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22 Feb 06:15

julierthanyou: morganoconner: swingsetindecember: agentladyhaw...











Run faster.

Walk like you have back up. That’s what it means for men.

it genuinely took me a minute to realize this meant “walk sexy so they stare at your ass” and not “walk quickly and/or run because you’re in danger.” men are so fucking stupid and have zero conception of what being a woman in public is actually like lol

Every single woman who reads this immediately thinks, “Walk faster. Change directions. Surround yourself with people. Call your mom/sister/friend, tell her where you are, that you love her. Squeeze the keys between fingers tighter.” 

That quote is either a warning or a threat.

Oscar de la Renta marketing team lacks powerful women.

fucking this. my immediate reaction was clenching my fists, just reading this.

I swear all the color drained out of my cheeks just reading this, my shoulders tensed up, HELLO ADRENALINE.

so i’d be pretending i’m on the phone and dropping hints that i’m a judo instructor. IS THAT HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO WALK, OSCAR? BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT I DO WHEN THREE MEN ARE FOLLOWING ME AT NIGHT



DO YOU ???

Literally did not even occur to me that this sign could mean anything other than a warning, until this post pointed out what it was actually supposed to mean. Jesus fucking christ.

complete lack of understanding of how situations like this are threatening on a daily basis for many, & presumption that satisfying the male gaze is our fucking purpose on earth

fuck this straight to hell

ok, totally get all of these replies, and if wiggling one’s ass was the original intent then this can go suck an egg, but i had a totally different reaction.

i read “walk like you have three men walking behind you” and thought “Donna Meagle“.

honestly, i saw this and immediately thought “me, walking ahead of 3 guys, all of whom are there to do my bidding.”

how strange.

19 Feb 10:17

i sincerely have no words.

i sincerely have no words.

19 Feb 00:11


by pedro-fernandes
18 Feb 20:04

Apple pushes iOS patch to counter the dreaded 'Error 53'

by Andrew Tarantola
As reported earlier this month by the Guardian, a number of iPhone users -- specifically those who have had their home buttons or screens repaired by third-party technicians -- have had their devices bricked due to "Error 53". This error occurs when...
18 Feb 20:01

Dolphin Killed by Beachgoers?

by (Brooke Binkowski)
Cooper Griggs

people suck

A rare baby dolphin apparently died after being handled by a swarm of tourists in Argentina, although other reports claim they were trying to save it.
18 Feb 19:18


18 Feb 01:22

Lonely Coast

by michelleoshen
18 Feb 01:22


just saw that nike dropped manny pacquiao. swift, decisive action in the face of his terrible remarks about gay people. i hope this type of corporate position and action only continues to grow as the norm in the face of homophobia.

18 Feb 01:21

Google CEO: FBI's request of Apple could set a 'troubling precedent'

by Nathan Ingraham
Tim Cook did not mince words in a lengthy open response to the FBI's order that Apple create a backdoor to allow the agency access to a terrorism suspect's iPhone. Plenty of privacy groups and Apple customers have praised Cook's words thus far, and n...
18 Feb 01:15


17 Feb 04:23


17 Feb 04:19

(via theblessedone)

17 Feb 04:07

Nissan's self-parking chairs keep lazy offices tidy

by Richard Lai
While motorized human transporters have yet to truly take off, the folks over at Nissan have come up with something more practical for the time being: self-parking office chairs. With a single clap, these futuristic furniture will automagically tuck...
17 Feb 03:45

'Daredevil' season two trailer is all about The Punisher

by Nick Summers
Netflix has teased Daredevil's second season before, but today we've got a full-blown trailer showing the return to Hell's Kitchen. Matt Murdock seems conflicted about his actions in season one, but has little time to reflect as The Punisher, played...
17 Feb 03:19

The magical 'Harry Potter' location clock exists in DIY form

by Jessica Conditt
There's a fine line between magic and science, and Redditor tbornottb3 has created a beautiful example of this idea with the "Harry Potter-inspired Family Clock." It's a digital version of the Weasley family's fictional magical location device, which...
17 Feb 03:05

'5D' discs can store data until well after the sun burns out

by Andrew Tarantola
Researchers at the University of Southampton's Optical Research Center announced on Tuesday that they've perfected a technique that can record data in 5 dimensions and keep it safe for billions of years. The method etches data into a thermally stable...
17 Feb 03:03

Help Leo win an Oscar in 'Red Carpet Rampage'

by Andrew Tarantola
Poor Leonardo DiCaprio. Try as he might, the acting superstar just can't seem to land himself an Oscar. Sure, he's already earned boatloads of BAFTAs, Golden Globes and Emmys, but an Academy Award has remained out of reach for all of his career. But...
17 Feb 02:58

Judge tells Apple to help FBI access San Bernardino shooters' iPhone

by Richard Lawler
Cooper Griggs

slippery slope

After a couple shot 14 people in San Bernardino, CA before being killed themselves on December 2nd, the authorities recovered a locked iPhone. Since then, the FBI has complained it is unable to break the device's encryption, in a case that it has imp...
17 Feb 02:52

"Here’s what we tell women today: You not only can, but should have a career and children — because..."

Here’s what we tell women today: You not only can, but should have a career and children — because if you don’t, you’re basically a) lazy, b) weak, c) not a real woman. But also, you should do it without any support. Without government-paid maternity leave (what are you, a socialist?). Without too much childcare (because then you’re a shitty mom) or falling behind on the job (because then you’re a shitty employee — typical woman!). Without too much help from your husband (because then he’s a pussy).

Instead of changing the systems, we tell women to lean in. Because of course, it’s our fault for not taking initiative. Fuck you. I’m leaning so far in I’m falling flat on my face.

- amywestervelt in her essay Having It All Kinda Sucks which starts sorta strangely but ends excellently.
17 Feb 02:50

"Obama is just sitting in the White House right now saying ‘Happy Me Day’."

“Obama is just sitting in the White House right now saying ‘Happy Me Day’.”

- my husband, on president’s day
17 Feb 02:50


given where i live, i regularly run into people who have been on the real housewives of orange county.

as we were eating at our new favorite restaurant last week i spotted the guy who married the housewife who’d been a playboy bunny. today it was the housewife who made those weird cuffs and went bankrupt, she apparently belongs to my health club. and i regularly see vicki (the only one i know by name) at our local italian joint.

what’s always weird to me about seeing these people is that for several minutes i can’t figure out how i know them. i watched the show when it originally aired, but we haven’t had broadcast tv for years.

so there’s always that period, the period before it dawns on me, where i’m trying to place how i know this person in my actual life. then when i realize i only know them from a reality tv show, i always feel like the biggest idiot.

17 Feb 02:47


17 Feb 02:46

petapeta: 30 креативных снимков — Интересное — Релакс!

17 Feb 00:39

Ai Weiwei Wraps the Columns of Berlin’s Konzerthaus with 14,000 Salvaged Refugee Life Vests

by Kate Sierzputowski
Image via Markus Winninghoff

Image via Markus Winninghoff


Image via Oliver Lang / Konzerthaus Berlin

Ai Weiwei has produced a five-column installation on the facade of Berlin’s Konzerthaus, a collection of 14,000 life vests from refugees who landed on the Greek Island of Lesbos after battling the Mediterranean Sea from Turkey. Ai hopes the bright orange installation draws attention to the hundreds of refugees that are trying to reach Europe each day, over 400 of whom have died attempting the same journey since the beginning of the year.

Although thousands of the life jackets can now be seen in Berlin, this does not begin to account for the thousands of jackets that remain on the shores of the Greek island, pointing to the number of refugees who have passed through the island. Since last December Ai has shared dozens of images of refugees who have come to Lesbos on his personal Instagram account, including this image of a mass of life vests left behind.

The temporary art installation was created for the Cinema for Peace gala which took place February 15, 2016. Ai was the honorary president of this year’s jury. (via Designboom)


Image via Oliver Lang / Konzerthaus Berlin


Image via Oliver Lang / Konzerthaus Berlin


Image via Oliver Lang / Konzerthaus Berlin

Image via Markus Winninghoff

Image via Markus Winninghoff


Image via Frank Löschner / Konzerthaus Berlin


Image via Frank Löschner / Konzerthaus Berlin


Image via Frank Löschner / Konzerthaus Berlin

17 Feb 00:31

"Working hard for something you don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something you..."

“Working hard for something you don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something you care about is called passion.”

- Simon Sinek (via azspot)
17 Feb 00:30


16 Feb 21:42

The TappLock smart padlock opens with a fingerprint

by Steve Dent
Still fiddling with a key or combination to lock up your stuff? Get with the times, man! A company called Pishon Lab has launched a smart padlock that you can open with your fingerprint, in much the same way you unlock a smartphone. The TappLock come...
14 Feb 20:35

Missing Man Remembers Who He Is, 30 Years Later

by (Brooke Binkowski)
After missing for decades, Edgar Latulip helped solve his own cold case.
14 Feb 20:33

The FBI teaches teens about extremism with a game that defies logic

by Chris Velazco
The FBI recently fired up a new site urging teens and other young internet people not to "be a puppet," which in this extremely specific case requires recognizing and understanding violent extremism. Fine! Great! As incidents of extremism continue to...
14 Feb 20:27
