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10 Aug 17:31

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Sword of Democracy


See that sword for a democratic republic? Let's slowly push it back into the stone.

New comic!
Today's News:
05 Aug 08:34

Pooper, economía colaborativa para recoger las cacas de tu perro

by Troy

Lo mejor que rescato es el sarcasmo aplastante en el "Ji ji, ja ja"


¿Pagarías por que otra persona recogiera las cacas de tu perro?
¿Trabajarías recogiendo cacas de perro?

Ben Becker, un "emprendedor" de Los Angeles cree que ambas preguntas serán respondidas afirmativamente por muchas personas. Por eso ha creado PooperApp, una especie de Uber de las cacas de perro.

Una moderna aplicación que funciona de la siguiente manera:

1 - Tu perro defeca en la calle. Y te da mucho asco agacharte a recoger el producto.
2 - Con PooperApp en tu móvil, le haces una bonita foto a la caca y la subes al sistema. La aplicación geolocaliza el furullo automáticamente.
3 - Un scooper (recogedor de cacas, o como se vaya a llamar esta nueva profesión) recibe un aviso en su móvil y sale en su busca. Cuando llega, hace la broma de querer capturar la caca diciendo que es un Pokémon de tipo mierda. Ji ji, ja ja y luego recoge el truño con una bolsa y lo recicla adecuadamente.

El dueño del perro paga una tarifa mensual y los recogecacas cobran algo por cada recogida. ¿Cuánto? De momento los promotores de la idea no están siendo claros en ese aspecto, lo que nos lleva a pensar que el proyecto se encuentra en una fase muy inicial.

Sea realidad o sea concepto, la idea tiene futuro. Y la app tiene su gracia. Claramente.

Visto en LaughingSquid

Ver más: cacas, perros
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

03 Aug 16:46

Household Tips


Tantas cosas que he hecho mal...

To make your shoes feel more comfortable, smell better, and last longer, try taking them off before you shower.
27 Jul 17:33

Moda urbana low cost: Camisetas estampadas con tapas de alcantarilla

by Troy

Hmm me pregunto si en Puebla habrá una que otra alcantarilla que aplique


En Raubdruckerin venden bonitas camisetas estampadas. Nada especial, miles de tiendas similares se dedican a lo mismo. Pero esta es diferente en dos aspectos: sus márgenes comerciales son mejores que los del resto de la competencia gracias a que su inversión en maquinaria de estampación es mínima. El otro factor diferencial es disponer de un brillante storytelling (siempre he querido utilizar este palabro, perdonad la licencia).

Para el proceso concreto de la estampación de una camiseta o un bolso de tela solo necesitan un botecito de pintura, una brocha y una tapa de alcantarilla (si tiene un diseño original, mejor). Que la tapa de la alcantarilla pertenezca a la calle de alguna ciudad con encanto turístico es el factor que enriquece el storytelling (ji, ji).


El procedimiento es sencillo: se pinta el relieve elevado de la tapa de la alcantarilla, se presiona sobre ella la tela a estampar y se vigila que no te vea un guardia; en algunas ciudades te pueden multar por ensuciar el mobiliario urbano y por utilizarlo para fines comerciales. O algo así.

Ahora que pienso, la gracia es tener en el catálogo tapas de alcantarilla de diversas ciudades, por lo que los costes que se ahorran en maquinaria pueden quedar compensados por los gastos de desplazamiento.

En cualquier caso, el producto resultante nos gusta. De momento tienen estampados obtenidos en alcantarillas de las calles de Berlín, Amsterdam, Lisboa y París.



Visto en Bored Panda

Ver más: alcantarillas, camisetas, Moda-Complementos
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

26 Jul 15:36

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The One


I can't believe I confused Steve for Vortigrex the Lightbringer.

New comic!
Today's News:
19 Jul 14:40


I don't care what the research says. Everybody knows you should drink 3,000 glasses of water a day and change your oil every 8 miles.
12 Jul 19:39

Johnny Wander - BARBAROUS - CHAPTER 1


:O Mis moneros favoritos van a sacar otro cómic!

New comic!
Today's News:

Our new project is titled BARBAROUS! The next update is 4 pages! We're HYPE!! Here are some teasers to get you there:

Barbarous was colored by J.N. Wiedle, author of Helvetica!

We are also going to be at Boston Comic Con on August 12-14! More info about that in the coming weeks!

See you next time!

12 Jul 15:33


08 Jul 16:44

Gnome Ann


Hace mucho que no me reía así de uno de xkcd

President Andrew Johnson once said, "If I am to be shot at, I want Gnome Ann to be in the way of the bullet."
07 Jul 14:36

Number 2 Pencils

05 Jul 00:39

Safety Burst

by Adam

A veces sí pienso así de xkcd y siento que soy un gran ignorante


I don’t think I’m repeating a strip, but drawing a character with a firecracker up his butt had an air of familiarity to it.

05 Jul 00:36

Graffiti dinámico y tipográfico; cambia con la luz del sol

by Troy

Utilizando los principios en los que se basan los clásicos relojes de sol, el artista DAKU ha compuesto en la India un espectacular mural con palabras que se visualizan en forma de sombra. Con el paso del día, consigue que la tipografía utilizada vaya cambiando su forma gracias a la diferente posición del Sol en el cielo.


DAKU ha bautizado a su elegante y moderno graffiti con el nombre de "Time changes everything" (el tiempo lo cambia todo), una performance que no solo hace referencia a la percepción de la vida en general, sino también a la efímera naturaleza del arte callejero.

Visto en Neatorama > gif via GIPHY

Ver más: graffitis, solar, tipografías
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

¡Descubre nuestras tiendas!
Un 5% de descuento para ti usando el cupón NPC_EN_RSS, regalos originales, frikis y divertidos, (+18) juguetes eróticos ¡El placer será tuyo!
01 Jul 16:12

Speed and Danger


"Aah, what a nice and relaxing drive."

NASCAR removed the passenger seats because drivers hated how astronauts kept riding along with them and loudly announcing "Ahh, what a nice and relaxing drive."
27 Jun 10:24

Kick Off Summer This Friday with YARN At IFC Center

If you've been following Wooster Collective, you know that we love to honor guerilla textile artists. With our sister company, BOND/360, we've been lucky enough to acquire an amazing new film: YARN, that celebrates amazing textile artists.

The film opens this Friday June 24th at the IFC Center (323 Ave of the Americas) and we would love to see you there. Filmmaker Una Lorenzen will be present for Q&As opening weekend, moderated by VOGUE Knitting's Trisha Malcolm on Friday evening. 

Check out our new movie poster and trailer below!


About the film: 

Meet the artists who are redefining the tradition of knit and crochet, bringing yarn out of the house and into the world. Reinventing our relationship with this colorful tradition, YARN weaves together wool graffiti artists such as Olek, circus performers, and structural designers into a visually-striking look at the women who are making a creative stance while building one of modern art's hottest trends. 


Click here to purchase tickets.



For additional cities where YARN is playing, click here.



YARN on Facebook

YARN on Twitter

YARN on Instagram


20 Jun 14:34

Clueyness: A Weird Kind of Sad

by Tim Urban

I have a new word for you. Cluey. Let me explain.

My father once told me a mundane little anecdote from his youth. It involved his father—my late grandfather—and one of the happiest and most loving people I’ve ever known.

One weekend day, my grandfather went to the store and brought a new board game home for the family: Clue.

He excitedly asked my father and his sister (who were 7 and 9 at the time) if they wanted to play. They did. They joined him at the kitchen table as he opened up the game, read the instructions and explained to them how to play, divided up the cards and put all the pieces where they go.

Just as they were about to start, the doorbell rang. It was the neighbor kids, who said they were on their way outside to play some outdoor game they all used to play. Without a second thought, my dad and aunt jumped up from their seats and left with their friends.

A few hours later, they came back to the house. The game had been put back in the closet.

At the time, my dad didn’t think much of it—pretty normal day in their lives. But later on, he found himself remembering that day, and he always felt bad about it. He pictured his father sitting there at the table, now alone, with all the cards and pieces laid out. He pictured him waiting for a little while before accepting that it wasn’t gonna happen today, then collecting all the pieces and cards he had laid out, putting them back in the box, and putting the box back in the closet.

Pretty random story for my dad to tell me, right? The reason he did was because it was part of a conversation where I was trying to articulate a certain thing I suffer from, which is feeling incredibly bad for certain people in certain situations—situations in which the person I feel bad for was probably barely affected by what happened. It’s an odd feeling of intense heartbreaking compassion for people who didn’t actually go through anything especially bad.

When I explained this, my dad said, “I know what you’re talking about,” and offered up the Clue story. Devastating. My grandfather had been excited about playing, and he was being such a good, loving dad, and he ended up let down and disappointed. He sat there all by himself with the game board, and finally he put all the cards and pieces back in the box because no, the game wasn’t happening anymore because his kids would rather play with their friends than him.

My grandfather fought in World War II. He probably lost friends. He probably shot people. He might have been shot himself, who knows. But the image of him quietly putting all the Clue pieces back in the box? That’s not fucking okay. And now, thanks to my dad sharing this memory, I live every day haunted by this image:

Stick figure putting Clue box back in the closet - clueyness

It’s not just my dad doing this to me. Tell me how I’m supposed to handle this fucking story, where the grandfather made 12 burgers for six grandkids and only one showed up.

Full Clue situation. And the story includes literally the clueiest picture I’ve ever seen.

papaw eating a hamburger alone

As I read the story, I started picturing this NICE FUCKING MAN buying all the ingredients in the grocery store, in a good mood with anticipation for the night, then coming home and making each of the 12 patties by hand—maybe even adding carefully-thought-out spices into them—toasting the buns, and timing everything to be done at just the right time. He even made homemade ice cream. Clue up the dick. It continues, if you imagine what happened at the end of the night. Either he wrapped up eight uneaten burgers, one by one, and put them in the fridge, ensuring that he’s later reminded of the rejection each time he heats one up to eat it, or, even worse, he just threw them in the trash.

The only thing that prevented me from taking my own life while reading the story is that the one granddaughter—bless her soul—showed up. Because just imagine.

And then there’s this 89-year-old grandmother, who got dressed nicely and put her paintings up for display at an art showing, and guess what? No one fucking came. Then she packed up her paintings and drove home, feeling “foolish.” You know what that is? It’s cluey as shit. Especially her choice of the word foolish in particular. I really don’t need this in my life.

Movies know all about clueyness and use it to their advantage. Remember that super cluey old man neighbor in Home Alone? Who was so nice and lonely and misunderstood? The writers literally invented him to inflict clueyness on the audience so they could then release the burden of that clueyness at the end by showing him in happy reunion with his family. Cheapest trick in the book.

Clueyness doesn’t only apply to old people. One time about five years ago, I was in a shitty mood and in a rush when I hastily walked out of my apartment building. A FedEx man was standing outside the building with his cart of packages, and he wanted to get in so he could leave the packages on top of the communal mailbox (I assume the package recipient wasn’t home, so he had had no luck being buzzed in). As I walked out, he reached for the door as it closed behind me but it shut before he could grab it. After the door re-locked, he let out a frustrated exhale, and then he turned to me and asked, “Can you please open the door so I can drop these off?” I was already 10 steps away though, and late, so I said, “Sorry I can’t right now” and turned back towards where I was going. Before I did, I briefly saw his reaction to my refusal to help. He had the face on of a nice person who the world had been mean to all day. The snapshot of that dejected face he made bothered me more and more throughout the day, and now it’s five years later and I still think about it.

If someone asks me what my biggest regret is, I have to lie, because how weird would it be if I answered, “The FedEx man incident. I’m a monster.”

Clueyness is a strange phenomenon. My grandfather probably forgot about the Clue incident an hour after it happened. The FedEx man probably forgot about what I did to him five minutes later. I literally got cluey about a dog the other day, when he was super excited to play and I was busy and nudged him away with my foot and he looked at me confused and taken aback and then went to the side of the room and laid down—and dogs aren’t even real. The weight of my heartache in these cases outweighs the actual tragedy like 10,000:1.

But knowing that it’s totally irrational doesn’t make clueyness any less excruciating—something I’m reminded of every time my night is ruined by post-Uber-ride-when-the-friendly-driver-tried-to-start-a-conversation-and-I-wasn’t-in-the-mood-so-I-gave-curt-answers-until-he-finally-got-the-hint-and-then-felt-embarrassed-and-stopped guilt.

I’m just destined for a life of feeling cluey about things. But at least I can take solace in a little headline I came across recently:

Sad Papaw No Longer Sad: Thousands Wait in Line for Burgers at His Cookout


If you’re feeling cluey right now, three other Wait But Why posts to make it worse:

The Tail End – An intense reality check

The Apple Game – How good a person are you?

The Bunny Manifesto – If this is all a bit heavy for you, here are some creatures you should absolutely not ever feel cluey for

The post Clueyness: A Weird Kind of Sad appeared first on Wait But Why.

15 Jun 16:59

Phishing License


Alt-text ftw

Later, walking out of jail after posting $10,000 bail: "Wait, this isn't the street the county jail is on."
12 Jun 19:06

Y por esto, amiguitos, hay que usar gafas protectoras…

by Troy

Una vez estaba taladrando un tubo de acero y una rebaba gigante se quedó en mi ojo unas horas, sí es recomendable usar esas cosas

... cuando utilizas un disco de amoladora angular. A veces pueden romperse.

Visto en imgur

Ver más: gafas, seguridad
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

11 Jun 18:41

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Cliches


Últimamente he estado pensando mucho en clichés

Hovertext: Life rule: Never do anything you've done more than 3 times already.

New comic!
Today's News:
06 Jun 18:12

Time-Tracking Software


Odio estos porque siempre me dan algo con qué perder el tiempo muy feo

'List of helicopter prison escapes' and 'List of sexually active popes' are both entertainingly long, but sadly there's no 'List of helicopter prison escapes involving sexually active popes.'
03 Jun 19:59

My Friend Catherine

I can't get any work done because my friend Catherine is sitting on my keyboard.
03 Jun 19:49

Figura de acción del Hombre de Vitruvio de Leonardo da Vinci

by Troy

Honestamente, me gustaría tenerla


También conocido como el Canon de las proporciones humanas, el "Hombre de Vitruvio" es un famoso estudio de las proporciones del cuerpo humano dibujado por Leonardo da Vinci alrededor del año 1490.

Representa la figura de un hombre desnudo con los brazos y piernas sobreimpresos en dos posiciones, inscrita en un cuadrado y una circunferencia y acompañada de notas anatómicas.


Un icono histórico que ahora podemos tener en nuestras manos en forma de figura de acción del Hombre de Vitruvio, en tres dimensiones y con sus elementos totalmente articulables. Como podemos ver en las fotos, las posiblidades de configuración son variadas y, en cierto modo, perturbadoras.


Figma, la empresa que lo ha ideado, ya nos sorprendió con la figura de acción de La Venus de Milo (ahora con brazos) y la del David de Miguel Angel. Con esta variedad, también se abre una interesante opción de "jugar" con los diferentes muñecos, como podemos ver en una de la imágenes, con el David y el Hombre de Vitruvio luchando a brazo partido.

Visto en Neatorama

Ver más: acción, figuras, hombre de vitruvio, leonardo da vinci
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

26 May 16:21

Cómo tener entretenidos a los visitantes de un museo de arte moderno

by Troy

Pero cómo? También colocaron el letrero con detalles? Porque la gente lee uno de esos de una obra que parece no estar ahí... Como que trataron de contar un chiste con una historia incompleta


Pensábamos que estas cosas solo pasaban en la feria ARCO de Madrid, pero parece ser un fenómeno que se puede producir en cualquier museo o exposición de arte moderno.

En esta ocasión, un par de adolescentes (@TJCruda y @k_vinnn), visitantes del Museo de Arte Moderno de San Francisco, quedaron poco impresionados por las obras que contemplaban y decidieron aportar algo de creatividad a la exposición.


Colocaron en el suelo unas gafas y pasó exactamente lo que imaginaban: los visitantes se quedaban contemplando y analizando el sentido metafísico de la minimalista obra. Nos gustaría oir sus sesudos comentarios, pero no encontramos un vídeo del momento.

Una reacción que podría ser comprensible si las gafas fueran del estilo de las DEAL WITH IT, pero no, se trataba de un modelo de lo más vulgar y corriente.

Visto en BoredPanda

Ver más: arte, gafas, moderno
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

¡Descubre nuestras tiendas!
Un 5% de descuento para ti usando el cupón NPC_EN_RSS, regalos originales, frikis y divertidos, (+18) juguetes eróticos ¡El placer será tuyo!
23 May 18:30

City Talk Pages


Siento que el de Puebla sería así también

I don't think the Lakeshore Air Crash Museum really belongs under 'Tourist Attractions.' It's not a museum--it's just an area near the Lake Festival Laser Show where a lot of planes have crashed.
18 May 15:24



Ojalá hubiera sido así mi tiempo en la uni

If a wild bun is sighted, a nice gesture of respect is to send a 'BUN ALERT' message to friends and family, with photographs documenting the bun's location and rank. If no photographs are possible, emoji may be substituted.
09 May 17:37

Peluche de tronco ardiendo, imprescindible para la chimenea

by Troy


Una chimenea en casa siempre queda bien; cuando uno diseña su futuro hogar visualiza el salón con la chimenea ardiendo componiendo una estampa preciosa, pero la realidad es que, al final, es raro el día en que utiliza para su función principal y suele acabar infrautilizada y llena de trastos en el peor de los casos.

El peluche de tronco ardiendo (inspirado en el Calcifer de la pelicula El castillo ambulante) es la solución para convertir otra vez la chimenea en el rincón más precioso del salón. Su expresión divertida y un tanto diabólica causará sensación entre los invitados.

Visto en NerdApproved

Ver más: chimeneas, fuego, peluches, tronco
Síguenos: @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan - @QueLoVendanX

29 Apr 15:17

It's Simple Genetics

And Ziggy Stardust would be like "whoa cool baby!"

Comic URL:

28 Apr 23:29



Quisiera ser tan cool como Jack... sunglasses

27 Apr 16:52

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - A physicist, chemist, and an economist are on a train...


Hovertext: Meanwhile, in the humanities, we would like to see a bit less whimsy.

New comic!
Today's News:
20 Apr 16:56

Laws of Physics

The laws of physics are fun to try to understand, but as an organism with incredibly delicate eyes who evolved in a world full of sharp objects, I have an awful lot of trust in biology's calibration of my flinch reflex.
20 Apr 16:55

The Doof is in the Pudding

by Adam

Tomé todas las decisiones correctas en la vida
