Shared posts

24 Sep 15:09

Word on the street

by thebrainbehind

new work from Banksy

24 Sep 14:44

A metaphysical dilemma: God VS Pokemon.

24 Sep 01:40

Wanna Puppy Kiss?



Wanna Puppy Kiss?

LoL by: Unknown

Tagged: hey girl , puppy , bull dog
24 Sep 01:19

Never hold a sign for anyone

23 Sep 22:12

This title doesnt contain the spoiler.

23 Sep 19:39

What now?

23 Sep 14:52

"Are you lost?"

23 Sep 03:52

Sweater makes it better

23 Sep 03:49

Why I like kids

23 Sep 02:34

Hey, Everybody! Jaden Smith Has It All Figured Out!



Hey, Everybody! Jaden Smith Has It All Figured Out!

Submitted by: Unknown

23 Sep 01:06

Finally, A Sign Whose Advice I Can Follow!

Finally, A Sign Whose Advice I Can Follow!

Submitted by: Unknown

23 Sep 01:05

Cool street art.

23 Sep 01:03

President Obama Trolls Chiefs Fans

by Christmas Ape


Talking about the local sports team is the go-to move in the politician pandering playbook. Seldom, however, does said politician sports talk get as trollish as it did when President Obama visited Missouri on Friday.

“When I said I was flying into Kansas City to see an incredible success story in action, I did not think I was going to be talking about the Chiefs,” President Obama joked.

The crowd returned with a loud “CHIEEEEEEEEEFS.”

“Before you get carried away,” the President continued,” I just want to point out that the Bears are 2-0.”

The crowd then booed.

“I’m just saying,” the President said. “And we’re able to pass for more than 10 yards,” the President then joked again.

More boos were heard across the crowd.

“Just a little trash talking, we’ll see how we’re looking at the end of the season.”

That’s a decent dig at Alex Smith right there, which would that much more hurtful if the president weren’t throwing his support behind Jay Cutler. I think Cutler needs to be the federal government’s secretary of DDDDOOOONNNN’TTTT CCCCAAAAARRRREEEEE when the NFL season is out.

23 Sep 00:58

Web Design

19 Sep 16:49

OMG Double Double

by Brinke

That is the SAME look I have when I go into In N Out.


And….here’s how to make your own origami Corgi!

First image from Ruby The Corgi Tumblr.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Corgis, Impending D--oh never mind
19 Sep 02:37

WATCH: Wonder Woman Slays Sailor Moon In Epic International Voguing Battle

by Lester Brathwaite


A friend sent this to me today and after I finished screaming at it, I had to share it. First of all, who knew Chloë Grace Moretz was deathdropping for the children? Second, that MC is trying to kill those gurls girls. I was tired like three minutes in. Third of all, how wonderful is it that the ballroom floor is now free and open to the entire world? We’re talking little white girls from Finland giving the House of Ninja a run for its dollarrrrrrs. Not only Paris, but the world is burning.


Battle of the Titans.

17 Sep 19:49

Great Job, Internet!: New art book collects faux-retro posters for all 80 original Star Trek episodes 

by Kevin McFarland

J.J. Abrams may have revived the Star Trek film franchise, but the posters for his two films in the series haven’t been as inventive, mostly employing stark light/dark contrast to play along with the gritty reboot trend, lacking the bright colors of previous one-sheets. Star Trek fan and graphic artist Juan Ortiz looked even further into the past, imagining if every episode of the original Star Trek series had been a film. His new book contains a retro science-fiction movie poster for all 80 episodes in the first series’ run. There’s a wide variety of graphics, tuned to the themes of each episode. “The Immunity Syndrome” gets a splatter-paint design, “Mirror Mirror” reflects Spock and his goatee-clad evil counterpart, and many owe a debt to Saul Bass—the first appearance of Khan in “Space Seed”—or science fiction paperback cover designs. 

Read more

17 Sep 19:39

The 5 Best Breakdancing Videos Of All Time

by Jonathan Riggs

Ah, the good old days, when the boogaloo was electric and there weren’t any problems a plucky, multicultural band of breakdancers couldn’t solve. (Take THIS, greedy developers!) In honor of the physics-defying spirit of b-boys and -girls past and present, all of us here at Idolator HQ have been busting out our old-school Adidas warm-up suits and buying our tickets to the September 20 release of the dance-themed flick Battle of the Year. So crank the genre’s unofficial anthem on your shoulder boombox, pull up a piece of cardboard and head-spin to these jams!

5. Dirty Vegas – “Days Go By”

Foreshadowing this year’s Mileygeddon, this video tells the tale of a dancer doomed by his devotion to the “We Can’t Stop” lifestyle, haunted by the specter of a lost love and enslaved to the twerk. (Oldest story in the book.) Although the video’s nameless hero has grown up from youthful breakdancer to suit-wearing businessman, he hasn’t lost any of his moves…or his melancholy. Never has a poppin’ fresh windmill been so poignant. Sniff.

4. Toni Basil – “Shoppin’ From A to Z”

More than a horny cheerleader with a Disney fetish, Toni Basil is a terpsichorean legend who helped innovate dance by blending ballet, classical and street styles. Chameleonic and kooky, Toni is at her most charmingly bizarre in this clip from the prehistoric music video era when anything went. (“Try it with this dip!”) In a just world, this would have been the biggest hit of the 1980s and Toni would still be toppin’ toppin’ the charts from A to Z. #GagaSabotagedBasil

3. Klymaxx – “Meeting in the Ladies Room”

To paraphrase Klymaxx frontdiva Bernadette Cooper: sometimes you gotta leave your condo and come down to the level of a BW — a basic woman — because things got scandalous! I think we can all relate to the concept of this video: a club full of lusty revelers — including a young Vivica A. Fox — dance-battle over the shirtless Bruno “Pop N’ Taco” Falcon. Although Pop N’ Taco never stands up from his futuristic dentist chair (available from Skymall, we hope), his seated breakdancing whips everyone into a sexual frenzy. Slap us!! Because we are most definitely in the mood!!

2. The Rock Steady Crew – “(Hey You) Rock Steady Crew”

Once upon a time in the early ’80s, there was no greater calling for our nation’s youth than to freeze and flip as a member of the flyer-than-a-pelican Rock Steady Crew. Granted, there was no chance in hell 98% of the viewing audience could ever replicate ANY of their moves, but that didn’t stop thousands from trying. Let’s lower our vintage LL Cool J Kangols in honor of all the bones, curfews and major appliances broken in a certain generation’s attempt to — like so much Tupperware — lock in maximum freshness.

1. Cherrelle – “I Didn’t Meant to Turn You On”

King Kong breakdancing. That is all. That is everything.

17 Sep 16:09

I can't imagine what this text must have said

17 Sep 16:08

The RuPaul Mash-Up That Britney's 'Work B**ch' is Asking For: VIDEO

by Andy Towle


RuPaul and Britney Spears, together at last...


17 Sep 14:19

Apparently Rabbits Are Ridiculously Good At Spear-Throwing

by András Neltz

Oh HAI, much more auspicious and successful swat alumn.

And spear-stabbing. And martial arts too, of course. Wolfire Games is here with another installment of their calmly-narrated humanoid animal violence-themed videos, showcasing the absolutely phenomenal combat system behind Overgrowth, their upcoming PC third-person brawler.


16 Sep 16:52

Forget Sexy Times, You're an Olympic Athlete!

Forget Sexy Times, You're an Olympic Athlete!

Submitted by: Unknown

16 Sep 16:35

Adding Eyes and Teeth Brings Everything to Life

by John Farrier

You may remember Toronto street artist Aidan Glynn shopdropping Super Mario Bros. mushrooms. More recently, he's been turning urban fixtures into living creatures just by adding eyes, teeth, mustaches and tongues. You can see more at the link.


13 Sep 18:04

James Kerr

by thebrainbehind

James Kerr gif project ‘Scorpion Dagger’ is based on early renaissance paintings and its awesome.

13 Sep 16:23

Ex-Pastor Who Raped Underage Boys To “Cure” Homosexualiy Will Serve No Time In Prison

by Matthew Tharrett

This is oh so very fucked up.

brent-girouexThe Council Bluffs, Iowa pastor that admitted to having sex with underage boys in an effort to help them “get rid of evil [gay] thoughts” will serve no time in prison, thanks to a judge that thought probation would better serve him.

Charged with 60 counts of “suspicion of sexual exploitation by a counselor or therapist,” 31-year-old Brent Girouex’s story has recently reared its ugly head on political blogs despite being a year old. According to local CBS affiliate KCCI 8, a judge issued Girouex a 17-year-prison sentence for the rape of as many as eight underage boys in 2012, but later suspended the sentence to allow Girouex to seek “sex offender treatment” and remain on probation for five years.

Even though his accusers claimed to have been molested between 50-100 times by Girouex, he was released on a $30,000 bond in 2012.

KCCI reported that Girouex was married and had four children of his own. His wife wasn’t pleased with the judgement:

Erin Girouex, the pastor’s wife, said Thursday probation is not enough. She joined the victims to say they are frustrated. She also said victims of sexual misconduct should not be afraid to come forward, despite what happened in court.

She said it’s tough to know how her husband changed from the man he was when the couple married.

Changed? Ya don’t say…

13 Sep 15:24

My friend got this birthday card from her mom. Difficulty Level: Korean.

12 Sep 18:48

D.C. Mayor Does Wal-Mart a Favor, Vetoes Living Wage Bill

by Taylor Berman


D.C. Mayor Does Wal-Mart a Favor, Vetoes Living Wage Bill

Washington DC Mayor Vincent Gray vetoed a bill Thursday that would require large retailers, like Wal-Mart, to pay their employees a “living wage” of at least $12.50 an hour. Last month, Wal-Mart said it would walk away from plans to build at least three stores in the District if the bill was passed.



12 Sep 18:45

Dad Wears Short Shorts to Shame Daughter Into Wearing Modest Clothes

by Neetzan Zimmerman

Dude has some good stems. Rawr.

Dad Wears Short Shorts to Shame Daughter Into Wearing Modest Clothes

Scott Mackintosh readily admits that he is "a bit protective" of his four daughters and three sons, but says it comes with the territory of being a dad.



12 Sep 16:47

Bathe in the blood of your enemies.

11 Sep 14:20

Chloë Moretz Has Two Gay Brothers, And She Will F*** You Up If You Mess With Them

by Lester Brathwaite


I have two gay brothers and two straight brothers, and my gay brothers were treated horrifically until they grew up and understood how to deal with it. I will delete you and I will block you, and you will not be a part of my life if you ever say anything bad about my brothers.”

– Kick Ass and Carrie actress Chloë Grace Moretz talking about keeping it in the family with Seventeen magazine, via Us Weekly