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12 Jun 12:59

Brown Is Having an Epic Reply-All Fail -- Daily Intelligencer

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy
Russian Sledges

via omgkw

I was hoping for Gawker, but I’ll take it.

Scene of the crime.

One of the small, periodic joys of belonging to mass e-mail listservs is the rare occasion when a reply-all function is accidentally turned on, enabling anyone on the list to spam thousands of people at once. NYU had a reply-all fail last year; today, it's Brown's turn. The university's alumni are currently being besieged by hundreds of confused e-mails begging to be "unsubscribed" and "taken off" an e-mail list that has quickly spun out of control.

The trouble started this morning with an errant bulletin from the University Scheduling Office (Subject: "Resource 25 Access Restored") that was mistakenly sent to the entire alumni network. Somehow, someone figured out that, by replying-all, you could e-mail everyone in the group. This created confusion.

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 11:33 AM, [redacted] wrote:

Hey: I'm a 20 year alum. Why am I getting this email?

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 11:32 AM, [redacted] wrote:


Finally, someone stated the obvious:

From: [redacted]

Subject: Re: Resource 25 Access Restored

It seems you're sending this out to a huge alumni list.

Then chaos broke out:

Not sure why I am getting this email. I would like to be taken off.

??? Why Brown emails????

Quit replying All..All!! I've reported this as spam!
Please stop replying all

I am not a "scheduler" either and do not know what resource 25 is.

The authorities stepped in:

From: [redacted]

Subject: Re: Resource 25 Access Restored

Please don't reply all to these e-mails. If you have questions, reply to the sender only. Thx.

From: [redacted]

Subject: Re: Resource 25 Access Restored


But it was too late:

From: [redacted]

Subject: Re: Resource 25 Access Restored

To whom it may concern: please take me off this list, I graduated last month.

From: [redacted]

Subject: Re: Resource 25 Access Restored

This e-mail is obviously a Phishing attempt/Trojan attachment. Do not click any of the links and please stop replying all to the message. I have notified Brown CIS. I'm sure they will take action soon.

From: [redacted]

Subject: Re: Resource 25 Access Restored

Unsubscribe ?
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2ok -- yeah

Some alumni seized on the list as an opportunity to lobby for issues close to their hearts:

From: [redacted]

Subject: Re: Resource 25 Access Restored

i was in Phi Delt we need to take down the pool

And some just abused their privileges:

From: [redacted]

Subject: Re: Resource 25 Access Restored

Does anybody know a nice restaurant in the Virginia area? Driving through with my cat and two birds this evening and like Italian food.

Brown's administration has not yet stepped forward to explain the mistake, nor has anyone given the kind alumnus above a restaurant recommendation.

Original Source

12 Jun 12:56

Hark, a Vagrant: Alexanders

Russian Sledges

via snorkmaiden

buy this print!

I had time to make a comic, so I did! Yay COMICS, I miss 'em.

While other stuff is plodding along, and that's great, I wish I could find a way to keep this comic going regularly. Usually, the longer between updates, the more I freak out in my head about how long it's been, and feel like whatever I post next has to be really long, or "worth the wait." But I should just post. Unfortunately, this being the thing that has neither deadline nor paycheque attached, it is always the one that gets pushed back. But I have to figure something out. I really do.

12 Jun 02:21

Kaesong, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Russian Sledges

via overbey

Kaesong, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

12 Jun 02:17


Russian Sledges

I don't know what's happening here



12 Jun 01:14

For the Bible tells me so

Russian Sledges


The biblical narrative tells us that jesus gave humanity the chance to repent its sins by sacrificing his life on the cross, which the christian culture have turned into christmas, the jewish culture have turned into hanukkah, the buddhists into kwanza, and so forth.

12 Jun 01:11

tastefullyoffensive: Facebook’s new privacy options.

Russian Sledges

via everyone


Facebook’s new privacy options.

12 Jun 00:02


Russian Sledges

via firehose

12 Jun 00:02

Film: Newswire: In startling twist, M. Night Shyamalan reveals he ghost-wrote She's All That

by Marah Eakin

In a gasp-worthy ending you never saw coming, M. Night Shyamalan has revealed that he ghost-wrote She’s All That, the 1998 teen romance starring Freddie Prinze Jr. and Rachael Leigh Cook. Shyamalan dropped the prom bomb to both MTV and recently, saying he wrote the movie while also writing The Sixth Sense and Stuart Little, all of which helped “add to the breadth” of his then-burgeoning career.

There’s not a ton more information out there now about Shyamalan’s Pygmalion-adapting past, but really, the revelation has raised so many questions. Did he write in that dance sequence at the prom? What about Prinze Jr.’s hacky-sack performance art piece? And, seriously, did he (and the makers of the movie, of course) expect us to believe that Prinze Jr. could fall for Cook just by taking off her glasses? 

Read more
11 Jun 23:43

The abandoned Six Flags New Orleans amusement park

by alexander
It's been 8 years since hurricane Katrina swept through New Orleans, living the city in ruins. The eastern part of the city where Six Flags amusement park is located since 2000 was badly flooded. The park itself was submerged under 4-7 feet (1-2 meters) of water when a combination of rainwater and sea water overflew from Lake Pontchartrain due to Katrina's massive storm surge. 80% of the park buildings were demolished while all of its rides except of Batman: The Ride were destroyed. Six Flags expressed its wish to break early from the 75-year lease with the City of New Orleans but this won't happen before all insurance claims are settled. Until then, the park remains closed.  

More deserted places in the United States

(Click here for the full post)

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11 Jun 23:23

they might be ginats: "call connected through the nsa"

by russiansledges
Russian Sledges

time to bring back my old ringtone

11 Jun 23:23

zestyoranges: He’s been there this whole time watching l e a r n i n g



He’s been there this whole time




l e a r n i n g

11 Jun 23:20

An abandoned building complex in Taiwan

by alexander
This abandoned building complex used to stand in the Zhongzheng district of Keelung city in northeastern Taiwan. The residential buildings were left unfinished and had been slowly overtaken by nature. 

According to flickr user cock_a_doodle who took these spectacular photos, the buildings which resemble Hashima, the ghost island of Japan, were demolished before 2012.

(Click here for the full post)

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11 Jun 23:18

Madam Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by russiansledges
Russian Sledges

how have I not seen this film

Angela Brooks (Kay Johnson) discovers that her husband Bob (Reginald Denny) is cheating on her with another woman, Trixie (Lillian Roth). Learning that her husband intends to go to a costume ball on a moored dirigible in New York City, Angela disguises herself and attempts to "vamp" her husband. During the ball there are a number of exotic musical numbers. A thunderstorm causes the dirigible to break apart and everyone is forced to parachute into the reservoir in Central Park.
11 Jun 23:13

New York Sushi Restaurant Eliminates Tipping Because It Pays Waiters A Salary With Benefits | ThinkProgress

by russiansledges
Sushi Yasuda, an upscale restaurant in New York City, is attracting attention for its decision to get rid of tips for waitstaff. Instead of a line for diners to write in a tip amount on their receipts, Sushi Yasuda has printed the following statement: “Following the custom in Japan, Sushi Yasuda’s service staff are fully compensated by their salary. Therefore gratuities are not accepted.”
11 Jun 23:08

Abandoned villas in the Greek islands

by alexander
As the economic crisis hit Greece, the development and sales of many hotels and villas in the Greek islands has been postponed. Many buildings have been left unfinished, waiting for a better time, sooner or later. 

Dutch photographer Patrick Van Dam travelled around Greece for this project. He says:

The projects were developed on the most wonderful and unique locations. On hillsides with breathtaking sea views or on mountains surrounded by olive trees, enclosed with privacy and serenity.  

The architectural lines combined with the ash-grey concrete structures are an attractive contrast against the rough, red-coloured rocks, the warm yellow high grass and the olive green bushes and trees. This almost abstract scenery shows a unique synergy between architecture and nature. It creates a new and intriguing landscape in which failure, poverty and hopelessness are easily forgotten.

More deserted places in Greece

(Click here for the full post)  

See more »
11 Jun 23:00

Here, via Vice, is "pretty much every single Black Flag flyer designed by Raymond Pettibon," which i

by John Cook
Russian Sledges


Here, via Vice, is "pretty much every single Black Flag flyer designed by Raymond Pettibon," which is pretty much all you need to know. #TeamKeith.



11 Jun 22:34

Why This Microsoft Employee Is Okay with a Rape Joke Made About Her at E3

by Rebecca Greenfield
rachel shared this story from The Atlantic Wire.

The Microsoft customer-support employee who had a rape joke told at her expense in front of a massive audience at the E3 video-game conference and an even bigger crowd online has clarified that she did not take offense, which does not change the fact that Microsoft prominently featured a rape reference at the company's biggest presentation for one of its biggest products ever, the Xbox One. And it doesn't appear to be changing the gender roles in the gaming industry either.

"The demo included friendly ad-libbed banter and there was no ill intent," Ashton "Vulcan" Williams tweeted several hours after the Monday exchange on stage in California. "Torin and I are friends," she added, referencing her fellow player in a live demo of Killer Instinct, who, while beating her in the fighting game, said the following: "Just let it happen. It will be over soon." While Williams, a community coordinator for Microsoft, says she doesn't mind the rape joke — she even played along, returning a "Wow, you like this" from her male counterpart by saying, "No, I don't like this — the smear on Microsoft's year-long campaign for its new gaming console remains. 

At the very least, we're learning on the day after the incident that the rape references weren't written into Microsoft's run of show. "The comments during the KI demo were not scripted," Williams tweeted. Microsoft clarified further in a statement sent to The Atlantic Wire on Tuesday afternoon and attributed to a vice president named Phil Spencer, which reads in part: "[o]ne of our employees made an off the cuff and inappropriate comment while demoing 'Killer Instinct' with another employee. This comment was offensive and we apologize."

Microsoft may not have completely lost its sense of sensitivity — "Bullying and harassment of any kind is not condoned and is taken very seriously," the statement continued — but the nature of the exchange and the alarming reaction to it continues to reveal how rape "jokes" unfold in public, especially in the context of gamer culture, and why that problem is far from solved.

Yes, this is a rape joke. Many who picked up on the Xbox exchange, including commenters on an early story at The Atlantic Wire, still failed to see how the main phrase in question — Just let it happen — constitutes a rape reference. "Cannot see how this I was rape joke. I do believe you are reading way too much into this," wrote one of our commenters, Mighty Viking Hamster. Allow us to explain: One person trying to convince an unwilling person to have sex with them frequently tells the victim to "let it happen" and stay quiet — it's a common enough term that it's often used alongside the "Rape Sloth" meme. That reference, re-blogged again and again, features captions that often contain "alarming threats that are meant to disturb the reader," according to Know Your Meme, "on a similar vein to the Prepare Your Anus and You Gonna Get Raped image macros." In other words: it's linguistic sexual harassment put next to pictures. Here are some other classics from the sickening sloeth meme, including "you better stay quiet you slut." 

Yes, gamers talk like this all the time. Others responding to the Xbox exchange, particularly on Reddit, note that gamers — even girl gamers — tend to use similar phrasing all the time while playing, which by their logic makes the E3 incident acceptable. Redditor Delta_Hedge writes:

This is considered rape jokes now. they should hear me playing.

  • "im gonna rape you so hard"
  • "youre getting raped"
  • "you just got raped small son"

no homo.

Another Redditor, also a woman, added: "It's a game... Am I actually planning on raping someone? No. Hopefully most people could fight off a 115lb girl if I decided to. Am I afraid of being raped? Absolutely not."

Again, allow us to explain: Just because people talk like this all the time does not make it okay — this kind of "smack talk" not only alienates female would-be gamers but also mimics the rampant sexual harassment in gamer culture. Even worse, the Xbox incident unfolded, however off-the-cuff, during a professional presentation for one of the biggest technology companies on earth at the gaming industry's biggest expo. One of the biggest names in gaming should not further alienate woman at a live, recorded event, which brings us to the next point. 

Yes, sexism is still a huge problem in the gaming world. Gamers and the game they play already alienate, harass, and exclude women, something Williams herself acknowledges:

It was an honor to be one of two females on the stage today at the Microsoft briefing. Excited and pumped for the show tomorrow! :) #E3

— Ashton(@ashtonisVULCAN) June 11, 2013

Williams was one of two women both physically and virtually present at the Killer Instinct demo. Not a single Xbox game featured a female protagonist, as Feminist Frequency pointed out. What's more, a tweet saying as much drew the responses like "stop being retarded and bitchy," "in general men are better at battle rolls and other type battle stuff that (sic) why tomb raider sucked," and "stop pushing your feminist agenda on video games." So maybe Ashton Williams doesn't mind the rape joke; maybe she doesn't mind it because she's so used to putting up with that kind of stuff just to make it in the gamer world. 


11 Jun 22:27

90-year-old lobsterman survives sinking off Maine

by By Associated Press

HARPSWELL, Maine — A 90-year-old lobsterman is eager to get back on the water after surviving the sinking of his boat by swimming to a nearby island through the cold waters of the Gulf of Maine.

Philip Tuttle, of the Great Island community of Harpswell, is on the mend, but his boat needs more work to ensure the engine is OK and the electronics are restored, daughter-in-law Verian Tuttle said Wednesday.

His boat, Queen Tut, hit rocks Saturday, lurched and took on water in choppy, 50-degree seas after the remnants of Tropical Storm Andrea passed through the area.

11 Jun 22:24

DA: Couple had tequila before stiletto stabbing

Russian Sledges

does it mean?

HOUSTON (AP) — A prosecutor says a Houston woman accused of stabbing her boyfriend to death with her stiletto heel had been drinking tequila with him at a nightclub earlier.
11 Jun 22:22



StyleForum member Nutcracker recently posted some beautiful photos of his visit to Edoya, Japan’s premier maker of handmade brushes. Founded in 1718 during the country’s Edo period, and named by the eighth shogun Yoshimune, Edoya started as a paintbrush manufacturer. As the Japanese lifestyle became more Westernized after the Meiji Restoration, however, the company began producing other varieties, not least of which included clothing brushes and shoes brushes designed to care for Western style clothes.

The shop itself looks very charming. Bundles of bristles are hung from the ceiling, and every corner of the shop seems to be occupied with a brush of some kind. Kitchen brushes, toothbrushes, and back scratchers are neatly displayed under some framed Japanese prints. On a glass display case, spread out for our photographer, there’s a range of shoe brushes you didn’t even know existed. Horse mane hair is used for dusting off shoes; regular horsehair and pig bristle for raising a shine; and goat hair for final polishing. There’s also a suede brush made from metal fibers so densely packed that the brush head feels almost solid when you run your finger over it.

In the past, these brushes were only bought and used by professionals, but as people became more interested in high-quality clothing and footwear, Edoya has started selling directly to consumers as well. The brushes are considerably more expensive that what you’d find elsewhere (roughly $30-50 in Japan, and double that outside of the country), but they’re uniquely made. High-quality hairs are sourced from different parts of in the world and each brush is produced by hand. For example, boar hair from Chongqing, China is used for clothing brushes because it has just the right stiffness and flexibility for removing lint and dirt. The hairs are bundled and implanted by hand into each hole of the wooden body using a “two-level fixing” technique. This allows for longer, soft bristles to come in contact with your clothes, while shorter, harder bristles surround the base of those hairs in order to give them support and ensure they don’t bend too easily.

At the moment, the only US stockist I know of is LeatherSoul. They sell the horsehair brush (Uma) for $85, the pig hair brush (Buta) for $85, and the bronze suede brush for $65. The horsehair brush has bristles that are slightly stiffer than what you’d typically find elsewhere, and the pig hair is stiffer still. Truth be told, if I were limited to just one brush, it would be horse mane, as it’s soft enough to really raise a shine. Edoya sells one, but I don’t believe they do mail orders. The Uma is nice to use in combination with a softer horse mane brush (which you can find today in almost any cobbler’s shop), but I don’t know if I’d use it alone. The bronze suede brush, however, is the true gem. Although a cheaper suede brush does just as good of a job, Edoya’s brush feels a bit nicer in the hand. An appreciated thing when you’re doing something as mundane as cleaning shoes.

(Photos by me, Nutcracker, and LeatherSoul)















11 Jun 21:39

Russia Declares Itself 'Not Gay'

by Josh Marshall
Russian Sledges


Russia to vote on law to ban telling children that there are gay people.


11 Jun 21:02

Dropbox and the NSA

by jcs
Russian Sledges

via overbey

I’ve written many, many, many, many times that if you are using Dropbox for private information that you don’t want others to have access to you better be encrypting it. And if you’re not, you have only yourself to blame when (not if) if it gets published on the Internet.

Now we learn that the US government is planning to add Dropbox to its Prism providers. As I write this there is some question as to what this means: are the providers willingly giving the NSA access to their users data or is the NSA intercepting the data outside of the providers’ servers. In the end, it doesn’t matter. You should assume that the US government has access to any data you store on Dropbox. If that data is securely encrypted, you are probably secure—at least if your encryption key isn’t passowrd—but if you’re depending on Dropbox to keep your secrets, you’re screwed. DON’T DO THAT!

If there’s anything we can learn from the Prism scandal it’s that you absolutely can’t store sensitive data in the cloud without encrypting it with STRONG crypto. I’m using Dropbox as an exemplar here but the same principals apply to any other cloud storage. Dropbox is probably one of the most reliable providers but even it is not immune to deep packet inspection of its traffic within the Internet nor warrants, no matter how specious.

11 Jun 18:31

aetherclaw: theremina: Holeeeeee SHIT. This is, literally,...

Russian Sledges

via rosalind



Holeeeeee SHIT. This is, literally, madness.

well there is also the women who molest and/or rape men then try to deny that such a thing is even possible, the ones who physically attack men just for their gender, the ones who shame men based on gender alone, the ones who try to keep single fathers from ever knowing their children, and an entire anti-male culture that can genuinely be called misandry.

Derail, much?

See also:

11 Jun 17:44

gothiccharmschool: Oh hey, I’m going to see this movie on the...

Russian Sledges

via snorkmaiden

legend autoreshare


Oh hey, I’m going to see this movie on the big screen tonight. Whoo!


Legend (1985)

“ This place holds more magic for me than any palace in the world.”

11 Jun 17:43

Ummm ...

by Josh Marshall
Russian Sledges


Pope admits the existence of "gay lobby" within Vatican administration.


11 Jun 17:09

eccentricgeekery: Tardis Cat Tree.

Russian Sledges

via firehose ("for the only aliens that care less about the well-being of their companions")


Tardis Cat Tree.

11 Jun 17:03

E3 audience offended by "rape joke" at Microsoft Xbox One event - CBS News

by russiansledges
A spokesperson for the company released this statement to "The comments in question during the 'Killer Instinct' demo were not scripted. The demo was meant to include friendly gameplay banter, and there was no ill intent."
11 Jun 16:57

Streets of Guangzhou during the cultural revolution. 

Russian Sledges

via overbey

Streets of Guangzhou during the cultural revolution. 

11 Jun 12:38

batreaux: how am i supposed to pay my student loans when I can’t even pay my debt to Tom Nook?

Russian Sledges



how am i supposed to pay my student loans when I can’t even pay my debt to Tom Nook?

11 Jun 03:22

Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner

by swissmiss

Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner

The Lomography Film Scanner affordably scans 35mm film and slides right to your smartphone. It adjusts to fit any phone. Smart, says the woman hat has a stack of negatives in her closet.

Has anyone of you tried this yet?