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06 May 13:06

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Sexy Games


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Intimacy is about ten percent as important as winning.

New comic!
Today's News:

This is apparently the week of dirty jokes.

28 Apr 15:44

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Words


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More and more, I think the 'they're just a sequence of sounds' is one of the more pointless observations you can possibly make.

New comic!
Today's News:

Book Review Tuesday is here! More reviews at

Pyongyang (DeLisle) A quick and fun sketch of the author’s time spent working for an animation studio in North Korea. I don’t have too much to say about it, other than that it’s quite enjoyable, and that I plan to read other books by the author. This isn’t a memoir like March or Maus - it’s not trying to bring you to a heightened awareness of the universe. It’s not particularly poignant, nor is it trying to be. It’s just an incredible well-told, occasionally quite funny, recounting of a short strange time in the author’s life.

Elbow Room (Dennett) Okay, so I’ve wanted to read a book on compatibilism, the belief that “free will” and a deterministic universe are compatible. This seems crazy to me, and I trust the reasons are obvious.

So, I read this book, and my honest initial reaction was disappointment. A lot of the book is spent talking about computer, biology, evolution, and so forth, which to me seems like a sort of sideshow. If so, it’s an especially egregious sideshow, since Dennett frequently complains of perilously misleading elements stuck into philosophical theories.

That said, as I thought it over and discussed it more with people, I got the basic idea, which (to simplify drastically) isn’t so much that you can have free will in a deterministic universe, but that your idea of what free will means is probably wrong. I don’t want to go too in depth in this review, but as a way to think about it, try to consider what the basic physical rules would be for a universe that permitted your intuitive notion of free will. It’s hard to think of anything that doesn’t posit some cheat that just asserts that you do.

In short, I didn’t get the hit of wild enlightenment I was hoping for. Unusually for me, I learned something, yet left disappointed. I will illustrate by the use of what I’ll call Two Dialogues Concerning Free Will.

Dialogue 1:

Mom: Hey, you wanna see a DINOSAUR?!

Kid: but isn’t that impossible?!

Mom: come with me!

[Cut to: Park]

Mom: Meet the pigeon! You know, according to science, birds are living dinosaurs!

Kid: But I wanted a T. Rex!

Mom: Jesus, kid. Obviously that was never gonna happen.

Dialogue 2: Compatibilist: Hey, you wanna see me combine free will and determinism?!

Zach: Sure thing! But how?

Compatibilist: I’ll show you!

[Cut to: Zach reading book]

Zach: So determinism is still true, but individuals appear to have choices, and we can call that free will if we like?

Compatibilist: Yeah. What? Did you think I was going to claim an individual human could defy causality itself?

Zach: I thought maybe-

Compatibilist: By Descartes’ beard, you’re dumb!

--End of Scene-- So, that’s where I am now on this. Like the kid at the park, I’m not disagreeing with the idea that my initial notion of the subject matter was flawed. I’m just annoyed at the way the exciting revelation was presented.

Vietnamerica (Tran) What a great memoir. I’ve been reading a lot of memoirs in graphic novel format lately, and this one was one of the very best, both in terms of its style and execution. I especially enjoyed the way in which the book moved from scene to scene without frequently telling you what year or location it was.

The artwork and, well, comicking itself was just so good that I rarely had to take a second to figure out where the scene had changed to.

The only critique that occurred to me is that the “character” of Tran himself in the story feels very… unformed. Maybe this is simply because it depicts Tran mostly at a younger age, where he would’ve been, indeed, unformed. But, I couldn’t help but feel that the character is so self-flagellating (he is almost always depicted as a sort of know-it-all punk kid) that you miss what could be a more whole interaction between kids and parents. Tran’s past self feels less like a person than a point of embarrassment that the author is covering over with humor.

It still works well enough, but I would’ve loved if, here and there, we had a moment of just Tran being himself, in a way that only develops character, rather than moving forward the book’s telling of history. But, still, quite a good memoir comic, and absolutely beautiful.

28 Apr 15:35

Survivorship Bias

They say you can't argue with results, but what kind of defeatist attitude is that? If you stick with it, you can argue with ANYTHING.
25 Apr 05:20

The Birth of Fake News

by Joey Alison Sayers
Gutenberg, how could you?
22 Apr 03:39

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Satan-Fingers


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Discovered in the delightful though occasionally frustrating Moscow Puzzles

New comic!
Today's News:

We're running out of most tickets for BAHFest MIT, so we've moved over some of the more expensive ones to lower levels. Buy soon or feel shame!

22 Apr 03:37

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Puzzle Time!


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14 points to anyone who finds a real way to generate this series.

New comic!
Today's News:

Hey Boston geeks! We moved over some tickets to the $8 student level, in case some people felt priced out by the fancier options.

22 Apr 03:25

#1512 – Scary (No Comments)

by Chris
18 Apr 15:40

Guest Comic by Christopher Baldwin

by David Malki

I find you GUILTY of having a cool hat

18 Apr 15:38

Hummingbirbs I have known

by David Malki

watta birb!!!

A few months ago, we saw a hummingbirb making a nest outside our bedroom window.

She laid some eggs and then there were BABY BIRBS and they were VERY CUTE.

Here are some of the pictures my wife and I took of them!

(I am embedding these as tweets mainly so the videos play, but if you can’t see the pictures in your email or feed, visit this post on the site instead, maybe that’ll work!)

That’s my little boy up there!! He is TEN DAYS OLD and he is extremely small still. His main interests right now are:

1. Snoozing
2. Slurping down liquid
3. Wiggling

I am told this is normal.

Comics will continue at an irregular pace!! Make sure you’re on the email list or Facebook page or Twitter feed or RSS feed.

Thank you very much for the well wishes you have sent as well! Mom and baby are fine and so am I.

18 Apr 15:34

The Airline Non-Apology Tour

by Tom Tomorrow
Don’t you forget, you’re just cargo!
18 Apr 15:32

If It Looks Like a Duck...

by Barry Deutsch
What working as a waterfowl taught me about gender
15 Apr 03:11

Trump Definitely Cares About Children

by Jen Sorensen
Kids are seen, but not heard by Trump
15 Apr 02:59

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Western Sociology


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Also, for any given view of human nature, some Greek dude probably said it first.

New comic!
Today's News:

Wooh! Another Space Elevator Bonus defeated. Sorry for the regular nags about the book - I try to keep them as unobtrusive as possible. Plus, hey, bonus comic.

15 Apr 02:53

A Clean Grill of Health

by Adam


For some reason it felt weird to draw “hunger lines” in panel three. Don’t think I’ve ever drawn those things.

15 Apr 02:51

Parking up the Wrong Tea

by Adam


I didn’t even know “tea tastings” was a thing.

07 Apr 11:37

Sweet 16

Every year I make out my bracket at the season, and every year it's busted before the first game when I find out which teams are playing.
07 Apr 11:37

Rayleigh Scattering

If you ask "why are leaves green?" the usual answer is "because they're full of chlorophyll, and chlorophyll is green," even though "why does chlorophyll scatter green light?" is a great question too.
24 Mar 06:25

calling in sick

by kris

dan’s flu is a much better employee

22 Mar 16:02

Are Trump’s Distractions A Distraction From His Distractions?

by Tom Tomorrow
Rinse and repeat.
20 Mar 16:32

Returning to the March for Life

by Luke Howard
Luke Howard got dragged to the March For Life as a kid. 23 years later, he returned.
14 Mar 16:43

Science is Political

by Maki Naro
The election of Donald Trump has ended security even for the scientifically privileged.
13 Mar 01:34

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Broken


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He made the lattes perfectly. It was the only way he could say 'I love you.'

New comic!
Today's News:
12 Mar 14:44

#1298; Barking Through the Fence

by David Malki

Being in favor of something impossible takes no courage at all.

03 Mar 15:51

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - A Monster in the Closet


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Before you ask - no, this comic was completed at 2am. 4am is when workaholics go to bed.

New comic!
Today's News:

Sorry geeks. Hopefully we'll be able to release the big thing Monday. I promise it'll be worth the wait!

03 Mar 15:10

Stop Being So Mean to Congress

by Matt Lubchansky
You’re hurting their feelings :(
16 Feb 15:55

Believe It: Democracy is Under Attack

by Jen Sorensen
The sky is actually falling! Believe it.
16 Feb 15:45

Get to Know Vladimir Putin

by Kane Lynch
What’s the deal with Russia’s president?
09 Feb 02:16

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Lastritely


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I hope it's backward compatible with Judaism.

New comic!
Today's News:

Marvel as Jon Wilson explains spider evolution at BAHFest Sydney 2016.

PS: Just about a week left to get your BAHFest East proposal in!

06 Feb 16:16

One Bad Apple Spoils My Butt

by Adam


Was about to play a DVD on my iMac and just realized that it didn’t have an optical drive. Didn’t even think to check and see if this computer had one when I bought it.

06 Feb 16:13

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Multiverse Explained


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A lot of physics makes sense if you imagine it's designed by a tech billionaire with a confusing vision.

New comic!
Today's News:

Why Do Birds Sing? From BAHFest Sydney 2016