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19 Mar 18:33

"I just received your email and the layout looks great, but can you change the subject line on the..."

“I just received your email and the layout looks great, but can you change the subject line on the email you sent to me and resend it? I need to forward this to the customer, but the name of the project has changed. Thanks!”
18 Mar 22:47

Keiko Takemiya

Keiko Takemiya

18 Mar 22:47

Not shoujo, but one of my personal favorites! Urusei Yatsura

Not shoujo, but one of my personal favorites!

Urusei Yatsura

18 Mar 22:47

Yumiko Igarashi

Yumiko Igarashi

18 Mar 20:24

He Fought in the War

by Steve Napierski
He Fought in the War Right now, I am nothing more than an innocent bystander. I am merely standing on the sidelines watching what consoles people are buying. I'm offering up opinions based on what I read and people I know, but I get no satisfactions or sadness regardless of whichever console is wins this war. I'm hoping that my apathy subsides, but my lack of interest in either the Playstation 4 or Xbox ONE doesn't seem to be going away.

Even though I doubt it will be the winner this generation, I am still more excited to see what Nintendo will do with the Wii U. I am also really interested in Valve's Steam Machines. Whether or not I buy one of those will be decided on the still ambiguous price tags. I still like the Ouya, too.

source: Facebook
via: Gamefreaks

See more: He Fought in the War
18 Mar 20:23

Mustache Makes the Maple

by Steve Napierski
Mustache Makes the Maple Very rarely do decisions come as easy to make as this one. Hell yeah, I will, giant talking deku tree!

See more: Mustache Makes the Maple
14 Mar 15:11

Feed Your Colossal Appetite!

by Boke Nasu

A Colossal Titan? In my Lotteria? It's more likely than you think. 

Fast food chain Lotteria is celebrating the pure epicness of Attack on Titan with cheeseburgers of varying heights to represent the different classes of Titans--five patties, seven patties, or ten patties. We at the AmiAmi Blog believe in the motto "Go big or go home" so we dedicated our hearts to the challenge before us.


Behold! The layers of melted cheese and ground beef are as appetizing as the Colossal Titan's skin while the ketchup runs in rivers like the blood of those crushed underfoot. Consuming a 10-story burger helped me understand why the Titans eat humans--the act is gratuitous in every way, but driven by an uncontrollable compulsion.


The 2,000 yen set comes with the burger, an illustrated cardboard tube to wrap around the burger and your choice between either a blade key holder with a Cheeseburger voucher featuring Eren or a 3D Maneuver Gear key holder with a Shrimp Burger voucher featuring Mikasa. We went with the blade to slice the sandwich into reasonable chunks. It was sliding around so much that we're lucky it didn't topple and crush us underneath. 


The promotion started on March 6th at all Lotterias within Japan and will continue while supplies last. If you miss this chance to challenge your ticker, don't worry--Sasha's jumbo bucket o' potatoes goes on sale from March 20th. 

Official homepage:

Home Feed Your Colossal Appetite! Lotteria Produces IDOLM@STER Tie-ins
14 Mar 15:06

Kill la Kill gets re-created in LEGO form

by Martin Siggers

Japanese LEGO creator MoKo is clearly a big Kill la Kill fan, as he's been busy trying to recreate Trigger's breakout anime hit in his medium of choice, and the results are impressive to say the least.

Among his creations are customer minifigures of Ryuko, Mako, Satsuki and the Elite Four, while more elaborate works include Gamagoori and Sanageyama in their battle forms, and a large scale rendition of Senketsu on his own. There's even a version of Mikisugi's Dotonbori Robo DTR.

It's all fantastic stuff and a great example of the flexibility of LEGO and the way fans can incorporate their passions into it. For more pictures (and shots of his other great creations) check out MoKo's Twitter, Flickr and blog.

Kill la Kill gets re-created in LEGO form screenshot

13 Mar 20:28

Customer Leaves Helpful Note for Female Pilot Informing Her “The Cockpit of an Airliner Is No Place for a Woman”

by Rebecca Pahle

Capt. Carey Smith Steacy: “Oh no! All this time I thought I being a woman had no impact on whether or not I can, or should, be a pilot! Thank you for disabusing me of this notion of equality. What a silly female am I. *jumps out of the plane*” The above note was left for Captain Steacy on a flight from Calgary to Victoria. All we know about the writer is that his name is David and that he’s a time traveller from the 1950s. Oh, and he’s outrageously sexist. Reads the note:

To Capt./Westjet The cockpit of an airliner is no place for a woman. A woman being a mother is the most honor, not as “captain.” Proverbs 31. We’re short on mothers, not pilots Westjet. (Sorry not P.C.) PS I wish Westjet could tell me a fair lady is at the helm so I can book another flight! In the end this is all mere vanity… [drawing of male and female stick figures] Not impressed[.] respectfully in love, David”

Thing #4 we know about David—he’s angry that his fedora was crushed in the overhead bin. That’s what I’m supposed to take from the way he condescendingly refers to Captain Steacy as a “fair lady,” right? So many things wrong with this note. It’s infuriating, but it’s also kind of hilarious. I want David and the newspaper editor who slammed female-starring movies as part of “the hollywood agenda of glorifying degenerate power women and promoting as natural the weakling, hyena -like men, cum eunuchs” to hang out. Remember that? Good times. Captain Steacy, a mother of two (and a pilot, oh my goodness) posted the note to Facebook with her refutation:

“I respectfully disagree with your opinion that the ‘cockpit,’ (we now call it the flight deck as no cocks are required), is no place for a lady. In fact, there are no places that are not for ladies anymore… You were more than welcome to deplane when you heard I was a ‘fair lady.’ You have that right. Funny, we all, us humans, have the same rights in this great free country of ours. Now, back to my most important role, being a mother.”

She said to CTV Vancouver that, while her profession comes as a shock to some people, “I have to think [David's stance is] very much an uncommon opinion among the general public.” “Almost every day people I find are a little bit surprised,” she added, “and I think it’s just because women aren’t enrolling in flight schools—not because they’re not being hired, but because they’re not enrolling in it. Either it’s because they don’t think they can or they have been told that it’s not for women or that they can’t do it. And I just hope that that mindset can change, like it has in a lot of professions.”

CBCNews asked WestJet for an interview, but they declined on the grounds that they were too laughing their asses off while doing dramatic readings of David’s note in their headquarters. I assume, anyway. A spokesmen did note that “We have captains and first officers among our female pilots and always have since we launched in 1996.” (via Feministing, Metro; photo by YuryImaging via ShutterStock) Are you following The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Google +?

13 Mar 20:05

White Woman Rooney Mara Might Play Tiger Lily In Pan, Because 2015 Needed Its Own The Lone Ranger

by Rebecca Pahle

According to The Wrap, Rooney Mara is “in negotiations” to play Tiger Lily in Warner Bros.’s Peter Pan origin story. Look what you did lending Redface: The Movie an aura of respectability by nominating The Lone Ranger for a Best Makeup Oscar, AMPAS. Look what you did.

To recap what we know about Pan so far: It’s a Peter Pan origin story. It’s directed by Joe Wright (Pride and Prejudice, Hanna, Atonement) and so far stars Hugh Jackman as Blackbeard and a Garrett Hedlund as a young’n'sexy pre-Captain Captain Hook. Deadline described it as a film in which Peter is the “savior of the natives” of Neverland, which I was a little skeptical of, because what movie, in the 21st century, would be so blatantly, toxically racist, on top of clueless enough to think that “Peter Pan, savior of the natives” is an OK thing to present to an audience of millions, many of them children?

Apparently I may have been a little overly optimistic there. Because also falling under the “blatant, toxic, racist, clueless” category: Whitewashing Tiger Lily. I should have seen this coming. Star Trek Into Darkness. The Lone Ranger. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. What a sweet summer child I was.

The way Peter Pan author J.M. Barrie originally wrote his story’s Native Americans wasn’t exactly fair to begin with. They’re stereotypes: Violent, compared to animals, and frequently referred to as “savages.” It’s tough to watch “What Makes the Red Man Red?” from Disney’s animated Peter Pan without wincing.

But Tiger Lily being a problematic character isn’t an excuse to cast a non-Native American actress. Rather, it’s the same as it was with The Lone Ranger: The key to bringing a racial caricature forward to the modern day isn’t to disregard that person’s race but to change the character so they’re not a racial caricature. Jesus Christ. It’s not that hard. There’s something to be said for “loyalty to source material,” but early 1900s racism is not one of the things you need to keep.

Wright seems to at least be conscious of the fact that the original Peter Pan has some serious issues going on with race: The Wrap notes that he’s “planning to create a world that [is] very international and multi-racial, effectively challenging audiences’ preconceived notions of Neverland and reimagining the environment.”

You know a good way to make Neverland ”very international and multi-racial”?

Don’t whitewash Tiger Lily.

Hire an “international and multi-racial” cast. You have Jackman and Hedlund. Step away from the white people for a while.

I can’t believe I have to spell this out for you.

There’s still time to rescue this. Prove the rumors false. Cast a Native American actress as Tiger Lily. Ditch the white savior vibe. Joe, I like your movies. I like Peter Pan. I want to like Pan. Stop thwarting me.

(via: The Wrap)

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13 Mar 19:10

ucarim: x-men #13 variant by gerald parel yoooooooooooooo

by shieldhydraleviathan
13 Mar 19:07

she did take a picture

she did take a picture

13 Mar 19:05

tuckshopjewellery: I have been making again, this time I have...


I have been making again, this time I have made a full English breakfast, complete with saucy beans! Every piece was hand sculpted by me by hand, half way through making the beans I wish I had never started!!!! all available to buy in my shop NOW:

If you liked dinner, how do you feel about … breakfast

13 Mar 18:59

lafemmesardine: South-East Asia - American Express Departures


South-East Asia - American Express Departures

13 Mar 15:18

Veronica Mars Is The First Major Studio Movie To Hit Digital On Same Day As Cinemas

by Brendon Connelly

Come March 14th and when Veronica Mars rolls out into cinemas across the US and, on a smaller scale, a few venues scattered across the UK, it wall also be released for download via iTunes, Amazon and other VOD services.

This makes it the first major studio title to collapse the typical window between theatrical and home entertainment releases. According to Warner Bros., this is something made possible by the Kickstarter campaign.

What they’re implying is that a self-funded film would have to be pushed through cinema and then later through home entertainment, the better to make more money. I’m not sure I’m buying this rationale, but marketing departments will spin.

It’s certainly great that the film is going to be widely available to the vast majority of folks who will want it and I’m glad that the cinema release is pretty widespread for what is, when all is said and done, a very low budget movie.

Kickstarter backers who paid $35 or above will get a digital download as part of their package, and this will be available alongside the standard VOD release on the 14th too.

Mrs. C and I put considerably more than $35 into the film and we’re happy to have backed it. We’re also looking forward to going to see the film on the big screen, then having our download waiting for us when we get home.

Just eleven days after this release, the first Veronica Mars novel is being published. It’s called The Thousand Dollar Tan Line and is written by Mars creator Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham. Thomas unveiled the cover on Twitter.

This novel, and the other one already slated to follow it in what should be an ongoing series, have been officially sanctioned as in-canon sequels to the feature film. Thomas has promised that if another movie – or, should dreams come true – TV series come along, they’ll build on the events of the novels as much as anything else.

Veronica Mars Is The First Major Studio Movie To Hit Digital On Same Day As Cinemas

12 Mar 17:39

Awesome 3-foot-tall Lego jaeger from Pacific Rim is piloted by minifigs

by Tatiana Danger

Awesome 3-foot-tall Lego jaeger from Pacific Rim is piloted by minifigs

LEGO artist Jason Corlett, spent 70 hours and 5,000 bricks to build Cherno Alpha, an almost 3-ft tall massive Lego jaeger from Pacific Rim. Though my favorite is Gipsy Danger, this scrappy Russian model is pretty badass. This is an impressive build, made more impressive by the fact that it's piloted by drift-compatible minifigs.


12 Mar 17:39

This Lego Keyboard is fully functional and fully awesome

by Robert Sorokanich

Jason Allemann just built the most awesome computer keyboard you could ever dream up made out of Lego bricks and Technic axles—because everything is awesome when playing with Lego.


12 Mar 17:38

Gigantic Lego St. Pancras Station is 120,000 bricks of brilliant!

by Tatiana Danger

Gigantic Lego St. Pancras Station is 120,000 bricks of brilliant!

Warren Elsmore, a former IT consultant, gave up his job over a year ago to pursue his passion: Making badass buildings with Lego. His St. Pancras station build is incredibly detailed and quite impressive. It's made the rounds at Lego events and conventions around Europe and at 120,000 bricks, it's a pretty epic creation.


12 Mar 17:26

trixiedragon: rinbby: Lawson x Free! 2nd Season (3/17-3/31)...


Look, they are wearing pants!



Lawson x Free! 2nd Season (3/17-3/31) Campaign Official Illustration!

The full list of goodies is going to be revealed on March 18th.

i do like the new jackets, but damn, Samezuka, that is one fine jacket. 

…now let’s see makoto in it… *coughs*

12 Mar 15:17

On the trouble with massive cultural acceptance...


12 Mar 15:15

theartofanimation: Gael Bertrand

12 Mar 15:13


10 Mar 17:22

While discussing the importance of a balanced diet...


10 Mar 14:31

To his friend...


10 Mar 14:31

Loudly, into his giant phone...


10 Mar 14:30

While interrupting his friend's rant on the lack of quality in comics...


10 Mar 14:30

Regarding a recent argument with his girlfriend...


09 Mar 14:19

cristinterrill: cleolinda: orderdesorder: miyazaki  façon ...




miyazaki  façon  ART/DECO

Gorgeous art nouveau-inspired portraits of Miyazaki’s characters

I’m such a sucker for Mucha-style portraits of characters I like. I already own Doctor Who ones and Game of Thrones ones as well as the half-dozen ACTUAL Mucha’s in my house. Probably going to break down and get a couple of these too. It’s all art nouveau all the time over here.

I really like these, but every time I see them, I’m struck by how tired all the characters look ^^; I think they could all do with a long nap on Totoro’s tummy. :D 

08 Mar 13:33

I Voted For Obama, So Do I Have To Break Up With My White Supremacist Boyfriend?

by thingsthatareawful

Tomato Nation, 12 February 2014:

I’ve been dating my boyfriend now for about three months. He’s the friend of a friend’s brother whom I met a little before I graduated college this past spring. He’d just got out of the military and living in a new town, so he didn’t know a whole lot of people. At first, we talked a lot about acclimating to the “real world” and trying to find jobs and all that. He’s a really nice guy; mild-mannered but he makes me laugh, in good shape, laid-back, smells nice. There’s just one problem. Recently I spent the night at his place. This was only our second sleepover, and, well, I hate to be one of those girls that gushes about sex with her boyfriend, but it was really good. Great, even. The next morning he got up to go get coffee and I got on his computer. I swear I wasn’t trying to snoop or anything; I just wanted to check my email and whatnot until he got back. While surfing, however, his browser did an auto-fill for a popular white-nationalist forum. My curiosity got the best of me, so I went to it, and not only does he have an account, but he has thousands of posts on there. I was heartbroken. I am SO not into that; I’m not very political, but I’m pro-choice and I voted for Obama, so in his world, I’m a heathen…I think. I can’t believe he believes in this white-power/Aryan-nation nonsense. Now I don’t know what to do. He’s a great guy apart from this, and it doesn’t seem like something he’s eager to talk about. I kind of figured he was more right-wing than me, but I just chalked that up to him being former military and being “harder” than me about stuff. But this is just weird. I told my mom I don’t even think I’m technically supposed to know about this side of him, so it feels strangely wrong to judge him on it. She said at the end of the day, this is who he is regardless if he told me about it or not, and now I have to decide if I can overlook it. Gee, thanks, Mom. Anyway, I’m curious to know what you think I should do. Sincerely, Nicole

Dear Nicole,

Now, let’s think about this one really, really carefully before we do anything that would imply rashness or patterns of thinking that may not be completely based in logic and instead based in, say, prejudice.

Because we don’t want to be prejudiced here against your smokin’ hot boyfriend, who has thousands of posts on a forum built specifically for white nationalists who just want to engage in a little intellectual discussion about the advantages of, say, genocide. There are a lot of good reasons he might be engaging in this, the least likely of which is that your boyfriend is an inveterate, unrepentant racist and bigot, filled with hate, contempt and rage for anyone who doesn’t look like him.

Maybe he just loves talking about the logistics of planning large rallies that require a lot of white linen! Maybe he’s really into thread count. 

Let’s look at what we know he’s got going for him. You say he’s “a really nice guy; mild-mannered but he makes me laugh, in good shape, laid-back, smells nice.”

What do you think the likelihood is of your finding another nice man to bone who also smells nice? One who also is mild-mannered? These are traits we spend our whole lives trying to find in one partner. Should you toss them aside just because your super laid-back boyf is into hate-validating pseudoscience, willfully perpetuating systemic oppression, and the first part of American History X? I mean, you voted for Obama; is racism really your problem?

To judge your boyfriend a bigot just because he spends much of his free time talking about the coincidental supremacy of his own race and its destiny to rule over all others on planet earth either by enslaving them or exterminating them, would just be another kind of bigotry.

You don’t want to support bigotry, do you? I didn’t think so. Open mind, open legs, the Bad Advisor always says.

04 Mar 14:15

The Lego Movie sequel is slated for May 26, 2017

by Marsh Naylor on Marsh Naylor, shared by Jesus Diaz to LEGO

The Lego Movie sequel is slated for May 26, 2017

If there's a Lego date you need to memorize, it's May 26th, 2017. That's when the sequel to the wacky, blocky, star-studded The Lego Movie comes out, according to Variety.