Shared posts

29 Mar 11:54

The Singing Ringing Tree, A Landmark Musical Sculpture in England

by mikl-em

The Singing Ringing Tree” is a musical sculpture near Burnley in the North West of England built by architects Tonkin Liu. It was designed in 2004 and completed at the end of 2006. It is one of four landmark art projects called “Panopticons” built in the early 2000′s in Lancashire. The film above was directed by Zsolt Sándor with sound by A Man Called Adam.

The Singing Ringing Tree

photo by Mid Pennine Arts

The tree is constructed of stacked pipes of varying lengths, orientated to lean into the directions of the prevailing wind. As the wind passes through the different lengths of pipe, it plays different chords. Each time you sit under the tree, looking out through the wind, you will hear a different song.


photo by Mid Pennine Arts


photo by Mid Pennine Arts

The tree won a 2007 award for architectural excellence from the Royal Institute of British Architects. As part of the project’s launch local kids and young adults wrote fanciful stories inspired by the sculpture.


photo by Mid Pennine Arts

The Halo in Haslingden, Rossendale was the fourth and final Panopticon to be constructed opening in September 2007:

Glowing Halo

photo by Peter Hudson

29 Mar 11:54

We can't launch the rocket

Submitted by: dsasera
Posted at: 2013-03-27 07:58:05
See full post and comment:

29 Mar 11:43

Follow Me To The New RSS Party!

by zoot


First off? We’re having internet issues in our house. This is why my presence here and everywhere else online has been a bit sporadic. I apologize for this. Without regular blogging my left eye starts to twitch and I acquire an unexplained limp. If I don’t solve these technological issues soon, I’ll be rotating around the “Free Wi-Fi” locations around here.

Secondly? Did you hear that they’re shutting down my favorite RSS feed reader in July? I mean – FIRST they took away the ability to share and comment on the thing – and now they’re getting rid of it? All together? Kim is not a happy camper.

For those of you who don’t know what RSS is or a feed reader, let me give you an easy summary. RSS is – literally – “Really Simple Syndication”. Basically, any website that creates regular content, creates RSS feeds of that content without any bells and whistles. Just the basic HTML of the content itself. Then, “Feed Readers” like Google Reader allow you to subscribe to those pages, and it funnels those RSS feeds all into one location. So, if you read a lot of blogs/news/magazines type sites, you can read all of their updates in one location. You don’t have to keep bookmarks or remember links.

Google Reader used to let you “share” out items you really liked. I loved this feature because my “shared” items also displayed on my blog. And then any of my friends in Reader could comment on those items. So, it gave us a little community to discuss articles and entries. And then? THEN? Google took that function away. And a small part of my soul died.

But now? NOW? They’re taking away the entire reader. Basically they want us all to use Google+, which we won’t do simply out of spite now. So…where do we all go? WHERE DO YOU GO?


On Twitter yesterday, some key peeps decided to start using The Old Reader. Evidently you can A) Share items and B) Comment on those shared items. Which I have already done with this entry.

What are you waiting for? GO JOIN! FOLLOW ME! I’LL FOLLOW YOU BACK! These type of communities ONLY work if we all go. We need to ALL go over there and start following each other and start sharing items and talking about them and creating what we used to have on Google Reader. PUH-LEASE? If you read more than 5 blogs or websites a day, you will love having a feed reader. It means you only have to make one stop every day to see all of your favorite websites. And their entries ONLY show up if they have new content. So, if they don’t update regularly you can still follow them without stopping by their site constantly for updates.

If you’ve never used an RSS reader before and have any questions/confusion – just post a comment here and I’ll help you out. If you have, then you may be like me and appreciate the excuse to start over with your subscriptions. Don’t you still have those blogs on your Google Reader that you don’t know why you still follow? You don’t ever comment or even read their entries anymore. Why are you still subscribed? Well, now you can just start over with the ones you actually want to read!

Or – if you want – you can import your subscriptions from Google Reader. I did not do that because I knew I needed to prune my list a bit, but if you like your list as is? Easy as pie!

Come join the party! We’re leaving Google Reader before they shut the place down, and we’re setting up at The Old Reader, I can’t wait to see you there!

28 Mar 15:39

The Global Employment Epidemic

by ajrdesign

In today's atmosphere of economic uncertainty, many young people are leaving the education system without prospect of a satisfying or fulfilling job.
28 Mar 15:34

Almost didn't bring my camera

28 Mar 15:30

Something Other Than Adaptation Could Be Driving Evolution

by Brandon Keim
Something Other Than Adaptation Could Be Driving Evolution What explains the incredible variety of life on Earth? It seems obvious. Evolution, of course! But perhaps not the evolution most people grew up with. Some ecologists say the theory needs an update: They've proposed a new dynamic driving the ...
28 Mar 15:07

As though I didn’t think humans were ridiculous enough already

by Chris Blattman

In the largest false memory study to date, 5,269 participants were asked about their memories for three true and one of five fabricated political events. Each fabricated event was accompanied by a photographic image purportedly depicting that event. Approximately half the participants falsely remembered that the false event happened, with 27% remembering that they saw the events happen on the news.

Political orientation appeared to influence the formation of false memories, with conservatives more likely to falsely remember seeing Barack Obama shaking hands with the president of Iran, and liberals more likely to remember George W. Bush vacationing with a baseball celebrity during the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

A new paper.


28 Mar 15:06

Moving your Contacts and Calendar Away from Google


For the past few years I have used Google Contacts to store my contacts and Google Calendar to store my calendars. These services really are excellent, particularly because they allow me to keep my data synchronized between my Android phone and numerous instances of Thunderbird on PCs and Laptops. Unfortunately, I have had issues with my contacts becoming duplicated and even disappearing altogether. I figure that out of roughly 500 contacts I have lost around 200. This really got me thinking, I mean, should I really rely on somebody else to look after my data?

I don’t know exactly why Google run these services but that is part of the problem. They are an advertising company, after all, and the more data they can collect about me and the people I know the better they can target me with their adverts. Maybe I am paranoid but now that they are dropping Google Reader I just don’t trust them to the extent that I once did.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Google hater, I truly believe that their search engine is excellent and that nothing else comes close to providing such accurate search results, at least when I am not logged in.

There are a number of services that allow this kind of synchronization but I have chosen to use ownCloud  as it appears to be the most capable open source solution. I have included installation instructions here for the good of the web.

Installing ownCloud

If you own your own server

Follow the instructions here.

Shared hosting

  • In your hosts control panel select the latest version of PHP, for JustHost this is in CPanel under PHP Config.
  • Right-click here and save the file to your computer.
  • Copy the file to
  • Open in your browser.
  • Add a username and password but do not click “Next.”
  • Click “Advanced” and select your database options. A MySQL DB will be way faster than a SQLite DB.
  • Accept the default options.

Exporting Contacts from Google Contacts

At the time of writing, exporting contacts from Google Contacts as a .vcf file only exports one name, phone number and email address per contact. Fortunately, if you export your contacts from an Android phone you will keep all of your contact information including mugshots. To do this:

  • From a Home or All Apps screen, touch the People icon.
  • Select Menu > Import / Export.
  • Select “Export to storage.”
  • Touch “OK” to confirm.

A file with the .vcf extension will be saved to the root directory of your phone’s internal storage. This file contains all of your contacts including their photos. Transfer this file to your computer via a USB cable or email.

  • Go to
  • Click Contacts -> Import.
  • Select the file .vcf file that you copied to your computer and click OK to import.

Importing Calendar to ownCloud

Configure Thunderbird


  • Uninstall the Provider for Google Calendar add-on.
  • Install SOGo Connector.
  • Install MoreFunctionsForAddressBook.
  • Install the Lightning extension.
  • In your owncloud calendar copy your calendar’s CalDAV link.
  • Back in Thunderbird open the calendar.
  • Click File -> New Calendar -> On the Network -> Next -> CalDAV.
  • Type the following into the location field:
    • https://yourdomain/owncloud/remote.php/caldav/calendars/USERNAME/CALENDARNAME (the default calendar name is defaultcalendar).
  • Check Offline Support.
  • Click Next
  • Give your calendar a name and an email address. The email address is used for email notifications.


  • Uninstall the Google Contacts addon.
  • Install SOGo Connector.
  • In Thunderbird open the Address Book.
  • File -> New -> Remote Address Book.
  • Give your address book a name.
  • Type the following into the URL field:
    • http://your domain/owncloud/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/username/contacts/
  • Click okay and synchronize and your contacts should download.

Configure Android Phone


  • Go to People.
  • Choose Settings -> Accounts -> Your Google account.
  • Clear the checkbox so that Google Contacts are no longer synchronized.
  • Install CardDAV from the Google Play Store. There is a free version CardDav-Sync free beta and a paid version called CardDav-Sync beta. The paid version syncs more contact fields. You can start with the free and upgrade later.
  • Run CardDAV-Sync and use these settings:
    • Server URL: <servername>/owncloud/remote.php/carddav/
    • Use SSL: check accordingly.
    • Username: your login name.
    • Password: your password.
  • Click OK.
  • Go back to People.
  • Choose Settings -> Contacts to display -> Customize.
  • Expand your Google account and clear all of it’s checkboxes.
  • Expand your CardDav account and check all of of it’s checkboxes.
  • Click OK and your contacts will be synchronized.


  • Open Calendar.
  • Choose Settings -> Settings -> Your Google account.
  • Clear the checkbox so that Google Calendar is no longer synchronized.
  • Click Add Account -> CalDav and use these settings.
    • Server URL: <servername>/owncloud/remote.php/caldav/
    • Use SSL: check accordingly.
    • Username: your login name.
    • Password: your password.
    • Click Next.
  • Under “Select accounts to sync” select all appropriate calendars.
  • Click Next.
  • Enter the email address. The email address is used for email notifications.
  • Click OK and your calendar(s) will be synchronized.
  • Go to phone Settings -> Accounts -> Google -> Select the Google accountwith the sync icon next to it -> Uncheck calendar.

Congratulations, you now no longer need an external service to synchronize your contacts and calendar. As a bonus there are a bunch of ownCloud add-ons that give you much more power than you previously had.

28 Mar 15:03


28 Mar 15:03

Um passo sem pensar

27 Mar 22:31

Estas imagens do mundo sub-microscópico são magníficas

by Andrew Tarantola


Microscópios ópticos são limitados por um fenômeno chamado barreira de difração, em que o microscópio não é capaz de diferenciar dois objetos separados por menos do que a metade do comprimento de onda de luz usada – cerca de 200 nm, em média, para o espectro visível. Mas ao combinar óptica poderosa e algoritmos de renderização de ponta, o novo GE DeltaVision OMX Blaze está trazendo um reino escondido para a luz.

A GE lançou o OMX de US$ 1,2 milhão em 2011. Para superar a barreira de difração, uma vez considerado um limite físico dos microscópios ópticos, o OMX usa uma técnica conhecida como microscopia de iluminação estruturada 3D (SIM, na sigla em inglês). Este sistema projeta um padrão de luz na amostra, que ilumina sondas fluorescentes embutidas na amostra e cria padrões de interferência. Estes padrões são reconstruídos pelos algoritmos renderizadores para gerar as imagens em alta resolução. O OMX pode examinar amostrar a até 100 nm – um décimo do tamanho de uma bactéria média – e gera imagens com o dobro da resolução de outros microscópios ópticos.

“É um sentimento extraordinário, o de ver imagens se movendo de células vivas em um grande nível de detalhe que ninguém tinha conseguido antes”, diz o diretor de ciência da GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Paul Goodwin, em um comunicado para a imprensa. O OMX foi desenvolvido especificamente para uso em laboratórios e atualmente está sendo usado em diversas pesquisas incluindo esforços para documentar a transmissão de malária e HIV em células vivas, na divisão celular da Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA, na sigla em inglês), e na resposta de células cancerígenas à quimioterapia.

O microscópio pode até capturar o processo de mitose, quando cromossomos se dividem em pares gêmeos, como Jane Stout, pesquisadora da Universidade de Indiana disse ano passado.

“Alguns de nós renomeamos ele para ‘OMG’ depois de ver as imagens que ele conseguiu produzir”, disse Stout, brincando com a sigla “Oh My God”. “Este instrumento, bastante útil, nos permite ver detalhes de dentro das células em resolução nunca vista antes.”

A imagem ganhou a competição de imagens da GE Healthcare em 2012 e será exibida em um outdoor em Nova York em abril. Veja mais imagens fantásticas abaixo:

[GE Reports - Government Executive - Indiana University - Imagens: GE Life Sciences]


Células epiteliais intestinais manchadas para marcar o citoesqueleto de actina apical

original (1)

Células com câncer exprimindo proteínas de fusão visando actina (rosa), células em estado cíclico (verde) com manchas de DNA (azul)

original (2)

Ovário de Drosophila melanogaster marcado com microtúbulos (verde), actina (roxo) e DNA (azul)

original (3)

Células HEK293 exprimindo GPCR fluorescente (verde) e arrestina beta (vermelho) e proteínas com manchas de DNA (azul)

original (4)

Uma cultura de células do ovário com câncer

original (5)

Neurônios sensoriais primários marcados para tubulina beta (verde), astrócitos marcados para proteína ácida fibrilar glial (vermelho) e DNA (azul)

original (6)

Prómetafase da célula carcinoma cervical humana (HeLa) com cromossomos marcados com histona (azul) e marcados para tubulina (amarelo)

original (7)

Célula-tronco derivada de neurônios humanos marcadas para tubulina (verde) e DNA (vermelho). Foco terapêutico na doença de Alzheimer.

original (8)

Célula-tronco derivada de neurônios humanos marcadas para tubulina (verde) e DNA (vermelho)

original (9)

Tecido manchado com células CD4+ (vermelho), estroma (verde) e núcleos (azul)

original (10)

Fermento exprimindo proteínas de fusão fluorescentes marcados com nucléolos (vermelho), centrômeros (amarelo) e a membrana do invólucro e plasma nuclear (ciano)

27 Mar 22:30

A história por trás do maior ataque DDoS da história que atingiu o coração da internet

by Daniel Junqueira

Se você teve dificuldade em usar alguns serviços na internet nos últimos dias, saiba que pode não ter sido só um problema na sua conexão. Pode ter sido muito mais do que isso.

Enquanto vivemos nossas vidas com tranquilidade, uma disputa entre um grupo anti-spammer e uma empresa holandesa de hospedagem de sites gerou um dos maiores ataques DDoS da história e atingiu praticamente o mundo inteiro. E o caso é muito mais complicado do que uma demora para carregar um vídeo no Netflix: esta guerra cibernética colocou em risco os pilares que mantém a internet funcionando.

A briga

Segundo o New York Times, um grupo anti-spam chamado Spamhaus adicionou uma empresa holandesa chamada Cyberbunker à sua lista negra que é usada por provedores de e-mail para definir o que é ou não spam (ou o que tem mais chance de ser).

A Cyberbunker oferece hospedagem para qualquer tipo de site “exceto pornografia infantil e qualquer coisa relacionada a terrorismo”, segundo o site deles. E o Spamhaus diz que nos servidores da Cyberbunker estão materiais usados por spammers, e ainda foi mais longe acusando a empresa de estar ligada a grupos criminosos do leste europeu.

Foi a partir daí que os ataques começaram – eles supostamente são uma forma de retaliação pela inclusão da Cyberbunker na lista negra. Eles já duram mais de uma semana e, por mais que o pico já tenha passado, eles chegaram a níveis inacreditáveis.

O ataque

No dia 18 de março, o Spamhaus entrou em contato com o CloudFlare, uma empresa de segurança na web, para alertar sobre um ataque que estava sendo feito contra o seu site. O CloudFlare rapidamente atenuou o ataque, que já gerava aproximadamente 10Gbps de tráfego. No dia seguinte, ele ficou ainda maior e chegou a picos de 90 Gbps, e variou de 30 Gbps a 90 Gbps até o dia 21 de março.

Os ataques cessaram por um tempo, e voltaram na noite do dia 22 de março. Eles então chegaram a 120Gbps de tráfego, e assim continuaram por quatro horas. Neste momento, ele já era um dos maiores ataques DDoS registrado pelo CloudFlare, mas era apenas um ataque DDoS, algo comum por aí, acontece todo dia. Não foi o suficiente para derrubar o CloudFlare, e isso aparentemente irritou os responsáveis pelo ataque.

E então ele ficou pior.

Em vez de tentar derrubar o CloudFlare diretamente, eles foram atrás de quem mantém o CloudFlare no ar. O problema é que quem mantém o CloudFlare no ar é quem mantém a internet funcionando. Aí a coisa começou a complicar bastante. No blog da empresa, Matthew Prince explica detalhadamente o ataque:

“Assim que os invasores perceberam que não conseguiriam derrubar o CloudFlare mesmo com mais de 100Gbps de tráfego, eles foram atrás dos nossos peers. Neste caso, eles atacaram os provedores de quem o CloudFlare compra banda. Nós, principalmente, contratamos o que é conhecido como provedor nível 2 para a nossa banda. Essas empresas se conectam a outros provedores e também compram banda dos chamados provedores nível 1″

As redes nível 1 (conhecidas como Tier 1) estão no topo da “hierarquia das redes”. Não há nada acima delas. Existe cerca de uma dúzia delas, e a sua existência é fundamental para a internet: elas garantem que todas as redes estejam conectadas. E, se uma delas falha, temos um grande problema. Logo abaixo estão os Tier 2 que fornecem interconexão entre si e compram banda do Tier 1 para garantir que possam conectar cada ponto da internet.

Os ataques DDoS foram direcionados às redes 2 e respingaram no Tier 1. O CloudFlare não conseguiu números exatos, mas um dos provedores principais de nível 1 sofreu com mais de 300Gbps de tráfego, o que faria dele o maior ataque DDoS já registrado. Os ataques continuaram crescendo nos dias seguintes e algumas redes Tier 1 chegaram a ficar congestionadas – principalmente na Europa, onde estão concentrados os ataques. Isso afetou sites que não têm relação nenhuma nem com o CloudFlare nem com o Spamhaus. Eles foram mais sentidos na Europa, mas atingiram o mundo inteiro.

Mas isso não era o suficiente.

Além da importância das redes Tier 1, os pontos de Internet Exchange Points (IXP) também são fundamentais para manter a rede funcionando. Estes pontos conectam múltiplas redes para passar a banda. E os ataques também foram direcionados ao coração da infraestrutura de IXP em Londres (conhecido como LINX), Amsterdam, Frankfurt e Hong Kong. O impacto maior no LINX que, no dia 23 de março, por mais de uma hora viu a infraestrutura que serve mais da metade dos 1,5Tbps de tráfego falhar.


Pronto. Depois de fracassar ao tentar derrubar o CloudFlare diretamente, os ataques enfim conseguiram atingir a empresa: usuários de Londres começaram a relatar problemas causados diretamente pelos ataques.

O CloudFlare e o LINX então começaram a trabalhar para aumentar a segurança da rede e evitar que novos ataques similares ameacem novamente a internet. Por enquanto, parece que funcionou.

E agora?

Aparentemente os ataques cessaram – ou, ao menos diminuíram. Mas, quando chegaram ao seu pico, parecia até uma história de ficção científica. Eu consigo imaginar um filme de Hollywood com uma história parecida com “hackers atacam o coração da internet para tentar derrubá-la”. De certa forma, foi isso o que aconteceu nos últimos dias. Felizmente, eles não conseguiram causar nenhum dano maior (não parecia ser o objetivo deles, eles só queriam derrubar o Spamhaus e o CloudFlare). Mas fica para a história como um dos maiores e mais impressionantes ataques DDoS já registrados. [CloudFlare, The New York Times]

Imagem por Shuttershock/lolloj

27 Mar 22:21

One drug to rule them all: Researchers find treatment that kills every kind of cancer tumor

27 Mar 22:15

The Best Apps and Tools for Rocking Your Next Road Trip

by Tessa Miller
Click here to read The Best Apps and Tools for Rocking Your Next Road Trip I love road trips. Just saying or writing the words sends shivers of excitement down my spine. If you think I'm crazy, it's probably because you grew up in a country where road trips are taken for granted, and the number of places you can drive to and go to are endless. To me, road trips are fun and exciting no matter why I have to take them. Regardless of how you feel about them, it's always good to prepare before you embark on one. More »

27 Mar 21:55

suicideblonde: Game of Thrones kids In Belfast, November 3,...

by aishiterushit


Game of Thrones kids In Belfast, November 3, 2009  and in Empire Magazine, May 2013

27 Mar 21:54

ounnn… (Daqui)



27 Mar 15:42

The Four Elements of Physical Energy and How To Master Them

by Leo Widrich
Click here to read The Four Elements of Physical Energy and How To Master Them "Manage your energy, not your time." This is the quote that made Tony Schwartz famous. And it's one that I believe best represents a truly efficient lifestyle in the 21st century. Yet, living "manage your energy, not your time" is incredibly hard, at least for me. It probably took me around a year to fully grasp its meaning. Since then, I've turned my life upside down and changed my routine dramatically. More »

27 Mar 15:39

Obama's Secret Service Alien?

by amanda b.

This conspiracy theory video suggests that a bald member of the Secret Service that appeared during Barack Obama’s March 4th speech is really a “shapeshifter alien humanoid” due to his peculiar head and facial structures. What do you think?

27 Mar 15:35

NES DuckTales is Coming Back

by amanda b.



Capcom has announced a plan to remaster the original 1989 DuckTales video game for virtual release on home consoles this summer. Get ready to head back to Duckburg and visit brand new areas with more challenging bosses!

27 Mar 15:29

Minecraft children's books announced

by Philippa Warr

Children's book publisher, Egmont has announced its range of official Minecraft books.

Egmont acquired the publishing rights for the award-winning game in 2012 and has now confirmed that the starting lineup for the project will include four handbooks (The Beginner's Handbook, The Redstone Handbook, The Combat Handbook and The Construction Handbook), an annual, a poster book and an official magazine.

By: Philippa Warr, Edited by: Olivia Solon

Continue reading...
27 Mar 15:27

The Past

If history has taught us anything, we can use that information to destroy it.
27 Mar 15:26

Google Maps WIN

Forrest Gump,google maps,cute

Submitted by: Unknown

27 Mar 15:22

Please, Use This Power For Good and Not Evil

Please, Use This Power For Good and Not Evil

Submitted by: Unknown (via Did You Know Disney)

Tagged: disney , toy story , cute , disneyland , g rated , win Share on Facebook
27 Mar 15:21

An old comic that I found from a while ago.

27 Mar 15:17

Netflix signs up The Matrix, Babylon 5 creators to develop a new sci-fi series: Sense8

by Richard Lawler

Continuing its quest to sate subscribers' appetites with a flow of original content, Netflix has announced a new original series, Sense8. Due in late 2014, it's being developed by the Wachowskis of The Matrix, V for Vendetta, Cloud Atlas and Speed Racer fame, as well as J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5. Details are thin, but the press release promises a gripping global tale of minds linked and souls hunted with a ten episode run for its first season.

As it did with House of Cards, Arrested Development and other productions, Netflix is relying heavily on data from viewers to decide which programs to support. According to chief content officer Ted Sarandos, "Andy and Lana Wachowski and Joe Straczynski are among the most imaginative writers and gifted visual storytellers of our time," whose creations are very frequently viewed on the service. According to the creators themselves, they've sought to work together for a decade, and this idea started from a late night conversation about "the ways technology simultaneously unites and divides us." If that's not enough for now, then there are a few more details and quotes in the press release, which is included after the break.

Filed under: Home Entertainment, HD


27 Mar 15:16

Cometa Pan-Starrs passa sobre o Castelo Hohenzollern

by luisnassif

lava do vulcão Tolbachik Plosky no extremo leste da Rússia.

Cometa PanSTARRS passa sobre o Castelo Hohenzollern , imagem tirada pelo fotógrafo Stefan Seip.  


leia mais

27 Mar 15:12


by aishiterushit

27 Mar 15:00

The Most Surreal Places on Earth

by guest

Do. Want.
Vai pro Trello Board de viagens a se fazer. ^^

The Most Surreal Places on Earth

Are you a desperate vagabond ready to conquer the highest peaks and submerge into the deepest depths to steal the concealed secrets of the universe? Buck up! Today is a great time to plan the possible route of your next risky adventure! You might not believe your eyes, but the places we will show you really exist. Some of them will bring you on the verge of tears, some will make your heart beat faster, another will make your hair stand on end - anyway, they won't leave you indifferent.

We won't go too verbose as no words can render the celestial charm of those sites. "A picture costs a thousand words" - they say. So, come on, pack your bags and join our thrilling expedition to the most surreal places on Earth!

Fly Geyser, Nevada

Can you imagine that even not all Nevada residents know about this wonder? Fly Geyser is located on the territory of a private Fly Ranch which makes it extremely difficult to access. High fence and locked gate with spikes on top guard the geyser from tourists. To be absolutely honest, we should mention that the Geyser is not a completely natural phenomenon. It was created by chance during well drilling. The well went out of order after several decades of operation as warm geothermal water has found a weak spot and began to leak onto the surface. Dissolved minerals started their sculptor job, which is still going on. Geyser coloration is explained by the variety of minerals it is made of.

The Wave, Arizona

The Wave is a sandstone rock formation in the United States of America near the Arizona and Utah border on the Coyote Buttes slopes. Travelers and photographers from all over the world are attracted by its colorful, wavelike forms. The Wave's intersecting U-shaped troughs are the result of erosion of the Navajo Sandstone during the Jurassic period.

Lake Retba, Senegal

Lake Retba or Lac Rose is located in the north of the Cap Vert peninsula of Senegal. It got its name due to the Dunaliella salina algae making its water look like strawberry milk shake. Pink color is clearly visible during the dry season. The lake is also famous for its high salt content, allowing people stay on the surface similar to the Dead Sea experience.

Derweze, Turkmenistan

Have you ever stood at the Hell's Door? Go to Derweze village, which name means "The Gate" in Turkmen language if you search for extreme! This terrifying attraction is located in the middle of the Karakum Desert, about 260 km north from Ashgabat. The Derweze area is rich in natural gas. Soviet geologists got into a cavern filled with natural gas while drilling. Due to the ground collapse, a large hole has created. It was decided to burn off the gas, but the roasting breath of the inferno is still trying to break into the world of living!

Socotra, Yemen

Socotra is considered to be a unique archipelago in the Indian Ocean for the diversity of its exotic flora and fauna. Its weird alien plants are the result of island's long geological isolation together with unbearable heat and drought. One of the most unusual Socotra's plants is the dragon's blood tree, resembling a strange umbrella. Aboriginals believed its red sap to be the blood of a dragon.

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Have you ever walked through the clouds guessing are you in the top or the bottom? Salar de Uyuni gives you such unique possibility! Salar de Uyuni or Salar de Tunupa is the world's largest salt flat occupying the area of about 10,582 square kilometers. Today's Salar is a result of transformations between several prehistoric lakes. Its surface is covered by a few meters of salt crust possessing the utmost flatness, which varies within one meter over the entire area. Actually, the crust serves as a source of salt and makes a pool of brine, rich in lithium as well. The sky over the Salar is always clear, which in combination with large area and exceptional flatness makes it a perfect object for calibrating the altimeters of Earth observation satellites.

Jiuzhaigou Valley, China

Five-Color Pond is one of the smallest but the most amazing water basins in Jiuzhaigou lakes. Despite the shallowness, it has a breathtaking colored underwater landscape and some of the brightest and clearest waters in the area. As the legend goes, the Goddess Semo used to wash her hair here and the God Dage brought her water every day.

Sossusvlei, Namibia

Deadvlei is one more surreal attraction of Sossusvlei, Namibia. It is a clay pan located about 2 km from Sossusvlei. It used to be an oasis with several acacia trees before, but the river that watered the oasis has changed its course. Now the dead acacia trees make an odd contrast to the shiny white salty floor of the pan and the intense orange of the dunes.

Badab-e Surt, Iran

Badab-e Surt's terraces are made of travertine, which is a sedimentary rock deposited by flowing water from two distinct mineral springs. Thousands of years the water from these two springs had been streaming down from the mountain, it mixed up and gradually created a number of orange, red and yellow colored pools which now have the form of a staircase.

Crescent Lake (Dunhuang), China

Yueyaquan is a crescent-shaped lake in the oasis, lying 6 km south of the city of Dunhuang. Its name comes from the Qing Dynasty. The lake itself and the surrounding deserts attract the tourists appreciating camel and 4x4 rides.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

The queer lake's hue is normal for water basins with extremely high evaporation rates. During the dry season, as the water evaporates, salinity level increases to the maximum point and specific salt-loving microorganisms begin to thrive. Some of them produce red pigment colorizing the water and turning it into the Martian landscape.

Ice Cave in Skaftafell, Iceland

This cave in the glacier appeared as a result of glacial mill. The rain and melt water on the glacier's surface are forming streams that flow into the crevices. The streams melt holes in the glacier forming long ice caves with intricate walls and ceilings. Cold wind finishes the job and we can observe a momentary marvel ready to collapse at any time. Due to the constant glacier movement one can hear a scaring cracking sound inside the cave. The incipient crevices let the indirect daylight into the tunnel and we can observe its mysterious play on ice bubbles.

Pamukkale, Turkey

Pamukkale can be translated as "the cotton castle" from Turkish. It is a natural attraction in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey. Snow white Pamukkale's terraces are made of travertine, a sedimentary rock, deposited by water flowing from the hot springs.

Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Brazil

The Lencois Maranhenses National Park is a low, flat, occasionally flooded land, covered with large, white discrete sand dunes. Though it looks like a desert, in fact it is not. Due to the regular rain season in the beginning of the year, fresh water accumulates in the valleys between the sand dunes, reviving the desert with blue and green lagoons. It's rather surprising, but those water basins are inherited by fish, even despite the dry season.

Angkor, Cambodia

Angkor is a huge complex of the 12th century temples in Cambodia. No doubt that it's a place of historical and cultural interest. The buildings are ancient and magnificent. But what do you think is really strange about this place? Just look at those trees! They look like ancient nation of Ents, the walking trees from "The Lord of the Rings" movie! Do you think they can really exist?

Chand Baori, Rajasthan

Have you ever seen anything like that? Chand Baori is a famous stepwell in the village of Abhaneri near Jaipur in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is located opposite Harshat Mata Temple and was constructed in 800 CE. Can you imagine that those 3500 narrow steps in 13 stories extend 100 feet into the ground, making it one of the deepest and largest stepwells in India.

Frozen waves in Antarctica

These waves look like decorations from popular "Ice Age" cartoon. It seems as if they were frozen immediately at the will of a snow Queen. In fact, the waves are the result of melting, not freezing. Melting has created those downward pointing spikes, which are simple icicles.

Hidden Beach in the Marieta Islands near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Hidden from stranger's eyes, the beach of Marieta Islands, Puerto Vallarta can be called a lost secret world. Marieta Islands are archipelagos formed as a result of volcanic activity. This natural wonder possesses its unique marine ecosystem. The beach is a real paradise for people fond of snorkeling and scuba diving. Diverse, virgin flora and fauna in combination with transparent crystal water make the experience unforgettable. Humpback whale, sea turtles and dolphins are just a few animals that can be seen there.

The Glow Worms in Waitomo Caves

The Waitomo Glowworm Caves are definitely worth seeing not only because of their historical and geological significance. The glow worm, Arachnocampa luminosa, is a unique creature living in New Zealand. Thousands of these small worms radiate their otherworldly luminescent light hanging from the cave rocks during your unforgettable boat ride. The glowworms create a really magical view, every tourist should see at least once in a lifetime.

The Tunnel of Love in Ukraine, Kleven

In this photo you see the abandoned railway track, located nearly 350km from Kiev, which has transformed into a special romantic place, frequently visited by couples. The Tunnel of Love is especially beautiful in spring, when the green trees growing from both sides of the track form an improvised arch around it. This arch stretches for up to three kilometers and looks like a green picturesque tunnel of trees. The railway is occasionally used by the fiberboard factory, which preserves the tunnel in its initial look.

Glen Brittle, Scotland

Glen Brittle is a large glen in the south of the Isle of Skye, in Scotland. The magic Fairy Pools you see in the picture run down from the mountains into the glen. The area is extremely popular among hikers and mountain bikers. The marvelous lilac slopes above the Fairy Pools are covered with thick forests full of rare plants and animals and who knows, maybe even elves and fairies have found their refuge in this mystical place.

Cano Cristales, in the Serrania de la Macarena, province of Meta

Cano Cristales is a unique biological wonder often referred to as "the river of five colors" or "the river that ran away from paradise" and "the world's most beautiful river". Greater part of the year, Cano Cristales looks like any other river, but during a brief period of time yearly, it bursts into blossom and turns into the vibrant explosion of colors. Between wet and dry seasons, when the water level is just as required, a unique Macarenia clavigera plant turns the river into a sparkling ruby red stream, contrasting to the patches of yellow and green sand, blue water, and the enumerable shades in between.

Mount Roraima, South America

This rock soaring in the clouds is called Mount Roraima, the highest mountain of the Pakaraima chain of tepui plateau in South America. The mountain includes the triple border point of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. The tabletop mountains of the park are considered some of the oldest geological formations on Earth, dating back to nearly two billion years ago. The mountain's highest point within Venezuela is Maverick Rock, which is 2810 m high.

Richat Structure, Mauritania

Look into the Eye of Sahara, isn't it impressive? The Richat Structure is a prominent circular feature in the Sahara desert lying in the west-central Mauritania near Ouadane. This structure is a deeply eroded, slightly elliptical dome, 40-km in diameter. Differential erosion of the resistant layers of quartzite has created these high-relief circular cuestas. Its center consists of a siliceous breccia covering an area of approximately 3 km in diameter. Initially, there was a theory that the structure appeared as a result of an extraterrestrial asteroid impact. Looking at the circularity of the Eye, you might be inclined to believe it, but the point is now argued to the favor of highly symmetrical and deeply eroded geologic dome.

Grand Prismatic Spring - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

If you want to see something really magnificent, put Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming into your list. This hot spring is the largest in the United States and the third largest in the world. The devilish colors of the spring strike the imagination! The water is saturated blue, with red lava-like color surrounding it. Would you like to know the secret? This amazing tint is produced by the pigmented bacteria. They form microbial mats around the edge of the water. Seasonal temperatures as well as levels of chlorophyll and carotenoids greatly influence the hue of the bacteria. The mats do not form in the center of the spring because the water is too hot for bacterium's live cycle. The water is heated by the underground vents, which are a part of the volcanic system, the Yellowstone stands on.

About the author

Helga Moreno is a copywriter for TemplateMonster Blog and one of those bloggers, absolutely cranky on writing and always hungry for new experience. When not writing about WordPress or responsive design, she loves sightseeing and travelling and always strives to capture everything beautiful on her way.

Tags:  inspiration photography surreal places earth guest guest post
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