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07 Jun 12:49

Why Google Reader really got the axe

by Christina Bonnington

"most of us simply consume news differently now than when Reader was launched" == "Google (and Facebook, and Yahoo) wants us to consume news differently now than when Reader was launched"

RSS == Open, Distributed and Free
Google+ == Facebook == Closed

According to Mountain View, most of us simply consume news differently now than when Reader was launched

By: Christina Bonnington, Edited by: Liat Clark

Continue reading...
07 Jun 12:45

THE LEGEND OF ZELDA - Desde otra perspectiva

07 Jun 11:02

Let me play you the song of my people.

Let me play you the song of my people.

07 Jun 02:59

Do we look like the kind of store that sells “I Just Called to Say I Love You?”

by Kerry

Kay spotted these signs while shopping for CDs at a store named JB Hi-Fi in Melbourne. “I personally agree with everything said on there,” Kay says, “but the two 17-year-olds who brought the note to my attention clearly didn’t. (One of them actually said ‘Who the fuck is Johnny Rotten?’) I thought it was priceless.”

New Rules for the Punk/Emo/Hardcore Section

And the old rules stand: No asking why The Clash are in the Punk section — you will be removed! No sitting on the floor! No complaining about Green Day! I don't care if you like their old stuff better than their new stuff because it's not punk now. Unless you're G.G. Allin or Johnny Rotten you ain't punk either so shut up! Listening to hardcore does not make you tough. Just saying! Behave. The Game is watchin.

related: Top five musical crimes perpetrated by record store customers in the 90s and 2000s

07 Jun 01:15

The Best Comic Reader App for Android

by Eric Ravenscraft

Reading comics, particularly on tablets, is a delightful use of bright, vivid touchscreens . If you're a heavy reader and want to bring your own files, Astonishing Comic Reader is a relative newcomer with a ton of slick features.


07 Jun 00:50


by aishiterushit

07 Jun 00:49

Chevy Chase Will Return For ‘Hot Tub Time Machine 2′

by Germain Lussier

Chevy Chase Hot Tub

Briefly: Making a hot tub travel through time is never easy, so it’s good to have a repairman on hand just in case. Thankfully, in Steve Pink‘s upcoming Hot Tub Time Machine 2, the original hot tub repairman will be returning. Chevy Chase has signed to reprise his mysterious role in the 2010 cult comedy. There’s no word on how big his role will be this time around, but we do know the film (which also returns Craig Robinson, Clark Duke and Rob Corddry) takes the friends a decade into future where they meet the son of John Cusack’s character (who isn’t returning) played by Adam Scott. [Deadline]

07 Jun 00:36

Is Math a Feature of the Universe or a Feature of Human Creation? | Idea Channel | PBS

by pbsideachannel

Nerd references overload!

Math is invisible. Unlike physics, chemistry, and biology we can't see it, smell it, or even directly observe it in the universe. And so that has made a lot ...
Views: 561270
15741 ratings
Time: 08:45 More in Education
07 Jun 00:17

O supermaterial que pode tornar o plástico obsoleto é… um cogumelo?

by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

Fungos são, quase universalmente, uma coisa não muito boa de se ter nas paredes ou bens pessoais. E normalmente, vender algumas dessas coisas não é nem legalmente permitido. Mas uma empresa chamada Ecovative não liga para isso e criou embalagens e materiais de construção a partir de fungos – e estão sendo considerados visionários por isso.

A Ecovative foi fundada por Eben Bayer e Gavin McIntyre, que começaram a fazer experimentos com fungos como parte de um projeto escolar. Hoje, eles empregam 35 pessoas e mantêm uma instalação enorme em Nova York, onde criam micélio, que forma a base de fungos. Micélio é como cola: gruda em qualquer coisa que aparecer pela frente – normalmente, matéria orgânica de baixo valor como caules de planta, cascas ou algodão – para criar uma rede super-densa de segmentos. A Ecovative cria isso em caixas escuras durante cinco a sete dias, e depois usam o calor extremo para impedir o crescimento de esporos. “Esporos vêm do corpo frutificado, ou cogumelo”, explica Sam Harrington, da Ecovative. “Como não crescemos o micélio por tempo o suficiente para formar um cogumelo, não há preocupações alergênicas no nosso processo.”


O processo da Ecovative é transformativo em duas maneiras. Primeiro, existem todas as propriedades biológicas únicas do micélio, que pode crescer muito em poucos dias. Como um organismo bastante rápido, ele é ideal para fabricação. E então há o fato de que ele pode crescer e caber em qualquer molde, quase como se fosse uma espuma densa. A Ecovative cria tudo desde embalagens detalhadas para laptops, a amplos painéis de isolamento para casas. Eles são capazes de controlar a densidade de cada produto, simplesmente ao parar o processo de crescimento em determinados momentos. O experimento mais recente? Arquitetura com micélio. Neste mês, eles mostraram o que chamam de Pequena Casa Cogumelo, uma cabine pequena cujas paredes interiores estão cheias de isolamento de micélio. “Nós vemos um futuro no qual materiais de cogumelo serão encontrados no carro, nas paredes da sua casa e dentro da sua mesa”, diz Harrington.

O grande desafio de escalar a crescente operação de fungos é provavelmente a percepção pública dos produtos. Embalagens de origem orgânica normalmente são vistas como golpes por equipes de marketing de empresas, mas nem tanto assim pelo lado logístico das coisas. Neste ano, a Ecovative está se aliando à Sealed Air Corporation, a empresa de 50 anos de idade que inventou o plástico-bolha, para abrir uma fábrica em Iowa, onde vão dimensionar a produção de embalagens. Eles também estão conversando com fabricantes de eletrônicos para usarem embalagem de micélio em laptops e tablets. “Nós testamos este material em câmaras climáticas sob condições extremas e não encontramos problemas”, explica Harrington.

ku-xlarge (1)

Harrington coloca a Ecovative como a mais recente em uma longa lista de grandes empresas químicas e de materiais dos Estados Unidos. “Down e Dupont passaram os últimos 100 anos transformando petróleo e gás natural em todos os tipos de materiais e plásticos”, ele explica. “Mas com consequências ambientais não muito boas. Nós queremos ser os líderes deste século em material sustentável”. Empresas como Dow e Dupont passaram os últimos cem anos desenvolvendo produtos químicos para evitar mofo. Agora, a Ecovative está pronta para passar os próximos 100 anos incentivando.

ku-xlarge (2) ku-xlarge (3) ku-xlarge (4)

06 Jun 23:43

Happiness is Not Allowed


Ninety-nine dreams I have had
Every one a red balloon
Now it's all over and I'm standin' pretty
In this dust that was a city

If I could find a souvenir
Just to prove the world was here
And here is a red balloon
I think of you and let it go

06 Jun 23:40

Google rolls its own keyboard app for Android 4.0 and up

( —Google Maps, Google Drive, Google This, Google That….But there is always room for one more new arrival from Google, and now it is in the form of an app called Google Keyboard. Available at the Google Play store, Google Keyboard was announced this week as ready for download for Android users with devices running Android 4.0 and up. Google's Android keyboard release carries gesture typing, which means you can glide through letters to form a word and can lift a finger to create a space. The app will autocorrect and will predict words as well. Tap the microphone to compose messages using Voice Typing. The keyboard comes with dictionaries for 26 languages and keyboard layouts for 12 more."You can get the smart-and-easy Nexus typing experience on your Android phone or tablet, by downloading Google Keyboard on Google Play," said the company announcement.
06 Jun 23:37

Compulsive Behavior Successfully Triggered and Then Treated in the Lab


Weird science

Researchers have both created and relieved symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in genetically modified mice using a technique that turns brain cells on and off with light, known as optogenetics. The work, by two separate teams, confirms the neural circuits that contribute to the condition and points to treatment targets. It also provides insight into how quickly compulsive behaviors can develop -- and how quickly they might be soothed. The results of the studies are published in Science .

06 Jun 23:36

ÚLTIMO LIBRO DE LA SAGA - Todos sabemos que éste será el desenlace

06 Jun 23:15

Little Braces - A Visual Studio editor extension that shrinks lines of C, C++ and C# code that contain only curly braces.

06 Jun 23:05

June 05, 2013

Broke Eats is launching another series with Paul Prado called Eat Broke Love. Check it out!

06 Jun 23:03

Brian Eno, Of All People, Explains The True Beauty Of Retro Games

by Mike Fahey

Brian Eno, Of All People, Explains The True Beauty Of Retro Games

The appeal of 8-bit music, retro graphics and other art forms defined by their limits, beautifully explained by prolific musical artist and producer Brian Eno in his 1996 diary "A Year With Swollen Appendices."

Originally posted on volume xii, via Business Insider

06 Jun 23:02

It Doesn’t Get Any Easier With More Experience

by A Photo Editor

Well I must say that it doesn’t get any easier because as you get more experienced and as you go further you’re trying to work with more complexity, and take more complexity and create more simplicity. Because you’re older and hopefully experienced you see things as a larger whole so your job then becomes more difficult because you’ve got to synthesise all these many different points into a single reality – a photograph. So the job doesn’t get any easier it gets more challenging. It’s very important that the job is challenging because if it isn’t you shouldn’t be taking the picture.

via Ten questions for photographer Roger Ballen – Phaidon.


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06 Jun 23:01

Alguém que não assiste Game of Thrones chegando na internet essa semana

by Tininha

Publicado por Jesus Manero


é exatamente assim que a pessoa se sente

dica do Sidnei Carvalho de Souza

06 Jun 23:01


06 Jun 19:45

116. CAITLIN MORAN: We’re all dying

by Gav

116. CAITLIN MORAN: We’re all dying

Caitlin Moran (1975-) is a British author, TV presenter, music critic, journalist and outspoken advocate for women’s rights. She currently writes a variety of columns (most of which are hilarious) for The Times UK.

Moran was something of a child prodigy. After being home-schooled (she left school after a few weeks when she was 11) she had her first book published at 15, had columns running in the Observer and Guardian at 17 and got her gig at The Times when she was 18.

This quote is taken from her best-selling memoir How to be a Woman. Her new book, Moranthology, has just been released.

Unlike Moran, I went to Catholic School for 12 years where my head was filled with all kinds of fanciful stories that I blindly accepted. Only when I left high-school and starting reading more books about science and evolution (mainly by Carl Sagan) did I begin to re-evaluate what I had been taught for all those years.

RELATED COMIC: Make the most of this life.

- Caitlin Moran’s official website.
- Thanks to Barclay for submitting this quote.

06 Jun 19:42

117. JOHN DONNE: For Whom the Bell Tolls

by Gav

117. JOHN DONNE: For Whom the Bell Tolls

John Donne (1572-1631) was an English poet. This passage is taken from his work Devotions of Emergent Occasions, a compilation of reflections, meditations, prose and poetry. Donne wrote the work while recovering from a serious illness and this particular quote is taken from Meditation XVII. You can read the entire verse here. This passage was made famous after Ernest Hemingway used ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ as the title for one of his most acclaimed novels.

Jeff Hanneman (1964-2013) was a guitarist and one of the founding members of the metal band Slayer. He recently passed away due to cirrhosis of the liver, after also just recovering from necrotising fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease he was diagnosed with after getting bit by a spider. Before his death, Hanneman played a gig where he proudly displayed the large scars on his arm the disease had left him with. 

I will not pretend I know anything about metal – the idea of this comic was suggested to me by my brother. It’s also a total coincidence that another metal band, Metallica, have a song named For Whom the Bell Tolls.

Thanks to everyone who sent in this passage, there’s too many to name. It’s definitely one of the most-requested quotes.

06 Jun 19:07

118. ROGER EBERT: On kindness

by Gav

118. ROGER EBERT: On kindness

Roger Ebert (1942-2013) was the world’s most respected and celebrated film critic. I can’t possibly do justice to his legendary career in the movies. For that, I recommend this beautiful obituary from The Chicago Sun-Times, the newspaper Ebert worked for since 1967.

To be honest, up until about four years ago I only knew Ebert from seeing his name on movie posters with the famous “Two thumbs up” tagline. His television shows and film reviews never appeared in Australia (that I know of), so he was always just the ‘movie review guy’ to me.

That was until I found his blog. After Ebert was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2002 he underwent several surgeries which left him without a lower jaw or the ability to speak. He found solace on the internet, where he applied his Pulitzer-prize writing skills to the world of blogging. His blog, Roger Ebert’s Journal, took the place of the voice that he had tragically lost and will go down as one of the best-written blogs the internet has ever seen. I don’t remember how I stumbled upon it, but it quickly became one of my favourites. Some of his best articles include his takedown of the pro-creationist film Expelled, where Ebert beautifully argues the case for evolution, his infamous post on why video games can never be art (I strongly disagree with him on that topic) and his past battles with alcoholism (there are literally hundreds of more fantastic posts you can read in the archives). In 2010, Ebert won the Webby award for person of the year “for his contributions to the craft of online writing and journalism” and making the internet “a more thoughtful, engaging and self-aware environment.”

This quote was taken from Ebert’s autobiography Life Itself, which is being turned into a documentary produced by Martin Scorsese.

Profits from the sale of this print will be donated to the Sundance Film Festival’s Roger Ebert Scholarship For Film Criticism.

- Beyond The Valley of the Dolls was a 1970 sexploitation/cult film written by Ebert.
- A fantastic Esquire article from 2010 profiling Ebert’s cancer battle and online work.
- Ebert’s 2011 TED talk on how he lost the ability to speak and his attempt at finding the perfect computer voice (you’ll need tissues for this, I might have shed a few tears while watching).
- One of Ebert’s dreams was to win the New Yorker cartoon caption contest. After entering the contest for years, he finally won with this entry.
- Thanks to everyone who submitted this quote.


06 Jun 11:55

The creation of a fractal Brownian tree.  Particles move around...

The creation of a fractal Brownian tree.  Particles move around on random walks, but can become stuck starting at a seed in the centre.  This creates intricate patterns similar to those created in certain chemical reactions and electric discharges. [more] [code]

06 Jun 11:54


by Laerte

06 Jun 11:54

Armamentismo Tupiniquim

by Salo Carvalho
"Made in Brazil", inscrição nas bombas de gás utilizadas pela Polícia de Istambul para reprimir os protestos na Turquia.

06 Jun 11:53

Uma biblioteca nas barricadas

by cadeiraovoltaire


Gezi Park, na Praça Taksim, em Istambul, já tem uma biblioteca pública, improvisada pelos manifestantes que há vários dias ocupam as ruas lutando por direitos e liberdades.

05 Jun 02:14

Real Stuff: Knock Knock

by Dennis Eichhorn

[After reading "Knock Knock," Bukowski wrote a letter to Dennis, which Dennis ran in Real Stuff #2:]

Read the other Real Stuff stories and listen to Mark's interview with Dennis Eichhorn here.


05 Jun 02:10

You can now watch "Arrested Development" in chronological order

by (Gaby Dunn)

The Internet delivers again!

05 Jun 02:04

Real-Time Garbage Collection Is Real

05 Jun 01:45

Zumbis nazistas de 1941, por Jack Kirby

by Carlos Orsi

Só faltou serem "steam powered"

Sabe aquela história de que a ideia de hordas de zumbis ameaçando a civilização -- em oposição ao zumbi solitário do folclore haitiano -- é uma coisa relativamente recente, dos anos 60? E que o zumbi "rápido", que corre para cima das vítimas em vez de apenas cambalear, é uma invenção ainda mais nova? Bom, folheando um velho álbum de histórias clássicas da Marvel encontrei Hollow Men, um conto do Capitão América contra zumbis nazi-fascistas publicado em 1941, de autoria dos criadores do personagem, Joe Simon e Jack Kirby. Vejam a página dupla, abaixo:

O cara de capuz vermelho é o cientista maluco responsável por criá-los. Ele trabalha nesse laboratório:

Não é Noite dos Mortos-Vivos, nem Walking Dead, e no fim o Capitão e Bucky (são eles, disfarçados, entrando no covil do vilão aí em cima), mas essa HQ foi publicada dez anos depois do que geralmente se considera o primeiro "filme de zumbis", White Zombie, com Bela Lugosi.

Não é difícil imaginar as hordas zumbificadas de Kirby como uma espécie de elo perdido entre o zumbi cinematográfico de anteontem e o de ontem, e o de hoje. O quadro da multidão de monstros e o do ataque na ponte, na primeira imagem, não ficariam mal numa superprodução hollywoodiana atual. O que só mostra, mais uma vez, que Jack Kirby era mesmo o Rei.