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30 Dec 00:42

2016: The Movie [Video]

by Geeks are Sexy
Tom Wright

Too true.

This is the horror movie of the year. Literally.

[Friend Dog Studios]

The post 2016: The Movie [Video] appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

25 Dec 03:27

Google Search Master

by CommitStrip
Tom Wright

Trust me.

23 Dec 00:22

Gut Instincts

by The Awkward Yeti
Tom Wright



21 Dec 02:48

It’s a Wonderful Freddie: My Favorite Children

by Neil
Tom Wright

That ranking chart is a thing of genius.

21 Dec 00:27

Comic » Hoppy Christmas

Tom Wright

Ah, to not have a concept of Christmas.

Added 2 Months Ago
20 Dec 21:19

The eternal question

by CommitStrip
Tom Wright

Drupal is kind of weird. I haven't had much of a chance to work on it, but nodes and whatnot were confusing. I guess I'm a WP guy.

20 Dec 20:33

The Philosophy Friends

Tom Wright

Monsieur Bear...

If a bear has ennui in the forest and there is no one around to tell, is it really in despair?
16 Dec 21:42

Tapastic Holiday Collab 2016

by Neil
Tom Wright

Raisin cookies would be good, if chocolate didn't exist.

So this little comic was drawn as part of the Annual Holiday Collaboration over at Tapastic. You can check out all the participating comics at the hub series.

16 Dec 18:23

ohdionne: I wanna be a villain so I can just saunter everywhere. the heroes are always sprinting,...

Tom Wright

Too good.


I wanna be a villain so I can just saunter everywhere. the heroes are always sprinting, always running. you ever seen darth vader run? hell no. and I ain’t about to either.

16 Dec 15:49

#1461 – Delay (No Comments)

by Chris
Tom Wright

I don't want to know anything about it. Don't say a thing, however much you don't think it will relay any information.


10 Dec 22:18


Tom Wright


09 Dec 17:03

Burn Victims

by alex
Tom Wright

This isn't as funny as it is a real danger.

Burn Victims

09 Dec 15:17

November 29, 2016

Tom Wright

Jokes at the French's expense... Nothing could be more American.

I will note that the French were fierce warriors for centuries and a feared fighting force. Lose one measly war and your reputation is completely shot.

09 Dec 15:16

stayinalivejim: Can we talk about Tryla Scott for a second? She...

Tom Wright

I'd watch that series.


Can we talk about Tryla Scott for a second?

She only appears briefly in one episode of the first season of TNG, and she doesn’t have that many lines, but there’s one line that just kills me. Captain Keel is introducing her to Picard, but he doesn’t even have to finish the introduction, because Picard already knows her by reputation.

Picard: “Tryla Scott. It’s said that you made captain faster than anyone in Starfleet, present company included. Are you that good?”

Scott: (smiles) “Yes, I am.”

That’s it. That’s all. He states a fact (she made captain faster than anyone in Starfleet history), then pays her a compliment. She replies that she is, indeed, that good. She doesn’t deflect her own success by claiming that she owes it to others, she doesn’t stop to consider that her acceptance of this compliment might make her male colleagues feel bad. She owns her success with a simple “Yes, I am.” It is hers. No one else has handed it to her.

Be like Tryla Scott. Own your success.

Petition to have a ST show about Tryla Scott and her crew

08 Dec 14:06


Tom Wright

Been there.

02 Dec 21:29

Texts From SuperheroesFacebook | Twitter | Patreon

Tom Wright

An entire world war.

Texts From Superheroes

Facebook | Twitter | Patreon

02 Dec 15:31

So underground

Tom Wright

Wait, they have records? Sellouts.

So underground

01 Dec 15:43

Friedrich Nietzsche: Director of Human Resources

Tom Wright


Eventually Nietzsche built his team of 100% Übermensches. It was a total disaster, of course, as everyone did their own thing. But obviously, it was all the fault of the slave morality of the consumers.
23 Nov 15:34

marauders4evr: marauders4evr: marauders4evr: D O   Y O U  ...

Tom Wright

Wow, good write up at the end.




D O   Y O U   H E A R   T H E   P E O P L E   S I N G ?

Anonymous Asked: So what would the story be for your modern Les Miserables AU?

It would literally be the same exact story. Valjean commits a minor crime. He ends up spending 19 years in prison for said minor crime. He ultimately turns his life around, meets a prostitute, and raises her daughter, all while a community of oppressed people are rising up against police tyranny.

The film opens up with a few great shots of New York City.

It finally settles on a high-security prison.

The inmates, mostly black, are all singing ‘Look Down.’

We learn that the one prisoner stole a loaf of bread when he was a teenager and has been in prison ever since. The white cop refers to him as 24601, among other slurs.

Valjean is finally able to escape.

He wanders the city during a montage, while sad music plays. He’s shown applying for several applications. He has to check ‘Yes’ every time that the question asks if he’s ever been convicted. He’s shown renting a crummy apartment. He’s shown buying a phone and putting the number down on applications. There are several back-to-back shots of him filling out applications and the phone not ringing. He’s finally kicked out of his apartment.

He’s seen wandering the streets until a kind man invites him into a homeless shelter. (For some reason, I can see this man being played by Morgan Freeman.) The man gives him something to eat and lets him sleep on a cot for the night. Valjean wakes up, steals something of value, and runs away. He gets about, oh, a block or so before the cops catch up and start brutally beating him. The owner of the homeless shelter races out and vouches for Valjean. Cue ‘What Have I Done?’ which is sung as a shocked Valjean wanders through the streets of New York City. At long last, he decides to turn his life around. His phone rings.


It’s a few years later.

We see shots of rundown buildings and alleyways filled with the homeless.

The camera finally rests on a really over-crowded factory. It zooms into a window. All of the workers are black. All of the workers are exhausted.

‘At The End Of The Day’ plays.

There’s a fight as the workers slut-shame Francine.

The owner assaults her and fires her when she says that she’s going to sue.

She goes to a lawyer anyway but the lawyer becomes too preoccupied as he recognizes one of the cops in his hallway. Fantine leaves and we get a bunch of really sad shots of her being forced to sell herself. (’Lovely Ladies’ and ’I Dreamed A Dream’)

Meanwhile, Valjean has become a moderately successful lawyer (just roll with me here) who is shocked to learn that he has to work with Javert. Javert doesn’t recognize him. Things are still tense. When walking home one night, Valjean stumbles upon Javert arresting Fantine for assaulting a white guy who “must have taken a wrong turn”. Valjean realizes that he turned down her case and that this is his fault. He takes her to a low-income hospital.

Meanwhile, Javert says that they finally caught Prisoner 24601. He sends Valjean an email asking Valean to prosecute. Valjean is thrown into an existential crisis. (’Who Am I?’) He finally replies that he cannot and admits everything. He quickly packs up and has just enough time to stop by the hospital and say goodbye to Fantine before Javert shows up.

There’s a fight and Valjean escapes.

He runs through the streets of New York City before finally finding an address that Fantine told him. It turns out to be a rundown foster home owned by two drunk, abusive, jerks. Cosette is seen sadly singing ‘Castle On A Cloud.’ Valjean takes her away.

Javert is seen walking across the rooftops of New York City, singing ‘Stars’.


Okay now’s where it gets really fun!

You see a bunch of black college students getting together and talking about how much the police brutality is escalating. (’At The End Of The Day Reprise’). They finally decide that they need to do something about it. (’Red and Black.’) Show one of the students, Marius, falling in love with a now grown Cosette. ‘A Heart Full Of Love’. Meanwhile, Eponine walks through the rainy streets of New York City and sings ‘On My Own.’ But who cares about her lonely soul, we strive towards a large goal! Meanwhile, the cops know that this group of students are going to start protests so they’re seen preparing this outrageously militaristic equipment. Show a bunch of back-to-back shots of the students preparing their nonviolent strategies while the cops basically create an army. Have them sing ‘One Day More’.

Cut to the next day.

The black college students are having a non-violent sit-in on the streets. They sing ‘Do You Hear The People Sing?’ Tear gas is thrown by one of the cops. All hell breaks loose. It’s basically a battle-scene. They’re shown running through the streets, facing the horrors, dropping like ‘flies’. The police even kill Gavroche. You see shots of social media and the news crews covering what’s happening. The audience is saying, “Wait…” but it’s all happening so fast that their suspicions cannot be confirmed. Valjean is able to get Marius and Cosette to safety. Javert realizes the horror that he has caused and he jumps to his death. Everyone else is killed by the rest of the police.

Transition to a few months later but the brutality is still going on. Valjean dies (”Epilogue”) while reports are being played of the senseless violence that these unarmed black teenagers faced.

It takes the audience a moment to realize that the reports aren’t fictionalized.

The movie literally ends with real reports by CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, etc. You see footage of real cops brutalizing real people. All of this is happening as ‘Do You Hear The People Sing (Reprise)’ is playing…..

23 Nov 15:29

fullpraxisnow: With Trump’s election and the threat of fascism,...

Tom Wright

Not much else to say about it.


With Trump’s election and the threat of fascism, Twitter user Raphael Bob-Waksberg reminds us of Martin Niemöller’s words after WWII:

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

23 Nov 00:46

Merkel: The Musical

by Dan Jones
Tom Wright

Now I want to watch Hamilton.

22 Nov 16:14

Whose fault is it?

by CommitStrip
Tom Wright

Let this be a lesson: Work directly on production at all times.

21 Nov 16:08

November 20, 2016

Tom Wright

I used to sit in the car while my mom went to the store. It's a different world, now. Maybe better, maybe worse.

21 Nov 14:06

Anarchist Monopoly

Tom Wright


Oh also, the other part of the game is when everyone forgets their differences for a bit to kill the fascists that are invading from the Risk game.
21 Nov 02:44

Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek rap battle

by /u/tomolly
Tom Wright

If you're on The Old Reader right now, it's because you're bored and looking for some quick entertainment. So put in your headphones and listen to this 10-minute song. Don't save it for later, listen to it now. Or else.

20 Nov 15:48

November 20, 2016

Tom Wright

I just like Satchel. What a great character.

19 Nov 18:12

Mark Kolb is on The Old Reader

by /u/tomolly
Tom Wright

Go to my profile, click on people I'm following, and Mark will be in that list. Follow him, and he should get a barrage of emails. Then he'll start sharing. Then he'll be a contributing member of this august community. Then he'll join the elite of the elites that is The Old Reader.

You're welcome.

16 Nov 20:19

11/09/16 PHD comic: 'Turnout'

Tom Wright

But is this true? I mean, don't get me wrong, I think Donald Trump getting elected was the worst. But was it a 1% difference, or is that looking at it a little too simply?

Didn't that 1% need to be concentrated in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, and the Rust Belt? If folks didn't bother to vote in say, Texas, did that really hurt Hillary's chances?

And, of the 44% that didn't vote, is it inconceivable that some of them wouldn't have voted for Hillary? I think a lot of people are trying to figure out what exactly went wrong this election, me included, but this doesn't tell much of a story. In fact, I'm inclined to think that a lot of folks don't vote in every presidential election, not just this one.

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Turnout" - originally published 11/9/2016

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

11 Nov 03:52

Waking Up From Nightmares Shouting “GAH!” Comics

by alex
Tom Wright

I like the style of these, where there's one running gag played out several times in different strips.

Waking Up From Nightmares Shouting “GAH!” Comics

09 Nov 14:50


by Justin Boyd
Tom Wright

This is 100% Emily. It's what keeps her from being best friends with Taryn.

(She's afraid Taryn will float away)


Still scared of holding a balloon outside.

bonus panel