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21 Jun 23:20

"[I hate YouTube because] the player is so ugly, and it’s presented in such a terrible manner. I want..."

Daria Nifontova


“[I hate YouTube because] the player is so ugly, and it’s presented in such a terrible manner. I want everything I do to be presented in an art context, as this is a form of sonic art. I was an artist originally, I have been in art school since I was 5 years old. I got scholarships to three art schools, Art Institute of Chicago, Saint Xavier, and the American Academy of Art, where I ended up going—and I dropped out because I had an assignment where I was supposed to do an ink painting or something, and I would take two weeks to do it, and when I looked at my work, I just felt that I would never be one of the great visual artists of the world. I just felt like I would end up like—and this is no knock to anybody that does this—but I felt like I would end up working at an ad agency or something like that. I wanted to make something of impact. I found that when I would drop samples, my friends would react to it more. I felt that I had a real talent in chopping and appropriating music. What I want people to understand about sampling and producing is that it’s really similar to—and I know this is obvious what I’m going to say, because I’m a black guy so I’m gonna name the ‘most obvious artist in the world’—Warhol, but it’s very similar to the way Warhol would appropriate a Campbell’s Soup can is the way I would sonically appropriate a Ray Charles sample or a Michael Jackson sample. Right now it’s a fight against the separation and constant dumbing down of culture, and I’m standing in the middle of it. So if you know what people say are my lowest moments, those moments where I sat and saw them try to dumb down culture, and I would not allow it to happen on my clock. So when I used to go to fashion shows with my boys and we’d be eight deep, it was almost like a civil rights, like a sit-in. They wouldn’t even let us in. They had no idea what rap would mean to this world, what rap would mean to the art world. Before the Kendrick Lamars and the A$AP Rockys, it was Kanye West in a hotel room at the Le Maurice getting a ‘no, no, no, no’ to every single fashion show. But I thought it was so important to get close to the artists who worked so hard on making a usable form of art—like this furniture right here, like everything that is in all these rooms that inspire us so much—and I fight in my position of being a very commercial celebrity boyfriend, I fight to push culture forward every chance I get. And I only frown because paparazzi ask me dumbass shit all the time, and I think about changing the world, and I think about what I can do to make things better. And, without further ado, I want to play you guys my new album. It’s called Yeezus.””

- Kanye West (via tweepunk)
21 Jun 13:07

likeafieldmouse: Ximena Forero M.

Daria Nifontova


21 Jun 11:09

евгений влажно лобызает 
татьяну в сахарны уста
татьяна тает и крошится
евгений давится но ест
21 Jun 08:47


Daria Nifontova

это я вчера догадалась ДОСТАТЬ ОДЕЯЛО

21 Jun 08:45

aliciaaadanielle: particleb0red: (Credit: hxdbzxy via Shutterst...



(Credit: hxdbzxy via Shutterstock/Salon)

shouts out to them
20 Jun 23:39

kinemon: gwainenovak: fuckyeahfemalemasturbation: Female...

Daria Nifontova

не могу не поделиться




Female Masturbation App Aims to Eliminate Social Stigma

Masturbation is an important step in sexual development for human beings, especially for women.

Sadly, a number of women are still unaware about their body parts, especially the genital region. And the best way to really learn about your body is of course, masturbation.

Tina Gong aims to rebrand the entire concept of female masturbation through education and light-hearted games, and therefore created the app, HappyPlayTime.

The app is currently in development to teach female anatomy to provide lessons on masturbation through a number of mini games; all decked out in a fleshy, pink tone, and a mascot that’s a gleeful personification of a vagina.

According to Tina, teaching a woman about her anatomy can seem a little too serious and of course, embarrassing. But with the help of something intimate, a woman would be able to approach the topic in their own privacy and learn a few more things about their body without having to share it with the world. HappyPlayTime hopes to eliminate the cultural stigma and makes it difficult for women to become truly sexually liberated.

For more information about the HappyPlayTime app, “show some love” and visit

Looks interesting!



20 Jun 22:14

am-buh:  #role model

20 Jun 21:53


Daria Nifontova

это я

19 Jun 17:03

See also: Grand Loves.

See also: Grand Loves.

19 Jun 11:02


Daria Nifontova

done with life

19 Jun 07:18


18 Jun 19:38


18 Jun 10:40


Daria Nifontova

пржк мы

18 Jun 08:29

toxicnotebook: KNAPP The Post-War collection A/W 2012/2013

Daria Nifontova



KNAPP The Post-War collection A/W 2012/2013

18 Jun 08:22


18 Jun 07:59


Daria Nifontova

это я гурмэ

18 Jun 07:45

Ghost Town

by Eleanor
yoshiko17 yoshiko32 yoshiko23 yoshiko25 yoshiko22 yoshiko18 yoshiko33 yoshiko34 yoshiko01 yoshiko02 yoshiko06 yoshiko08 yoshiko31 yoshiko11 yoshiko16 yoshiko07 yoshiko20 yoshiko15 yoshiko30 yoshiko14 yoshiko35 yoshiko04 yoshiko05
18 Jun 07:42

Rivers of Plenty

by dan_editor
Daria Nifontova

так красиво

Beautiful, simple and strangely calming, Nelson Minar maps every river in the US. 

See more images here and go here to check out the data.

17 Jun 15:08

when the metro closes in 10 min and you live at the left bank

Daria Nifontova

Викочка, я недавно рассказывала кому-то о переезде и мне сказали «ооо, а ты читаешь When You Live In Kiev?» и я сказала, что не только читаю, но и дружу с автором и короче я тобой очень горжусь, ты крутая!

17 Jun 10:23


Daria Nifontova


16 Jun 21:14


14 Jun 14:09

bakamatic: elizabitchtaylor: Kyle MacLachlan as Agent Cooper...

Daria Nifontova




Kyle MacLachlan as Agent Cooper in promotional pictures for Twin Peaks, 1990.


14 Jun 14:08

cyber-ecco: crib

Daria Nifontova

это мой домик, в нем я грущу



13 Jun 16:32


Daria Nifontova

это мы с димоном устраиваем романтический вечер

13 Jun 10:30

nsfwhumor: Best Vines of June 2013

Daria Nifontova



Best Vines of June 2013

13 Jun 10:10


Daria Nifontova


13 Jun 09:07

doncasturbate: my sense of style is “fuck im late” “what is this” “i love this shirt im gonna wear...

Daria Nifontova

нет моё


my sense of style is

“fuck im late”

“what is this”

“i love this shirt im gonna wear it for 2 weeks straight”

13 Jun 09:01

danishprinciple: Reka Nyari

13 Jun 07:34

crystal-meth-princess: Me

Daria Nifontova

пржк ты

13 Jun 04:00

ucbbook: CONAN O’BRIEN: Amy Poehler first popped for us [on...

Daria Nifontova

это я на встрече с кевином спейси


CONAN O’BRIEN: Amy Poehler first popped for us [on Late Night] because someone had the idea for a character who’s a huge, over-the-top Conan fan who has a mouth retainer. The piece would always go the same way: She would be over–the-top, and then I’d finally say, “I’m too old for you,” and suddenly, her whole demeanor would change, just like a cloud would pass over her face, and then she would become demonically angry and rage at me [laughs.]. It’s a funny idea, but it’s all in the performance. And Amy would absolutely destroy it every time. She was completely unknown—she didn’t have the benefit of the crowd saying, “Hey, look, it’s Amy Poehler.” But she hit it out of the park every time.