She’ll get the job.

14 Dec 15:01

Google Confirms That It's Designing Kid-Friendly Versions of Its Services

by samzenpus

'The big motivator inside the company is everyone is having kids'

wow, all at once, ok

An anonymous reader writes USA Today reports that rumors about Google working on specific services catering to young kids are true. From the article: "With Google processing 40,000 search queries a second — or 1.2 trillion a year — it's a safe bet that many of those doing the Googling are kids. Little surprise then that beginning next year the tech giant plans to create specific versions of its most popular products for those 12 and younger. The most likely candidates are those that are already popular with a broad age group, such as search, YouTube and Chrome. 'The big motivator inside the company is everyone is having kids, so there's a push to change our products to be fun and safe for children,' Pavni Diwanji, the vice president of engineering charged with leading the new initiative, told USA TODAY. 'We expect this to be controversial, but the simple truth is kids already have the technology in schools and at home,' says the mother of two daughters, ages 8 and 13. 'So the better approach is to simply see to it that the tech is used in a better way.'"

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14 Dec 06:12

foreveralone-lyguy: I found a real angry bird today


I found a real angry bird today


14 Dec 05:30

Video: Birds with Arms (ASUS Commercial)


via Tadeu

14 Dec 05:29

Top 10 Names Of Worst Behaved Boys

by Joe Jervis

via Ibstopher

Today's silliness via Buzzfeed:
An annual survey from the company School Stickers has collected data on which children’s names are the most common for kids who are well-behaved, and ones who could use a time-out. School Stickers, which tracks children’s behavior and digitally rewards ones for behaving well, collected and analyzed data based on one million entries and released a “naughty list” of names.
In elementary school I pretty much earned straight A's, but I always did get poor grades in what was then called "citizenship." Best behaved boys: Jacob, Daniel, Thomas, Adam, James, Harry, Sam, Oliver, Ryan. Hit the link for the girl results. By the way, my mother sent us this story.
14 Dec 05:15

TV Club: Adventure Time: “The Cooler”

by Oliver Sava

wherein Princess Bubblegum is a metaphor for US mass surveillance

Your scheduled Adventure Time review will begin right after I listen to the “Food Chain” song 100 times.

Finn and Jake have a brief cameo in “The Cooler” reprising this hummable little ditty on one of Princess Bubblegum’s many video screens, and it just reminds me of how great Masaaki Yuasa’s episode was earlier this season. But it doesn’t play any part in this episode beyond that short callback. “The Cooler” is a story about the relationship of Flame Princess and Princess Bubblegum, two women who are responsible for the wellbeing of entire kingdoms, and are forced to make decisions based on that responsibility. When the magma at the core of the Fire Kingdom begins to cool, Flame Princess needs to find a solution in order to save her quickly weakening citizens, and she turns to Princess Bubblegum for help during this crisis.

But Princess Bubblegum has ...

14 Dec 05:14


14 Dec 05:12

Bee and Puppycat Episode 3 is Here and Full of Cleavage - It's not what you think it is. We promise.

by Victoria McNally

Aww, Puppycat, that’s just cruel. How come you get to have fun at the beach while wishing you were watching television inside, while us here on the wintry east coast are sitting inside wishing we could be at the beach? And… what’s up with your crab friend, bro?

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13 Dec 05:50

Barry! [1]

by Brandon Bird

Brandon Bird beat

This is a very belated wedding gift for Jeffrey and Holly, who run Topatoco. Way back at Calgary Expo Holly mentioned, “I kind of want to get Jeffrey a velvet painting of Barry from Storage Wars,” and I was like, “Dude, I’ll do it, that’s totally something I should have already made.” I even had my sometimes-assistant Lacy build and stretch a black velvet surface, but as it turns out, working on velvet is incredibly hard. So I made this delicate oil painting instead. Prints here.