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06 Feb 19:45

Long-Exposure Faces: Moody Light Art Painted with Sparks

by Urbanist
Mark Savage

Love long exposure shots.

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

face art factory find

Light painter Diliz has worked for three years to twist, turn and perfect his single-line sparkler sketches in urban settings around the world. Each successive shot is related to a new time and place but also reflects a fresh attempt at capturing a mood and creating a sense of site-specific interaction.

face art drawing

face light art

face art find exit

face art factory work

Diliz (aka Vincent Delesvaux) has experimented with all kinds of photographic light art. In this particular series, dubbed 60 Seconds to Find an Exit, he set up shop at night in out-of-the-way streets and alleys, abandoned buildings and deserted basements.

face art china

face art twofold

face art sparks

face art three tryptic

His travels took him everywhere from European locations (including Verbier, Switzerland and Grenoble, France) all the way to cities in China, such as Lijiang, Yangshuo Fenghuang and Shanghai.

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Long Exposure Faces Moody Light Art Painted With Sparks

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[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

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25 Nov 21:12

Grater is Greater: Butter Shredder Makes For Better Butter!

by Alex Santoso
Mark Savage

This... is... awesome! How simple! I want one!!!

What's the greatest thing since sliced bread? How about butter that doesn't ruin your toasted sliced bread when you try to spread it? Behold, shredded butter!

Japan company Metex created this amazing gizmo called "Easy Butter Former": a grater for a butter. All you have to do is put a regular stick of butter in the contraption and twist to dispense a stringy, easy to spread butter.

View more pics over at Ketai Watch and Kotaku

02 Apr 16:22

(I am working a morning shift at a cafe. We are serving breakfast. A little boy and his mother enter the cafe.)

Mark Savage

hahah... ah, freaky kid! lol

(I am working a morning shift at a cafe. We are serving breakfast. A little boy and his mother enter the cafe.)

Me: “So, what will it be?”


(There is a sudden silence and everyone turns to look. The mother looks very embarrassed.)

Mother: “Eggs… he would like some eggs…”