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18 Sep 19:55

delta-breezes: Peach Cobbler w/Maple Sugar, Bourbon + Brown...

Cooper Griggs



Peach Cobbler w/Maple Sugar, Bourbon + Brown Butter {GF} | The Bojon Gourmet

18 Sep 19:54


Cooper Griggs

via Toaster Strudel

18 Sep 19:53

vortexanomaly: metal windmill construction…

Cooper Griggs

via Tertiarymatt


metal windmill construction…

18 Sep 19:49

zolloc: oswra

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez (again)
Attn: Carnibore :)

18 Sep 19:48

mixtapewormhole: the truth is out there

Cooper Griggs

Driving to Burning Man, driving to Burning Man....


the truth is out there

18 Sep 19:28


Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez


18 Sep 19:26

scienceisbeauty: This is a classic `nude calendar´ when you...

Cooper Griggs

via Carnibore


This is a classic `nude calendar´ when you extract everything which transparent to X-Rays, i.e. all the flesh, and therefore any remaining sensuality.

Via The Mary Sue: “This Exists: X-Ray Pin-up Calendar

18 Sep 18:57

meanwhile in russia…

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez
Watch this you won't be disappointed!

meanwhile in russia…

18 Sep 17:59


by walkman
18 Sep 17:49

iOS 8 bug forces Apple to pull all HealthKit apps from the App Store

by Daniel Cooper
iOS 8 may be trickling down into people's devices, but those long-promised health and fitness features won't be along for the ride. Apple has discovered a critical flaw in HealthKit that's so big, it's prompted the company to pull any app that...
18 Sep 17:44

Apple's Patriot-Act-detecting "warrant canary" dies

by Cory Doctorow

It's been less than a day since the company published its new, excellent privacy policy -- but Gigaom has noticed that the latest Apple transparency report, covering Jan 1-Jun 30 2014, has eliminated the line that says that the company has received no secret Patriot Act "section 215" requests, which come with gag orders prohibiting companies from discussing them.

Apple is one of several companies whose transparency reports contain these warrant canaries -- Apple's dates from November 2013. They became more widely used after the revelations of mass surveillance brought to light by Edward Snowden.

The premise of a warrant canary is that Section 215 of the Patriot Act can compel companies not to tell anyone about being served with a warrant, but that the law can't compel a company to lie and say that it hasn't received a warrant. This has not been tested in court yet.

It seems likely, based on the latest report, that Apple has now received at least one of the secret surveillance requests.

The warrant canary’s disappearance is significant because Section 215 of the Patriot Act permits the National Security Agency to demand companies to hand over their business records in secret, and is believed to be the legal foundation of the controversial PRISM program, which forced major tech companies like Google and Yahoo to participate in a data-collection scheme.

The Patriot Act tool is also controversial because the NSA gains permission to use it by applying to the FISA Court, a body where only the government can speak and whose records are kept almost entirely secret. The tech industry has been battling to disclose the existence of so-called “FISA requests” and only won the right to do so this year; however, companies must wait six months to disclose the number of requests they receive, and can only do so as a range (such as “0-999″).

Apple’s “warrant canary” disappears, suggesting new Patriot Act demands [Jeff John Roberts/Gigaom]

(Image: Jean-Baptiste Greuze - A Girl with a Dead Canary, Wikimedia Commons/Public domain)

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Scottish readers: Undecided about the referendum? Please read How the media shafted the people of Scotland and Scottish Independence, Power And Propaganda.

18 Sep 02:45

worth a try.

worth a try.

18 Sep 00:30

20under20 Spotlight: Zev Hoover

by Matthew Roth
you told us
fiddleoakyou told us

Now at 15, Zev is a photo wunderkind who creates magical-realist dreamscapes and miniaturizations, where his tiny subjects (the “little people,” as he describes them) adventure through landscapes that bend the viewer’s expectations of proportion, aspect, and space. His explorations lead us through his imagination and leave us wanting to see more.

grandfather watch
fiddleoakgrandfather watch
shortcut to mushroom
fiddleoakshortcut to mushroom

Zev is the youngest of the Flickr 20under20 and the judges who selected him were mesmerized by how advanced his art is and where they imagine he will take it in the coming years.


If you missed The Weekly Flickr profile of Zev, take another watch. “I like putting my eye near the ground,” Zev says in the interview, “because you see a totally different world when you’re thinking from the point of view of something smaller than you. Everywhere I go, I see a perfect spot for a little person. Maybe it’s a little rock, which makes for a perfect cave for a person, or perhaps it’s a leaf that would make for a perfect boat… I see that everywhere.”


We’re so happy to promote Zev and all our 20under20 finalists for their inspiring work and we look forward to the October 1st gala in New York City’s Milk Studios. Learn more about Zev and the other 20under20 and be sure to vote for the audience choice awards on that page. Also feel free to nominate young photographers for the 2015 awards.


18 Sep 00:28

to the sports car behind me

if you continue to tailgate me when i’m already driving over the speed limit, i will slow down.

stop being a dick.

18 Sep 00:28

The Uber effect: how San Francisco's cab use dropped 65-percent

by Sean Buckley
Hailing a ride has never been easier -- just take out your phone, tap on an app and wait for your internet-wrangled chauffeur to arrive. Companies like Uber and Lyft are reinventing the transportation industry, and traditional taxi services are...
18 Sep 00:28


18 Sep 00:28


18 Sep 00:23

Run Walter, run! See also from other point of view. [via t.o.]

Cooper Griggs

via David Pelaez (like so many others)

17 Sep 20:33

Apple iCloud backups are finally protected by two-factor authentication (update)

by Richard Lawler
Cooper Griggs

way to wait until it was too late.

Need another reason to activate two-factor authentication on your Apple device? Ars Technica and Apple Insider report that the security check now extends to cover iCloud device backups too, something it didn't do before. That means if someone gets...
17 Sep 20:30


17 Sep 20:27



technoviking captioned. remember a classic.

17 Sep 20:26

We've Come a Long Way With Free Music and U2

We've Come a Long Way With Free Music and U2

Submitted by: (via rapcatmixer)

Tagged: u2 , Music , iTunes , piracy , free stuff
17 Sep 20:26

one of a thousand reasons i'll never be libertarian

i was hanging out at home just now when the power went out.

it seemed to only be my tract, with street lights on just outside our area. i decided to head out to see what was going on.

i was met by half a dozen other residents as we walked to the lit street. another guy was already out there from a nearby tract that had apparently lost power ahead of us. he casually said “5 minutes” before heading off.

we kept moving forward to figure out how he knew “5 minutes” and found a socal edison crew working outside our tract. the guy heading the crew said that it was a temporary delay while they tried to head off the need for a black out. “your power should be back on before you get back to your house.”

ok. so i’m skeptical. but i yelled “thanks” to him and his crew as i headed back with the others.

as we rounded the corner to the tract, the lights along the street came back on. just as he’d said.

so yeah. lights that work. streets that are paved. drinking water that is safe. the internet.

i could go on but i think at a certain point it’s clear that the asshats who say “don’t tread on me” want to die of food poisoning in the dark with no way to tweet about it.

17 Sep 19:59

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe

by leg
17 Sep 19:59

Airbus' helmet display concept would take your mind off your flight

by Jon Fingas
If you've ever been on a long flight, you've probably wanted to tune out your fellow passengers -- and plugging in some headphones is only going to do so much. If Airbus ever brings a recently patented helmet display to market, though, you may never...
17 Sep 19:58

Google Fiber proves it's serious about fast internet with a new leader

by Jon Fingas
Cooper Griggs

hurry up already!

Worried that Google Fiber would just be a momentary fascination for the folks in Mountain View? Don't be. Google has confirmed to the Wall Street Journal that it recently hired Dennis Kish, one of Qualcomm's bigger senior vice presidents, to lead its...
17 Sep 19:57

Artificial Sweeteners, Your Gut Bacteria and You [The Weizmann Wave]

by weizmann science writer

Could artificial sweeteners be helping cause the very thing they are supposed to prevent? They may well do so, and you can probably blame your microbiota – those masses of mostly-friendly bacteria that live in your gut. According to a paper by Weizmann Institute scientists that appeared today in Nature, artificial sweeteners not only encourage the wrong kind of bacteria to expand their numbers, they also induce mix-ups in the cross-communication between these bacteria and your body. Those mix-ups can lead to glucose intolerance – the first step toward metabolic syndrome and diabetes. So, ironically enough, if you consume the recommended amounts of zero-calorie drinks, you could begin developing glucose intolerance in just a week. That is what happened to human volunteers who consumed artificially sweetened food and drink for the experiment.


The Weizmann Institute’s Dr. Eran Elinav, who conducted the research together with Prof. Eran Segal, says that this is not really a surprising finding. Your body does not absorb artificial sweeteners – they pass right through you. Even if it did, the human body could not yet have evolved tolerance to the sweeteners – substances that have only existed for about a century. Your gut bacteria, on the other hand, evolve rapidly, and they pretty much eat what you eat, including those zero-calorie drinks.

We have known for a while that the composition of your internal population of bacteria can, among other things, affect your tendency to gain weight, and that diet has an effect on this composition. But this knowledge is still fairly vague: No one can tell you, yet, just what to eat for the most healthful microbiome, or what, exactly, that mix of bacteria will do for you. So the Nature paper makes a pretty strong statement: Your gut microbiota cannot be ignored any longer. Their intimate relationship with your body is vital; its consequences for your health are critical.

Gut microbiota -- better without artificial sweeteners

Gut microbiota — treat them right, and they’ll treat you right

The researchers worked with both mouse and human subjects. The mouse research was pretty damning on its own: Mice fed artificial sweeteners (in FDA-permitted doses) developed glucose intolerance while those that had been treated with antibiotics to eliminate their gut bacteria did not. In the meantime, sterile mice that had the microbiota from glucose intolerant mice implanted in their guts quickly developed the same glucose intolerance. Even gut bacteria grown in a lab dish with artificial sweeteners and then implanted in mice could induce glucose intolerance.

The human research was, as is usually the case, a bit more complicated. The findings suggest that some people may not be affected either way by artificial sweeteners, while for many others the effect will be negative. The difference is, again, in the makeup of their gut microbiota. The researchers first discovered these two different patterns in a large trial they have been conducting called the Personalized Nutrition Project ( The trial, in which hundreds have already participated, aims to figure out how each individual’s mix of heredity, habits and gut microbiota come together to determine how their food will affect them. The ultimate goal of this project, says Segal, is to give people the knowledge they need to avoid such diet-related diseases as obesity, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

The human volunteer experiment backed up these findings. As with the mice, the composition of their gut microbiota changed with that one change in their diets, and for many, this led to the onset (thankfully reversible) of glucose intolerance.

Elinav believes that the widespread use of artificial sweeteners may even be contributing to the global obesity epidemic. In the not so distant future, a personalized nutrition evaluation – including a check of one’s gut microbiota – might be used to recommend the proper diet for avoiding such health problems as artificial-sweetener-induced glucose intolerance.

In the meantime, they suggest you drink water!


Here is a nice video they made at the Wall Street Journal:





17 Sep 19:52

Amazing Drone Photo of Nine Mountain Climbers atop a Swiss Mountain Peak

by Christopher Jobson

Amazing Drone Photo of Nine Mountain Climbers atop a Swiss Mountain Peak Switzerland mountains drones aerial

An adventurous team of nine mountain climbers sponsored by mountaineering outfitter Mammut snapped this aerial photo of the group atop the Jungfrau, one of the main summits of the Bernese Alps in Switzerland. The photo is one in a long history of audacious and whimsical shoots by Mammut over the last few years. Here’s a video of the shot coming together. (via The Verge)

17 Sep 19:51

Online stores now have to ship your orders on time, or else

by Jon Fingas
Internet stores can sometimes be far too optimistic about the time it takes to ship your order -- just ask the scores of gift givers whose packages arrived late last year. They'll have to be much more pragmatic from now on, though. The FTC has issued...
17 Sep 04:54

nevver: ​Look at me​