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19 Aug 12:40

Владимир Сорокин: "Опричная книга"

Иллюстрации + каллиграфия

Презентация была аж в 2015 году, но событие освещалось слабо, не думаю, что многие слышали. Недавно довелось побывать в Тбилиси, где проходила выставка данных работ, случайно увидел афишу и сходил в музей Современного искусства им. Церетели (выставка ещё идёт до 31 августа).

Краткая справка и комментарии автора:

А я выложу кадры с самой выставки. В интернете иллюстрации не публиковались и не будут, как и задумано автором.
Работы лежали под стеклом, в помещении яркое освещение, из–за чего видны блики. Так что, качество не идеальное, но для ознакомления подойдёт. Дополню ещё несколькими кадрами, найденными в интернетах, снятыми на что–то получше обычного смартфона.

Написал AtomicRobot на / комментировать

11 Aug 20:12

Did this unassuming small-town couple steal a $160 million Willem de Kooning painting?

by Jason Kottke

De Kooning Stolen

When Jerry and Rita Alter died, a painting was found in their bedroom in the tiny town of Cliff, NM, and then was sold to an antiques dealer along with the rest of their effects for $2000. The dealer soon discovered that the painting was an original Willem de Kooning worth in the neighborhood of $150 million. The painting had been stolen in a daring raid from a Tucson museum in 1985 and a recently discovered piece of evidence shows the Alters were in Tucson on the day before the theft.

De Kooning Stolen

The next morning, a man and a woman would walk into the museum and then leave 15 minutes later. A security guard had unlocked the museum’s front door to let a staff member into the lobby, curator Olivia Miller told NPR. The couple followed. Since the museum was about to open for the day, the guard let them in.

The man walked up to the museum’s second floor while the woman struck up a conversation with the guard. A few minutes later, he came back downstairs, and the two abruptly left, according to the NPR interview and other media reports.

Sensing that something wasn’t right, the guard walked upstairs. There, he saw an empty frame where de Kooning’s “Woman-Ochre” had hung.

At the time, the museum had no surveillance cameras. Police found no fingerprints. One witness described seeing a rust-color sports car drive away but didn’t get the license plate number. For 31 years, the frame remained empty.

Earlier this year, WFAA made a short documentary film about the Alters and the heist.

(If you don’t want to watch the entire video, at least check out the bit starting at 18:00 where the painting is given back to the museum and authenticated…that is something you rarely see on video as it happens.)

Adding to the mystery: the couple obviously never sold the painting but they retired early, travelled the world, and left a $1 million inheritance, all seemingly beyond their means as public school employees.

Something else doesn’t add up. Jerry and Rita Alter worked in public schools for most of their careers. Yet they somehow managed to travel to 140 countries and all seven continents, documenting their trips with tens of thousands of photos.

And yet, when they died, they had more than a million dollars in their bank account, according to the Sun News.

“I guess I figured they were very frugal,” their nephew, Ron Roseman, told WFAA.

Hmm, where did they get all that coin?

Tags: art   crime   video   Willem de Kooning
28 Feb 14:28

Google's Parent Company Alphabet Is Buying Chelsea Market For $2 Billion

by BeauHD
Alphabet is close to acquiring the iconic Chelsea Market in Midtown Manhattan for over $2 billion. The market totals 1.2 million square feet and sits across the street from the company's New York headquarters, a 2.9 million-square-foot building that it bought for $1.8 billion in 2010. Quartz reports: Google is already the Market's largest tenant, having steadily expanded its footprint to about 400,000 square feet. The tech giant hasn't revealed plans for the property, but according to The Real Deal, the company is expected to maintain the status quo. Alphabet's aggressive expansion in New York follows a growing trend of tech giants taking over cities. With their outsized share of the economy, tech companies are exerting increasing influence over urban infrastructure and development.

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20 Jun 02:07

Настоящие друзья

12 Apr 21:54

Hottest Editors

Elon Musk finally blocked me from the internal Tesla repository because I wouldn't stop sending pull requests for my code supporting steering via vim keybindings.
29 Oct 23:36

Another Halloween, Another Battle Over Racist Costumes

by Gaby Del Valle
Another Halloween, Another Battle Over Racist Costumes Halloweekend is upon us, and universities across the country are once again reminding students to refrain from donning offensive Halloween costumes. [ more › ]
19 Sep 03:25

Jeff Lynne And ELO Touch Down At Radio City Music Hall

by Kurt Gottschalk
Jeff Lynne And ELO Touch Down At Radio City Music Hall You've got to give it to Jeff Lynne. Rather than fading away after his greatest commercial success in the 1970s—that being the Electric Light Orchestra—he had the wherewithal to play in a band with the likes of Bob Dylan, George Harrison and Roy Orbison (the Traveling Wilburys) and go on to produce Joe Cocker, Tom Jones, Paul McCartney, Regina Spektor and fellow Wilbury Tom Petty, among many others. And then, in recent years, he had the cojones to reclaim his early fame and give himself top billing. That band, Jeff Lynne's ELO, hit Radio City Music Hall Friday night for the first of two performances (the second is tonight), with singing strings, glowing hits and an audience ready to receive. [ more › ]
13 Sep 21:31

The Gluten Free Museum

by Jason Kottke

Gluten Free Museum

Gluten Free Museum

Gluten Free Museum

Gluten Free Museum takes works of art (high and low) and removes all of the gluten from them. A one-trick pony, but a particularly entertaining one. (via tmn)

Tags: art   food   weblogs
29 Dec 04:43

Lessons learned from the early days of Google

by Matt Cutts

Earlier this month I did a talk at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill about lessons learned from the early days of Google. The video is now online and watchable, or you can watch it on YouTube:

We did the talk in a pretty large room, and the camera at the back of the room couldn’t easily record me and the slides at the same time. So here are the slides to go along with the talk:

Or you can view the slides at this link.

I believe all the pictures should be covered either by license or fair use (the talk was free), but let me know if you see anything that you believe is problematic. I hope you enjoy the talk!

28 Dec 11:59

Have an ecstatic holiday!

by Susannah Breslin

Erowid notes that Merck patented MDMA on December 24, 1912.


Tags: drugs   mdma
10 Sep 01:01

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - A Bad Ad Hoc Theory


Hovertext: Parsimony is for wimps.

New comic!
Today's News:

 Yes indeed! And we've already sold half the tickets for BAHFest East, so please buy soon to lock a spot!

17 Aug 13:47

WATCH: Norwegian Escape Float-Out at Meyer Werft

by Mike Schuler

The Norwegian Escape was floated out of the covered building dock at the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany on Saturday.

The 164,600 gross ton cruise ship, part of the Breakaway Plus class, has a length overall of 325.9 meters and is 41.40 meters wide, making it the largest vessel in the Norwegian Cruise Line fleet.

Following the float out, the ship was berthed at the yard’s pier for the remaining work, tests and trials. In mid-September, the ship is expected to make its conveyance down the river Ems to the North Sea, where the vessel will be put through a series of sea trials before delivery to owner Norwegian Cruise Lines later in 2015.

Here’s another one from the float out:

The post WATCH: Norwegian Escape Float-Out at Meyer Werft appeared first on gCaptain.

31 Jul 13:30

Альфред Бестер — ТИГР! ТИГР!


— Слушайте меня! Слушайте все! Буду проповедь читать, я!
Ему ответил снизу дружный рев.
– Вы свиньи, вы. Вы гниете, как свиньи, и все. В вас есть многое, вы же довольствуетесь крохами. Слышите меня, вы? У вас есть миллионы, а вы расходуете гроши. В вас есть гений, а мыслей что у чокнутого. В вас есть сердце, а вы чувствуете лишь пустоту… Вы все. Каждый и всякий.
Его осыпали насмешками. Над ним глумились. Он продолжал со страстной, истеричной яростью одержимого.
– Нужна война, чтоб вы раскошелились. Неужели нужен хлыст, чтобы вы соображали. Нужен вызов, чтобы пробудить гений… Остальное время вы пускаете слюни.
Лентяи! Свиньи, вы все! Ну, хорошо, вызываю вас, я! Сдохните или живите в величии. Сдохните, сволочи! Будьте вы прокляты, или придите ко мне, Гулли Фойлу, и я сделаю вас великими. Я помогу вам встать на ноги. Сделаю вас людьми!

Написал 6a6ypek на / комментировать

25 Jan 04:29

Застывшие прищельцы


Эти бывшие башни противовоздушной обороны в дельте реки Темзы сразу мне напомнили гигантских роботов из фильма "Война миров".

Прошлым августом я еще раз с удовольствием слетал к ним и пофотографировал эти удивительные строения, кто знает сколько они еще простоят.

По пути с западного Лондона в восточный пролетели над нулевым меридианом, на заднем плане высотки Canary Wharf. Второй деловой центр Лондона.

Развлекательный центр O2

Ворота Лондона. Плотина Thames Barrier, защищает соседние районы от сезонных наводнений.

Сити аэропорт, по субботам он закрыт с полудня и можно подлететь поближе.

Пролетели мимо доков восточного Лондона

И наконец показались башни фортов Red Sands.

Перед началом Второй мировой, британцы начали размещать несколько групп башен в дельте Темзы чтобы защитить Лондон от авиа налетов. Башни строили в виде барж которые затапливались в проливе, в местах где позволяла глубина. В время войны на них были установлены зенитные орудия а когда башни списали, их облюбовали хипстеры 60–х с их пиратскими радиостанциями.

Рядом с башнями стоят леса ветряков. Благо ветер в этом районе достаточно постоянный и они приносят неплохой доход.

Другой тип башни, из одной такой даже создали "независимое" государство "Sealand". Все планирую слетать туда как нибудь.

Фото: Sergey Storm

Написал westernstorm на
30 Dec 02:48

Заяц ПЦ и его воображаемые друзья: Ф, Щ, грелка и свиная отбивная с горошком


"Медузе" огромное спасибо за публикацию. Весь Заяц ПЦ - тут.
18 Dec 10:54

instaboner 1002 @harmarsuperstar

by Gavin


harmarsuperstar This pup wants some pizza. I love him.


No related posts.

01 Oct 03:30

♥ing Richard Prince’s Instagrams Is Easy

by Rhett Jones
♥ing Richard Prince's Instagrams Is Easy

Richard Prince has to be one of the most hated populist artists of all time. His work consistently hits the sweet spot of “pretentious” — because it conceptualizes a sort of “theft” — and “mainstream” — because his subjects are very popular (Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n’ Roll). His work is about Cigarettes, Cowboys, Motorcycles, Hot Chicks, Jokes, Sexy Nurses, Fast Cars, Cool Dudes With Guitars. These are all things that people like. But people don’t like Richard Prince’s process. He has been pissing them off since he started his re-photography work in the ‘70s.

When Prince photographs a photograph of a cowboy in a Marlboro ad, he shows that the selection of subject, the distortion of the lens, the cropping of the frame, the size of the final presentation and the exclusion of elements (such as the Marlboro logo) are all key factors in the impact of an artwork. Aside the high-art-conceptual-theory-bric-a-brac of how one changes the image through its reproduction, Prince makes calculated choices that are, at a base level — appealing. This stuck with me after visiting his latest show “New Portraits” at Gagosian.

Prince had gone on Instagram and commented on pictures he likes, took screenshots of whole posts and printed them on 4’ x 6’ canvases. Some of the people he’s chosen to “rip off” are old friends of his (like Glenn O’Brien) and some aren’t (like Sky Ferreira); some are famous, some are not.


These comments appear to be mostly tongue in cheek, like “I remember this so well (tent emoji) glad we had the tent” under Kate Moss posing with her legs spread. The frequent use of emoji adds an extra graphic layer. The comments themselves create another level of participation in the work. If nothing else, you can’t say Prince didn’t add anything this time. His name’s right there. He’s saying something.

Generally, Larry Gagosian likes to populate his mega-galleries with gallerinas who treat you as less than human, unless you look like you might be a rich collector. Photography is not allowed. You are not welcome. But Richard Prince’s Instagram show was different. I walked into the room and nervously pulled out my phone to take photos, expecting to hear the humorless “No photos” from the guards at any moment. In other places, this is infuriating, but at Gagosian, you get the feeling the guards aren’t part of the conversation; they’re doing a job, so you comply.

Still waiting for the hammer to drop, with a gallerina behind me, a guard to my left, and another guard on my right getting closer, I was taking a photo of every work in the show.

asia_argentoI didn’t expect that around the 10th piece, a guard came over to say “My man, you can take all of them with you right here” and hand me a zine-style booklet of the works reproduced. I thanked him, saying that I was still going to photograph all the works on the walls.

He waited for a second, then walked me a few steps and pointed to his favorite — a piece with Asia Argento. “I love Asia Argento,” I agreed. “I’ve never seen a tat like that,” he said, echoing the comment on the canvas. “Yeah, she’s bad ass all around,” I said. The other guard laughed.

The nature of commenting on Instagram had become infectious, the normally tight lipped guards felt welcome to contribute their thoughts. Your average Instagram comment isn’t, “ah yes post-modern redux meets Warhol celebrity-bacchanal meets Benjamin’s age of mechanical reproduction flipped back on itself.” You say “I’ve never seen a tat like that.” Then you click like, because you like it, and sometimes that’s enough. 

“New Portraits,” Richard Prince, Sep 19 – Oct 25, Gagosian Madison, Manhattan (Photos: Rhett Jones/ANIMALNewYork)

The post ♥ing Richard Prince’s
Instagrams Is Easy
appeared first on ANIMAL.

29 Jul 02:14

Hawk Eats Live Mouse on NYC Curb Because This City Is Cruel and Cold

by Dayna Evans

A red-tailed hawk, described as "elusive" in the caption of the above YouTube clip, was caught on camera Monday afternoon attempting to ingest a live mouse while onlookers watched in awe and reverence.


09 Jun 13:27

Истинная история Тома и Джерри


В мультиках тебе показывают неправду, юзернейм.
Том и Джерри давно умерли.

Главный кафедральный собор Церкви Христовой (Christ Church Cathedral) города Дублин был основан в 1030, затем он перестраивался и достраивался, как это обычно бывало в те времена. В общем, получился вполне приличный собор, при желании можно посмотреть на фотогалерею от какого–то чешского туриста, но сегодня нас интересует установленный в нем орган.

Когда именно этот орган был установлен мы не знаем, но известно, что в 1595 органистом был некто Джон Фермор. Будем считать, что орган и органист появились одновременно.

И вот в 1860 во время чистки органа в одной из его труб были обнаружены мертвые кот и крыса. По всей вероятности, во время погони они дружно застряли в трубе. Благодаря сухому святому церковному воздуху их тела высохли и мумифицировались. Сколько времени они там пробыли — никто не знает, но может быть и все 265 лет.

Сейчас "Том" и "Джерри" выставлены в крипте1 наряду с другими экспонатами.

(1) Крипта — подземное сводчатое помещение под храмом, служащее для размещения мощей святых и мучеников.
07 Jun 04:54

Top British Pathé Videos of 20th Century Maritime Disasters

by Mike Schuler
The Titanic as it departed Belfast in 1912. Still image from video courtesy of British Pathe

The Titanic as it departed Belfast in 1912. Still image from video courtesy of British Pathé

For much of the 20th century, British Pathé was one of the leading producers of newsreels and documentaries in the world.

Now, more than 100 years from its roots as the world’s first televised news platform, the London newsreel has uploaded its entire collection, some 85,000 digitally remastered films and videos, to its Youtube channel.

The archived videos, which span more than 80 years of footage, are a treasure trove for history buffs. Pathé cameras were on-hand to capture some of the most extraordinary and historic events in modern history including, sometimes, when disaster struck. Their coverage of maritime events was no different.

Here is a list, in no particular order, of some of the major maritime disasters captured as cameras rolled; some you have heard of, others you probably have not, but each fascinating and tragic in their own right.

For those of you interested in browsing the complete archive, check out the British Pathé Youtube page HERE and be sure to let us know some of your favorites in the comments. (Warning: I hope you didn’t have anything to do this weekend. Sorry).

Torrey Canyon Tanker Disaster (1967)

The suezmax tanker shipwrecked off the western coast of Cornwall, England in March 1967, causing one of the worst oil spills in U.K. history, and the world.

Tanker Rescue – Tanker Breaks In Two (1962)

In 1962, the tanker “Bridgewater” broke in two a few hundred miles off the coast of western Australian. A coordinated rescue effort led to the successful rescue of all crewmembers with the exception of the Chief Officer, who suffered a broken leg.

HMS Barham Explodes and Sinks (1941)

During WWII, the HMS Barham was torpedoed by German submarines in the Mediterranean Sea, causing the ship capsize and explode within a matter of minutes. Over 800 lives were lost. Remarkably, however, over 300 survived after being rescued by British ships.

Ablaze At Sea AKA Tanker Ablaze (1920)

In 1926, an unidentified tanker carrying 3 million gallons of oil caught fire at sea, and it was all captured on film.

Titanic and Survivors – Genuine 1912 Footage

This footage, showing the ill-fated Titanic prior to its departure and then the New York arrival of the Carpathia with survivors, is eerie to watch.

Tanker Torn Apart by Raging Seas (1960)

The tanker “Pineridge” broke in two off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, leading to the loss of the Captain and six crew. The ship wasn’t the first to be lost in the “Graveyard of the Atlantic”, and it certainly wasn’t the last.

Sinking Of Us Aircraft Carrier Lexington (1942)

The USS Lexington (CV-2) was scuttled in the Pacific Ocean during the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942.

Million Pound Ship Ablaze! (1932)

The U.S.-flagged liner “Segovia” was destroyed by a fire at a Norfolk, Virginia dock on the eve of its maiden voyage. The vessel was constructed under the Jones-White Act of 1928, aka the Merchant Marine Act, which was passed by Congress to help stimulate private shipbuilding in America and increase the competitiveness of the U.S. Merchant Marine.

Oil Tanker Bursts (1926)

This footage shows an oil tanker after it exploded in Brooklyn, New York in 1926. The blast could be felt for miles.

Air Drama in the English Channel

Cameras role as Nazi bombers attack British ships in the English Channel. This footage was captured from the White Cliffs of Dover in 1940.

American Transport Wrecked (1917)

Shipwreck of the USA transport ship ‘Summer’ off the coast of the Jersey in the Channel Islands.

Again The Sea Takes Toll (1931)

A freighter is seen after it ran aground on the jagged rocks of Point Reyes, just north of San Francisco, in fog “as thick as pea soup”.

Ablaze At Sea (1924)

Seven lives were lost when this tanker burst into flames off California in 1924.

A Picturesque End 1916

Crowds watch as the U.S. Navy frigate “Franklin” is destroyed by fire.

Axis Crews Scuttle More Ships (1941)

Axis crews scuttle ships off the coast of Costa Rica before giving themselves up under direct orders from Berlin and Rome.

Oil Tanker Ablaze (1920)

Twenty crewmembers were reportedly lost when two tankers collided in the United States.

Largest Oil Tanker (1968) – Universe Ireland

This video can labeled under the “bad omen” category. The Universe Ireland, which would have its name changed to Betelgeuse, sank just over a decade later off Cork Ireland in what is now known as the Whiddy Island disaster.

Correction, Universe Ireland was not a disaster (or was it, someone clarify?). Still a good video.

Honorable mention in remembrance of today’s 70th Anniversary of D-Day:

Reminder: Be sure to check out the British Pathé Youtube page and let us know which videos we missed the comments.

The post Top British Pathé Videos of 20th Century Maritime Disasters appeared first on gCaptain Maritime & Offshore News.

22 May 02:22


22 Apr 02:34

Glitch Mondrian, Pixel-Sorted Rothko

by Marina Galperina
Glitch Mondrian, Pixel-Sorted Rothko

Artist Stuart Atteberry remixed a selection of Mondrian and Rothko paintings using Gimp and GlitchSort, reorganizing the pixels by brightness and then animating the sorting, so they “cascade dreamily.” Artist Kim Asendorf coined the term “pixel sorting” for this type of algorithmic image manipulation process in 2010.

Atteberry explains the very basic idea behind his project: “Many old artists helped to push humanity along the path of better understanding, and I’m using glitch methods to re-examine those understandings.” Now ooh, aah.

The post Glitch Mondrian,
Pixel-Sorted Rothko
appeared first on ANIMAL.

03 Apr 13:56

Russian GLONASS Down For 12 Hours

by timothy
An anonymous reader writes "In an unprecedented total disruption of a fully operational GNSS constellation, all satellites in the Russian GLONASS broadcast corrupt information for 11 hours, from just past midnight until noon Russian time (UTC+4), on April 2 (or 5 p.m. on April 1 to 4 a.m. April 2, U.S. Eastern time). This rendered the system completely unusable to all worldwide GLONASS receivers."

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02 Apr 03:46


by Oliver Widder

See also VR For Pigs

And another VR bonus track is here

25 Feb 03:49

lawebloca: Squirrel Steals Airplane

29 Jan 17:14

Photos: You Can Experience The Puppy Bowl In Times Square This Week

by Jen Carlson
No matter what you see happening on Broadway right now, the Super Bowl is actually taking place in New Jersey. However, the more important Bowl—The Puppy Bowl—is taking place in New York. Actually, the one that will air probably took place last year in a studio somewhere—but there are puppies... on a field... in Times Square... right now. [ more › ]

15 Jan 22:31

Here's The Undisputed King Of Today's Fog Photos

by Jen Carlson
Here's The Undisputed King Of Today's Fog Photos Your fog photos were really cute and all this morning, but Instagram user amtraver had the best seat in the house. Here's the view of what it looked like flying into LaGuardia Airport this morning—the photographer poetically notes: "the clouds were low there was a city in the sky." [ more › ]

09 Jan 13:56

[Updates] Photos, Video: One Dead, One In Critical Condition After Three-Alarm Fire In Hell's Kitchen

by Ben Yakas
Firefighters are battling a three-alarm fire in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan this morning. According to the FDNY, the fire broke out around 11 a.m. at 500 West 43rd Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues. According to ABC, over 100 firefighters are at the scene, and they are expecting injuries from the blaze. You can see a video of it below. [ more › ]

06 Jan 03:02

Games For The Real Geeks (Part 2)

by Oliver Widder
26 Dec 03:53

Apollo 8 Astronaut Re-Creates 1968 Christmas Broadcast To Earth

by samzenpus
Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes "AP reports that standing by a part of the Apollo 8 spacecraft he once rode, retired astronaut James Lovell read the 1968 Christmastime broadcast from the day he and two others became the first humans to orbit the moon marking the 45th anniversary of the orbit and the famous broadcast. 'The idea of bringing people together by a flight to the moon where we encompassed everybody in our thoughts is still very valid today,' says Lovell. 'The words that we read are very appropriate.' Millions tuned in on Dec. 24, 1968, when Frank Borman, Bill Anders and Lovell circled the moon. A television camera on board took footage of the crater-filled surface as the astronauts read Bible verses describing the creation of Earth. They circled 10 times and began reading from the Book of Genesis on the last orbit. 'It's a foundation of Christianity, Judaism and Islam,' Lovell said of choosing Genesis. 'It is the foundation of most of the world's religions. ... They all had that basis of the Old Testament.' Lovell says at the time the astronauts weren't sure who would be listening and how the broadcast would be taken. The famous "Earthrise" photo was also taken during the mission. Lovell closed with the same message the astronauts did in 1968. 'From the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.'"

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