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08 Aug 14:57

“Funtenna” software hack turns a laser printer into a covert radio

by Sean Gallagher
It turns out that embedded computing devices can be used to broadcast data covertly in all sorts of ways, as demonstrated in this video from Ang Cui's Funtenna project.

LAS VEGAS—During the Cold War, Soviet spies were able to monitor the US Embassy in Moscow by using a radioretroreflector bug—a device powered, like modern RFID tags, by a directed radio signal. But that was too old school for Ang Cui, chief scientist at Red Balloon Security and a recent PhD graduate of Columbia University. He wanted to see if he could do all of that with software.

Building on a long history of research into TEMPEST emanations—the accidental radio signals given off by computing systems’ electrical components—Cui set out to create intentional radio signals that could be used as a carrier to broadcast data to an attacker even in situations where networks were “air-gapped” from the outside world. The result of the work of his research team is Funtenna, a software exploit he demonstrated at Black Hat today that can turn a device with embedded computing power into a radio-based backchannel to broadcast data to an attacker without using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or other known (and monitored) wireless communications channels.

Cui has previously demonstrated a number of ways to exploit embedded systems, including printers and voice-over-IP phones. In 2012, he demonstrated an exploit of Cisco phones that turned on the microphone and transformed phones into a remote listening device. Michael Ossmann of Great Scott Gadgets, a hardware hacker who has done some development of exploits based on concepts from the NSA's surveillance "playset,"  suggested to Cui that he could turn the handset cord of the phone into a “funtenna”—an improvised broadcast antenna generating radio frequency signals programmatically.

Read 4 remaining paragraphs | Comments

08 Aug 14:57

Microsoft ups paid parental leave to 12 weeks for dads, 20 for moms

by Peter Bright

Microsoft announced today a handful of benefits improvements for its American employees, with the biggest change coming for new parents: new mothers will get 12 weeks of maternity leave at 100 percent pay, on top of eight weeks of maternity disability leave, also at 100 percent pay. The previous policy offered just four weeks of paid maternity leave and a further eight of unpaid maternity leave, in addition to the disability maternity period.

New fathers will also now receive the same 12 weeks at full pay. The 12-week period can be taken in one or two blocks, and both parents will be able to return to work on a phased basis, starting half-time before going full-time.

This new policy comes amid an increased focus both on the underrepresentation of women in the tech industry—and the various institutional effects leading to this—and the importance and availability of benefits in the "gig economy" as workers fight to be recognized as employees so that they can be eligible for health insurance and paid leave. Netflix yesterday announced a policy of unlimited leave during the first year after a child's birth for both mothers and fathers.

Read 2 remaining paragraphs | Comments

08 Aug 14:38

chlotothe: Black to the Future. -@brownblaze (Twitter) My...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


“Black to the Future. 😍” -@brownblaze (Twitter)

My exact sentiments.

08 Aug 14:38

smithsonianlibraries: wellcomecollection: Three facts about...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



Three facts about this whalebone walking stick with skull pommel: 

1. It has green glass eyes. 

2. It was owned by Charles Darwin. 

3. Darwin called it his “morituri”: a type of memento mori (objects that remind their owners of the shortness of human life and the inevitability of death).

See this object for yourself in our #MedicineMan gallery.

aaaah, this is so cool! Darwin’s skull-topped walking stick. I am dying.

Lucius Malfoy shit right there

08 Aug 14:38


by lunchbreath
Courtney shared this story from BusinessTown:
If you don't see a problem with a BusinessTown character you are that character, that's how it works, yeah?


08 Aug 07:55

Tom Brady's pool cover nightmare, explained by a former pool supply store employee

by Seth Rosenthal

Tom Brady learns what everyone else in the Northeast knows: The pool industry is a huge scam

I used to work at a pool supply store in northern New Jersey. Working at a pool supply store in North Jersey was miserable because there are roughly 3 months in a temperate year in which anyone would want to use a pool, and there are so many leafy trees and fertilized lawns that it takes tens of gallons of military-grade chemicals to keep the water clean during that time, then another pile of money to keep the pool from demolishing itself in the frozen winter months. My job was to spend all day explaining these things to frazzled people who deeply regret digging an Olympic-sized money grave in their backyard.

Which is to say, California native/multimillionaire Tom Brady losing his mind over the very same explanations I gave to far poorer Northeasterners all summer for 3 summers is hiiiiilarious. All thanks to Business Insider for screencapping these bits of the post-DeflateGate Brady email deluge.

Brady's manager tells him in October that a new pool plus installation will run him $8,540, which is baffling and gets a response I've heard 1,000 times too many in my life:


[puts on baby blue Anthony & Sylvan Pool Supply polo shirt, which is size XL and goes down to my knees, and also stinks of chlorine]

You use a retractable mesh cover during the warm months. It lets the sunlight warm the water and saves you energy costs on the heater, but keeps leaves out when you're not using the pool! Unfortunately, that thing would collapse under the weight of snow and ice, so it's no good for wintertime.


Well, see a winter cover is a huge, solid piece of vinyl, like a shell. It  rests on the edge of the pool instead of floating right on the water (the level of which will be dropped when it gets cold so the expanding ice doesn't crack the tiles around the upper aspect of the pool).

A winter cover won't retract like the current one, so it'd be a pain for multiple people to move on and off every time you want to use the pool. Anyway, do you want a black or white one?


We don't have the white one.


Uhhhhh let me talk to my manger.

If we're being honest, though, Tom, I know you're rich enough that none of this really matters, but I'll tell you what I wish I could have told (and sometimes did tell) so many people before you: Building a permanent swimming hole in a New England backyard is like breathing on the moon. It takes too much money and effort to conquer the forbidding environment.

The pool industry is a huge scam. Go swim in a lake.

08 Aug 07:50

The Big Idea: N.K. Jemisin

by John Scalzi

If you’ve ever wondered how much thought goes into worldbuilding in science fiction and fantasy, you’re going to love this Big Idea, in which N.K. Jemisin goes into detail about what it took to make the world of The Fifth Season real and believable. But worldbuilding is not enough to build a novel. Jemisin goes into that, too.


A few years back, I had a dream of a woman doing a Badass Power Walk towards me, with a mountain floating along behind her. I knew she was about my age — early forties, that is — and I could see that she wore dredlocs as I do, but it was very clear in the dream that she was not me. She was angry with me, in fact, because of something I’d done or hadn’t done, and if I didn’t find a way to appease her quickly, I knew she was going to throw that mountain at me. Why was she so pissed off? No idea. How was a mountain following her around like a geological puppy? She was controlling it through some unknown means. I woke up from this dream in a cold sweat — and fascinated. That was the moment the Broken Earth trilogy, of which The Fifth Season is book 1, was born.

I made some immediate assumptions about this woman and her world. First, that she wasn’t unique; there were others who had the ability to control mountains and everything associated with them (i.e. orogenesis). Second, that her anger wasn’t something recent or new.  You don’t toss around mountains over one bad day.  This woman had a lifetime’s worth of reasons to be angry — like being treated as a second-class citizen and having her hopes for the future crushed again and again.  But what kind of society would discriminate against such an obviously powerful person, and why?  The trilogy is my answer to that question.

Right away I faced two major challenges in trying to tell this story: the worldbuilding, and the voice.

Now, I love worldbuilding. I do it for fun and profit. The worldbuilding for TFS was more daunting than usual, though. See, in the Stillness (the sole supercontinent of The Fifth Season) extinction-level volcanic winters and other seismic disasters occur on a frequent basis. This meant I needed to learn a lot more about seismology, given that I’d never even felt an earthquake, or seen a volcano or a geyser, before I started researching this novel. (I was so excited when we had a quake in New York right after I started work on this novel! Even though at first I just thought the subway was unusually rumbly that day.)

More challenging was the fact that nothing in this world could resemble anything in our own world. Why should it? No society on Earth, outside of a few “preppers” and religious extremists, is designed for apocalyptic survival. Yet the people of the Stillness are biologically and culturally adapted for periods of extreme, rapid, hostile climate change. The can detect impending quakes through the use of special areas of the brainstem that we don’t possess, and one of their races prides itself on its acid-proof, ash-filtering hair type. To them, it’s normal to speak of six senses rather than five, and to consider a woman beautiful only if she’s at least six feet tall, at least a size 16, and looks like she can wrestle a bear. (At least.)

This was where the other challenge, the one of voice, kicked in: how could I immerse readers in such a fundamentally alien milieu? Doing that might be a staple of science fiction, but it’s rare — and not always welcome — in fantasy.

I experimented with test chapters and a proof-of-concept short story to get a feel for things before I settled into writing the novel. I picked different tenses, voices, characters, sounds and feels. First person felt too intimate, somehow. Past tense lacked impact. I like the immediacy of present tense; it can feel odd when you’re not used to it, but it’s surprisingly easy to adjust. (Psst: you just did.) Makes for some really visceral action scenes.

But there was one character for whom third person present tense never worked: Essun, my protagonist. The story starts in a moment of extreme trauma for her: she comes home from work one day to find that her son has been beaten to death by his own father. This is thankfully an experience that few readers will have had in real life, and yet it’s something that any reasonably empathetic human being can understand: that moment of almost surreal shock, the disbelief, the mental reeling. I needed a voice that could convey these feelings, which would underlie all of Essun’s actions throughout the trilogy — because that kind of trauma never really goes away. You just rebuild yourself around it.

What worked best was second person. I’ve always thought of second person as distancing; after all, it’s impossible for the reader to ever truly be “you”. Yet I’ve read some incredibly intimate second-person stories, and as I actually tried writing it for the first time, I found that it’s sort of amazing and powerful — both distancing and intimate at the same time. You can’t be this person, but you can understand her. It was perfect.

…Aaaaaand here I had an artistic panic attack. I liked what was developing, but was it even remotely salable? It’s been five years and I haven’t stopped hearing complaints from readers about the first-person that I used in the Inheritance Trilogy. SFF readers are remarkably quick to declare that they “just don’t do [person/tense]”. Or they’ll declare a story pretentious without ever having read it, simply because it’s written in a style they’re not used to. I wish I could say that I don’t care what those readers might think. In a fit of anxiety I showed those first few chapters and an outline to my editor and agent and said, “OK, is this worth something or is it a hot mess?” They must’ve decided it was worth something; I got a contract for the whole trilogy a few days later.

Now I guess I’ll see if readers think it’s worth something, too.


The Fifth Season: Amazon|Barnes & Noble|Indiebound|Powell’s

Read an excerpt. Visit the author’s site. Follow her on Twitter.

08 Aug 07:49

Future Maps: Strip Maps for Los Angeles Metro Rail in 20124, by...

Future Maps: Strip Maps for Los Angeles Metro Rail in 20124, by Steve Boland

Nice work here from Steve, adapting the current Metro strip maps into their future forms – with consistent letter designations for all the lines (starting to roll out now, I believe), the new Pink “L” Line designation for the proposed northern branch of the current Green Line to Aviation/96th, the new configurations of the current Blue and Gold Lines once the Regional Connector opens in 2020, and the first phase Purple “C” Line extension to Wilshire/La Cienega (2023).

See other maps from Steve that we’ve previously featured on Transit Maps.

Source: Los Angeles Future Rail -

08 Aug 07:18

Women Take A Place At The Pinball Table

What happens when female players slam tilt their way into the bright, loud world of pinball?
08 Aug 07:17

Portland should spend tens of millions more on affordable housing, advisory group says

06 Aug 14:55

Reddit decides quarantining isn’t enough, bans racist subreddits

by Sam Machkovech

In July, newly appointed Reddit CEO Steve Huffman tried striking a balance between maintaining the community site's free-speech aspirations and toning down "offensive" content by "reclassifying" its most controversial "subreddit" communities. Certain subreddits that didn't necessarily break the site's content policy, particularly ones that revolved around racism, would be placed behind a consent and e-mail verification gate, removed from public search results, and disconnected from the site's ad sales.

On Wednesday, that general stance remained in place, only now with a new content policy that subreddits can be banned for violating. As a result, Huffman took to the official Announcements subreddit to share that updated policy while confirming that a slew of subreddits, particularly ones with racists slurs, had been banned as a result.

Huffman confirmed in a follow-up comment that subreddits such as "CoonTown" had been banned because they "exist[ed] solely to annoy other redditors, prevent us from improving Reddit, and generally make Reddit worse for everyone else." That phrase does not currently exist in Reddit's content policy page, but other similarly broad conditions do, including only offering "some guidelines" for what's not acceptable and a warning that "looking for loopholes is a waste of time."

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05 Aug 19:15

Watch the Dark Side of the Moon as It Passes in Front of Earth

by Ria Misra

breaking sharecation for breaking news

From a million miles away, a NASA satellite caught this unusual view of the moon and Earth moving through space together, but from a flipped perspective from the one we usually see.


05 Aug 19:12

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Gets a New Release Date; Announces Squirrel Girl, Kamala Khan and New Thor - This is NUTS! (etc, etc)

by Carolyn Cox

breaking sharecation for breaking SQUIRREL GIRL news


LEGO Marvel’s Avengers is seeming more and more promising by the day. Not only did Marvel listen and promise to make revisions when fans pointed out the whitewashing of America Chavez, but the game just announced a whole slew of new female characters!

According to Comic Book Resources, the game has bumped its release date to January, 2016 (it was originally intended for a late 2015 release) and will include Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, the Young Avengers’ Speed, and new Thor.


What do you think of these awesome ladies?

—Please make note of The Mary Sue’s general comment policy.—

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05 Aug 19:11

Newswire: NBC’s The Wiz Live! has found its Dorothy

by Danette Chavez

breaking sharecation for breaking news

The Wiz Live! is ready to hit the yellow brick road—that is, begin production—because the musical has just cast its Dorothy. TVLine reports that 18-year-old Shanice Williams will play the Kansas girl lost in the Emerald City this December. This will be Williams’ first TV appearance (well, aside from this Today interview), but she does have a musical theater background.

This is just the latest bit of casting news since NBC announced that it would stage a live version of the ’70s musical. The network got off to a good start (to our slight dismay) when it brought Stephanie Mills on board as Auntie Em; Mills originated the role of Dorothy in The Wiz’s initial Broadway run. Soon Queen Latifah and Mary J. Blige were cast as The Wiz and the Wicked Witch of the West, respectively. David Alan Grier was added to the cast a day ...

05 Aug 19:10

Shots reportedly fired at Tenn. movie theater | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | WLUK News


breaking sharecation for breaking news

Shots were reportedly fired at a movie theater in Tennessee Wednesday afternoon.

A SWAT team is responding to the report of shots fired/person with a weapon at the Carmike Hickory 8 theater in the 900 block of Bell Road in Antioch.
05 Aug 19:10

Wait, Is There Really Going To Be No New Season Of Doctor Who In 2016?


breaking sharecation for breaking news

Doctor Who fans are just over a month away from an explosive new season of the show—but apparently that might be the last drip of new episodes we get for a while, with a rumor claiming that the show won’t be returning in 2016. At least for a full season.

The rumor comes from British satirical magazine Private Eye, known for its commentary on the goings-on behind the scenes at the BBC. Their latest issue reported today that with Steven Moffat busy with his other series, the monstrously popular Sherlock, the BBC staff have been informed not to expect a tenth season of Doctor Who to air next year.

The report also alleges that the decision comes from an ongoing tussle between the BBC and Steven Moffat, who is under pressure from the corporation to stand down from Doctor Who and commit his time to Sherlock, instead of attempting to manage two of the BBC’s most popular dramas at the same time.
05 Aug 18:21

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Supernatural Selection


via Bunker.jordan

Hovertext: Your move, people who aren't reductionists.

New comic!
Today's News:
05 Aug 18:19


05 Aug 17:57

'Deadliest Catch' fishermen experience the Seahawks' Super Bowl defeat out at sea

by James Dator

hi Overbey

On Deadliest Catch tonight, pro-Seahawks crab fishermen listen to end of Super Bowl. Not fans of passing

— Dan Wetzel (@DanWetzel) August 5, 2015

Football analysts and fans have been questioning the late-game decision making of the Seahawks in Super Bowl XLIX for the last six months. Now we can add crab fisherman to the list.

It was Super Bowl Sunday on "The Deadliest Catch" and every boat was pulling for the Seahawks. We got to witness anguish first hand from a group of people who needed to stew with the anger of the team losing for an entire day of fishing.

There were happier times, too, so if you're a Seahawks fan looking to see crab boats with "BEAST MODE" painted on them, we've got you covered.

(h/t Sporting News)

05 Aug 17:50

Match Preview: Portland Thorns FC vs Boston Breakers


'Boston is winless on the road this season at 0-4-2 and Portland has never lost to the Breakers at Providence Park with a record of 2-1-0.'

05 Aug 17:48

This is just never going to it?!


'Google Fiber confirmed Wednesday that it will bring its hyperfast Internet service to San Antonio, the sixth of nine potential expansion markets the company has announced this year.

Three markets remain in limbo: Phoenix, San Jose and Portland.

Portland was an early leader when Google Fiber announced potential expansion in 2014, approving a franchise agreement with the company 14 months ago. But the city, which once appeared to be on a fast track for Google Fiber, is now among the last on the table.

One issue was a thorny Oregon property tax issue, resolved last spring when state lawmakers created a special tax exemption for gigabit Internet speeds, like those Google proposes. A gigabit connection is 1,000 megabits per second, 40 times faster than the current broadband standard.

Google Fiber appears to be working its way west. It has already announced expansion plans in two markets in North Carolina, along with Atlanta, Nashville and Salt Lake City. No city on the West Coast currently has the service.

However, in the past year CenturyLink, Frontier Communications and Comcast have all announced plans for their own gigabit service, and CenturyLink has begun a broad rollout in parts of Portland, Lake Oswego and Vancouver.

In addition to Portland, Google Fiber is contemplating service in Gresham, Tigard, Lake Oswego, Beaverton, Hillsboro and parts of unincorporated Washington County.'

05 Aug 17:35

theinturnetexplorer: iSmart’s logo really threw me for a...


via baron


iSmart’s logo really threw me for a second.

05 Aug 17:28

coconut-desu: teacup-bunny: ・しろくまカフェ in Takadanobaba,...


via saucie



・しろくまカフェ in Takadanobaba, Shinjuku・
Upon entering the cafe, you’ll be greeted by Penguinさん and Pandaくん sitting by the bar. Sadly, there isn’t a space for you to join them. The food is absolutely adorable and coincidentally, there is also a girl working there who looked like Sasakoちゃん!A must visit for Shirokuma Cafe fans or animal lovers ♥︎. The good news is that it is a permanent cafe unlike My Melody Cafe or Pokemon Cafe which are only there for a limited period of time.



yeora maikokko 行ってみようか!!
05 Aug 17:27

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Calls 'Choice' An Empty Concept For Poor Women


via ThePrettiestOne

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Calls 'Choice' An Empty Concept For Poor Women:


“Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the concept of “choice” is an ephemeral one for low-income women who live in states that pass laws limiting access to abortion, as they may not be able to afford to travel to a state with less onerous restrictions.

The lack of reproductive freedom is a remaining barrier to gender parity, the justice said at a Duke Law event Wednesday evening. Advocacy organizations and groups that fund abortions have pushed the idea that being “pro-choice” includes fighting to end the decades-old Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funds from going toward Medicaid coverage for abortion except in limited circumstances. One in four women on Medicaid who would have abortions if the Hyde Amendment didn’t exist instead carry an unwanted pregnancy to term because of the prohibitive cost of the procedure, the Guttmacher Institute notes.

The justice alluded to this new reality as Mississippi’s last clinic fights to remain open and providers battle restrictions that could close all but nine or 10 clinics in Texas:

“There’s a sorry situation in the United States, which is essentially that poor women don’t have choice. Women of means do. They will, always. Let’s assume Roe v. Wade were overruled and we were going back to each state for itself, well, any woman who could travel from her home state to a state that provides access to abortion, and those states never go back to old ways … So if you can afford a plane ticket, a train ticket or even a bus ticket you can control your own destiny but if you’re locked into your native state then maybe you can’t. That we have one law for women of means and another for poor women is not a satisfactory situation.”

Read the full piece here

More Ruth Bader Ginsburg posts on Profeminist

05 Aug 17:24

RT @BlunderingIdiom: Birth control? BAN IT! Abortion? BAN IT! Gay marriage? BAN IT! Guns? Look,...

by Pai Osias

via Osias Jota

Author: Pai Osias
Source: Twitter Web Client
RT @BlunderingIdiom: Birth control? BAN IT! Abortion? BAN IT! Gay marriage? BAN IT! Guns? Look, banning things never works. People will fin…
05 Aug 17:23

Kate Pierson Gets Married

by Joe Jervis

via Ibstopher

Via the Daily Mail:
Kate Pierson, co-founder of the new wave party band The B-52s, has married her longtime lover Monica Coleman in Hawaii. The 67-year-old singer/songwriter took to her Facebook page on Tuesday to share photos of her and her new wife with the caption: ‘#itsofficial!’ A series of snaps show the happy couple post-ceremony as they don chic wedding gowns with Pierson’s in pink with a elegant Victorian style. A rep for Pierson told E! News: "The wedding was attended by the entire B-52s band, Sia Furler and husband Erik Anders Lang were the witnesses. Sia performed the song she wrote for the couple Crush Me With You Love on Pierson's first solo album Guitars and Microphones and was accompanied by the famous Hawaii music group the Lim Family who serenaded the attendees during the event. Fred Schneider made the best man speech."
RELATED: B-52s member Keith Strickland married his longtime boyfriend in Key West shortly after Florida legalized same-sex marriage in January.
05 Aug 17:23

Hark, A Vagrant: Straw Feminists 2


via Kara Jean

buy this print!

This was a sketch under the original Straw Feminist comic but I redrew it for the book. Those crazy gals! You never know where they are lurking! Moon colony here we come!

Speaking of feminists on the moon, I would be remiss not to mention this: have you been reading Bitch Planet? I read the first one, I need to get more!

Step Aside Pops is coming soon! Drawn and Quarterly has a preview here!

The first starred review is in from Publisher's Weekly.

Pick up the August 3 issue of The New Yorker because I have a cartoon in it!

And lastly, here is an interview at Comic Book Resources where we talk about kids books and more!
05 Aug 17:22

fishingboatproceeds: Jeb Bush is right. We don’t need half a...


via ThePrettiestOne


Jeb Bush is right. We don’t need half a billion dollars for women’s health issues (which is around $3.15 per American woman per year). We need much, much more. 

In the U.S., the disparities in women’s health care between rich and poor women, and between white women and women of color, are just absolutely astounding.

We know that in the U.S., poor women diagnosed with breast cancer are more likely to die of it than rich women.

And we know that black women are almost twice as likely to die from cervical cancer than white women.

Why? According to the National Cancer Institute, “The disproportionate burden of cervical cancer in Hispanic/Latino and African American/Black women is primarily due to a lack of screening. In an effort to understand this disparity in cervical cancer screening, NCI conducted a study of regions within the United States where cervical cancer incidence rates are high. They found that cervical cancer rates reflected a larger problem of unequal access to health care.”

We need more public investment in women’s health to close these gaps. Making access to pap smears and other screening measures more expensive will worsen health disparities in the U.S. and will result in the death of more poor women.

05 Aug 17:22

thegetty: umspeccoll: thegetty: A conservator’s hand...


via Toaster Strudel




A conservator’s hand manipulates this medieval volvelle currently on view at the Getty Center.

What is a volvelle? It’s part timepiece, part floppy disk, and part crystal ball. Read more on the Getty Iris.

We get abnormally excited when we come across volvelle’s in our books. Sometime we worry that it scares the students.

We imagine it to be something like this*…


*Disclaimer: The events depicted in this GIF are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental.

05 Aug 17:21

Vocal Dog Says ‘Mama’ Before Human Toddler Can Respond to His Mother’s Request

by Lori Dorn

via ThePrettiestOne

A vocal Australian Shepherd quickly responded to his human‘s request that the word “Mama” be said in order to be rewarded with a yummy treat. Unfortunately, the request was actually for the toddler sitting next to him, who couldn’t get a word in edgewise. It turns out, however, that the clever canine was rewarded with a treat after all.

For the many concerned individuals claiming that the dog from “Dog Says Mama, Baby Can’t” didn’t never got a treat, here is one brief clip of just one bite he got from that night

via reddit