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02 Oct 18:13

The Killers’ 2006 Hit “When You Were Young” Remixed By Calvin Harris: Hear A Long Clip

by Robbie Daw
The Killers 2006 when you were young sam's town

Has it really been seven years since The Killers released “When You Were Young”? Yes, it has. The Las Vegas synth-rockers’ lead Sam’s Town single has now been dusted off and remixed by dance king Calvin Harris for the band’s upcoming Direct Hits collection (out November 11), and a rather lengthy preview of the new version — two minutes and 42 seconds, to be exact — is available to hear. “When You Were Young,” originally co-produced by Flood and Alan Moulder with The Killers, was already a solid, uplifting track in its own right. In Harris’ hands, the song is transformed into a glorious dance floor anthem.

The remix will appear on the deluxe version of Direct Hits, along with the original demo of “Mr. Brightside.” Head below to hear something old become something new.

02 Oct 18:02

Mia Farrow Says Woody Allen's Son May Actually Be Frank Sinatra's Son

by Cord Jefferson


Mia Farrow Says Woody Allen's Son May Actually Be Frank Sinatra's Son

In a new interview with Vanity Fair, actress and Twitter celebrity Mia Farrow reveals this interesting fact about her life: Her son, Ronan, whose biological father has always been reported to be the director Woody Allen, may actually be singer Frank Sinatra's son. This is a Jerry Springer episode for the 1 percent.



02 Oct 17:28

I hope he's doing okay up there...

02 Oct 14:55

No Problem!

02 Oct 13:21

My friend, encouraging motorists on his lunch break

02 Oct 13:21

Toothpaste experiment gone wrong

01 Oct 20:39

Nancy Pelosi Vs Eric Cantor

by Joe
01 Oct 18:24

Obamacare Enrollment Is Beating Expectations


Oh Think Progress, Prince George's county is in Maryland.

healthcare dot gov open


On Tuesday, Obamacare’s state-level insurance marketplaces opened to the public, marking the start of a six-month enrollment period that will stretch into March. Although there’s been some confusion around the health law’s new marketplaces — also known as “exchanges” — initial reports suggest that a significant number of people are seeking out information about reform. States across the country are overwhelmed with huge amounts of traffic to their new exchange websites.

Here are some of the early details about Obama enrollment emerging on a state and national level (this post will be updated as the day continues):

National website: A senior Obama administration official reported that just three hours after Obamacare’s open enrollment period launched, the national site had one million visitors. That’s five times more users on the site than the number of users who have ever visited at the same time.

California: The Golden State celebrated its first Obamacare enrollee at 8:45 am Pacific Standard Time. Since then, state residents have tweeted that they’re “impressed” with how easy it is to use the exchange’s app, and the site is “working like a charm for Californians.”

Connecticut: Despite a few initial glitches with its website, Connecticut signed up its first Obamacare enrollee by 9:30 am. And at that point, 764 other people had active applications for the state’s exchange. “For a site that’s been up for 25 minutes, it’s not bad,” the CEO of Connecticut’s new insurance marketplace, Kevin Counihan, noted. By about 11:30 am, the state had logged 10,000 visitors and enrolled an additional 21 people for health coverage.

District of Columbia: DC’s exchange opened for business at 8:00 am. By noon, about 1,500 DC residents had created accounts, according to a spokesperson for the exchange. Creating an account is the first step for people who want to shop for coverage and eventually buy a new plan under Obamacare. The District hasn’t yet experienced any issues with its website.

Florida: MSNBC reports that community health care clinics in Orlando are experiencing long lines as low-income people are visiting to learn more about their options under Obamacare. The CEO of a community clinic in Miami that primarily services uninsured Floridians told MSNBC that Tuesday represents a “new day” for low-income patients who can now gain affordable coverage.

Kentucky: Kentucky is the only Southern state that’s chosen to participate fully in health care reform by both expanding Medicaid and operating a state-level exchange. So far, it’s paying off. Between midnight and 10:30 am on Tuesday, Kentucky’s website had more than 24,000 visitors. The employees working to manage the exchange processed more than 1,000 applications for health insurance by 9:30 am.

New York: In the first two hours that New York’s exchange website was open to the public, 2 million people visited the site. That’s a huge chunk of the population that stands to benefit from Obamacare. Approximately 2.6 million New York residents are currently uninsured, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Rhode Island: After Kaiser Health News solicited feedback from people trying to sign up for Obamacare, a Rhode Island resident responded with a positive experience. “Rhode Island site working fine. So many choices at so many price points! Something 4 everyone. I’m ecstatic,” Annabelle Leigh tweeted.

Virginia: Paula Thornhill, a 31-year-old mother of seven, was the first person to apply for a new plan in Prince George’s County. Her husband has health insurance through his job, but they couldn’t afford to pay the extra premium costs to cover her as well. “I’m relieved that they did come out with this affordable health care,” she told the Washington Post. “I’m relieved.”

Some people trying to log onto their state’s website are experiencing glitches and delays. Some of that is a result of the high traffic that the sites are currently getting; other instances represent technical issues that will have to be resolved moving forward. “We have built a dynamic system and are prepared to make adjustments as needed and improve the consumer experience,” a spokeswoman from the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement.

The Obama administration is advising Americans who are experiencing issues to contact the federal call center or use the help section of the federal site to find someone who can assist them. Americans can also still sign up by using a paper application.

The post Obamacare Enrollment Is Beating Expectations appeared first on ThinkProgress.


01 Oct 13:12

So my brother had a date with a new guy recently and I asked how it went, he sent me this. Never should have showed him imgur

01 Oct 13:11



It totally was.

30 Sep 19:19

Probably the greatest thing I've seen today.

30 Sep 18:11

Rolled down a hill taking a panorama. Turned out to be a picture of a puddle into an alternate universe.

30 Sep 15:21

Barilla Pasta Chief: We Don't Like Gays, They Can Eat Another Brand

by Andy Towle

...No hablo.


We won't be buying any more Barilla pasta.

The independent reports: 2_barilla

Guido Barilla, whose firm has almost half the Italian pasta market and a quarter of that in the US, told Italy’s La Zanzara radio show last night: “I would never do an advert with a homosexual family…if the gays don’t like it they can go an eat another brand.

“For us the concept of the sacred family remains one of the fundamental values of the company.”

He added: “Everyone has the right to do what they want without disturbing those around them”. But then the pasta magnate upped the ante by attacking gay adoption. “I have no respect for adoption by gay families because this concerns a person who is not able to choose," he said.

Here's a report in Italian.

Italian activists are calling for a boycott of 20 brands owned by the company including Voiello pasta and Filiz and Misko products.

UPDATE: Guido Barilla is now apologizing on Facebook.

Make sure not to miss a Towleroad headline by following @TLRD on Twitter.

30 Sep 14:54

I didn't choose the droid life, the droid life chose me.

30 Sep 14:28

Muppet Mash - Pogo

by Joe
Pogo is the stage name of Australian wunderkind Nick Bertke.
30 Sep 14:26

Well this business is sunk



30 Sep 14:19

To the people who tell me that the Millennial Generation (80s-00s) are lazy,no good doers, that are destroying America

30 Sep 14:16

Invisibility Mode Activated


The slow turns. They kill me every time

27 Sep 23:29

Retro gifs

by thebrainbehind

Very cool retro gifs to discover over at ozneo

27 Sep 20:08

I'm In Cleveland

by Joe

Could go to this to swim, but am not really thrilled about a trip to Cleveland.

I'm in Cleveland for four days as part of a press junket sponsored by Positively Cleveland, the marketing agency for the local convention and visitors bureau. We're primarily here as part of Cleveland's push for the Gay Games 2014, which runs next year from August 9th -16th and is expected to draw 11,000 athletes from around the world. There's a ton of stuff on our itinerary, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the Cleveland Orchestra, the Horseshoe Casino, museums, and lots of interesting looking restaurants. On Saturday night they have us finishing our evening at a club called Bounce, so we might do a JMG readers meet-up there. (More on that tomorrow.) Full disclosure: The agency is footing the bill for our airfare, lodging, meals, excursions, hookers, blow - the whole shebang. Fuller disclosure: I'm completely open to similar offers from the cities of Rio, Barcelona, Puerto Vallarta....
27 Sep 15:20

PHOTO: Remember That Time Superman Was A Flaming Queen?

by Lester Brathwaite

This honestly just makes me smile.


At some point we’ve all fantasized about Superman being gay — you can’t nickname someone the Man of Steel without inviting a ton of homo innuendo — but 10 years ago, writer Peter David briefly introduced us to Gay Superman and, fittingly, he was super gay.

After being exposed to Pink Kryptonite, Superman appears to develop an eye for fashion and interior decoration, while flirting with that power bottom Jimmy Olsen.

“Did I ever tell you how smashing you look in bowties, Jimmy?” asks a possibly gay and possibly British Superman in Supergirl Vol 4, #79. “By the way that’s a fabulous window treatment you’ve put together.”

Couple things: A. Superman’s a twink chaser, with an affinity for gingers, so we can put those Batman fantasies to rest. B. That Pink Kryptonite must come equipped with flawless gaydar if Kal-El’s calling Jimmy out on those window treatments. And C. If this scenario wasn’t so goddamn ridiculous, we’d probably be more offended.

Sure it’s stepped in stereotype, but honestly, a Superman with a sense of fashion and a sensitive side sounds like the perfect man. And it would explain that ongoing thing he has with Lex Luthor…

So while we probably can’t expect Superman to get married to Jimmy (Lois Lane, ever the sport, will be the openly drunk maid of honor) and open up an antique shop in Provincetown with muscle bear couple, Wolverine and Hercules, as part of a crossover special authored by Harvey Fierstein — Fortress of Solitude, Plus One — at least we know that Pink Kryptonite’s the best Kryptonite.

Well, maybe besides Rainbow Kryptonite, which turns Superman into Pepper LaBeija:


Can we talk about that laser heat vision?

h/t: Gay Star News

27 Sep 00:52

Maya Luna

by thebrainbehind

The very interesting work of Maya Luna

26 Sep 23:24

They're not that innocent

26 Sep 13:53

No matter how hard you try, you will never be as cool as this duck

25 Sep 18:10

Speedrun: Pulp Fiction in 60 seconds

by thebrainbehind

25 Sep 14:37

All the Single Loki's, All the Single Loki's

24 Sep 22:26

Tweet Of The Day II: Rep. Mark Takano

by Joe

Pretty much.

Ted Cruz, Ima let you finish but...
— Mark Takano (@RepMarkTakano) September 24, 2013
24 Sep 18:35

Jay Cutler Issues A Sorry, Not Sorry Over Laying Big Hit

by Christmas Ape

I honestly don't think I could love anyone in the NFL more than Cutler right now.


During a critical drive in the second half of the Bears’ win in Pittsburgh, Jay Cutler scrambled for a first down, ending his run by driving the shoulder of his throwing arm into Steelers defensive back Robert Golden. The hit wrecked Golden’s sh*t, but a quarterback throwing his body around like that is bound to elicit concern from those who would like to see Cutler play a full 16 games for the first time in four years.

But the Cutty narrative has a tricky history with toughness, given the criticism he got for exiting the 2010 NFC Championship Game because of a knee injury. It’s doubtful that’s what caused Cutler to make this hit, but we thing we do know for sure is he ain’t care what critics think.

“No, I don’t [regret it]. I know what I’m doing out there, but thanks for your concern, I appreciate it … But I have to play the game and that’s how I sometimes have to play the game. Sorry, I’m not sorry.”

Yup, that’s about the most Cutler reaction possible. DOOOONNNNN’TTTTT CAAAAARRRRRREEEEE.

[GIF via]

24 Sep 15:23

Why Benny Is The Closest Thing ‘Rent’ Has To An Actual Hero

by Alyssa Rosenberg
Credit: Sony Pictures

Credit: Sony Pictures

Inspired by Buzzfeed’s list of the 17 ways that Rent, the musical about downtown aspiring artists that made $280 million and introduced a new generation of viewers–people my age–to Broadway, lied to us, I decided to fire up Chris Columbus’ 2005 movie adaptation of the show on Friday. The result was an epic bout of rage-tweeting, much of it about how awful the main characters Mark and Roger are, and how minimal the show’s self-awareness is. But my main reaction, perhaps an inevitable result of inching towards thirty, actually surprised me a little. The movie adaptation made Mark and Roger so cringingly awful that they awakened my inner troll, and made Benny seem like the closest thing Rent has to a hero.

It might be easier to side with Mark and Roger against Benny if the Alphabet City Avant-Garde outlined any sort of actual political program for their neighborhood. But other than protesting the emptying of the lot–not that they have any thoughts about the services available to their homeless neighbors–their main priority is that they be able to continue to live rent-free in the space where Benny’s letting them crash. Rent control and affordable housing don’t necessarily fit neatly into soaring Broadway numbers, but then, neither do discussions of ACT-UP’s work, and Jonathan Larson managed to pull that off. Maureen’s performance in the empty lot is a cynical re-appropriation of the residents of the tent city to draw attention to an incoherent rant against “Cyberland,” an incoherent assortment of things Maureen mostly dislikes because she associates them with Benny. Collins’ AIDS-related work is admirable, but mostly tangential to the plot of Rent, which addresses HIV diagnoses mainly in terms of self-confidence rather than policy or drug pricing. If Mark, Roger, and Maureen connected their priorities to a larger vision that was a real alternative to Benny’s, they might be sympathetic characters. Instead, they come across as supremely self-regarding.

It doesn’t help that they routinely come across as callous to actual working and poor people in their neighborhood. The poor, beleaguered waiter at the Life Cafe’s a prime example: Mark seems to think that he has all the right in the world to take up space in the man’s section without ordering, or to order food he has no real intention of paying for, without thinking of the consequences for the man’s take at the end of his shift, or how his boss might react to the waiter’s lenience towards Mark in favor of paying customers. Similarly, the homeless woman who calls out Mark’s self-congratulatory filming of her interactions with the police as the act of exploitation that it is, then exposes that Mark has no interest in helping her financially, reveals the profound limitations of Mark’s attitude towards his neighborhood as any sort of holistic entity. Benny may be less than polite to a Squeegee guy, but I’m more willing to forgive an act of rudeness to someone who’s actively getting in your space as an attempt to extract money from you than a general sense that goods, services, and people’s lives should be available to your for your enjoyment and artistic fulfillment. It takes a lot to get me to sympathize with a real estate developer over artists, but it says something about the way Rent‘s stacked its deck that it’s not an unreasonable conclusion.

None of this is to say that Benny is a saint, or that gentrification is without consequences. His neighborhood redevelopment plan would be a lot more compelling if he was earmarking a number of truly affordable rental housing units in the buildings he wants to renovate and flip. But in the absence of an alternative program to root for, Benny’s plans to redevelop properties in the neighborhood are really all we’re left with as a vision for the neighborhood’s future that expands beyond Mark and Roger’s living room. “Days of inspiration, playing hooky, making something out of nothing / The need to express, to communicate” aren’t actually in conflict with improving the housing stock in the neighborhood, or building a recording studio. And fetishizing poverty, both your own and other people’s, as some sort of necessary condition to creating art doesn’t exactly stand up to scrutiny.

And there’s an extent to which Benny’s plans for the neighborhood actually constitute a greater vote of confidence in Roger and Mark’s art than his former friends actually demonstrate. That Benny’s willing to invest in a recording studio suggests that he believes Roger and Mark’s work is monetizable, that it will be attractive to people outside the small circle of their friends, which is sort of sweet given what we actually see of their output. Roger, in the wake of his girlfriend April’s suicide, has stopped performing publicly, and is holed up writing “one great song,” a perfectionism that conceals that the song itself is actually derivative and terrible. Mark quits working for Buzzline in a fit of theoretically principled pique because “I need to finish my own film.” But it’s not clear that Alexi Darling or anyone else censored his work or killed any piece that he did. He’s effectively walking away from a chance at speaking to a wider audience and sacrificing the money that might let him make a better or more expansive movie. Even if Benny doesn’t have as much confidence in Mark and Roger’s work as he suggests, he’s still offering them a place to live for free, which is what they wanted in the first place. Given that Collins and Angel play with the dream of opening up a high-end restaurant in Santa Fe, it seems like the group’s problem isn’t really with the profit motive, or any other such principled stance, but with Benny himself. Blowing off Auntie Em, or the friend of yours who has a stable job, just for the sake of sticking it to the three-piece suits without any larger idea behind your outrage gets pretty silly once you’re as far out of college as Mark and Roger are.

There is, of course, the question of Benny’s affair with Mimi. The facts of their liaison are never fully established, but it is clear that Benny cheated on his wife, and when she kicks him out of the house after finding that out, he basically seems to accept his exile without protest. There’s no question that adultery is unattractive behavior. But of the two men in their mid-twenties who date Mimi, who is both 19 and a drug addict, Benny actually seems to conduct himself better than Roger. He may bring up their past relationship in ways that embarrass her, and imply that they slept together again to get at Roger. But Roger is unnecessarily hostile to Mimi when they meet, and he later slut-shames her and is hyper-critical about her addiction, and runs off to San Jose rather than support her or face the consequences of their failed relationship. Benny, by contrast, tries to get her into rehab. Nobody’s behavior in the matter of Mimi is purely admirable. But it sure reinforces that I’d rather deal with Benny, however flawed he is, as an ex than I would Roger. And I’d rather be friends with someone who consistently tries to do nice things for me, even in the face of my constant disdain and disrespect for everything about the way they live their life, than I would with a pair of ingrates who mock every life choice I’ve made, even as they benefit from my generosity.

Maybe it’s just that I’m older than I was when I heard the original cast recording for Rent, which a friend had taped for me off her CD version. Maybe it’s that the idea of even finding affordable rent in Manhattan seems like such a precious dream now that the idea of getting het up over the end of free housing seems impossibly selfish. Or maybe it’s that I know that bohemia involves more than video cameras and ATMs with the ability to spit out free cash if you happen to have the appropriate code. I know I might get priced out of the new neighborhood that Benny’s contributing to building, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want to live in Mark and Roger’s selfish little dreamworld either.

The post Why Benny Is The Closest Thing ‘Rent’ Has To An Actual Hero appeared first on ThinkProgress.


24 Sep 15:04

Anti-Gay Letter Published in Major Engineering Journal Stirs Outrage

by Andy Towle

Oh wow, I used to work for Norman for a short bit at CPST. You know, before he laid me off and essentially shut the place down.

Inside Higher Ed reports that an anti-gay letter published in Prism, the magazine of the American Society for Engineering Education, is stirring controversy:

Mag_prism"We would do well to teach the truth about the homosexual /lesbian/ bisexual/ transgender lifestyle. These dear people caught up in this destructive way of life need true help and true hope and not encouragement or approval of a detrimental, negative lifestyle. They deserve better than that. This is not God’s plan for their lives," says the letter, from Wayne A. Helmer, professor of mechanical engineering at Arkansas Tech University. He continued: "Beyond the physical, their emotional and spiritual needs are just like ours: Their need for abundant life (emotional) and forgiveness of sins (spiritual) is only what Jesus Christ can give them [John 10:10, 13:16]. Only he can truly change lives and give people the healing and forgiveness and self-worth and significance that they [and we] all desire and need."

The letter prompted the association's president (Kenneth F. Galloway of Vanderbilt University), president-elect (Nicholas J. Altiero of Tulane University) and immediate past president (Walter J. Buchanan of Texas A&M University) to take the unusual step of issuing a joint letter denouncing their own publication for publishing Helmer's piece. "His specious mischaracterization of homosexuality is unsupported by any reputable literature," the letter said. "Professor Helmer is entitled to his religious beliefs. However, Prism is not an appropriate place for him to air his judgment of others based on those beliefs."

Norman L. Fortenberry, executive director of the American Society for Engineering Education, said he stands by the decision to publish the letter, though readers have been almost universally on the side of those who disagree.