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03 Aug 21:06

Game Designer Zoe Quinn Put Deus Ex on Computer Chip in Her Hand

by Yarrow Maurer

Zoe Quinn, an experimental game developer, demonstrates a rather apropos use of an NFC chip implant. From kotaku:

More recently, she got a NTAG216 chip implant on a hand as well, which lets her do…well, whatever she programs it to do.

“I’m not sure what all the possibilities are,” Quinn wrote on her blog. “I can tell you that I’m planning to make a game that integrates it, and I can lock and unlock my phone with it super easy as well as transmit data to other compatible NFC devices like Android phones.”

NFC stands for “near field communications,” and it’s a technology that can transfer data between devices that are in close proximity to one another with just a tap or a wave. It’s the thing that allows you to pay for things with your phone in stores, for example. NFC is a newer version of RFID, radio frequency identification—but RFID has a longer range, and NFC allows two-way communication.

One of the Quinn is doing with her chip is giving out free Steam codes with it—and naturally, as you can see in the video above, she opted for Deus Ex, the cyberpunk role-playing game. It’s kind of perfect.

Read more.

03 Aug 19:35


03 Aug 19:34




03 Aug 19:33

Don’t be a dick

03 Aug 19:19

Sprint/T-Mobile plan to buy spectrum together may be blocked by FCC

by Jon Brodkin

A proposal from FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler would block an attempt by Sprint and T-Mobile US to buy spectrum together in the incentive auction that will transfer airwaves from broadcast TV stations to cellular carriers next year.

Announced on Friday, Wheeler's proposal seeks to help the smallest wireless companies develop business partnerships with larger ones. But it would not allow partnerships between the biggest carriers, since more than 95 percent of US customers are served by either AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, or Verizon Wireless.

"Our goal is to promote the participation of as many parties as possible in the auction," FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Chief Roger Sherman wrote Friday. "If two of the largest companies are able to bid as one combined entity in the auction, their combined resources may have the effect of suppressing meaningful competition. Therefore, the item tentatively concludes that joint bidding arrangements between nationwide providers should not be allowed."

Read 5 remaining paragraphs | Comments

03 Aug 19:13

bubblegumcrash: Ariel


hypnotic and satisfying

03 Aug 19:13

iammyurl: By Erica Kuschel. If this doesn’t make you want to...


By Erica Kuschel.

If this doesn’t make you want to visit Peru, then you don’t deserve to see these pics. Shoo shoo scroll away.

03 Aug 19:13

Liam Neeson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by gguillotte

today I learned

After Excalibur, Neeson moved to London, where he continued working on stage, in small budget films and in television. He lived with the actress Helen Mirren at this time, whom he met working on Excalibur.
03 Aug 19:13

wesschneider: We just debuted the Pathfinder RPG’s newest...


We just debuted the Pathfinder RPG’s newest iconic character, Shardra, the iconic shaman (a member of one of the new classes in the Advanced Class Guide). She’s the character we at Paizo will be using as our stand-in for shaman players in art, pregenerated characters, miniatures, stories, etc, going forward. She’s an awesome looking character, who, like all of our iconics, is depicted by artist Wayne Reynolds. Her Meet the Iconics story is written by one of our close friends and veteran freelancers Crystal Frasier. Shardra’s amazing and we’ll be seeing her adventures as one of the Pathfinder RPG’s iconic heroes for years to come.

We’ve had iconics of many genders, ethnicities, sexualities, etc, but Shardra is our first transgender iconic. This might not be a big deal for you, but I expect it to be for a fair number of readers, fantasy lovers, friends, and fellow gamers out there.

The Pathfinder Iconics have always been our stand-ins for player characters, for our readers, for the adventurers taking part in Pathfinder games across the world. We’ve purposefully made these heroes a diverse array of characters, not just for artistic reasons, but as an attempt to make sure that anyone can look through a Pathfinder RPG rulebook, adventure,  story, whatever, and find a character who they identify them, whether it be a dashing fighter like Valeros, a lesbian cleric like Kyra, or a woman in tune with the spirits like Shardra.

If you haven’t had the opportunity yet, please check out Shardra’s meet the iconic story. And even better, drop a note on the Paizo message boards, welcoming her to the team and making sure all our friends and family members who identify with her know they’re welcome and wanted at Pathfinder game tables everywhere.

Thanks everyone.


03 Aug 19:12

wesandersonsxmen: Here I come!


I doubted it at first but wesandersonsxmen is delivering


Here I come!

03 Aug 19:12

We Ask an Arborist How to Deal With Groot, Ents, and Other Famous Movie Trees

by gguillotte

so, uh, is Gwynne OK

does she need money

We Ask an Arborist How to Deal With Groot, Ents, and Other Famous Movie Trees. by Gwynne Watkins
03 Aug 19:11

Google+ Photos To Be Separated From Google+ - Slashdot

by gguillotte

fuck you plus

"Speculation on the eventual shuttering of Google+ has once more risen with news that Google+ Photos will soon be developed and run separately from the social media site. This news follows observations that Google+ "was barely mentioned at Google I/O 2014, while there were 15 sessions dedicated to the service in 2013" and that the company has ended its controversial real name policy. Google Hangouts was also separated from Google+ at the end of July."
03 Aug 19:11

Bamboo Izakaya's Upcoming Menu, Revealed - MenuWatch - Eater PDX

by gguillotte


The main menu will focus on kushiyaki (skewers) cooked over traditional Japanese binchō-tan, a charcoal made from oak
03 Aug 19:11

Katy Perry Is One of President Obama's 'Favorite People' - Barack Obama, Katy Perry :

by gguillotte
"I love Katy Perry," he added. "She is just a wonderful person. I just met her mom, now I know why she's such a wonderful person."
03 Aug 19:06

Nervous Cat Tries to Seek Refuge Inside Woman’s Purse While Walking Outside on Leash for First Time

by Lori Dorn

via Rosalind

A nervous cat, seemingly very uneasy about being outside for the first time, tries to seek refuge inside a woman’s purse while still attached to a leash in this heart-wrenching video posted by ignoramusky.

via Nothing To Do With Arbroath

03 Aug 18:47

Daring Fireball: T-Shirts

by John Gruber

via Jfiorato
fitting, Gruber's stuff is about as offputting and pointless as baseball

Thumbnail of a slate gray Daring Fireball baseball t-shirt.

On sale now through tomorrow.

03 Aug 18:45

The Country Suit. Edward Fox, with Angela Lansbury, 1980.


via multitasksuicide (Rosalind: "I had a tilda and bowie double take")

The Country Suit.

Edward Fox, with Angela Lansbury, 1980.

03 Aug 18:42

Assassin's Creed Unity: *no playable female Assassins*


via Toaster Strudel
buying the fuck out of Hyrule Warriors. day 1 system seller

Assassin's Creed Unity: *no playable female Assassins*
Male gamers: This is just fine, so shut up! What's important isn't the character's gender, it's the story they are in! Who cares about the characters' genders? Stop trying to ruin other people's fun!
Hyrule Warriors: *10 playable characters, 8 of them are women*
Male gamers: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?! There are too many girls in this game! What about us, the male fans? Why the female fans have more options? Women aren't interesting, if you don't include more men in the game then the story will become boring!
03 Aug 18:41

Here's the full text of the deleted Times of Israel post backing genocide in Gaza

by Max Fisher

via Yousef Alnafjan

The English-language Israeli publication Times of Israel today published, and then quickly deleted, a blog post by the writer Yochanan Gordon with the extremely inflammatory headline "When Genocide is Permissible." The post does not explicitly endorse the genocide of Palestinians, but it asks if doing so would be morally justified after building up the case it would be and presenting only evidence in the affirmative.


"What other way then is there to deal with an enemy of this nature other than obliterate them completely?" Gordon asks. And later, arguing that Hamas will never accept peace and that Israel is justified in doing anything necessary to impose it, "If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?"

We've preserved the full text of the now-deleted blog post below; you can read it for yourself. This is not because Gordon himself is a particularly influential writer, much less a political leader of any kind, but because this post represents an extreme iteration of a much broader problem, in which the conflict and the discourse around it exacerbates and empowers extremism on both sides of the conversation. There is real social science behind this phenomenon, which pushes the politics of the conflict away from peace and toward more hard-line positions, as well as raising voices that de-humanize the "other side" in a way that makes it easier to perpetuate the fighting.

Again, this post is obviously an extreme position, which is why the Times of Israel deleted it, but it is most unusual not for his argument for the plain-stated clumsiness of it. Both the Israeli far-right and Palestinian militant groups will at times advocate for the absolute elimination of the other side from the land; they just know how to do it in a way that won't raise so many eyebrows.

Judging by the numbers of casualties on both sides in this almost one-month old war one would be led to the conclusion that Israel has resorted to disproportionate means in fighting a far less- capable enemy. That is as far as what meets the eye. But, it's now obvious that the US and the UN are completely out of touch with the nature of this foe and are therefore not qualified to dictate or enforce the rules of this war - because when it comes to terror there is much more than meets the eye.

I wasn't aware of this, but it seems that the nature of warfare has undergone a major shift over the years. Where wars were usually waged to defeat the opposing side, today it seems - and judging by the number of foul calls it would indicate - that today's wars are fought to a draw. I mean, whoever heard of a timeout in war? An NBA Basketball game allows six timeouts for each team during the course of a game, but last I checked this is a war! We are at war with an enemy whose charter calls for the annihilation of our people. Nothing, then, can be considered disproportionate when we are fighting for our very right to live.

The sad reality is that Israel gets it, but its hands are being tied by world leaders who over the past six years have insisted they are such good friends with the Jewish state, that they know more regarding its interests than even they do. But there's going to have to come a time where Israel feels threatened enough where it has no other choice but to defy international warnings - because this is life or death.

Most of the reports coming from Gazan officials and leaders since the start of this operation have been either largely exaggerated or patently false. The truth is, it's not their fault, falsehood and deceit is part of the very fabric of who they are and that will never change. Still however, despite their propensity to lie, when your enemy tells you that they are bent on your destruction you believe them. Similarly, when Khaled Meshal declares that no physical damage to Gaza will dampen their morale or weaken their resolve - they have to be believed. Our sage Gedalia the son of Achikam was given intelligence that Yishmael Ben Nesanyah was plotting to kill him. However, in his piety or rather naiveté Gedalia dismissed the report as a random act of gossip and paid no attention to it. To this day, the day following Rosh Hashana is commemorated as a fast day in the memory of Gedalia who was killed in cold blood on the second day of Rosh Hashana during the meal. They say the definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over. History is there to teach us lessons and the lesson here is that when your enemy swears to destroy you - you take him seriously.

Hamas has stated forthrightly that it idealizes death as much as Israel celebrates life. What other way then is there to deal with an enemy of this nature other than obliterate them completely?

News anchors such as those from CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeera have not missed an opportunity to point out the majority of innocent civilians who have lost their lives as a result of this war. But anyone who lives with rocket launchers installed or terror tunnels burrowed in or around the vicinity of their home cannot be considered an innocent civilian. If you'll counter, that Hamas has been seen abusing civilians who have attempted to leave their homes in response to Israeli warnings to leave - well then, your beginning to come to terms with the nature of this enemy which should automatically cause the rules of standard warfare to be suspended.

Everyone agrees that Israel has the right to defend itself as well as the right to exercise that right. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has declared it, Obama and Kerry have clearly stated that no one could be expected to sit idle as thousands of rockets rain down on the heads of its citizens, placing them in clear and present danger. It seems then that the only point of contention is regarding the measure of punishment meted out in this situation.

I will conclude with a question for all the humanitarians out there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clearly stated at the outset of this incursion that his objective is to restore a sustainable quiet for the citizens of Israel. We have already established that it is the responsibility of every government to ensure the safety and security of its people. If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?

03 Aug 18:41



via Toaster Strudel

03 Aug 18:40

dethklokvevo: nablayah: idilardayacad: maleehaisconfused: spi...


via Lori






anyone else noticing a trend here?


didn’t know ancient egyptians looked like mayo…


Ok but of course the servants and thieves are fdmnr4 black ok i see yall

this is bullshit. no one go see this bullshit movie

03 Aug 18:37

GIF your favorite movie quotes with Quotacle

by Cassandra Khaw

via Yousef Alnafjan

A site called Quotacle might revolutionize the way you whip out movie quotes in an online discussion. It is a searchable repository consisting of over 250,000 lines from 143 movies. What makes it unique is that each entry comes with an embeddable clip showcasing the precise quote, and the ability to transform that moment into a GIF. Currently still in beta, Quoctacle also reveals which references are most popular on the site, while offering the option to procure a random quote from the existing library. It's clear that more work needs to be done, however. The search feature is still extremely rudimentary and the Quotacle database is woefully sparse compared to existing movie quote search engines like Subzin or even Amazon's IMDb.

03 Aug 16:35

NFL replaces black-and-white photographs with Surface tablets on the sidelines

by Dante D'Orazio

via Jfiorato ("How long before Belichick has these things hacked. :)")

For decades, NFL players and coaches have pored over black-and-white overhead photos of in-game formations from the sidelines. Team photographers take two "Polaroid" photos — one directly before and another right after the snap — and runners throw together paper binders and rush them to the field for analysis. This season, the NFL's finally upgrading to tablets.

At every game (starting with today's Hall of Fame match between the Bills and Giants), each team will be provided with a temperature-controlled locker filled with 13 modified, field-ready Surface Pro 2 tablets. 12 additional tablets are available for coaches watching the game from above. Each is wrapped in a chunky protective rubber case that makes them waterproof.


That's not the only thing that makes these Surface Pro 2 tablets different from what's on store shelves. The NFL's rules currently prohibit all computers and video devices from the field — hence why teams still use Polaroids. To convince the NFL that tablets on the sidelines won't make it easy to cheat, Microsoft has developed private wireless networks in each stadium that are only used by the game tablets. The devices are also locked down. Players and coaches will only be able to use a single, custom-made photo viewing app that will allow them to zoom and annotate color images of formations. (Video is still off limits.) And to prevent tampering, teams won't keep the devices. They're owned by the NFL and will only be in teams' hands for the few hours during game time.

The tech upgrade comes as part of a reportedly $400 million, multi-year deal between the NFL and Microsoft that was announced last year. That lucrative contract saw Surface branding plastered around NFL stadiums last season, and it's brought NFL apps to devices like the Xbox One. But teams won't be forced to leave those paper binders behind: the Surface tablets will be provided, but teams can ignore them if they'd like. Teams will likely make the switch though: the new tech, at the very least, gets images to the sidelines 15 to 25 seconds faster than those Polaroid photos of old.

03 Aug 15:59

imaginarycomics: someactorkid: eatmashimaro: found a...


via Rosalind




found a children’s book about butts today

one of them has a slap mark

you can never start too early I suppose

have people on this website forgotten that spanking isn’t always an erotic act


03 Aug 15:56

The Barisieur, A Clever Combination Alarm Clock and Coffee Brewer

by EDW Lynch

via Rosalind

The Barisieur Alarm Clock Coffee Brewer by Josh Renouf

The Barisieur is a clever design concept by UK-based designer Josh Renouf for a combination alarm clock and coffee brewer. Instead of a jarring alarm, the Barisieur wakes the user through the subtle sound of steel balls jostling in a water boiler — the balls heat the water through induction — and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. The device also features a drawer for coffee grounds and sugar, and a vial for milk.

The Barisieur Alarm Clock Coffee Brewer by Josh Renouf

The Barisieur Alarm Clock Coffee Brewer by Josh Renouf

The Barisieur Alarm Clock Coffee Brewer by Josh Renouf

The Barisieur Alarm Clock Coffee Brewer by Josh Renouf

photos via Josh Renouf

via designboom

03 Aug 15:49

gameraboy: Metropolis (1927) dir. by Fritz Lang


via Rosalind


Metropolis (1927) dir. by Fritz Lang

03 Aug 03:02

aatombomb: bobbycaputo: Soldier’s Geotagged Instagram Selfies...


via Rosalind



Soldier’s Geotagged Instagram Selfies Lands Russia and Putin in Hot Water

While Russia continues to claim it has no involvement in the civil conflict in Ukraine, the selfie-strewn Instagram profile of Russian soldier Sanya Sotkin may tell a slightly different story. A story which is landing Russian President, Vladimir Putin in even more hot water than he’s already in.

With the unwanted help of the ‘Photomap’ feature in Instagram, the 24-year-old’s Instagram profile shows a number of self-portraits that are geotagged inside the borders of Ukraine. More particularly, inside rebel-controlled territory, some of it dangerously close to the location of where Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was tragically shot down, killing all 298 people on board.

(Continue Reading)

Mr. Putin, tear down this firewall!

03 Aug 01:07

bhagyawati: yagazieemezi: "For almost 1,000 years, the Rabari...


via Rosalind



"For almost 1,000 years, the Rabari have roamed the deserts and plains of what is today western India. It is believed that this tribe, with a peculiar Persian physiognomy, migrated from the Iranian plateau more than a millennium ago. The Rabari are now found largely in Gujarat and Rajasthan.”

Jimmy Nelson's photography is just beautiful.

03 Aug 01:06

mtvother: Chris Pratt isn’t the only star who hit the gym for...

by aishiterushit

via Lori


Chris Pratt isn’t the only star who hit the gym for Guardians of the Galaxy.

03 Aug 01:05



via Lori