Shared posts

02 Apr 02:37

(via enemyunknown)

(via enemyunknown)

01 Apr 19:57

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by turbo2000
01 Apr 19:57

W E L L ※ F E D

by wellfed
01 Apr 19:52

Tesla unveils its $35,000 Model 3

by Roberto Baldwin
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has stated on many occasions that introducing high-end vehicles was a means to eventually bring an affordable electric vehicle to market. Today the automaker finally unveiled the physical manifestation of that plan. The $35,000 (b...
01 Apr 19:49

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by clapyrhands
01 Apr 19:49


01 Apr 19:49

Cruising around in the Tesla Model 3

by Roberto Baldwin
Tesla offered up rides in its news Model 3 to attendees of tonight's event. While the car won't be in the hands of regular folks anytime before the end of 2017 (hopefully), the automaker gave anyone that wanted a ride, a trip up and down the street i...
01 Apr 19:43

LG's Jason Statham ad is as weird as the G5

by Aaron Souppouris
There's no denying it: the LG G5 is weird. The Korean company is pitching its latest flagship as a do-everything device and selling a bunch of accessories called "Friends" that expand its capabilities. There's a swappable battery, a camera grip, a VR...
01 Apr 19:40

Donald Trump Announces His Campaign Is a Joke

by (Dan Evon)
Cooper Griggs

I wish

A video purportedly showing the presidential candidate saying that his campaign had been an April Fool's Day prank all along was actually created for a comedy TV show.
01 Apr 19:38

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by marianna
31 Mar 21:57

Kroger Unisex Bathroom Sign

by (Kim LaCapria)
A photograph of a sign on a unisex Kroger bathroom is real.
31 Mar 18:57

roomthily: (via Susan Oosthuizen on Twitter: “Late 19thC...

31 Mar 18:55


31 Mar 18:54

'Black Mirror' season three won't be shown on Channel 4

by Nick Summers
Cooper Griggs


Last September, Netflix commissioned a new season of Black Mirror from Charlie Brooker and the House of Tomorrow team. It was pitched as a "Netflix original," although the company stressed it would premiere internationally "in all Netflix territories...
31 Mar 18:48

50,000 Solar Powered Bulbs Illuminate the Australian Desert in Bruce Munro’s Field of Light Installation

by Kate Sierzputowski

All images courtesy of Bruce Munro

Over 50,000 bulbs light up an expanse of Australia’s Red Centre desert near Ayers Rock in an installation about the size of four football fields. The solar powered work, Field of Light Uluru, was produced by artist Bruce Munro who conceived of the idea while visiting Uluru in 1992. Twelve years later he created its first iteration in a field behind his home, and it has since moved the work around to several different sights across the United Kingdom, United States, and Mexico.

Field of Light was a project that refused to leave the artist’s sketchbook. “I saw in my mind a landscape of illuminated stems that, like the dormant seed in a dry desert, quietly wait until darkness falls, under a blazing blanket of southern stars, to bloom with gentle rhythms of light,” said Munro.

The British artist is best known for his light installations which often contain components numbering in the thousands. These large works refer to his own experience as being a tiny element to life’s larger pattern, and employ light as a way to tap into a more emotional response with his viewers.

Profits for the installation will benefit the local community. The Anangu tribe have named the piece Tili Wiru Tjuta Nyakutjaku in Pitjantjatjara which translates to “looking at lots of beautiful lights.”

You can visit the expansive installation yourself starting April 1st and running through March of 2017.




BruceMunro_07  BruceMunro_05


31 Mar 18:47

'Batman v. Superman' in 4DX made watching a bad movie worse

by Devindra Hardawar
Cooper Griggs

I don't know why everyone is hating on BvS so much. I just saw it Tuesday night and it was fun! Wonder Woman kicks ass!

If you've ever wanted your movie-going experience to feel like an abusive amusement park ride that went on way too long, 4DX is probably for you. But after seeing Batman vs. Superman in 4DX last weekend, it's not something I'd ever want to suffer thr...
30 Mar 22:27

'Best Volleyball Blocks Ever'

by (Dan Evon)
A video showing a man repeatedly getting hit in the face during a volleyball match is from the sketch comedy show 'Studio C.'
30 Mar 22:25

Waze will warn you when you're speeding

by Jon Fingas
Cooper Griggs

no thanks

If you drive in unfamiliar areas often enough, you've probably run into situations where you couldn't spot a speed limit sign or were too busy finding your way to notice. However, Waze has some relief in sight: it just started rolling out an alert f...
30 Mar 22:22

“A British man who took a selfie with the EygptAir hijacker...

“A British man who took a selfie with the EygptAir hijacker while being held hostage sent messages to his friend in which he bragged: ‘You know your boy doesn’t f**k about. Turn on the news lad!!!'” - Daily Mail (full story)

30 Mar 22:19

Where was I?

Where was I?

30 Mar 22:19

The Feds are demanding that Google unlock phones as well

by Andrew Tarantola
Cooper Griggs

of course they are

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) compiled and released a map of where the federal government is currently taking Apple, Google -- and in some cases, both -- to court in order to compel the companies to unlock a suspect's phone. There are rep...
30 Mar 22:16

The Extraordinary Iridescent Details of Peacock Feathers Captured Under a Microscope

by Christopher Jobson


In this series of photographs featuring the delicate details of peacock feathers, photographer Waldo Nell relied on an Olympus BX 53 microscope to take hundreds of individual shots that were combined to create each image seen here. The process, called photo stacking, blends dozens or even hundreds of photos taken at different focal points and then stitches them together to extend the depth of field. At this level of detail the feathers look more like ornate jewelry, thick braids of iridescent necklaces or bracelets, rather than something that grows organically from the wings of a bird.

By day Nell is a software engineer in Port Moody, BC, Canada, but is fascinated by technology, science, and nature, all of which he merges in his photography practice. You can see more of his work on Flickr. (via Reddit)










30 Mar 19:42


30 Mar 19:42


30 Mar 19:42


30 Mar 19:42


30 Mar 18:24

Jack and Jill

Cooper Griggs

Excellent rollover text as usual.

Jill and Jack / began to frack. / The oil boosts their town. / But fractures make / the bedrock shake / and Jack came tumbling down.
30 Mar 18:17

Dramatic Aerial Landscape Photos of Our Impact on Nature Captured by Daniel Beltrá

by Kate Sierzputowski
February 8th 2007. Southern Ocean.

February 8th 2007, Southern Ocean, all images © Daniel Beltrá

During his past two decades as a photographer, Daniel Beltrá has photographed landscapes in all seven continents, exploring equally the beauty and tragedy found in nature across the globe. Beltrá works mostly in the air, providing the viewer with the expansive scale of what he encounters while perched inside an airplane or helicopter such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill which he captured over the span of two months.

Other locations the Spanish photographer has traveled to included the Brazilian Amazon, the Arctic, the Southern Oceans, and the Patagonian ice fields. Beltrá was drawn to each of these locations due to the complexity of nature found at each. He explains in his artist statement that the “fragility of our ecosystems is a continuous thread throughout my work. My photographs show the vast scale of transformation our world is under from human-made stresses.”

Beltrá hopes that his unique aerial perspective and subject matter instill an understanding of how we are directly affecting the environment around us and at the edges of the globe. Many of his images from locations in Iceland and Greenland were recently included in his solo exhibition “Ice/Green Lands” at Catherine Edelman Gallery in Chicago that closed on March 5, 2016. The photographer also recently published a collection of his images from the 2010 BP oil spill in his book SPILL. You can see more of his expansive landscape photography on his Instagram and Facebook. (via Ignant)

August 19th, 2014. Ilulissat, Greenland

August 19th, 2014, Ilulissat, Greenland

August 24th, 2014. Ilulissat, Greenland

August 24th, 2014, Ilulissat, Greenland

July 7th 2014, Iceland aerials

July 7th 2014, Iceland aerials

Water in Iceland's Ölfusá River flows around sandbars towards the Atlantic Ocean, July 7th 2014. The Ölfusá is Iceland's largest river and its watershed drains 6100 square kilometers or 1/7th of Iceland, including the Langjökull glacier. According to a recent study by the University of Arizona to be published in Geophysical Research Letters, parts of Iceland are rising as much as 35mm per year; this is directly related to the melting of Iceland's glaciers and to global warming.

July 7th 2014, Iceland’s Ölfusá River

September 16, 2013. Brazil. Aerials from Manaus to Santarem. Photo by Daniel Beltra for Greenpeace

September 16, 2013, Brazil. Aerials from Manaus to Santarem

September 10th, 2012. Arctic Ocean. Greenpeace MY Arctic Sunrise ship expedition to the Arctic to document the lowest sea ice level on record. Photo by Daniel Beltra for Greenpeace

September 10th, 2012, Arctic Ocean

Para, Brazil. February 11, 2012. Aerials south of Santarem and along the road BR163. Rainforest in the Tapajós River, coordinates: -4.737923-56.448047. Photo by Daniel Beltra for Greenpeace

February 11, 2012, Para, Brazil

Louisiana (USA). May 6th, 2010. Aerial view of the oil leaked from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead, the BP leased oil platform exploded April 20 and sank after burning. Leaking an estimate of more than 200,000 gallons of crude oil per day from the broken pipeline to the sea. Eleven workers are missing, presumed dead. Photo by Daniel Beltra/Greenpeace

May 6th, 2010, Aerial view of the oil leaked from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead

29 Mar 19:41

New York City’s Last Accordion Repairman

by Christopher Jobson

Since the 1960s, Alex Carozza has been repairing and building accordions in New York City for customers around the world. Now, at the age of 88, he’s reportedly the only person left in the city still repairing these complicated instruments in a cramped studio with his 93-year-old assistant. Great Big Story sits down with the “Sultan of Squeezeboxes” for a brief but charming interview. (via Devour)

29 Mar 19:30

New Jersey bill would jail you for texting while walking

by Jon Fingas
There's no question that using your phone while walking can be a problem -- cities have tried everything from dedicated sidewalk lanes to padded lamp posts to prevent collisions with distracted pedestrians. They've even (unsuccessfully) tried to pass...