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16 Sep 16:04

Tom Hiddleston Helps Cookie Monster Learn Self Control

by Kelly Conaboy

Uh, Tom Hiddleston, here’s an idea: why don’t you just eat your god damn cookie rather that wave it around Cookie Monster’s face like some big, handsome, teasing, perfect-voiced jerk? Looks like you’re not delaying any of the gratification you’re getting out of delaying Cookie Monster’s gratification. Typical. “Ultimately, yes”? What does that shit even mean? Ugh, Tom Hiddleston. So handsome– I MEAN RUDE. (Via HitFix.)


06 Sep 13:32


03 Sep 19:45

have a seat we need to talk

have a seat we need to talk

03 Sep 13:37

Bill Watterson’s ‘Advice on Life’ Speech Illustrated in Comic Form

by Kimber Streams

Advice on Life

Zen Pencils has created an inspirational comic based on a famous graduation speech given by Calvin and Hobbes cartoonist Bill Watterson at Kenyon College in 1990. To read the rest of the comic, head over to Zen Pencils. Previously we wrote about Zen Pencils’ comic adaptation of an excerpt from Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot.

image via Zen Pencils

30 Aug 13:29


29 Aug 18:58


29 Aug 17:55

David Schwimmer's Neighbors Label Him "Not Cool" in Hurtful Graffiti

by Caity Weaver

David Schwimmer's Neighbors Label Him "Not Cool" in Hurtful Graffiti

Nearly a decade after Central Perk burned to the ground, trapping all of the Friends inside it, David Schwimmer continues to be the lamest character in everyone's lives.


29 Aug 15:43

Want To See Mark Hamill Do The Joker Voice While Hanging Out With Tara Strong?

by RoboPanda

Batman voice actors Mark Hamill As The Joker Hanging With Tara Strong As Harley Quinn

Mark Hamill, who awesomely voices The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series among other things, was hanging out with Tara Strong, who voiced Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City and Batgirl in other stuff. The Joker hanging out with Harley Quinn? We want to go to there.

They recorded this Vine video of them talking in character. Turn on the volume in the upper left corner and prepare to be mesmerized.

Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods! That laugh at the end is amazing.

(H/T: Geekologie)

29 Aug 15:08

kingjaffejoffer: "vacuumed sucked" is not proper grammar.  I...


"vacuumed sucked" is not proper grammar. 

I need my erotica to be well written. 

28 Aug 20:23

A University Food-Services Site Was Hacked on Behalf of Hungry Juggalos

by Camille Dodero

A University Food-Services Site Was Hacked on Behalf of Hungry Juggalos

Yesterday, when the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the New York Times, it was a development of great importance. Over the weekend, when a university hospitality web site was hacked in defense of hungry Canadian Juggalos, the hack was of very little significance. But it was still pretty funny.


28 Aug 20:05

nevver: In memory of Ditto.

28 Aug 19:05

The Humiliating 5 Year-Old ‘Breaking Bad’ Promo That Dean Norris Probably Hopes You’ll Forget

by Dustin Rowles

Screen Shot 2013-08-28 at 1.36.19 PM

Way back in 2008, AMC was new to original programming. They had only had one scripted program, Mad Men, and Breaking Bad wasn’t exactly burning it up in the ratings. Even the critics at the time were not completely behind the series yet. So, I’m sure that the marketing department thought they needed to try certain things, things that were not exactly in the spirit of the show itself, things that would come back to haunt Dean Norris years later once the show became the juggernaut that it is.

I can’t even explain this. I stumbled upon it via this YouTube video which had used footage. At first, I didn’t think it was real. I thought maybe Steven Michael Quezada had made it with a lookalike to promote his own local talk show. But nope: It’s real. It’s Dean Norris and Steven Michael Quezada training for the DEA. In a park. On a slide. With dumb grins and cheesy thumbs up.

Honestly, I’m surprised that AMC has kept it on its website this long. There’s a preroll on this video, but trust me, it’s worth suffering through because then, THE REAL SUFFERING begins.

28 Aug 16:08

Here's the Painting of Putin in Lingerie Seized by Russian Authorities

by Maggie Lange

Here's the Painting of Putin in Lingerie Seized by Russian Authorities

Russian authorities seized this painting, showing Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in ladies' lingerie, from a St. Petersburg art gallery.


28 Aug 13:45

yeahiwasintheshit: yes


this is me

27 Aug 18:16

I Accidentally Went to Corey Feldman's Orgy

by Lila Whitney on Defamer, shared by Max Read to Gawker

I Accidentally Went to Corey Feldman's Orgy

After writer Jamie Lee Curtis Taete's trip to Corey Feldman's horrifically depressing birthday party, we were put in touch with Lila Whitney (not her real name), a woman who'd been to Feldman's house for an even more fun—and even more depressing—party: An orgy.


22 Aug 17:54


22 Aug 17:47

This Peter Dinklage Hula-Hooping Photo Is The Least The Internet Can Do For Us

by Kelly Conaboy

We give and give and give to the Internet every day — our time, our money, our soul, our ability to concentrate on a single thing, our privacy, our patience, our ability to leave people in our past, our jokes, our mundane thoughts, our embarrassments that will now live forever when they otherwise would’ve been quickly forgotten or perhaps wouldn’t have happened at all, our, I don’t know, time again? I think we can list time twice — and what does it ever give us? Blurry eyes and poor posture. THAT’S IT! (That and also lots of good stuff.) (Like TV recaps and unconfirmed casting news!) (JK. I’m still buried and the dirt is all in my eyes and ears so I can’t tell if you got the joke.) With that in mind, this photo of Peter Dinklage light-up-rainbow hula-hooping in a gay bar in Canada feels, if nothing else, deserved. You owe us at the very least a photo of Peter Dinklage light-up rainbow hula-hooping in a gay bar in Canada, Internet. After all we do for you, to ourselves? After what you’ve done to us? Really, we should be arguing for TWO photos of Peter Dinklage light-up-rainbow hula-hooping in different bars in Canada, but, you know, you’ve taken even our energy to do that. We just don’t have it in us to argue about it. We accept your gift, and we are grateful. It’s all we can do. (Full-sized hula-hooping after the jump.) (Via Dlisted.)


20 Aug 14:31

Elmore Leonard, American Author, Dead at 87

by Max Read

Elmore Leonard, American Author, Dead at 87Elmore Leonard, the crime and western author called "the closest thing America has to a national writer," passed away this morning of complications from a stroke he suffered in July. His longtime researcher Gregg Sutter announced the death on Facebook.


20 Aug 14:29

The Mayor Of Rio De Janeiro Is Willing To Pay ‘Whatever It Takes’ To Get Woody Allen To Film There

by Penn Collins

woodsy allen

This is a weird story. A nation that hasn’t exactly been a stalwart of fiscal responsibility has a prominent mayor reaching out to Woody Allen saying that he’ll pay “100%” of the production costs for get Mr. Allen to film there.

It’s not like a Woody Allen film would be a huge boon to the economy, so I have to guess that Mayor Eduardo Paes is just a fan. It would also be hard for Allen (or his studio) to turn down the offer of having all expenses paid for a film. He could co-direct something with Michael Bay starring Taylor Kitsch!

Anyway, no plans for a film down South America way just yet, and as we all know, Woody Allen is a man of unimpeachable moral fiber, so we’ll see if this tempting offer gets any traction in the coming months/years/decades.

The post The Mayor Of Rio De Janeiro Is Willing To Pay ‘Whatever It Takes’ To Get Woody Allen To Film There appeared first on Screen Junkies.

20 Aug 14:24

So, Alan Moore Might Have Secretly Had Batman Kill The Joker

by Nathan Birch


Who here’s read The Killing Joke? Uh huh, seeing a lot of hands. Okay now, who here remembers the part where Batman kills the Joker? You don’t? Well, maybe you just weren’t reading closely enough.

Recently Scottish magician and dabbler in comic book writing, Grant Morrison, dropped the theory that Batman actually kills the Joker at the end of The Killing Joke. Don’t worry, no mystical mumbo jumbo or time-travel theories involved — Morrison’s scenario is actually pretty logical and convincing. Hit the jump to have your mind blown…

Yeah, wow, okay — I don’t know if Batman killing Joker is actually what Alan Moore intended, but it’s pretty much a 100% valid reading of what we’re shown in The Killing Joke. For the record, here’s how the last page is described in Alan Moore’s script


Well, nothing definitive there, but then again, if Alan Moore wanted to secretly tell the final Joker story, he wouldn’t have explicitly written “NOW BATMAN KILLS JOKER REAL GOOD” in the script.

via Bleeding Cool here & here

20 Aug 03:58

Sophie Turner Adopted Sansa Stark's Direwolf After It 'Died'

by Neetzan Zimmerman

Sophie Turner Adopted Sansa Stark's Direwolf After It 'Died'

If there is one thing the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire — and, by direct extension, HBO's Game of Thrones — is known for even among the most casual fans, it's George R. R. Martin's maddening penchant for eliminating even the most innocent and beloved of characters without a moment's notice.


20 Aug 03:55

"Are they hot-dogs or legs ??"

by Max Read

"Are they hot-dogs or legs ??" Hot-Dog Legs.


06 Aug 19:46

Jay Leno Found Actual Footage Of Bryan Cranston As A Power Rangers Villain

by David D.

Screen Shot 2013-08-05 at 11.27.23 PM

The Internet’s collective interest got piqued last week when Bryan Cranston revealed to Colbert that he used to do voiceovers for Power Ranger villains . Leave it to Leno to find the actual clips.

If there’s one thing Leno is good for, it’s finding vintage clips of his guests and embarrassing them with it. Cranston should have seen this coming since he told Colbert he was a villain in Power Rangers, but he still seemed a bit surprised Leno actually found any clips.

As a Power Rangers fan growing up, it’s cool to see that Cranston was right there guiding my life all along. I always wondered why there was only one set of footprints on the sand, but now I know Bryan Cranston was carrying me the whole time…either that or I was floating in a haze of super meth.

Here are more clips from Cranston’s interview.

02 Aug 07:21

‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’ Debut Their Sentinels

by Dan Seitz

sentinel head

Here’s a look at the Sentinels from X-Men: Days of Future Past. And, of course, it comes with a viral site!

There’s not much to said viral site right now. Mostly it’s just directing visitors to swing by the San Diego Hard Rock hotel and “Celebrate 50 Years Of Human Progress”. Notice the key word there is “human”. We suspect that once the con is over, the site will have a lot more for those of us who couldn’t make it to the floor.

That also may offer a hint at the movie’s timeline; X-Men: First Class took place in 1962, obviously, so Days of Future Past may be picking up in 1963 or ’64, with the “future” part of the movie taking place around the time the movie comes out.

As far as the movie design goes… it’s pretty faithful, which perhaps is not a surprise with Bryan Singer at the helm. There’s a hint of the Ultimate Universe surrounding these guys, but also the classic look from the main continuity. True, it doesn’t look exactly like the Sentinels from the comics, but it’s fairly close in a lot of respects, while still being its own thing.

01 Aug 18:16


01 Aug 17:05

New Pictures Of Peter Dinklage And Jennifer Lawrence In ‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’

by RoboPanda

Peter Dinklage as Bolivar Trask in X-Men: Days Of Future Past

X-Men: Days Of Future Past doesn’t open till next May 22nd, but Fox is still promoting it heavily with a new viral site and numerous pictures. They just released two new pictures. The one above is Peter Dinklage as Bolivar Trask, creator of the Sentinels. It’s no awkward family photo, but it’ll do.

Director Brian Singer also tweeted another picture of Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique (first picture here). This time we’re just getting some leg.

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique in X-Men: Days Of Future Past

If those pictures aren’t enough, we also have a fan-made poster to share. Remember those X-Men: Days Of Future Past posters with a cross-section of both actors for Professor X (Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy) and Magneto (Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender)? Now Pikeman1 (via Buzzfeed) has made a similar poster with the younger and older versions of Wolverine.

fan made parody poster of Wolverine in X-Men: Days Of Future Past

We see what you did there, bub.

[Sources: The Playlist, Empire, @BryanSinger, and Buzzfeed.]

01 Aug 01:50

Parking Jerk Taught a Valuable Lesson About Not Taking Up Two Spots

by Neetzan Zimmerman

In parking, as in life, there really is only one basic rule of thumb: Don't be a jerk.


31 Jul 18:36

Family Planning, Disney Animation About Birth Control Starring Donald Duck (1968)

by Kimber Streams

hahahahaahahaha what in the CHRIST

Donald Duck helps explain the importance of birth control in an extremely roundabout manner in “Family Planning,” an animated short created by Walt Disney Productions for the Population Council in 1968. This video was uploaded to YouTube by DoctorHver in 2012, who claims to have obtained it from a private collector.

video via DoctorHver

via Dangerous Minds

19 Jul 22:38


18 Jul 18:29

‘Game Of Thrones’ Marketing Goes To The Next Level With A Bus-Sized Dragon Head Erected On A Beach

by Dustin Rowles


I understand you guys are getting socked with between-season Game of Thrones coverage this week, whether it be the latest casting, pre-Comic-Con coverage, awesome video edits, and a great big snub in the midst of several other deserving Game of Thrones Emmy nominations, but I could not resist this. Above is a BUS-SIZED dragon skull that took sculptors more than two months to design and construct. It comes from the same marketing team behind the 40-foot tall statue of Colin Firth, and it was erected on a beach in Britain to publizice the release of the third season of Game of Thrones on the UK’s movie and TV streaming service BlinkBox. It was inspired by a scene in the series when Arya Stark discovers a dragon skull in the dungeons of King’s Landing.

Your move, Netflix.

More stupid cool images, as well as a making of video below.




(Hat Tip: Adfreak)