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12 Aug 20:03


12 Aug 20:03

LOL: Animation Of Badger’s ‘Star Trek’ Story From ‘Breaking Bad’

by Germain Lussier

Badger Breaking Bad

The final season premiere of Breaking Bad left us with a lot to think about. Like, a lot to think about. But what makes the show great is not only the slowly unfolding mysteries, incredible performances, writing or white knuckle tension. It’s how creator Vince Gilligan chooses to sprinkle humor in with all of that. In Sunday’s episode, Blood Money, that humor was provided in the form of Jesse Pinkman’s drugged out friends, Badger (Matt Jones) and Skinny Pete (Charles Baker) discussing Star Trek.

You see, Badger has written a script for a Star Trek movie! He just hasn’t put it on paper yet. The Internet never disappoints, though, and it’s already been animated into a cartoon. Check it out below.

Thanks to Vulture and animator Matt Czap for this hilarious video. Also, we’d be remiss to not mention the incredible writing of the Breaking Bad staff, in this case Peter Gould specifically, who wrote Blood Money.

I’m not a huge Star Trek fan so, I’ve got to ask. Is this actually possible? I’m guessing no, but, it’s hilarious none the less.

12 Aug 17:54


by Maurício

Feliz dia dos pais atrasado


12 Aug 16:57

All Bitcoin Wallets On Android Vulnerable To Theft

by samzenpus
judgecorp writes "Bitcoin users have been warned that storing them in a wallet app on Android is insecure, A weakness in Android's random number generator means its random numbers may not be so random, giving attackers a chance of breaking into the wallet. those with Bitcoins have been advised to put them elsewhere, by"

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

12 Aug 16:46

arquitetura moderna: floresta cultural em seul

by diana guerra

Lembra-se da paz que é poder usufruir de uma boa leitura sentado num banco de jardim onde não pode escutar os ruídos da cidade? A "Culture Forest" é o próximo projecto da cidade de Seul que pretende devolver a harmonia da natureza às actividades lúdico-culturais. Toda a arquitectura do edifício foi pensada com esse objectivo.

Ler o artigo completo
12 Aug 16:42

MARTE - Así sería si tuviera agua y fuera habitable

12 Aug 15:01

This is the kid the "Breaking Bad" premiere was dedicated to

by (Fernando Alfonso III)

Kevin Cardasco was one of Breaking Bad's biggest fans. 

09 Aug 18:59

Eis o que há por dentro de um cabo de dados submarino

by Jamie Condliffe

A internet chega até nós via milhares de quilômetros de cabeamento físico, e boa parte dele tem que se estender sob o mar, a fim de tornar a rede verdadeiramente internacional. É isso que há dentro deles.

Quando os cabos submarinos não estão sendo espionados pelos EUA ou cortados por criminosos, eles têm que lidar com algumas condições bem adversas. A água salgada de alta pressão não faz bem a nenhum link de comunicação – e nem deslocamentos geológicos e outras atividades abaixo do mar.

Por isso, a fibra óptica que permite assistir a vídeos de gato armazenados no outro lado do mundo é fortemente reforçada, para garantir que falhas de internet sejam uma exceção, e não a regra.

A fibra óptica é envolta em vaselina, e fica dentro de finos tubos de cobre ou alumínio. Eles são cobertos por policarbonato, e então por uma barreira de alumínio, que impede a entrada de água. Ao redor dela, ficam os grossos cabos de aço que você vê na imagem acima; por sua vez, eles são envoltos por um filme poliéster boPET. Tudo é então coberto por uma camada externa de polietileno.

1 - polietileno; 2 - filme boPET; 3 - cabos de aço; 4 - alumínio; 5 - policarbonato; 6 - tubo de cobre ou alumínio; 7 - vaselina; 8 - fibras ópticas

1 – polietileno; 2 – filme boPET; 3 – cabos de aço; 4 – alumínio; 5 – policarbonato; 6 – tubo de cobre ou alumínio; 7 – vaselina; 8 – fibras ópticas

Ou seja, passando dentro do aço, polímero e cobre, algumas fibras de vidro preciosas levam os dados de um continente para outro – veja aqui o mapa dos cabos submarinos. Em geral, os cabos têm 69 mm de diâmetro, e cada metro pesa 10 kg.

Toda essa proteção pode parecer exagero, mas realmente vale a pena: quando um cabo submarino foi danificado em Mianmar no início deste ano, a velocidade de acesso à internet no país caiu instantaneamente.

Imagens: Fop News via Reddit; Wikipédia

09 Aug 18:57


09 Aug 18:56

I put this wasp trap out two days ago.

09 Aug 18:56

I also walked away from a wreck because I wore my seatbelt. Thanks, Audi design team.

06 Aug 21:31

Hayao Miyazaki animated rain, which means every frame is hand...

Hayao Miyazaki animated rain, which means every frame is hand drawn. 

06 Aug 21:29

Charles Burns <3

Charles Burns

06 Aug 21:27

byronb: Skeleton In A Sweater 32 Archive Positivity


Skeleton In A Sweater 32



06 Aug 15:24

Went to Romania recently, these mannequins gave me nightmares

06 Aug 15:24

Montreal pot hole

06 Aug 15:23

A water pipe burst inside my wall, but it didn't break through the latex paint. Then this happened.

06 Aug 15:23

Post No Bills

by Alex Santoso

Photo provenance unknown

Not only did they flagrantly violate the instruction, they did so in style! See how many Bills you recognize from this instance of cheeky vandalism.

06 Aug 15:23

A Meme and Art Proposal

by Miss Cellania

This morning, SirTechnocracy proposed to his girlfriend LadyTechnocracy on reddit with two albums of images. The first was a series of image memes. That's nice, if kind of run-of-the-mill these days. But then the proposal switched to a second album of images, 21 artworks commissioned from various DeviantART members that depicted the couple in a variety of styles.

"It would be far more romantic to her than just taking her to a restaurant," SirTechnocracy wrote in response to someone criticizing his post. "Especially with all the pictures I commissioned for this (getting all those together took months and a couple thousand dollars)."

She accepted his proposal …with an advice animal. Read the whole story with links at the Daily Dot. Link

(Image credit: Amy Liu)

06 Aug 15:20

1 Second of 1% of a Brain has been simulated in 84k Processors

by René

Wissenschaftler haben für einen Test ihrer Open Source NEST Simulations-Software eine Sekunde von 1% eines menschlichen Gehirns getestet. Dafür haben sie 40 Minuten in 84.000 Prozessoren eines K Supercomputers gebraucht. Da wird sich Kurzweil noch ein paar Jahre gedulden müssen.

The hardware necessary to simulate the activity of 1.73 billion nerve cells connected by 10.4 trillion synapses (just 1 percent of a brain’s total neural network) for 1 biological second: 82,944 processors on the K supercomputer and 1 petabyte of memory (24 bytes per synapse). That 1 second of biological time took 40 minutes, on one of the world’s most-powerful systems, to compute.

Simulating 1 second of real brain activity takes 40 minutes and 83K processors (via 1337core)

06 Aug 15:20

6 Completely Insane Disguises That Actually Worked

by Miss Cellania

In the early '90s, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had an opportunity to bust Victor Bernal, a Mexican zookeeper, on wildlife trafficking charges. But Bernal wanted to buy a gorilla, and using an actual gorilla for the operation was out of the question. What to do? Put a man in a gorilla suit and hope for the best!  

Wildlife officer Terry English was chosen to get into the suit, on the basis that "the agent was fairly proficient at ape-like sound effects." The cage was then wheeled down to the airport and loaded on board Bernal's plane. They even scattered a few lumps of actual gorilla dung around the cage, partly for verisimilitude but mostly in the hope that the stench would keep the Mexicans from looking too closely at their purchase. And it worked -- totally fooled by the store-bought disguise, the smugglers transferred 95 grand to the suppliers, who immediately revealed themselves as undercover agents and placed Bernal under arrest.

The best part of the story was how Bernal was so fooled that he thought he was being attacked by a gorilla during the arrest! That's just one of six stories of outrageous capers that used ridiculous disguises, at Cracked. Link

06 Aug 02:01

If All Movies Were about Food

by John Farrier

Got food on the brain? If you see tasty treats everywhere, then you might enjoy the altered movie posters at the blog Snack to the Future.

Link -via Foodiggity

02 Aug 02:54

The 20 most bizarre theories on the Web's biggest mystery

by (Aja Romano)

Something is going to happen on Sept. 24—the day Pronunciation Book's crytpic countdown ends—we’re just not sure what yet.

01 Aug 15:49

Netflix now has even more ways to misunderstand you

by (Aja Romano)

Come on, like you didn't want to wipe out all memory of having watched White Chicks.

01 Aug 15:41

At this point we are quite confident that public The Old Reader will be available in the future, now...


Yay! \o/

At this point we are quite confident that public The Old Reader will be available in the future, now with a proper team running it.

More details later this week.
Sorry about Monday. Again.

31 Jul 21:51

Engineers gain insight into turbulence formation and evolution in fluids

in the patterns that natural gas makes as it swirls through a transcontinental pipeline or in the drag that occurs as a plane soars through the sky. Reducing such turbulence on say, an airplane wing, would cut down on the amount of power the plane has to put out just to get through the air, thereby saving fuel. But in order to reduce turbulence—a very complicated phenomenon—you need to understand it, a task that has proven to be quite a challenge.
31 Jul 16:57

The Best Things in Life Aren't Free

by katylatta

This infographic takes a cynical view of the common phrase 'The best things in life are free' and uses research to demonstrate that sometimes they're not free at all.
31 Jul 16:53

Time Magazine Covers Americans Weren’t Meant To See

by moderator
29 Jul 14:10

NAMIBIA - Donde el desierto y el mar se encuentran

29 Jul 13:39

July 28, 2013

My pals Bill and Jeff have a new kickstarter, and if it ever hits 20k, I'll be drawing a little bonus strip!