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25 Apr 11:21

100 Hoopties

by prolly


I came across this website that uses parts from old bicycles to make famous album covers. This one of course being Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. Head over to 100 Hoopties for more.

The post 100 Hoopties appeared first on The Radavist.

25 Apr 07:32

Old Files

Wow, ANIMORPHS-NOVEL.RTF? Just gonna, uh, go through and delete that from all my archives real quick.
25 Apr 05:19

Carry on Raving (the illegal gabber techno/stack worship...

Carry on Raving (the illegal gabber techno/stack worship variety)

As requested by Angus King

23 Apr 10:30

Phone Alarm

Simple Simon

Been there!

21 Apr 14:27

Free Speech

I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.
15 Apr 22:23

Brian Vernor: Behind the Wood Curtain

by prolly
Simple Simon

AG, what's the point of bar-end shifters? Have seen this a few times...just cheaper than STI? More convenient than DT shifting?


Photos by Brian Vernor

This morning, Brian Vernor left for a week long bike tour with these three companions. Where they are going, what they will be doing and why they’re doing this is still a mystery. A mystery that you can follow along with the Blackburn Designs Instagram.

That Santa Cruz is hot!!!! But not as hot as Brian’s Team Dream Hat!

The post Brian Vernor: Behind the Wood Curtain appeared first on The Radavist.

15 Apr 22:19

Emoji-Nation: Famous Paintings Revised for the Internet Age

by Urbanist
[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

famous edward hopper conversation

In a world of mobile devices, share icons and popup alerts, fine art is interrupted by signs and symbols of our times, adding a jarring layer of technology to recognizably classic works.

famous painting like count

famous add friend hack

famoust summer evening porch

famous art instagram share

Nastya Nudnik is the Kiev-based Ukrainian artist behind this project that pairs emoticons and other digital features with familiar images by renowned artists, from Michelangelo to Edward Hopper.

famous friend requests

classic painting did you mean

classic painting google maps

In her latest set, icons and frames are overlaid on or around artworks, but in other parts of her ongoing series emoji are paired with famous painted faces and modern movie poster are given an historical twist.

famous god is dead

famous disconnected

famous access denied

Some of the jokes are perhaps a bit obvious, so whether one wants to call this art or cartoonish vandalism is an open question. Regardless, more of her work can be found on the creator’s Behance page.

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15 Apr 22:16

Hybrid Desk & Storage Rise Up to Meet Suspended Staircase

by Urbanist
Simple Simon

I like the idea - but it's a little bit office-furniture-y, could look better

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

steel wood staircase design

Playing tricks on the eye, this split-style stairway merges a desk and storage below with a framework of steps hanging down from above, all with a daunting-looking gap left in the middle.

steel busy staircase use

steel steps top view

steel wood hanging steps

Dutch designer Mieke Meijer hand-crafted this hybrid interior system for the home of Just Haasnoot in The Hague, inspired in part by the black and white photography of Bernd and Hilla Becher.

steel wood open desk

steel wood skylight chair

The frame-based structure was made to save space and maintain a sense of openness. The unfolding angular geometries add elements of visual interest to a toned-down space while accommodating various storage surfaces, nooks and crannies.

steel wood steps risers

steel wood alternating design

The use of alternating steps allows for a steep incline to be safely traversed, though some might still question the absence of a hand rail (which would be mandated by building code in most locations).

steel wood back view

steel window sill sitting

steel stairs design framework

This approach seems particularly well-suited to places with less-used upstairs spaces – as the photographs show, it would be easy to let certain steps simply become shelves most of the time, then be cleared off when guests come to stay in the spare attic bedroom.

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15 Apr 13:31

Need a Lift? Road Elevator Boosts Cyclists up Steep Hills

by Steph
[ By Steph in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

Bicycle Elevator 1

If there’s a particularly daunting hill on your cycling or stroller-pushing route, you may have already thought to yourself, “I wish there were some kind of magical contraption that could haul me to the top.” Like… a bicycle escalator, or something. Well, that thing actually exists: it’s called the Trampe CycloCable. This motorized aid was built into the street in Tronheim, Norway to give a little help to anyone trying to get up an 18% grade hill on wheels.

Bicycle Elevator 2

The prototype was built in 1993, and the Trampe has pushed over 200,000 cyclists up the hill since then. The design was upgraded in 2013 to meet new safety regulations, and a new industrialized version will be introduced to the international market.

Bicycle Elevator 3

Using it is pretty simple: you position your bicycle 10 centimeters away from and parallel to the lift rail, with your left pedal in a lower position. While standing astride your bike, put your left foot on the left bike pedal, and your right foot in the start slot of the lift. Push the green ‘start’ button and it’ll gently haul you up the hill.

Bicycle Elevator 4

People riding scooters or pushing strollers use the lift, as well. It moves about five feet per second and can extend up to 1,640 feet. Maybe we won’t see these installed on every hill in town anytime soon, but for the steepest of the steep, it would probably be a pretty welcome addition.

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15 Apr 13:17

Animated Still Lifes: 7 Relaxing Cinemagraphic Illustrations

by Urbanist
[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

animated bedroom fan gif

Reclining in the space between the extremes of sped-up, movie-style GIF files and traditional, immobile paintings, this artist brings lazy scenes of everyday reality to life.



Rebecca Mockam is a Brooklyn-based illustrator and comic artist whose cinemagraphs move only as much as needed, a different kind of visual artist’s takes on medium most often associated with photography.

animated gif magazine cover

Note that these reduced-sized examples don’t do justice to the detail and seamlessness of her originals, so it is worth looking more closely at her portfolio for these and more.

animated tabletop phone gif

Her work is peaceful and contemplative, lending itself to a lot of potential comparisons, including Edward Hopper and Norman Rockwell. At the same time, much of the subject matters is definitively contemporary, including all-too-familiar ringing phones and tablet swipes. Still-life Americana revisited, this approach (in the age of portable computers, tablets and phones) uses a medium that makes sense with its era.



Mockam has worked on everything from art exhibits and comic covers and is currently drawing a graphic novel titled Four Points, set to be released in 2015. She uses a Wacom tablet for most of her illustration work, sketches with a pencil and ink with various brush pens, and a nib & ink when it comes to drawing comics.

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15 Apr 08:05

Tales from the 2014 Red Hook Crit – Chris Lee

by prolly
Simple Simon

Looks like a good race - Miserable though. They do one in Barcelona too I think.

In order for the Red Hook Crit to maintain its unofficial title of the gnarliest track bike criterium, it sometimes must rely on mother nature. This year’s race was a total wash. Literally. Rain poured all day and well into the women’s and men’s circuit, shortening both and creating a less-than-desirable mental mind fuck for the racers.

Even the photographers and crowds suffered.

Chris Lee has contributed multiple times to the Radavist and I couldn’t think of a better person to capture and document the eerie environment of the 2014 Red Hook Crit…

Tales from the 2014 Red Hook Crit - Chris Lee

Red Hook Crit Observations from the Ground
Words and photos by Chris Lee

It was a little eerie walking around the Red Hook Crit grounds last Saturday afternoon and not see anyone out. In years past, you’ll have groups of racers anxiously examining the course and all its turns and nuances, photographers scouting out good angles and supporters taking it all in.

Tales from the 2014 Red Hook Crit - Chris Lee

This year, in RHC’s seventh installment, it was non stop rain and rapidly dropping temperatures. Everyone was huddled inside the cruise terminal and didn’t step out unless required.

Tales from the 2014 Red Hook Crit - Chris Lee

With the relentless rain not showing signs of letting up, organizers were forced to move all qualifying heats and main races ahead of schedule. But the race must go on and it didn’t stop the athletes from battling each other in the miserable conditions. One by one, qualifying heats were called up: first the women’s, then the men’s. As the qualifying heats went on, the whole terminal was a buzz: In depth discussions of tire pressure, racing technique and reports of crashes. Eyes were also glued to the RHC app that displayed lap times and real time standings.

Tales from the 2014 Red Hook Crit - Chris Lee

A field of 31 women racers staged at the start line and then battled it out on the course. Reports of crashes start coming in. It wasn’t until a broken collarbone near turn one was the race neutralized and restarted with only three to go. Wolfpack Hustle’s Jo Celso took the win for the inaugural women’s race.

Tales from the 2014 Red Hook Crit - Chris Lee

The men’s race started shortly after, but not even one lap in that the biggest crash of the day occurred near turn two stringing out the peloton. In the end, In’b's Thibaud Lhenry took the win on his custom made bamboo bike.

Tales from the 2014 Red Hook Crit - Chris Lee

Though it was a long, wet, cold and difficult day, David Trimble, Pavel Marosin and the dedicated volunteers completed another successful race and an epic start to the 2014 Red Hook Crit race series.

Follow Chris on Instagram and at his Flickr account.


The post Tales from the 2014 Red Hook Crit – Chris Lee appeared first on The Radavist.

15 Apr 07:17

Fi’zi:k: The Eloquence of Movement Project

by prolly
Simple Simon

This is a really neat idea.

Ronde van Vlaanderen shoes currently at £1500!!


Why is it that the raddest shoes are always the ones never slated for public consumption? Case in point: the Eloquence of Movement Project that Fi’zi:k is promoting.

A little backstory: 2014 is David Millar’s final season of professional racing. He wants to go out with a bang, raising money for a charity and exploring his career as a pro through a series of conceptual cycling shoes.

These shoes were designed by VCRC Style Council in partnership with Fi’zi:k and will be auctioned off for the Small Steps Project.

Each pair was hand made in Italy and are completely insane – like the Milano Sanremo editions pictured above.

Head over to Fi’zi:k to see what all is on the auction block.

15 Apr 06:46

Team Cinelli Chrome

by prolly


Cinelli and Chrome have teamed up to form an elite track crit racing team, with quite the impressive roster.

See more photos below, along with the press release.


“Track bike, fixed-gear, brakeless. No freewheel, no stops. Creative and competitive. This is Team Cinelli Chrome. Different from others living cyclism. No pro-director, masseurs or official mechanics. An independent, semi-organized posse, perfectly self-sufficient, total autonomy travelers. It takes shape to race six international Fixed Gear Criteriums, and blends into the urban fabric after the races. A handful of characters borrowed from the city: bike messengers, track champions, and former Pro Tour mechanics.

Fixed Gear Criteriums are not a fad. They’re a direct outcome of the progression of the fixed-gear movement. This phenomenon was arguably born in San Francisco among the bike messengers and is now well established all around the world as a way of commuting and communicating. A way of being: free, creative, independent.

Cinelli and Chrome have contributed to the dawn of this world. Before it was fashionable. Against any rational reason or strategic marketing idea. People thought we were fools. Today they chase. Joined by common values and mutual respect for making great products, Cinelli and Chrome are proud to support Team Cinelli Chrome.”











Team Cinelli Chrome, photographed by Manual for Speed at the 2014 Red Hook Crit.

The post Team Cinelli Chrome appeared first on The Radavist.

15 Apr 06:37

The Ass Savers Brookshield is Lightweight and Easy

by prolly
Simple Simon

Nice! Just need to stop falling off in the rain, and that will be me ready to ride in Norway 80% of the year ;)


I hate fenders and as a Texan, that is ok. The rainy days to sunny days ratio is skewed. We’re in an extreme drought, so why would I put fenders on my Geekhouse Frontage Road Tourer? Pffft….

That said, I hate getting sprayed up the ‘crack with dirty water from the road when we do get a moist morning. Which is why I love the Ass Savers Brookshield.

See more below!


These simple mudguards are meant to protect you and your derrière, not your riding mates’ faces and not your bottles, legs or feet.


This thin, yet rigid piece of plastic clips onto your Brooks saddle rails.


… and catches any upspray.


If rain is in the forecast, I just drop it in my backpack, bar bag, pannier or conveniently just store it under your saddle. They’re inexpensive, light and best of all, not full fenders. If you don’t ride a Brooks, Ass Savers are also available in the Original, which fits just about every saddle rail.

The post The Ass Savers Brookshield is Lightweight and Easy appeared first on The Radavist.

15 Apr 06:31

When I see a cracked iPhone screen

by dorasomerville
Simple Simon

Not so much for the iPhone screen, but the Monty Python gif.


13 Apr 17:47

Manual for Speed: Roubaix Frozen Cobbles Prints

by prolly


Manual for Speed and Dan Funderburgh re-issued their popular Roubaix cobbles print in a new, frozen color scheme. This time around, the cobbles are frozen.

Pick one up at MFS!

The post Manual for Speed: Roubaix Frozen Cobbles Prints appeared first on The Radavist.

28 Mar 16:54

When I spend hours preparing for my end of year review

by lightbluebird
Simple Simon

Alan was like that as a boss ;) (The dude that is)

and my boss is like…

Thanks to Nathan!

28 Mar 11:44

When my boss notices me trying to leave early

by lightbluebird

28 Mar 11:43


27 Mar 22:39

When I went out drinking on Tuesday night

by lightbluebird
Simple Simon

I went out with some Smith crew last night Granty: John Zhang (asking for you), Sudhar Chellapa, Alan Lockstedt (lit his nipples on fire), and some DT&R dudes - one was called Phuc Luong. Good times!

27 Mar 15:41

When all my friends are away for the weekend and I have to entertain myself

by lightbluebird

26 Mar 00:05

When the only way to get some peace at work is to hide in the bathroom

by lightbluebird

21 Mar 22:33

Soda Sequestration

by xkcd

Soda Sequestration

How much CO2 is contained in the world's stock of bottled fizzy drinks? How much soda would be needed to bring atmospheric CO2 back to preindustrial levels?

Brandon Seah

For most of the history of civilization, there were about 270 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In the last hundred years, industrial activity has pushed that number up to 400 parts per million.

One "part per million" of CO2 weighs about 7.8 billion tons. A can of soda contains in the neighborhood of 2.2 grams of CO2, so you would need about 450 quadrillion cans of soda. That's enough to cover the Earth's land with ten layers of cans.

There's clearly not enough room to do this. Even if we stacked the cans up to the edge of space,[1]I don't have any hard numbers, but my guess would be that you could probably stack supermarket soda six-pack crates a few hundred meters high before the bottom layer ruptures. they'd still take up an area the size of Rhode Island.[2]We shouldn't actually try it, given what happened last time.

We'd need to add even more cans to keep up with ongoing emissions. We're currently increasing the atmosphere's CO2 concentration by an average of 2 parts per million each year:

At that rate, we'd need to add one can of soda per person every 30 seconds, which is about 10,000 times the current consumption rate.[3]The global average is one can per person every 5 days. In the US, the average is one every 18 hours. That would add a new layer of cans to the ground every 6[4]I originally had the wrong number here; thank you to Paulina for catching it! years or so.

This layer of cans would get pretty annoying.

Are there any ways out of this predicament?

In some areas, you can turn in soda cans for recycling and receive a small amount of money; in Massachusetts, where I live, it's 5 cents. If you collected one year's worth of soda cans—instead of layering them across the Earth's surface—and emptied them out, you could redeem them for $372 trillion.

With that much money, you could simply buy the world's current reserves[5]Source:, bottom right. of coal, oil, and natural gas—the source of the whole problem.

Then, you put it all back in the ground and leave it there.

Problem solved.

18 Mar 15:58

Dear Jim,Please do an oscar style selfie with UK...

Dear Jim,

Please do an oscar style selfie with UK “celebs” from the 90s. I’ll let you pick.

James Barber

12 Mar 21:38

When my friend has had a bad day

by dorasomerville

12 Mar 14:32

Types of Editors

m-x machineofdeath-mode
11 Mar 19:03

When I get woken up by my flatmates before my alarm goes off

by dorasomerville
Simple Simon

or wife

Thanks to Philipp H!

09 Mar 19:25

When You Assume

You know what happens when you assert--you make an ass out of the emergency response team.
06 Mar 01:42

Cut Your Pizza with a Fixie

by prolly
Simple Simon



LOLOLOL this is amazing. I kinda want one. Do they come in all-black?

05 Mar 16:35

When I go to Honest Burger

by lightbluebird

Thanks to Cora!