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22 Jul 20:32


18 Jul 13:02

07/15/13 PHD comic: 'You can do that?'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "You can do that?" - originally published 7/15/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

18 Jul 13:02


by ricardo

16 Jul 18:45

Kanye West T-Shirt Is Plain White, Costs $120 And Has Already Sold Out

by James Johnson

Kanye West Plain White T-Shirt

Ladies and gentlemen be prepared to be amazed, maybe even in awe. Rapper Kanye West has designed a t-shirt that may very well revolutionize the clothing industry. That’s right its the Kanye West t-shirt with a plain white design.

Yeezus posted the “new” design online and his masterful creation of nothingness quickly sold out. What’s most amazing is the t-shirts $120 price tag.

So what does one get for a plain white t-shirt designed by Kanye West? Here’s the description:

“Very loose T-shirt in Egyptian cotton. Short sleeves. Ribbing at neckline. Reinforced neckline and shoulders. ‘A.P.C. KANYE’ silkscreened inside neckline”.

To put the t-shirt into perspective, Kanye West just sold a $.50 t-shirt to a bunch of fashion crazed wannabes for a profit of about $120.

But how could anyone pass up the chance to own a plain white Kanye West t-shirt that has his name screen-printed on the inside of the neck.

Don’t worry if you missed your chance to buy the shirt, you can still pre-order his $265 blue jeans or a $250 short-sleeve hoodie.

You know when you walk into an art gallery and there is a plain white canvas with a very subtle off-white line running down the middle and the painting costs $100,000. That painting is Kanye West’s new plain white t-shirt.

With that being said, I have to applause Kanye West, he didn’t even have to come up with some BS reason for the plain white t-shirt. He could have taken the artist approach by claiming it was a statement on whitewashing or something else involving the color white. Instead Kanye just said “hey my name is on this and its made out of that rare material known as cotton.”

Here’s the sales page for the Kanye West hip hop t-shirt:

Kanye West Hip Hop T-Shirt

Could you possibly justify spending $120 on a plain white t-shirt that has your favorite celebrities name written on the neck?

Kanye West T-Shirt Is Plain White, Costs $120 And Has Already Sold Out is a post from: The Inquisitr

15 Jul 15:33

Idris Elba / Esquire [x]

Idris Elba / Esquire [x]

15 Jul 11:50

07/12/13 PHD comic: 'Touchdown'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Touchdown" - originally published 7/12/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

12 Jul 11:35

"I want to grow old with you. But, like, really quickly."

"I want to grow old with you. But, like, really quickly."

11 Jul 12:03


This is roughly equivalent to 'number of times I've picked up a seashell at the ocean' / 'number of times I've picked up a seashell', which in my case is pretty close to 1, and gets much closer if we're considering only times I didn't put it to my ear.
11 Jul 11:59

thatthingididonetime: Stephen Colbert and Stephen King holding...


Stephen Colbert and Stephen King holding hands in matching sweaters.

I didn’t know how much I needed this gif

10 Jul 11:39

The Late Movies: Wonder Years Guest Stars (Before They Were Stars)

by Erica Palan

Classic TV show The Wonder Years launched the career of Fred Savage at a young age. But he wasn't the only famous face to grace the small screen during the half-hour program. Several stars appeared on the show long before they found fame elsewhere. Here, a look back at some famous faces and their relationship to young Kevin Arnold.

David Schwimmer

Karen Arnold's live-in boyfriend went on to become a very famous Friend.

Alicia Silverstone

Before she became the star of Clueless, Silverstone appeared in an episode.

Mark-Paul Gosselaar

Zack Morris is a wee babe.

Soleil Moon Frye

Better known to you as Punky Brewster.

John Corbett

Long before he was wooing Carrie Bradshaw, he was hanging out with Kevin Arnold's big sister.


10 Jul 11:22


09 Jul 12:28

Um livro pode mudar a história da sua vida

by Amanda de Almeida

O conceito é interessante, mas a execução poderia ter sido bem melhor: partindo do princípio que um livro pode mudar uma vida, a Y&R de Beijing criou a campanha impressa A book can change the story of your life para a Penguin Books. A série mostra cinco histórias que poderiam ter finais trágicos, se não fosse um livro para mudar a trajetória de seus personagens.

A ideia me pareceu bacana e, como jornalista, já ouvi muitas histórias de gente que realmente teve a vida transformada após ler um ou alguns livros. O problema desta campanha é que ela ficou um pouco dramática demais, beirando o mau gosto em alguns casos. Ficou exagerado porque nem sempre a falta de leitura é uma sentença de morte e todo mundo conhece gente que se deu bem sem nunca ter aberto um livro na vida. É, não foi desta vez.

Penguin5 Penguin4 Penguin2 Penguin1

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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09 Jul 12:09


09 Jul 12:07

joebagofdoughnuts: I had a real bad case of Haiku once, but I...


I had a real bad case of Haiku once, but I got over it….

08 Jul 16:06


by OEsquema

wheredidthesodago é um subreddit dedicado a tirar de contexto infomerciais.

Simples e engraçado.

08 Jul 11:57

July 07, 2013

Last day for the new project! Thanks, geeks!

04 Jul 15:53

The Shelf Life of Food (Helpful Chart)

by Drew

Ever wondered just how long an apple actually lasts? Here is a handy food preservation chart that will tell you how long you can keep food in the fridge, freezer and pantry before it turns into a mystical creature and tries to crawl away like the steak from Poltergeist.

03 Jul 20:34

11 Spectacular Sunset Views Around The Globe

by Simona Ganea

The sunset and the sunrise are basically very simple and very common phenomena. However, they have always impressed us with their colors. The sunset is usually more impressive. It’s because sunset colors are typically more brilliant than sunrise colors as evening air contains more particles than morning air.

The sun sets over Santorini and gives us a glimpse at the stunning surrounding landscape

It’s these vibrant colors such as the intense orange or the red shades that mesmerize us and turns something as simple as the daily disappearance of the sun below the horizon into a magical moment.Even the most beautiful views in the world seem better at sunset. The colors completely change the atmosphere. Of course, it all differs with the location and this experience is always unique.

In Cape Town, South Africa, the best place to admire the sunset is the harbor

Stunning sunset views from Gordon’s Bay, South Africa

Head to the beach to admire the South African sunset in its entire splendor

The Doya rice terraces from Japan becomes magical under sunset light

In the famous Cinque Terre region from Italy, both the sunrise and the sunset are magical

The entire La Paz city becomes flooded in orange at sunset

Rome is even more stunning with the sun disappearing in the distance

The picturesque Venice bursts with color as the sun sets at the horizon

A stunning capture of the New York sunset in the busy city

Darkness falls across California as the sun leaves behind traces of color

Although there’s a very logical scientific explanation for the amazing colors and visual effects that we see every day, we are all just hypnotized by their beauty and stop everything just to admire them. This is a collection of amazing sunset views from across the world, each showcasing the beauty of this spectacular moment.

Picture sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

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03 Jul 13:29

10knotes: ghdos: The two smartest men on the planet.



The two smartest men on the planet.

01 Jul 19:29


01 Jul 14:24

"Calligraphy 42" - Mon, 01 Jul 2013

Calligraphy 42
01 Jul 14:23


28 Jun 12:25

June 28, 2013

28 Jun 11:28

9gag: Is this a universal problem?


Is this a universal problem?

26 Jun 11:18







25 Jun 19:39

genevieve-ft: Last week sketches !


Last week sketches !

25 Jun 11:01

thesochillnetwork: Video game logic


Video game logic

24 Jun 16:46

somanykilifeels: JRR Tolkien, part 2/? Tolkien on the...


JRR Tolkien, part 2/?

Tolkien on the beginnings of The Hobbit

24 Jun 16:46


24 Jun 12:15

The Battle of $9.99: How Apple, Amazon, and the Big Six Publishers Changed the E-Book Business Overnight

by Cory Doctorow

Andrew Albanese, my editor at Publishers Weekly, has been tracking the antitrust action the DoJ brought against the big six publishers and Apple over price-fixing very carefully, and he's written a great-looking, DRM-free ebook about it called "The Battle of $9.99: How Apple, Amazon, and the Big Six Publishers Changed the E-Book Business Overnight." Here's what he had to say about it:

It is mostly about the backstory of the case, how publishers' antipathy to $9.99 led them to what turned out to be a pretty fateful decision. It is also available in all the major e-book stores, Sony, B&N, Apple, and Amazon. Amazingly, Amazon is featuring it on their Singles home page here in the U.S.

So one note that might be of interest to you, I was surprised to learn in writing this essay how little the publishers negotiated their initial e-book retail terms back when the e-book market was just beginning. And, more to the point, that the thought they did put into e-books was all related to the negative aspects of digital: how to stop piracy, DRM, controlling unauthorized use. This is kind of where this whole legal saga begins. When Amazon came to launch the Kindle in 2007, the publishers were so focused on the bad things that digital might bring that they never really considered, hey, what if this e-book thing really works? What if this Kindle thing takes off?

Remember, at the time Amazon launched the Kindle, the publishers were stumping for the Google Settlement, so their attention was focused more on stopping the digitization and indexing of long out-of-print books that were making money for no one. As a result, they barely negotiated their initial financial terms with Amazon. Amazon officials testified that, in some cases, they just accepted the financial terms publishers had already proposed for e-books, while publishers mostly sought to address DRM, and security concerns. No one apparently stopped to ask Amazon, “Oh, by the way, how much are you planning to charge consumers for our e-books?”

It is easy to say in hindsight, but the major publishers’ fear of digital piracy had kept them from considering the prospects of digital success. And, of course, all of this was exacerbated by the fact that the Kindle was a closed platform, so, the more successful the Kindle became, the more power the company had over the publishers' customer. As you once wrote, the DRM and security they'd insisted on became a whip to beat them with. Another interesting chapter in the way DRM has impacted the publishing industry.

The Battle of $9.99: How Apple, Amazon, and the Big Six Publishers Changed the E-Book Business Overnight