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03 Aug 14:13

Buzz Aldrin Proves the Federal Government Has A Form for Everything

by Kiona Smith-Strickland on Gizmodo, shared by Andrew Liptak to io9

There's only one form? For Alabama we'd need at least 3!

This may be the only exciting piece of government paperwork you’ll ever read. Buzz Aldrin conquered Throwback Thursday forever last week when he shared his travel voucher from the Apollo 11 mission on Facebook and Twitter.


29 Jul 21:09

The Upgrade From Hell

by John Scalzi

Our dread lord and savior, Clippy!!!! LOL, literally.

Downloading Windows 10 on my laptop. If it doesn't explode, may consider downloading it for my desktop.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015

Folks, there's a reason I'm testing Win10 on the laptop first. Easy to backup, nothing there I'd miss if lost. Relax, I'm not stupid.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015

Windows 10 now 28% downloaded. The wind has picked up outside, and the sky has gotten dark. Rain has begun to fall. It is blood.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015

Windows 10 36% downloaded. The cats have stood up on hind legs and are chanting in ancient Aramaic. A small temblor rattles the ground.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015

Windows 10 now 45% downloaded. The floor swims in bile. The ceiling drips ichor. My Coke Zero has spontaneously transmogrified into Fresca.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015

Windows 10 57% downloaded. The bowels of Hell erupt and the undead shamble to the door, to talk to me of our dread lord and savior, Clippy.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015

Windows 10 71% downloaded. Horrible gulping, weeping sounds coming from the basement. I mean, more than usual.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015

Windows 10 85% downloaded. Chthonic entities congregate in my yard, speaking in mind-rending tongues of the end of the world, and Amway.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015


— John Scalzi (@scalzi) July 29, 2015

29 Jul 18:31

Guppies: When You Want a Pet Cannibal but Aren't Ready for a Hamster

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

For Denise.

A friend of mine decided to get a group of children in her care a fish tank and guppies as a “class pet.” The guppies were soon joined by baby guppies. The babies disappeared, one by one. Turns out, guppies are known for this shit.


29 Jul 18:30

I Toured a Marble Quarry on Vancouver Island: It's almost as if they didn't want us to see the rocks

by Garry Hayes

"I was surprised easily the visitors were distracted by the vegetation covering all the rocks." :)

So, I'm out on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, enjoying my vacation with Mrs. Geotripper, and we're casting about trying to figure out what to do on this 300-mile long island. I'm doing some reading and find out that there is this place called the Saanich Peninsula Marble Quarry that offers tours. That sounds great to the geologist in me, so I talk Mrs. Geotripper into checking it out. It turns out that when you are touring an island that is mainly rainforest, rock exposures are in short supply.
I figure that a rock quarry isn't going to have a whole lot of visitors on a given day, so imagine my surprise when we reach the end of the road, and find out that the place has a parking lot, and charges admission! It was pretty steep, too, about $30 Canadian for each of us. But hey, it's rocks, and I haven't seen a lot of rocks on this trip. We pay and go on in. I'm astounded by how many people are here for the tour of the quarry.

I did some research on the rocks. The marble of the Saanich Peninsula is part of the Wrangellia terrane, rocks that formed far out in the Pacific Ocean during the Triassic Period. Around 100 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period the rocks plowed into the west coast of North America and became part of the continent. The rocks were originally limestone that formed in coral reefs and along tropical island beaches. The heat and pressure of the collision with North America caused the rock to recrystallize into marble. Today it is called the Quatsino formation.
So I follow the map, my anticipation rising as we reach the edge of the quarry, and I looked in. I was kind of shocked. There was vegetation everywhere! There was barely any rock to be seen at all! I did notice the smokestack from the smelter almost hidden in the forest beyond the quarry. How could they let this happen? Didn't they care enough to keep the rock exposed for us geologists? 
The hundreds of people around me didn't seem to mind all the vegetation. As far as I could tell, they were actually paying more attention to the flowers and stuff and pretty much ignoring the rock. I was a little confused. But at least the people that run the place have a sense of history. They put up some interpretive signs that showed the raw beauty of the rock before all the vegetation was allowed to grow over it.
The quarry was active from the late 1800s to around 1905 or so. I guess in this temperate rainforest environment the plants can take over pretty quickly. I was kind of surprised by how colorful the flowers and other plants were. I thought that at this latitude, the species diversity was on the low side. I guess not.
I finally found some rock exposures at the lower end of the quarry. The flowers hadn't yet covered everything. Water had filled the lowest part of the quarry, and I guess they were using a fountain to aerate the water or something.
It's almost as if they were ashamed of the rocks. Look at the picture above to see how the plants covered almost every part of the marble. I just didn't get it. In any case, we finished up our tour and found some gelato being sold at a stand in what looked like an old mansion of some sort, so we had a bit of dessert before heading back to Victoria.
So what did I think about the marble quarry tour? I was surprised by how popular and expensive it was, and how easily the visitors were distracted by the vegetation covering all the rocks. The pathways were well done, and there were lots of interpretive signs showing the glory of years past when plants didn't cover every rock, so one got a sense of history, and of loss. On the whole, it wasn't too bad, especially if you like plants and stuff like that. I don't recommend bringing a rock hammer. They got pretty upset when I starting taking rock samples.

If you want to check it out, don't go by the old name of Saanich Peninsula Quarry. They changed it, I guess when it got all overgrown. Nowadays the place is called Butchart Gardens.
The glories of the old days before plants covered everything.

27 Jul 14:38


by john (the hubby of Jen)

So, apparently the key is to tell the bakers you want something vaguely phallic, not an actual phallus, if you want a giant penis cake?

Warning: A supposedly naughty cake ahead. (But good luck seeing it.)


"We asked for Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc."



"This was our Hello Kitty cake:"



"They told us those were flames."



"Believe it or not, it's supposed to be a penis."




Thanks to Amy J., Cindy P., Sara W., & Sarah H., who all knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.


Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.

27 Jul 14:24

#705 Cereal Port

by treelobsters
23 Jul 15:48

Sometimes You Just Have to Jump for Joy Because You're a Killer Whale


Looks a bit like 'And not a flying fuck was given that day,' to me.

funny orca image Sometimes You Just Have to Jump for Joy Because You're a Killer Whale

Submitted by: (via Clint Rivers)

Tagged: whale , funny , orca , image
22 Jul 15:30

No One's Eating Enough Veggies, But Here Are the States Where It's Worst

by Ria Misra

A list Alabama is not at the bottom of! We eat more fruit than razorbacks and more veggies than a number of states.

How many adults are eating enough vegetables on an average day? Less than 10%, says the CDC—and that incredibly low number somehow manages to get even worse when you look at the state-by-state breakdown.


16 Jul 14:39

This Fanged Fish Can Live Inside a Volcano

by Annalee Newitz on Gizmodo, shared by Charlie Jane Anders to io9

Australia, where even baby fish want to eat you.

The more we learn about undersea volcanoes, the more we realize that life can thrive almost anywhere. Now, an Australian research vessel has discovered a new kind of fish living in volcanoes off the coast of the continent. It’s called a scaleless blackfish and it’s adorably ugly.


14 Jul 14:26

Welsh Government Responds to UFO Questions in Klingon

by Robbie Gonzalez

When Welsh politician Darren Mill asked economy, science, and transport minister Edwina Hart whether she had discussed UFO sightings at Cardiff airport with the Ministry of Defense, or considered funding research into the reports, a Welsh government spokesperson responded pithily, in Klingon.


13 Jul 17:19

That Wasn't On the List


Puppies are one of those item you always need, it doesn't need to be 'on the list!'

cute dogs image That Wasn't On the List

Submitted by: (via IosifMarianna)

Tagged: dogs , cute , image
10 Jul 14:59

KFC Figures “Why Not Make A Pizza Crust Out Of Fried Chicken Too?”

by Chris Morran

Now you can alternate between pizza and hot dogs and pizza and chicken fingers. Not quite the perfect "food" for kids but close!

If you’d thought KFC had hit rock bottom in its quest to mine every possible acceptable use for fried chicken when it tried the Double Down Hot Dog earlier this year, you were wrong. Very wrong.

Yesterday, KFC Philippines announced the “KFChizza,” which if you haven’t already guessed and then lost your appetite for both chicken and pizza, is a pizza where the crust has been replaced by KFC fried chicken.

As BGR notes, the basic chicken parm has already set the precedent for slathering a breaded chicken cutlet with tomato sauce and cheese, but in our experience the cutlet in a chicken parm is nowhere near as distinctly seasoned as the stuff you get at KFC. Additionally, everyone knows that a good chicken parm uses a bread-crumb coating as opposed to traditional fried chicken you’d get from KFC or elsewhere.

[via Eater]

02 Jul 17:29

Getting Ready to Land And....


Because America.

funny birds image

...docking is complete. 

Submitted by: (via Metro News)

Tagged: birds , funny , image
01 Jul 15:29

Court Tosses Truck Owner’s Parking Citation Because Of A Missing Comma

by Mary Beth Quirk


It pays to read everything carefully — or rather, you might not have to pay a fine if you’re as sharp-eyed as one Ohio woman. She ended up having a parking citation tossed by an appeals court, all because she noticed there was a comma missing in the local law.

As anyone who has ever written a sentence knows, punctuation is of the utmost importance. And in one Ohio village, English teachers are likely sighing and shaking their heads at a grammar mishap involving the local law on parking regulations.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that the 12th District Court of Appeals overturned a parking violation [PDF] for a woman living in West Jefferson. She’d been convicted in municipal court for leaving her pickup parked on a village street for more than 24 hours.

But she pointed out that the municipal ordinance prohibited “any motor vehicle camper, trailer, farm implement and/or non-motorized vehicle” from daylong parking.

Her truck, she said, is not a motor vehicle camper. It is a motor vehicle, which would’ve been covered if the law had a comma where it should’ve.

The village argued that it was just a typo and therefore didn’t invalidate her violation. The trial court upheld that view, saying that when reading the ordinance in context, it unambiguously applied to motor vehicles and “anybody reading [the ordinance] would understand that it is just missing a comma.”

Grammar won the day, however, after the court sided with the truck owner.

“If the village desires a different reading, it should amend the ordinance and insert a comma,” Judge Robert A. Hendrickson wrote.

Oh, snap.

Justice Insider: Missing comma gives judges pause [Columbus Dispatch]

29 Jun 19:12

How About Toilet Paper? Important Papers Are Good Too.


That's my daughter. No I don't want the teething keys, I want whatever you just moved out of my reach. Or Mommy's hair, I want to continue to redefine her hairline.

26 Jun 18:43

This “Transitional Turtle” is the Stuff of Creationist Nightmares

by George Dvorsky

BWHAAAAAA! Take that creationists! Not that'll you'll really notice, you've been ignoring horse evolution for decades.

The discovery of Pappochelys, a Triassic-era reptile with a set of emerging turtle-like features, is helping scientists fill in an important evolutionary gap.


23 Jun 13:45

They Have Us All Fooled

19 Jun 14:55

You Don't Want to Wake the Dragon, Do You?


How much sedative was involved in this grooming?

funny cats image You Don't Want to Wake the Dragon, Do You?

If you value your life, don't try to stop him from knocking cups off the counter. 

Submitted by: (via Neatorama)

Tagged: Cats , funny , image
11 Jun 14:38

Pizza Hut Officially Announces Pizza Surrounded By Pigs In Blankets

by Laura Northrup

WTF? Although GOOD sausage wrapped in pizza dough (like the bottom appears to be) as a potential alternative to meh pizza, might be ok.

hotdogpizzaOver the last eight years and in multiple countries, Pizza Hut has been carefully developing their “hot dog stuffed in a pizza crust” concept. An early version stuffed only the ends of a regular-length hot dog inside the crust, creating a pretty flower shape. Then the frankfurters lay horizontally along the crust, like the ropes of cheese. Now the crust has finally come to America, as the Hut hinted earlier this week.

Its official name is the Hot Dog Bites Pizza. You wouldn’t think that it would take this much effort to develop such a concept, but that’s why they run the multinational pizza empire, and we run the consumer advocacy blog. So we won’t question Pizza Hut’s decision to create a pizza surrounded by what are effectively 28 pigs in blankets. The pizza will cost $11.99, and will be available starting on June 18.

Here’s the earliest version of this pizza, the blossom-like layout sold in South Korea:


This final version is most similar to the one available last fall in Luxembourg, which also included short sausages wrapped in dough. Apparently, that was the most perfect hot dog pizza creation, and Pizza Hut brought the crust home once they made the best version.


28 May 19:56

When you don't expect your mineral to be halite


Should be sylvite. Halite is, obviously, very salty but sylvite is NASTY bitter and salty.

28 May 17:33

A Company Spent $97 Million to Make Its Headquarters a Star Trek Tribute

by Katharine Trendacosta

And, look, to be honest, we can’t blame them. If you had the money and the inclination, wouldn’t you do the same thing?


28 May 13:02

“Overall, disturbing and unamerican.”


That is not how I remember Corduroy, perhaps I should reread before buying for Anna?

“Overall, disturbing and unamerican.”

28 May 12:59

Thanks, Norepinephrine

by Katie


The post Thanks, Norepinephrine appeared first on Beatrice the Biologist.

22 May 18:08

Fact or Fiction?: A "Base Tan" Can Protect against Sunburn


Shared so you can get some context for this WTF?: "Recent estimates suggest indoor tanning causes about 419,000 cases of skin cancer in the U.S. every year, which is almost double the number of cases of lung cancer linked to smoking. Still, UVA is often chosen for tanning beds because its longer wavelength penetrates deeper into the skin and is less likely to cause sunburn." Seriously - accept your natural pallor people (or natural darkness, or medium skin tone - whatever gorgeous skin tone your DNA gives you!).

Studies of sunshine-denied human buttocks help settle the matter

21 May 15:49

The basics.

by Jessica Hagy



The post The basics. appeared first on Indexed.

13 May 19:00

While getting a little too upset about a movie trailer...


05 May 16:16

05/01/15 PHD comic: 'Amount of Time Spent Writing your Thesis'


Pretty much applies to writing anything in my experience, except add Illustrator to the fiddling part.

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Amount of Time Spent Writing your Thesis" - originally published 5/1/2015

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

05 May 16:15

Boots or Heels: My Wardrobe Paradox as a Woman in STEM


I love the group shot.

A couple of weeks ago a wonderful hashtag was making its way around Twitter, with female scientists all over the world sharing photos of their feet to show a day #InMyShoes.

05 May 14:39

The Perfect Bed For Your Player 2 Pets

01 May 18:32

Seriously though...