Shared posts

03 Aug 22:38

digital-femme: “Where’s the Diversity, Hollywood? Sci-Fi and...

03 Aug 21:25

manfeels-park: Austen Characters Against...


Austen Characters Against Feminism!

This week’s Very Special Manfeels with thanks to Women Against Feminism, Jane Austen and the BBC.

03 Aug 21:06

parturition, n.


'The action of giving birth to young; childbirth. Also: a confinement.'

03 Aug 21:01

Natives gather in Portland, Ore. to protest Flaming Lips

03 Aug 21:00

SE Portland Pokemon League

Red Castle Games is starting a Pokemon league and is looking for a knowledgeable and experienced Pokemon player to become the event runner. As a event runner you will receive some store perks. You will have support in setting up tournaments, drafts, and free plays here at the shop. If you're interested email us at

We are welcoming all players who know how to play Pokemon.

submitted by RCGevents
[link] [5 comments]
03 Aug 20:59

Guardians of the Galaxy Crushes Box Office Records With $94M Opening

by Robert T. Gonzalez


Guardians of the Galaxy Crushes Box Office Records With $94M Opening

Not long ago, people were convinced that Guardians of the Galaxy was too minor a franchise with too goofy a premise to succeed at the box office. Disney shut those critics up this morning, reporting a weekend haul of $94-million dollars – the biggest August opening of all time.


03 Aug 20:53


03 Aug 19:55

"Shortly after Kathryn Tucker started RedRover, an app that showcases local events for kids, she..."

Shortly after Kathryn Tucker started RedRover, an app that showcases local events for kids, she pitched the idea to an angel investor at a New York tech event. But it didn’t go over well. When she finished her pitch, the investor said he didn’t invest in women.

When she asked why, he told her. “I don’t like the way women think,” he said. “They haven’t mastered linear thinking.” To prove his point, he explained that his wife could never prioritize her to-do lists properly. And then, as if he was trying to compliment her, he told Tucker she was different. “You’re more male,” he said.

Tucker didn’t need to hear any more. “I said, ‘Thanks very much,’ walked out, and never spoke to him again,” she recalled earlier this year, as part of a panel discussion on “fundraising while female” at the annual Internet Week conference in New York.

- "This Is What Tech’s Ugly Gender Problem Really Looks Like" (via pursuitofnerdiness)
03 Aug 19:53

preteenager: Roseanne 1996 // S8: EP 15 //Dan and his buddies...


Roseanne 1996 // S8: EP 15 //Dan and his buddies talk about race and sexual orientation. 

03 Aug 19:53


03 Aug 19:48

gunshowcomic: see ya THIS WEEKEND August...




see ya

THIS WEEKEND August 2&3, RIPExpo!!! Providence! I also released a new little book collecting all the LAIDAD comics! You can get it online now or pick it up from me at RIPexpo or even SPX come september. YOUR CHOICE! Go nuts.

03 Aug 19:45



found this great drawing of amy

03 Aug 19:40



McNutty looks so sad

03 Aug 19:32



first name Cock

03 Aug 19:31



a better Jay Landsman than the real Jay Landsman

03 Aug 19:31

Comcast customer pulled gun on technician after objecting to bill, police say

by Jon Brodkin

all carriers suck forever + the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun + amercia = TAL

Note: This is an example of a Glock gun, not the actual one found by police.

Installation fees have caught many cable customers by surprise, but rarely do service calls end with a customer stealing a technician's tools and whipping out a firearm.

But that's just what happened Monday in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when a Comcast worker went to the home of Gloria Baca-Lucero, according to a criminal complaint filed in Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court.

"Baca-Lucero, 48, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon Monday and booked into jail," the Albuquerque Journal reported today. "She was released later that day."

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03 Aug 19:30

Virgin Mobile lets you save money on your social media-obsessed teens

by Cyrus Farivar

all carriers suck forever

Virgin Mobile has unveiled a new prepaid plan that allows its users to tailor their Internet use for specific applications for just $5 per month on top of a $7 monthly base fee that covers just 20 texts and 20 minutes of talk time. The plan will only be available at Walmart stores starting August 9.

Like many other new, non-traditional cell plans, Virgin Mobile Custom, which debuted Wednesday, requires the use of a custom version of Android that comes pre-installed on certain handsets, including the ZTE Emblem, the LG Pulse, and the LG Unify.

While this type of plan may not be appealing for data-heavy users, it could work well for parents of heavy Facebook users (read: teens), who are interested in little else online. App-specific add-ons (each for an additional $5 per month) are available for a handful of apps, including Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Pandora, and a few others. However, adding on more than a few apps puts the user far closer to Virgin’s normal unlimited text and data plan, which starts at $35 per month.

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03 Aug 19:30

FCC chair accuses Verizon of throttling unlimited data to boost profits

by Jon Brodkin

all carriers suck forever

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is not happy about Verizon Wireless' announcement that it will throttle 4G users with unlimited data plans. While he didn't go quite so far as to accuse Verizon of breaking FCC rules, he told the company that it needs to justify its policy.

Verizon's plan to slow down its heaviest data users when they connect to congested cell sites isn't surprising—other carriers do it too. But Verizon said it would only apply the policy to users who are no longer under contract and still have grandfathered unlimited data. In other words, the policy may help Verizon push customers onto newer, pricier plans with limited data and overage charges.

Wheeler wrote in a letter (PDF) to Verizon Wireless CEO Daniel Mead that he is "deeply troubled" by Verizon's policy.

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03 Aug 19:30

Introducing Raspberry Pi HATs

by James Adams

RPi gets shields, and names them something appropriately more British

Just over two weeks ago, we announced the new Raspberry Pi B+ with immediate availability. We’ve been very pleased at the response from the community and press about the B+, and most people seem to appreciate why we decided to evolve the Model B in the way we did – lots of you have been in touch to tell us how much you’re enjoying your new B+.

There are many great new features built into the B+, but today we want to talk about one new feature we are particularly excited about.

One of the brilliant things about the Raspberry Pi has always been the ability to attach physical hardware to the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) connector. There are so many third party add-on boards that attach to the Raspberry Pi and extend its functionality: motor controllers, LEDs, buttons, sensors, microcontrollers, LCDs, ADCs and DACs; you name it, someone has almost certainly created an add-on board that makes it usable with the Raspberry Pi.


Model B’s 26W vs Model B+’s 40W GPIO connectors

On the Raspberry Pi models A and B, the GPIO connector has 26 pins. Users attaching an add-board to the model A or B Pi usually have to work out which drivers are required for their specific board, and then edit the relevant Linux files to make them load at boot time before the board is usable (or load them by hand from the command line). The Raspberry Pi has no knowledge of whether it has a board attached or not, and the various drivers, when loaded, will simply assume that they can make exclusive use of the GPIO interface. Most of the time this all works OK, but it can be a bit challenging for new users. Linux drivers blindly assuming GPIO pins are available can also occasionally cause confusion.

The Raspberry Pi B+ has been designed specifically with add-on boards in mind and today we are introducing ‘HATs’ (Hardware Attached on Top). A HAT is an add-on board for B+ that conforms to a specific set of rules that will make life easier for users. A significant feature of HATs is the inclusion of a system that allows the B+ to identify a connected HAT and automatically configure the GPIOs and drivers for the board, making life for the end user much easier!

Before we go any further, it is worth noting that there are obviously a lot of add-on boards designed for the original model A and B boards (which interface to the original 26 way GPIO header). The first 26 pins of the B+ GPIO header are identical to those of the original models, so most existing boards will still work. We are not breaking compatibility for existing boards; we’re creating a specification that B+ add-on board designers can follow (if they so wish), which is designed to make end users’ lives much easier.

So what is a HAT?


B+ sporting a (mechanical sample of a) HAT and showing camera and display connections

In a nutshell a HAT is a rectangular board (65x56mm) that has four mounting holes in the (nicely rounded) corners that align with the mounting holes on the B+, has a 40W GPIO header and supports the special autoconfiguration system that allows automatic GPIO setup and driver setup. The automatic configuration is achieved using 2 dedicated pins (ID_SD and ID_SC) on the 40W B+ GPIO header that are reserved for an I2C EEPROM. The EEPROM holds the board manufacturer information, GPIO setup and a thing called a ‘device tree‘ fragment – basically a description of the attached hardware that allows Linux to automatically load the required drivers.

What we are not doing with HATs is forcing people to adopt our specification. But you can only call something a HAT if it follows the spec.

So why are we bothering with all this? Basically, we want to ensure consistency and compatibility with future add-on boards, and to allow a much better end-user experience, especially for less technically aware users.

The HAT specification is available on GitHub for those wishing to design add-on boards for the B+. As previously explained, there is no requirement to follow the HAT specification, but we encourage people to think about following it if possible, as it will make the world a better place for end users.

One final bit of good news:  we have used a surface mount connector on our internal prototype HAT which works very nicely. As you can see from the pictures it solders to the top of the board and then fits over an extension header (the extension header pins push through the HAT from underneath). As the extension headers push through like this it is possible to either use a short, flush mounting extension or a version with longer pins that poke out above the HAT and allow further access to the GPIO pins for debugging.


HAT using extender with longer pins

For HAT designers wanting to use these connectors, we have secured discounted pricing through Toby Electronics. The connector part numbers are:

  • REF-182665-03 = £0.57 each (surface mount connector without locating peg)
  • REF-182665-01 = £0.67 each (surface mount connector with locating peg)
  • REF-182683-02 = £0.56 each (extension header short pins)
  • REF-182684-02 = £0.64 each (extension header long pins)

Toby tell us they are getting stock in now, which should arrive for the 5th August.

Please post technical questions about the specification to the forum.

03 Aug 19:28

Unesco Probing Star Wars Filming In Ireland

by timothy
First time accepted submitter wijnands (874114) writes Star Wars crews have started filming on the small Irish Island of Skellig Michael. This island, listed as a Unesco world heritage site, features the remains of a 6th century monastery as well as breeding populations of puffins , manx shearwaters, storm petrels, guillemots and kittiwakes. Currently the Irish navy has deployed one vessel to maintain a 2 mile exclusion zone around the island. Unesco is now concerned about what is going on the island, which is only visited 13 times a year by tourist groups, and has asked the Irish government for an explanation.

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03 Aug 19:28

Apple’s multi-terabit, $100M CDN is live—with paid connection to Comcast

by Jon Brodkin

all carriers suck forever

Apple's long-rumored content delivery network (CDN) has gone live in the US and Europe, delivering traffic directly to Comcast and other Internet service providers thanks to paid interconnection deals, Frost & Sullivan analyst Dan Rayburn reported today.

The CDN can deliver multiple terabits of data per second and will help Apple more efficiently distribute new releases of iOS and OS X.

Apple is still using Akamai and Level 3 CDN services for iTunes and app downloads, "but over time, much of that traffic will be brought over to Apple’s CDN," Rayburn wrote. "It’s too early to know how much traffic will come over and when, but Apple’s already started using their own CDN much faster than I expected. The pace of their build out and amount of money they are spending on infrastructure is incredible. Based on my calculations, Apple has already put in place multiple terabits per second of capacity and by the end of this year, will have invested well more than $100M in their CDN build out." Apple has been working on its CDN for about a year.

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03 Aug 19:27

iFixit Takes Apart the Oculus Rift DK2, Finds Galaxy Note 3 Display Inside

by timothy

turns out Google's cardboard VR contraption isn't far off

An anonymous reader writes with a teardown from iFixit of the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2: "iFixit's teardown reveals lots of interesting hardware within, including 40 infrared LEDs, a well-organized motherboard, and a display panel lifted directly from a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. They also took apart the IR tracking camera for good measure." The review is the usual iFixit blend of funny, concise and technical; they include a nice shot showing those IR sources embedded in the plastic of the frame. Why the straight-from-a-phone display? "This seems to make economical sense, since Oculus is working to ship something like 45,000 DK2s—a goodly number for a mid-development prototype, but certainly not enough to warrant a fully custom display."

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03 Aug 19:27

PHP Finally Getting a Formal Specification

by timothy


itwbennett (1594911) writes "Despite becoming one of the most widely used programming languages on the Web, PHP didn't have a formal specification — until now. Facebook engineer and PHP core contributor Sara Golemon announced the initiative at OSCON earlier this month, and an initial draft of the specification was posted Wednesday on GitHub."

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03 Aug 19:25

French Provider Free Could Buy US Branch of T-Mobile

by Unknown Lamer
Guybrush_T (980074) writes Iliad, the parent company of Free, confirmed today having made an offer to buy 56% of the U.S. branch of T-Mobile. This could be very good news for the U.S., since the provider reduced significantly the average price of mobile plans in France since they entered the mobile market two years ago. Their disruptive strategy, featuring an all-inclusive €20/month plan and a €2/month plan gathered 11% of the French market in only two years and lowered the price of plans by a factor of 5 to 10.

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03 Aug 19:23

Android passes iOS on the Web, Windows 8 still plateaued

by Peter Bright

browser-wise, at least, aka the part apple doesn't give a shit about

Windows 8 and Internet Explorer, especially version 11, have been growing steadily since their release. But that growth came to a halt in June, and it didn't pick up in July, with Microsoft's new operating system in fact declining ever so slightly. But one battle that's been raging for years has quietly seen a big change: Android's presence on the Web has passed iOS's.

The big desktop mover in July was Chrome, which is now up past 20 percent usage share. It gained a substantial 1.03 points, making big gains for two months in a row. Internet Explorer and Firefox both lost out, dropping 0.37 and 0.46 points respectively. Safari and Opera were also slightly down, falling by 0.12 and 0.06 points.

Safari has been on a downward trajectory for the better part of a year, as Android is making its presence felt on the Web. While Android has been consistently outselling iOS, this hasn't been well reflected in Web data, suggesting perhaps a different usage pattern among Android buyers. But all those sales count for something. Apple's browser is down 1.24 points. Android Browser is also down, falling 0.81 points, but Chrome is up a whopping 1.36 points, and the cross-platform Opera Mini is also up, gaining 0.8 points. Mobile Internet Explorer reached a new high, too, gaining 0.49 points in July.

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03 Aug 19:22

Chip-based credit cards are a decade old; why doesn’t the US rely on them yet?

by Megan Geuss

'Conroy explained that before EMV was first made available in the early 2000's, telecommunications infrastructure in places like the UK was relatively expensive to use constantly, “so when you went to make a purchase at that time, when the credit card got scanned through, you had an offline authorization process where the credit card would get swiped, and the merchant would store up all of the transactions for the day.” At the end of the day, the merchant would send the credit card details back to the issuer for verification, but that lag meant that criminals had more time to commit fraud.

That telecom cost was not as prevalent in the US, where merchants didn't need to batch up transactions to send back to the issuer. Instead, merchants sent off credit card information as they received it, and merchants could be alerted more quickly to the use of a stolen card. According to Conroy, in 2004, 0.14 percent of total credit card transactions were fraudulent in the UK, whereas 0.05 percent were fraud-based in the US where card information was not kept in batches.

So in the early 2000's, it was cost-effective to move to chip-and-PIN for UK merchants and banks, but not as necessary for US banks. Indeed, according to Aite Group's research, after the move to chip-and-PIN, counterfeit card fraud losses in the UK decreased almost 66 percent from 2005 to 2013, and fraud losses from lost or stolen cards decreased almost 44 percent.'

Earlier this week, mobile payments company Square announced that it had developed a credit card reader that will verify purchases from an embedded chip on the card. Currently, US consumers primarily rely on swipe-and-sign credit cards, which give card details to a merchant through the magnetic stripe on the back. But because the swipe-and-sign system became overburdened with instances of fraud, MasterCard, Visa, and other financial groups decided in 2012 that they would transition their systems to a chip-based setup called EMV (eponymous for EuroPay, MasterCard, and Visa, the three primary developers of the standard) by October 2015.

Square is hoping to capitalize on this transition by being one of the first companies out of the gate in the US to offer small and medium-sized business owners a smaller, less-expensive alternative to buying a whole new set of credit card terminals.

The EMV standard works using a chip that's embedded in a credit card, which effectively acts as a mini-computer. Instead of swiping quickly and having your card give its details to a merchant's point of sale (POS) system, an EMV card creates a unique code for each transaction and (ideally) requires the consumer to enter a PIN associated with the card instead of relying on a signature. Because of this, EMV is often called chip-and-PIN. Making a purchase with an EMV card also requires the card to be present in the card reader throughout the transaction.

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03 Aug 19:18

Google Sells Maine Barge For Scrap

by samzenpus


An anonymous reader writes "Reports indicate that Google has sold one of its two mystery Google Barges. The barge in question is located in Portland, Maine. While Google's Maine barge is to be scrapped, the fate of its second barge – located in Stockton, California – remains unknown. From the article: "Now, instead of planning a future unveiling of the finished project, Google apparently dropped it. In an email response to eWEEK, a Google spokesperson would only confirm that the barge had been sold and declined to reveal any more about the now-defunct project or any such future endeavors. The scrapping of the barge in Portland Harbor was first reported July 31 by The Portland Press, which said it will be heading out to an undisclosed location after being purchased by an unnamed international barge company. The barge carried 63 shipping containers that were arranged to create a four-story building and was slated to be filled with technologies that were to be displayed to the public."

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03 Aug 19:15

importantbirds: ducky just wanna play basesball…..NO stand by...


"duck a TOO TALENT for Baseballing"


ducky just wanna play basesball…..NO stand by ketchup and watch :(

Sorry bub the ketchup is the land for dag today.   Iffen you duo both join a teams, gonna the unfair advantag for!  THE SECREP: duck a TOO TALENT for Baseballing

03 Aug 19:14

Booze Époque - About

by gguillotte

cocktail consultant is now a career path in Boston

Booze Époque is Boston’s first licensed and insured craft cocktail catering service. BÉ creates whimsical and classic cocktails using fresh, local, organic, and seasonal ingredients for private parties and special events. BÉ also teaches a variety of cocktail classes ranging from Tequila & Mezcal to Cocktails & Literature.
03 Aug 19:14

fuzzy-purple-lights: team-joebama: i just watched this five...


click it for the vine



i just watched this five times in a row

The kid doing the Obama impersonation (cameron) is literally our senior class president. He won by doing his entire speech in Obama’s voice I shit you not.