Shared posts

30 Dec 17:34


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

30 Dec 17:33


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

30 Dec 17:33

divalopment: luzfosca: Fritz Henle Cleaning woman in MOMA...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



Fritz Henle, Cleaning woman in MOMA, 1950s


when I experience the daily racism and microaggressions of art history grad school, I remember that these spaces were made with our exclusion in mind

30 Dec 17:31

socialjusticekoolaid: Today in Solidarity (12/29/14): I was out...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


Today in Solidarity (12/29/14): I was out in LA today when we got word about the autopsy results for Ezell Ford. They gunned that man down execution-style. Folks are angry, but staying peaceful, though you can feel the tension in the air. Pray for Ezell’s family and all those putting their lives on the line in the name of justice tonight. #staywoke #farfromover

30 Dec 17:29

Here's the 1969 Bill Cosby Routine About Wanting to Drug Women's Drinks | Village Voice

by djempirical

Bill Cosby's It's True! It's True! album.
Time was, this country responded to rape accusations against America's Sweater Dad, Bill Cosby, the same way Cosby's Noah did to God's command that he put two of each animal onto a boat: by saying, "Riiiiiiiiiiigghhhht" and then moving on.

Today, though, the testimonials against Cosby keep coming, and the man himself is canceling public appearances, stonewalling a clearly shaken Scott Simon of NPR, and finally responding with a public statement (sent through his lawyer) that has right on its surface one immediately verifiable lie: "At age 77, he is doing his best work."

Cosby's dozen-plus accusers tell similar stories: that, after having a drink with Cosby, they felt drugged and confused as he had his way with them. Curiously, Cosby himself once made such scenarios the center of a stand-up routine: Witness "Spanish Fly," a cut from his now-unfortunately titled 1969 LP It's True! It's True!.

In it, Cosby describes being a kid and hearing about a wonder drug -- "Spanish Fly" -- that would make a girl go crazy once it was put into her drink. He presents this as a horny/goofy lark of an idea, a myth that kids buy into all over the world. More disturbingly, Cosby then describes his adult interest in such a drug, especially on a trip he took to Spain with Robert Culp of I Spy -- both Culp and Cosby, he claims, were desperate to get their hands on some Spanish Fly.

Even when I heard this bit as a kid, I wondered: Why would famous TV stars need a drug to get women interested in them? Why is sex something to lie and cheat and scheme to get, rather than something to share? Hearing it now, it's positively chilling, especially the crowd's easy laughter, which suggests that Cosby was able to put over his fantasy of women stripped of their ability to say no as something near universal. Boys will be boys, hahaha, and then refuse ever to speak of it once they become rich and powerful men.

Original Source

30 Dec 17:26

Out-of-Context IKEA Instructions to Help You Live a Better Life | Mental Floss

by djempirical

Image credit:

Printed without words, IKEA instructions are meant to be used around the globe. Someone in Tokyo can build his KLÄPPE swivel chair from the same booklet as a college kid in her Maryland dorm.

This saves the Swedish furniture manufacturer tons of money in printing costs, but it also serves a surprising purpose: Taken out of context, certain pages and details from IKEA instruction books can be interpreted as guides to living a fuller and more happy life. Here are 16 examples.

1. Relax

You earned it. Follow steps 1-3 as shown above for maximum relaxation. If you don't feel like going all the way, stop at step 2. This is you time.

2. Wash Your Garbage

Sanitation workers will appreciate and even look forward to your spring-fresh bag of trash on collection days.

3. Attach Wheels to Your Pet Starfish

Now he's the fastest echinoderm on the block. Look at him go!

4. The Area Behind the Knee is Very Sensitive

It's a little-known erogenous zone, as demonstrated by the shaded "heat" sphere above.

5. There's Your Wallet

Right there, underneath that thing with all the other wallets.

6. Have a Beer

Long day? Kick back with a cold one or two, which will be floating in space for you to grab when you're ready.

7. Stefan Is Gone

And he's never coming back. Time to move on.

8. Check Under and Inside Your Grand Piano Twice a Year

There may be loose change or even forgotten treats that have accumulated down there. Best to make sure.

9. Don't Be Glum

There's a daybed right behind you. Lie down for a bit and think about things that'll cheer you up. Remember the Home Improvement episode where Tim enters the lawn mower race? That was a good one. Think about that.

10. Diving Boards Make Great Presents

Attach a bow to the bottom to give your gift some decorative flair.

11. Look Up

There, at those branches. Fall is around the corner; you can tell by how the leaves are changing color.

12. Do Squats

A great butt isn't given, it's earned.

13. Start At the Top Right Square for Tic-Tac-Toe

It's the secret to winning this classic game.

14. Fonzie Melted

Fold up what's left of the King of Cool for easy storage.

15. You Only Really Need Two Keys

Why are you lugging around that loaded keychain? Free up some much-needed pocket space by streamlining.

16. No Sketches of Punch and Judy

A hastily drawn outline doesn't do these beloved characters justice.

[All images from IKEA product instructions. Source Products: Karlstad, IKEA PS, Mysinge, Pax Tonnes, Premiar, Rakke, Rationell, Smaldal, Stefan, Tylosand, Udden, Verner, Vreta]

Original Source

30 Dec 17:26

Study shows that goths grow up to be better adults than punks and ravers | AUX.TV

by djempirical

If we’re being honest with ourselves, most high-school social archetypes don’t age well. The athletic, jocky types? 10 years on, after you’ve moved to the closest urban centre, they’re still stuck in Bracebridge, ON, working at a mobile-phone kiosk and living in their mom’s basement. The punks? They’ve either become loft-dwelling graphic designers, social media marketers for Pabst Blue Ribbon, or have become small-town badmen with Bradley Nowell tattoos. The nerds? They either run the world or moderate a banging Subreddit. Which leads us the next question: Can goths actually grow up?

The answer, in short: Yes. In fact, according to a Surrey University researcher, goths actually aged better than punks or—in their word—ravers. So, what happens to goths when they actually become adults?

Well, they actually become adults—without having to drop goth culture. Dr. Paul Hodkinson, according to The Guardian, has been following a group of goths he began studying in the 1990s. Unlike other subsets, who drifted away from their subcultures to become functioning adults, his group of goths stuck with the culture—even as career, property-owning, and family beckoned.

“They were teenagers and in their early 20s then, and I thought it would be interesting to go back because a number of people do stay involved in the goth scene,” the researcher told The Guardian.

So, why do goths stick with the subculture? It’s because, unlike aesthetics-obsessed cultures (see: Anti Flag’s “Summer Squatter Go Home”), goths sculpt a social identity around the subculture. As Hodkinson puts it, beyond wearing black and an affinity for Bauhaus and Wax Trax records, “some goths would tell you they have an interest in the dark side of life, and a natural tendency towards a degree of angst.”

Being involved in a gothic scene, he says, is integral to a goth, so much that it’s “so intertwined that it would feel very odd to leave it.” Plus, makeup hides those crow’s feet, right?

An “interest in the dark side of life,” then, doesn’t prohibit you from being an adult. A raver’s crippling MDMA hangovers and a punk’s affinity to shoot heroin in his eyeball, we’d guess, don’t translate as well in the working world. His study found that grown-up goths were also adaptable to the adult world’s custy-ass conventions: They were willing to adapt their style for work, and while residual gothiness peeked through in their business-casual dress, they weren’t painting their fingernails black at the office.

This attitude may stem from the fact that goth culture is relatively middle-class: Hodkinson says his goths didn’t show an aversion to education, as some subcultures do, and many have started rearing baby goths—which happened so frequently, goth festivals needed to adapt facilities for their pale-faced toddlers.

It all points to the fact, though, that goth culture might be more resilient than most. Goths grow “up together and [take] on various elements of adulthood later perhaps than others might, but doing it as a cohort of people who are passionate about the same thing, and who support each other.”

It turns out that goths can indeed grow up. [H/T The Guardian]

Original Source

30 Dec 17:23

kartridges: Kishin Douji Zenki: Rettou Raiden - Hudson Soft,...


Kishin Douji Zenki: Rettou Raiden - Hudson Soft, Super Famicom, 1995.

30 Dec 17:23

Patreon support jumps more than 3,700 percent in 2014 to $10M

by Brian Crecente

Crowdfunded support of the arts is through the roof, or at least for Patreon it is.

Patreon, which was founded in May 2013 to enable fans to support and sometimes engage with artists and creators, brought in $10 million in 2014.

The site, which includes support for YouTubers, web comics, blogs, indie games and much more, takes five percent of that and the creators have to cover the credit card transaction fees, which typically run four percent. So that means about 90 percent of a pledge goes to a creator.

The year's $10 million is a 3,761 percent increase over 2013, which saw pledges of $259,000. Even if you take into account the fact that Patreon didn't launch until five months into 2013, that's an astounding increase.

"In our eyes (and hearts), this demonstration of support underscores a dramatic, cultural revolution happening in arts communities around the globe," wrote Tyler Palmer, vice president of operations at Patreon, in a letter to members. "More creators are able to create freely and fully by connecting directly to the people with the power to support them. We're honored to help make this happen, and inspired to do more."

Over the course of this year, Palmer goes on to write, Patreon added creation pages, new payment settings, a features section and improved search and recommendation engines. He writes that 2015 will bring with it new designs and features including notifications, creator analytics and a mobile app.

"Thank you for making things," Palmer wrote. "Thank you for paying people to make things. And thank you for stepping into a new ecosystem that's evolving the way art is financed and shared. We know that without you, Patreon is an empty shell. YOU fund, YOU create, YOU fill us up, and for that, we are eternally grateful."

Polygon's Ethics statement was updated over the fall to include a policy for contributing to Patreon campaigns, it reads: "Polygon staff are permitted to contribute to Patreon campaigns for members of the video game industry, but need to disclose the details of those contributions on their staff page as well as on any related coverage they publish on the site."

30 Dec 17:19

The Radical Case For Cities Buying Sports Teams, Not Sports Stadiums

When the Washington, D.C. city council unanimously approved spending $183 million in cash and tax breaks on a new stadium for D.C. United earlier this month, there were some who wondered: for $183 million, wouldn't it have been cheaper for D.C. to skip the stadium and just buy the team?
30 Dec 17:16

Yosuke Amemiya

Yosuke Amemiya

30 Dec 17:16

nflstreet: family: what do you want to do after college? me:


family: what do you want to do after college?

me: image

30 Dec 17:16


30 Dec 17:15

Meet The Pediatricians Who Assist Anti-Vaxxers

by Mark Strauss

Meet The Pediatricians Who Assist Anti-Vaxxers

Last month, a school in Michigan temporarily closed as whooping cough began spreading among the 1,200 students. It's the latest example of the public health risks caused by low vaccination rates — a growing national problem made worse by anti-vaxxer parents who are able to get help from sympathetic pediatricians.


30 Dec 17:06

Newly published NSA documents show agency could grab all Skype traffic

by Sean Gallagher

A National Security Agency document published this week by the German news magazine Der Spiegel from the trove provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden shows that the agency had full access to voice, video, text messaging, and file sharing from targeted individuals over Microsoft’s Skype service. The access, mandated by a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant, was part of the NSA’s PRISM program and allowed “sustained Skype collection” in real time from specific users identified by their Skype user names.

The nature of the Skype data collection was spelled out in an NSA document dated August 2012 entitled “User’s Guide for PRISM Skype Collection.” The document details how to “task” the capture of voice communications from Skype by NSA’s NUCLEON system, which allows for text searches against captured voice communications. It also discusses how to find text chat and other data sent between clients in NSA’s PINWALE “digital network intelligence” database.

The full capture of voice traffic began in February of 2011 for “Skype in” and “Skype out” calls—calls between a Skype user and a land line or cellphone through a gateway to the public switched telephone network (PSTN), captured through warranted taps into Microsoft’s gateways. But in July of 2011, the NSA added the capability of capturing peer-to-peer Skype communications—meaning that the NSA gained the ability to capture peer-to-peer traffic and decrypt it using keys provided by Microsoft through the PRISM warrant request.

Read 7 remaining paragraphs | Comments

30 Dec 17:02

The Last RSVP

by Dorothy


30 Dec 16:57

Colorlines Needs You!

by Akiba Solomon
Colorlines Needs You!

There's no doubt that 2014 was an intense year. 

We've been tested (#HandsUp, #ICan'tBreathe, Palestine, lawyer-less child migrants).

We've been powerful (#BlackLivesMatter, civilian oversight of L.A. sheriffs, Moral Mondays, the fast food strikes).

And we've celebrated (Freedom Rides, WOCs who rock, Facing Race.)

As we approach the new year, we'd like to thank you for reading, tweeting, commenting and generally engaging with Colorlines this year. With your help, our tiny staff has provided context for breaking news, continued our coverage of ongoing stories, and kept you up on culture. We've also brought you Life Cycles of Inequity, a special multimedia series that explores how systemic racism impacts black men's lives, from birth to death. 

You know you won't find coverage like this--by and of people of color--anywhere else. And your readership means the world.

Now we're going to ask you to keep us going by donating today!

The fact is good writing and real reporting costs money. With your donations, we can continue to bring you this daily news site where race matters. (I know everyone says this, but we truly do welcome one-time and monthly gifts of any size!)

To quote the late, great poet Gwendolyn Brooks, "We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond." Around here we take those words seriously.

Peace, power and time,

Akiba Solomon, Editorial Director

PS: You may notice that we've been publishing fewer pieces. That's because we're taking some time off. But no worries. We'll be back at full speed in January 2015.

30 Dec 16:53

sandandglass: Mel B is baffled by Richard Ayoade.


via Toaster Strudel


Mel B is baffled by Richard Ayoade.

30 Dec 16:48



via Toaster Strudel

30 Dec 12:35

How to cook your favorite video game meals in the real-world

by Emily Gera

this fucking blog-to-book deal

If you've ever wondered what in-game food actually tastes like in the real-world, a new cook book of game-inspired recipes is now available featuring meals based on grub from Skyrim, Fallout: New Vegas and more.

Fry Scores: An Unofficial Guide to Video Game Grub was written over a period of two years by writer and photographer Holly Green. The cook book includes original recipes based on in-game items like Skyrim's apple cabbage stew and Fallout: New Vegas' Cook Cook's Fiend Stew.

"Choosing the recipes was one of the more difficult parts of the process, as I wanted to present a practical list of dishes that could be eaten any day of the week," Green told Game Informer. "I noticed that a lot of video game food blogs updated infrequently and featured items that were either difficult to make or didn't hold general interest. I wanted to bring together a full list of recipes that would include cuisine staples and cover a basic level of culinary instruction."

Also included are recipes for French toast from The Sims 3, pork katsu from Cooking Mama and red curry from the Kirby series. Green has released one recipe online to mark the release of the book: Yeto's Soup from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. You can check out this recipe below and try it out for yourself.




  • 1/3 lb. sockeye salmon
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 16 oz. heavy cream
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 4 oz. goat cheese
  • bay leaf
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 1/4 tsp. smoked paprika
  • 3/4 tsp. white pepper
  • dill for garnish

The most important part of this dish is the quality of the ingredients. Choose a quality cut of sockeye salmon and a pure goat cheese that crumbles easily. For this recipe, a bourbon infused goat cheese was used, enhancing the soup with a light smoky flavor. If you cannot find a smoky goat cheese, a shot of bourbon can be added to the finished soup base.

The first step is to create a cream-goat cheese base. This is achieved by slowly blending the two over a low heat. Crumble the goat cheese into small chunks, then place in 2 quart saucepan over LOW heat. Slowly add cream, tablespoon by tablespoon, blending into the cheese with a fork or large wooden spoon. Continue until full 16 oz has been completely added. Once all the cheese has melted, the resulting liquid will be thick.

Add to it two bay leaves, paprika, salt, and white pepper and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat, then add pumpkin puree by the tablespoon while stirring constantly. Once all pumpkin puree has been added, cover mixture and let simmer.

Next broil the salmon. Since salmon is thin it does not require a lot of heat. Once it is fully cooked it will separate easily from the skin. Place the salmon on a cookie sheet covered in tin foil.

Broil on the LOW setting for about fifteen minutes or until flesh has turned light pink, then switch to HIGH. Cook an additional six to eight minutes, monitoring carefully until the edges of the salmon are caramelized and appear crispy, then remove from the oven and cool completely.

When ready to serve, spoon hot pumpkin soup into a bowl, then place slices of cooked salmon on top. Garnish with dill, rainbow pepper corn, and smoked paprika.

You can see Green's photography in the image above. The book is available now via iTunes and iBooks on Macs and iDevices, while additional formats will be available in the future.

30 Dec 12:35

Old Man Gunshow


end of Gunshow

Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for stickin with me for however long you have stuck here. Gunshow was fun to do but I gotta do something else. I just have to. Thank you. Some important links for you: my main site, will soon be a easy way to check on what im doing. BACK is my other comic I am still doing with Anthony. We're just getting started with it. Pinocchio, a comic adaptation. While not as dark as Gunshow could be, it's a very interesting story I think. Which is why I'm doing it. Midnite Surprise, art blog and will probably post dumb one-off comics off and on. My twitter, a good way to follow what I'm doing and will be doing. And again.. Thank you.

30 Dec 12:32

explore-blog: Neil deGrasse Tyson selects the 8 books every...


via Rosalind
no women authors on the list, though he pitches the list itself as more of a statement and his rationale is to hateread almost everything on it

30 Dec 12:29

ruthhopkins: WOW. These are posted on the FB page of Anthony...


via Rosalind


WOW. These are posted on the FB page of Anthony Meirose, the Rapid City cop who shot and killed Allen Locke, a 30 year old Native man, 2 days ago! These posts show he has negative preconceived notions of people in the community he was supposed to protect and serve. At the very least this guy should be terminated.

 Boost! Tell Rapid City, SD to fire Meirose. Email: or

Phone: (605) 394-4110

Reblogging this with the note that the tag “NativeLivesMatter” is anti-Black and coopting as all fuck.

30 Dec 08:02



via Rosalind

30 Dec 06:03




30 Dec 05:59

Newswire: Beyoncé’s dad sold a bunch of her old stuff at a garage sale

by Sam Barsanti

How much would you pay for some kid’s old CD collection, t-shirts, and retainer? Or some discarded office furniture that used to belong to that kid’s dad? If you said “nothing,” or “fuck off, I don’t want that garbage,” then we’ve got another question for you: What if that kid were Beyoncé? You could be getting your teeth straightened by the same orthodontic device that once straightened Beyoncé’s teeth. Wouldn’t that be exciting? Well, it’s too late, because Beyoncé’s dad/former manager, Matthew Knowles, already sold all of her old stuff in a garage sale last week.

As reported by Click 2 Houston, Knowles operated the garage sale outside of his recording studio, selling boxes of old Beyoncé merchandise and belongings for as low as $5 a shirt. One savvy shopper—who probably knows better than to pass up a garage sale ...

30 Dec 05:58

The Most Unpopular Company In America Is...


'Time Warner Cable TWC, +1.11% Internet Service Provider, which placed last on the list of the Dec. 2014 University of Michigan’s American Consumer Satisfaction Index. On a list of 230 household brands surveyed, TWC scored 54 out of a possible 100, just behind Time Warner Cable’s television service (56), Comcast ISP (57) and United Airlines (60). Wal-Mart WMT, -0.31% was the most unpopular retailer on the list (71).'

all carriers suck forever

Sorry Comcast, you came close.
30 Dec 05:57

Jeb Bush And The Making Of A $236M Federal Contract

E-mails show how a direct appeal from a Republican donor helped secure a multimillion-dollar federal contract for Carnival Cruise Line in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
30 Dec 05:57

Newswire: A judge has denied Roman Polanski’s attempt to get his rape case dismissed again

by Sam Barsanti

Once again, a judge has denied Roman Polanski’s request to have his 1977 rape charge dismissed. This comes from Deadline, which reports that the longstanding warrant for Polanski’s arrest will remain in place for the foreseeable future, meaning he’s still unable to return to the United States—or any country that will extradite him. Polanski initially pled guilty to drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl in 1977, and then served 42 days in prison as part of his plea deal. Before his actual sentencing, though, he discovered that the judge was planning to give him additional jail time, so he fled the country.

We first reported on Polanski’s latest attempt to get the charges dropped earlier this month, when he hired celebrity attorney Alan Dershowitz to try and convince a judge that he’s simply too famous to have to actually pay for the crime of ...

30 Dec 05:39

How does it feel to be the only woman on CBR's Top 50 comic book writers list?


Is that true? 

That can’t be right. :(