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30 Nov 22:09

Australian Bat Rescue Clinic Demonstrates How to Swaddle Baby Bats So That They Look Like Burritos

by Lori Dorn

Trish Wimberley, the Director of The Australian Bat Clinic and Wildlife Trauma Centre (previously) in South East Queensland, demonstrates how to swaddle infant flying foxes, making them look just like “baby bat burritos”. These adorable bats were orphaned when their mother died due to an extreme heat wave that hit the area. According to the clinic, the bats need a lot of care while they are young, but will be released into the wild once they are old enough to survive on their own.

When a bat mother dies, often their young are still attached and will not survive without the right care. Bat carers play a vital role in not only retrieving suffering bats, but rehabilitating them until they can be released back into the wild. When baby bats first enter rehabilitation it can be traumatising for them as they have just been separated from their mothers to which they have formed strong bonds. Bat carers have to ensure that the baby bats not only are well fed, but that they are nurtured and feel safe in their temporary new home. Providing affection to the bats is a necessity. The teats represent their mother’s nipple, and this makes them feel more comfortable, as does the security of the blankets which they are often snugly wrapped in. The bats will remain at the Australian Bat Clinic until they are old enough to be released.

The clinic rescues thousands of baby bats every year, which can get a bit expensive.

Trish Wimberley looks after hundreds of orphaned baby bats and rears them until they can be released into the wild. It’s a tireless, never ending job which keeps her awake all hours (she apparently went 3 nights without sleeping once). A typical day may include feeding (the food is about $1000 a week), health checks, doing their laundry (the dryer and washing machine electricity bill costs up to $8000 every 3 or 4 months!), bat transportation for release — everything they need in order to survive.

Donations are always welcome and can be conveniently made via PayPal.

via Gothamist

30 Nov 22:08

Deval Patrick Waves Off 2016 Rumors -

Deval Patrick Waves Off 2016 Rumors
Meet the Press Outgoing Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) says he "can't get ready" for 2016 Published November 30th 2014, 6:12 am. advertisement. Related Videos. (1:09) Playing Next Next ...
Deval Patrick Won't Run for President in 2016Yahoo News UK

all 54 news articles »
30 Nov 22:07

American couple charged with starving adopted daughter to death are ... - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

American couple charged with starving adopted daughter to death are ...
Daily Mail
An American couple cleared Sunday by a Qatari appeals court of wrongdoing in the death of their adopted daughter has been barred from leaving the Middle Eastern country just hours after they were told they were free to go. Matthew and Grace Huang were ...

and more »
30 Nov 22:06

Supreme Court To Decide Whether Rap Lyric Threats Are Free Speech

by timothy
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments in Elonis v. United States, in a case that could result in more attention paid to language in online postings. After a series of angry posts on Facebook in the form of explicit rap lyrics "about killing his estranged wife, shooting up a kindergarten class and attacking an FBI agent," Anthony Elonis "was convicted of making threats of violence and sentenced to nearly four years in federal prison. A federal appeals court rejected his claim that his comments were protected by the First Amendment. The Obama administration says requiring proof that a speaker intended to be threatening would undermine the law's protective purpose. In its brief to the court, the Justice Department argued that no matter what someone believes about his comments, it does not lessen the fear and anxiety they might cause for other people.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

30 Nov 22:01

How Vox Media Creates News Products

by Alex Kessinger

Yesterday we got a look into how new news organization are working in a technical sense[^vox]. To my mind its one of the few detailed posts about how places like Vox Media are working to actually innovate. It was written by Pablo Mercado, Vox Media’s VP of Technology. He detailed a little bit about how they pull together all the talent needed for a project and how they coordinate that talent. From writer, editor, designer, to programmer.

New news orgs fascinate me, because they are the perfect collision of technology and domain expertise. In a sense, if we can improve journalism with technology then we can use technology to improve other fields. I'm also not talking about software eating journalism, but working with journalism to make its better, and maybe even pay for it's self.

I don't know about you, but I want to read more stories like this. There doesn't seem to be a great place to find stuff like this. So, if you know any leave a comment.

30 Nov 21:59

Quinta essentia, das ist, Die höchste Subtilitet, 1574


homestyle cooking

Quinta essentia, das ist, Die höchste Subtilitet, 1574

30 Nov 21:59


30 Nov 21:57

'Stuart Little' Leads Art Historian To Long-Lost Hungarian Masterpiece

A long-lost avant garde painting has returned to Hungary after nine decades thanks to a sharp-eyed art historian, who spotted it being used as a prop in the Hollywood film "Stuart Little."
30 Nov 21:57

The British MP Who Tried To Stop 'The Growing Menace' Of 'Space Invaders' In The '80s

In 1981, at the height of the moral panic over new fangled “video games”, a Labour MP decided to launch crusade against this new evil. His target? "Space Invaders."
30 Nov 21:56

The Men Paid To Break In Designer Jeans

Hiut Denim in west Wales employs 50 denim breakers to wear in jeans before they’re sold, or auctioned, to customers. One breaker explains how it works.
30 Nov 21:56

'F**k It, I Quit' Reporter Under Campaign Finance Investigation

by gguillotte
A campaign-finance investigation is moving forward against an Alaska television reporter who quit her job on-air and vowed to work toward legalizing marijuana. The Alaska Public Offices Commission wants to know whether Charlo Greene used crowdsourcing funds to advocate for a ballot initiative to legalize recreational pot use. Greene challenged the commission's request for documents.
30 Nov 21:55

Portland Police Detain Mercury's News Editor During Lengthy Ferguson Protest


'Update 9:45 AM: Activist and blogger Hart Noecker, who wrote a post about Tuesday's march and also wrote a widely shared post detailing the three Portland cops eventually under investigation for posting "I Am Darren Wilson" Facebook profile pictures using official Portland badges, was among the 10 arrested. He reported his booking officer was one of those three cops, Rich Storm. Hales had promised not to assign either of those three cops to protest duty—something his staff followed up on personally, making sure I noted it, when I didn't initially include that update in a blog post last week. According to Noecker, it seems, that prohibition just meant being on the streets, not dealing with protesters who eventually wound up under arrest.'

30 Nov 21:48

Ferguson mayor: No severance package for Wilson - Yahoo News

by gguillotte

well at least he isn't being paid even more money

Wilson, 28, won't receive any further pay or benefits, and he and the city have severed their ties, Mayor James Knowles told reporters a day after Wilson tendered his resignation, which was effective immediately.
30 Nov 20:37

Rams players show support for Ferguson protestors before game

by Seth Rosenthal

"Hands up, don't shoot" is a common message expressed by protestors following Officer Darren Wilson's shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Several St. Louis Rams did the gesture associated with the message while taking the field for their home game against the Raiders:


Tavon Austin, Stedman Bailey, Kenny Britt, Chris Givens, and Jared Cook participated in the display.

The Rams have been both passively and actively involved in the aftermath of the Ferguson shooting. The team invited Ferguson-area students to a preseason game in August, and in October, crowds held signs and started chants regarding Ferguson both inside and outside the Edward Jones Dome.

30 Nov 19:15

Walking Portland's Great Divide. A longtime resident wanders down the seven-mile stretch of used car lots, cheap motels, and assorted dives that separates the mythical Portland from the real one

30 Nov 19:10

Please don't scroll past


My poetry professor threatened to sue me for libel for an editorial a student wrote in the newspaper my first week as EIC. Before that, she was planning on advising me on a senior-level project to finish my minor a semester early and working to publish a chapbook. After that, she refused to speak to me face-to-face. I resigned from the paper at the end of the semester (but already had a full-time job offer at a pro paper) and haven't touched poetry since.





Please reblog or like if you feel a teacher’s negative behaviour towards you has ever brought your grade down or caused you to lose interest in a class.

This would really help me with a research project I’m starting.



shout out to students in my country.

30 Nov 19:06

Do you think storm can be an omega level mutant and if so how do you think she would become one?

All right so. Straight up.

There’s no reason that Ororo already isn’t one.
The fact that it’s never been confirmed in canon ain’t shit to me.

So what constitutes an Omega-Level Mutant? Limitless power?

Sorry I don’t have receipts with me; this shit is from memory.

We know that Jean Grey (and a majority of her genetic offspring) is an Omega-Level mutant. Her telepathic abilities can basically reach any corner of the globe, while her telekinesis can affect objects on a molecular level. She’s also served as host to the Phoenix Force, who, up until quite recently (with the Phoenix Five arc), only chose Omega-Level mutants as her host.

Apparently, Franklin Richards is an Omega-Level mutant. The kid created another Earth identical to 616.

Mr. M is an Omega-Level mutant. Didn’t he turn a butterfly into a pterodactyl one time?

Fricken Iceman has been confirmed as an Omega-Level mutant. Supposedly he hasn’t tapped into his full potential (or from the last of what I read of him), but yeah, here we are.

Now let’s talk about Ororo.
Ororo Munroe is the woman whose whose winds can carry her past high-speeding jets.
Ororo Munroe is the woman whose lightning has affected heavy-hitting opponents the likes of Rogue, Blob, Colossus, and Red Hulk.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who can affect weather-related energy patterns on a molecular level such that she has taken Norrin Radd in a duel.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who wielded her own facsimile of Thor’s Mjolnir.
Ororo Munroe is the woman whose control over pressure is so precise that she has: deflected falling debris, created a buffer inside a noisy club so she and Callisto can have a quiet conversation, made a building explode from the INSIDE, and even created a dome to contain the explosion of a bomb described as a “baby nuke”.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who can alter all forms of currents; including those of the ocean.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who, at one point, almost took out the entire population of Earth (humanoid and saurian) by creating the next Ice Age.
Ororo Munroe is the woman whose control over air is on some Aang/Tenzin/Zaheer level shit that she can and has: kept buildings in tact when separating it from its foundation when lifting it with her winds, preventing any air from entering or leaving a man’s lungs, and increased the air pressure in one’s inner ears to give her the upper hand in a fight.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who can alter her perceptions such that she can see the world in multi-colored forms of energy; even allowing her to see the electric discharges that the brain gives off to the central nervous system, giving her the advantage in hand-to-hand combat.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who took on an army of government-sanctioned sentinels (and NO, I’m not talking about Halle Berry).
Ororo Munroe is the woman who literally blessed the rains down in Africa.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who created an EMP to take out Cyborg/Clone Thor during Civil War.
Ororo Munroe is the woman whose brain gives off powerful electromagnetic discharges such that even telepaths the likes of Jean Grey, Charles Xavier, and Amahl Farouk have a difficult time reading her.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who served as a host to the cosmic entity, Eternity, such that Doctor Strange can perform a surgery on the celestial being.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who has, in the past, been limited by her physical sense of body and claustrophobia; BUT who has now showing signs of overcoming all of that.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who has, one time, undid the work of a mystical being by dispersing his energy.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who can conjure up an outfit with a bolt of lightning (see also: unstable molecules).
Ororo Munroe is the woman who can FEEL when water evaporates into the air.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who can sense aircrafts cutting through the atmosphere.
Ororo Munroe is the woman who, essentially, is IMMUNE to all that shit.


And how’s about them alternate realities?

Ororo Munroe became Wonder Woman
Ororo Munroe became host to the Phoenix Force.
Ororo Munroe created an atmospherically perfect city for her to live in; a metropolitan I might add.

Since we’re talking about skill sets.
Ororo Munroe has bested Cyclops and Callisto WITHOUT her powers for a leadership position.
Ororo Munroe has held multiple dignitary statuses.
Ororo Munroe is the ONLY person in the 616 universe to serve on the X-Men, Avengers, and the Fantastic Four (SUCK IT WOLVERINE).

You asked me if Ororo could BECOME an Omega-Level mutant. If this isn’t evidence enough of her already being an Omega-Level mutant (again, just SHORT of it being CONFIRMED in canon), then I don’t know what is.

People keep thinking Ororo was given the namesake of Storm ‘cause it’s a reflection of her weather-manipulating abilities. Well, that’s part of the reason. Ororo Munroe was given that namesake because that’s what she took the world by.

30 Nov 19:02

bukkake-windmill: revolutionary-mindset: Earlier this week,...


via ThePrettiestOne



Earlier this week, authorities released video of a Cleveland police officer fatally shooting 12-year-old Tamir Rice. He was killed within two seconds of the cop’s arrival at a park where he was seen holding an airsoft gun. On the same day the video was released, Northeast Ohio Media Group published a report titled “Tamir Rice’s father has history of domestic violence.”

The article, which has so far been shared on Facebook over eight thousand baffling times, reports that Tamir Rice’s father has a history of violence against women, including Rice’s mother. Although it never explains the significance of this fact, it is preceded by an update:

(Update: A line has been added to this story to give insight into the motivation to investigate the parents’ background)

That line—added after the fact, presumably due to questions about the article’s relevance—doesn’t give the insight promised: “People from across the region have been asking whether Rice grew up around violence.” Oh, have they?

Assuming it is true that “people from across the region” have been asking whether a child mistakenly killed by police while holding a toy “grew up around violence” (and there is obviously interest in the answer, seen in the incredible amount of social sharing), it is hard—impossible, really—to justify taking seriously, and acting upon, the clear search for blame in an innocent child.

12-year-old Tamir Rice was killed by police in two seconds. His parents’ backgrounds, violent or not, had no bearing on his death.

man what the fuck I hate people

30 Nov 18:30

Ray Rice reportedly drawing interest from at least 4 teams

by Adam Stites

"New Orleans Saints have expressed interest"

fuck the Saints

The former Ravens running back has an uphill climb to find work in 2014, but at least four teams have expressed interest in the three-time Pro Bowler.

Ray Rice is drawing some interest now that he has been reinstated from suspension. At least four teams have reportedly expressed interest in three-time Pro Bowl running back.

According to ESPN's Adam Schefter, the Indianapolis Colts and New Orleans Saints have both expressed interest in addition two other unrevealed teams. Previous reports indicated the Colts wouldn't be interested in Rice, even if he was reinstated, and Schefter said that the team isn't expected to pursue Rice.

Rice, 27, received an indefinite suspension from the NFL in September and was released by the Baltimore Ravens after video was released showing him knocking his wife unconscious in an elevator. That suspension was overturned by a neutral arbitrator on Friday, who found that Rice's cooperation and truthfulness with the league made the extension of his suspension from two games to an indefinite one unjust and without cause.

The former Ravens running back is now immediately eligible to play and would likely join a contender with injuries at the running back position if he is able to find work at all in 2014. New Orleans is one team that could fit the mold, as all four of the team's running backs appear on the injury report for Week 13 and the Saints are tied with the Atlanta Falcons for first in the NFC South.

Rice tallied more than 1,000 yards rushing in four consecutive seasons before the worst season of his career in 2013, in which he managed just 3.1 yards per carry.

30 Nov 18:29

The NFL had no clue how to handle Ray Rice's domestic violence case

by Louis Bien

TW: everything
fuck Goodell

The 17-page judge's decision reveals that Roger Goodell had a thin case to back his assertion that Ray Rice misled the him and the NFL.

Judge Barbara Jones didn't surprise anyone by what she ruled Tuesday -- that Ray Rice should be reinstated from an indefinite suspension. The surprise came in what she revealed in her 17-page explanation of the decision. Not only did Jones find that Rice was honest with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell during their June 16 meeting, but the NFL's case was incredibly flimsy, built on semantic arguments and poor note taking.

There are several significant (and/or head-scratching) takeaways revealed in the decision. The thrust is that Goodell and the NFL were unprepared to defend why it raised Rice's suspension upon the release of a second video tape depicting his assault on his fiancee in an Atlantic City casino elevator.

Rice physically demonstrated how he hit Janay Palmer

Jones wrote that her job was to determine whether Rice misled Goodell and the NFL about the events of Feb. 15 in Atlantic City. To do, she had to consider two things: "(1) whether [Rice] said 'hit' or attempted to minimize the assault by saying 'slapped' and (2) whether he said that Mrs. Rice "knocked herself out."

Rice also demonstrated how he struck Palmer, however, and apparently there was little ambiguity in his actions.

At the arbitration hearing, Rice demonstrated with his left arm how he hit Mrs. Rice that night, swinging it in an arc across his body with his hand open. Tr. 470:9-21. More significantly, he testified that he had given the same demonstration at the June 16 meeting when he told the Commissioner about the events, making it clear that his arm "came across" his body and hit her.

The NFL took awful notes

A key point in the NFL's argument was that Rice had said he "slapped" Palmer instead of "hit." To make this point, however, the NFL relied on fuzzy recollection and poor note-taking by those in attendance at the June 18 meeting. Goodell never used the word "slap" in his notes, but did use the word "struck." Adolpho Birch, another witness to the meeting and the NFL's senior vice president of labor policy and government affairs, wrote just two words that day.

Birch's notes are even sparser, with the phrase "bottle service" the only reference to the night of the assault.

Kevin Manara, the NFL's senior labor relations counsel, was much more thorough as the NFL's official note taker at the meeting. He did use the word "slapped," but he failed to note whether what he wrote was Rice's phrasing verbatim.

In relevant part, Manara's notes read, in six successive lines: "arguing while waiting for elevator / exchanging words / she hit him / got in elevator / she hit him again / he slapped her; fell; knocked herself out." Exhibit 17. While Manara was a credible witness, I am not persuaded that his notes reliably report that Rice used the words "knocked herself out." For example, although Manara's notes use "slapped," the majority of the witnesses, including Newsome and Birch, used the word "hit" to describe what Rice said. Manara himself admitted that the section of his notes describing the assault was not "verbatim."

Heather McPhee, the associate general counsel of the NFLPA, also took notes at the meeting, and put Rice's phrasing in quotation marks, which she said indicated something he said verbatim. The emphasis on the relevant quote is McPhee's.

The following are the relevant part of McPhee's notes, written with the emphasis and quotation marks as they appear in the original:

- Exchanged words/arguing @ elevators
- Ray thinks Janay "sort of slapped @ him"
- Entered elevator, still arguing
- Shoes (?) off
- Janay moved toward him, "sort of slapped or swung"
- "And then I hit her."
- She fell, thinks hit head on railing
- Seemed "knocked out"
- Elevator opened, she wasn't conscious, pulled her out
- Security there almost immediately. Called agent.
- Arrested that night. (Both)Exhibit 41 at NFLPA_RICE_0037.

The NFL was uncertain of its own testimony

Goodell and Manara both maintained that Rice had used the word "slapped" during the June meeting. Birch wasn't nearly as sure.

Birch testified that he remembered Rice saying that Mrs. Rice "hit him outside of the elevator, they got in the elevator, she hit him again, then he, I don't know what word he used, but he hit her, and [] she lost her balance, fell[,] hit her head on the side of the handrail, knocked herself out, something like that."

Even Goodell apparently came off as uncertain.

The testimony of Commissioner Goodell and Birch is further diminished by thevagueness of their recollections. For example, when asked whether Rice used the word "struck"to describe Mrs. Rice hitting him, Commissioner Goodell testified, "I believe so, it has been several months."

Jones found whether Rice knocked out Palmer irrelevant

The NFL also argued that Rice insisted that Palmer had been knocked unconscious when she fell and her head hit a handrail, and thus tried to minimize his role in the incident. Jones wasn't moved.

To the extent the NFL argues that Rice misled the Commissioner because he"‘chronologically' described the sequence of events leading to his arrest ... , [but] never explained ‘causally' what happened that night," NFL Post-Hearing Br. at 1, this argument fails. Certainly, no one can say with medical certainty whether the blow itself or the contact with the handrail knocked Mrs. Rice unconscious. Tr. 153:24-154:6. But just as certainly, it is immaterial. Whether the blow itself or hitting the railing knocked Mrs. Rice unconscious, the cause was the hit.


Commissioner Goodell himself, in response to the question, "Did Mr. Rice ever say that heknocked out Ms. Palmer?," testified, "No, but he took full responsibility for it, he said it is nother fault, it is my fault." Tr. 95:5-9. In short, I do not find that Rice minimized "causally" what happened that night.

Goodell could have asked Rice for the tape inside the elevator


They believed that there was a second video from a camera inside the elevator. Various sources, including NFL security, had reported its existence. Rice had received this video in discovery during his criminal case, but it had not been aired publicly, as had the first video. The NFL never asked Rice for the second video.

Goodell assured Rice about the length of his first suspension

The NFL also assured Rice that his suspension would not be increased under the new domestic violence policy.

Notably, after announcing this increased penalty under the Policy, the Commissioner called Rice to assure him that the new policy would not affect him-that it was forward looking and his penalty would not be increased.

A report in September from ESPN's Outside the Lines said that the Ravens, including owner Steve Bisciotti, lobbied Goodell to be lenient with Rice's punishment.

Goodell doesn't need just cause

Jones dissected Article 46 of the NFL collective bargaining agreement which outlines the commissioner's disciplinary power. The article does not say that Goodell needs just cause, which is significant, because the CBA discusses just cause in Article 43 concerning club discipline. Jones highlights just how much leeway Goodell has to mete out punishment as he sees fit.

There are still reasonable limits to what the commissioner can reasonably do, however, though the language of the CBA forces players to assume the burden of proof when challenging discipline.

Even accepting that Article 46 does not contain a just cause provision and thus is not subject to the attendant standards of industrial due process, such as "double discipline" and"disparate treatment," discipline under the Article must be fair and consistent.

The NFL does not dispute this proposition. ... For me, this means that discipline determinations under Article 46 should be reviewed to determine whether the Commissioner abused his discretion, that is, whether his determination was arbitrary or capricious. Where the imposition of discipline is not fair or consistent, an abuse of discretion has occurred.

Jones found that the NFLPA the burden of proof at the hearing, and that "the imposition of a second suspension based upon the same incident, and the same known facts about that incident, was arbitrary.

Janay Palmer was distressed at the meeting


On June 16, when Birch directed the conversation to her and asked how she felt, she couldn't speak; she just cried and said "I'm just ready for it to be over."

That's considerably different than a July report from Peter King at Sports Illustrated's MMQB which said Janay Rice "made a moving and apparently convincing case to Goodell" at Rice's disciplinary hearing in June. King's report also said that she pleaded with the commissioner not to ruin Rice's "career and image" with his punishment.

The NFL was overly beholden to precedent

Jones cited an ESPN Radio interview that Birch gave saying "we are bound in large part by precedent in prior cases, decisions that have been heard on appeal in the past, and notions of fairness and appropriateness." In his testimony, Goodell acknowledged that the NFL need to "go back and say, . . . ‘[W]e are in a different age, with different issues and different challenges.'"

Jones agreed, and her decision spoke to a much larger issue of how accounts of domestic violence have been interpreted in the past:

Moreover, any failure on the part of the League to understand the level of violence was not due to Rice's description of the event, but to the inadequacy of words to convey the seriousness of domestic violence. That the League did not realize the severity of the conduct without a visual record also speaks to their admitted failure in the past to sanction this type of conduct more severely.

30 Nov 18:29

Saints expected to move on from Rob Ryan after 2014

by Adam Stites

later you worthless fuck

Sean Payton and Rob Ryan are reportedly at odds and the rift will likely end with a new defensive coordinator in New Orleans.

A rift between Sean Payton and Rob Ryan is expected to result in a hunt for a new defensive coordinator for the New Orleans Saints. Payton and Ryan "strongly dislike each other" and the team will likely move on from Ryan after the season, according to Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports.

The discord, coupled with another year of poor performance from the Saints' defense, will result in a change on the defensive side of the ball. A new defensive coordinator would be the fifth in Payton's tenure with the Saints, and the fourth since the 2011 season.

Ryan joined the Saints in 2013 and was credited with turning around a New Orleans defense that finished the 2012 season as the NFL's worst and leading them to the fourth-fewest yards allowed in 2013. However, those positive trends slowed and now the 4-7 Saints rank 27th in yards allowed.

The Saints have also had a few noteworthy late-game collapses. In Week 7, they gave up two touchdowns in the final four minutes to the Detroit Lions and lost, 24-23, and in Week 10, they allowed the San Francisco 49ers to drive in to field goal range with less than two minutes remaining to force overtime, which ended with a 27-24 victory for the 49ers.

In the last 11 seasons, Ryan has served as a defensive coordinator for four different teams and is known for his 3-4 defensive scheme, which he implemented in New Orleans upon his arrival.

30 Nov 18:29

Steve Smith, Raven, wears an Edgar Allan Poe shirt

by Bill Hanstock

"Steve Smith is well noted for his unstoppable T-shirt game"

Not just any Edgar Allan Poe shirt, either. SANTA POE.

Steve Smith arrives to work wearing an Edgar Allen Poe Santa t-shirt.

— Andrew Siciliano (@AndrewSiciliano) November 30, 2014

Steve Smith is well noted for his unstoppable T-shirt game. Just add another chapter to that legacy.

On a related note, it's harder than you would think to come up with Edgar Allan Poe Christmas puns. This is the best I could do:

- The Cask of AMilkAndCookies
- A Descent Into the Mistletoe
- The Tell-Tale Hearth

I'm so sorry.

30 Nov 18:27

Saints could draft quarterback to replace Drew Brees in 2015, per report

by Louis Bien


"Florida State's Jameis Winston"

would burn everything

"and Oregon's Marcus Mariota"

would _save_ everything

The Saints have been doing a lot of soul searching this season. One of the things they've reportedly contemplated is life after Brees.

The New Orleans Saints may be contemplating life after Drew Brees. According to's Ian Rapoport, New Orleans plans to select a quarterback with an early pick in the 2015 NFL Draft. Rapoport, who was speaking on NFL Gameday Morning, said that the Saints began wondering about Brees' future after they saw "some arm strength issues that have cropped up in the last several games, throwing crucial interceptions."

If there is anything to the report, it shouldn't be read as an indictment against the quarterback. Brees is currently in the midst of his fifth-best career season by quarterback rating. He completed 78 percent of his passes for 420 yards and three touchdowns to one interception during the Saints' loss Monday to the Baltimore Ravens. New Orleans has way bigger problems than their veteran quarterback, at the moment.

But it's understandable if the Saints are wondering what will happen when the 35-year-old is ready to quit. The Denver Broncos and New England Patriots made similar moves recently, drafting Brock Osweiler and Jimmy Garoppolo, respectively, to potential replace their Hall of Fame passers. The Green Bay Packers have been in great shape since taking Aaron Rodgers in the first round of the 2005 NFL Draft to be groomed behind Brett Favre.

If the Saints don't win the NFC South, they could land a top 10 pick next year, giving them the chance to grab one of the bigger names of the draft class. Florida State's Jameis Winston and Oregon's Marcus Mariota are perhaps the two most notable options, but UCLA's Brett Hundley, Mississippi State's Dak Prescott and Baylor's Bryce Petty could also be given consideration in the second round or later.

30 Nov 18:04

A Surprisingly Accessible Find

by Aleric
So I was browsing, a site for people who are blind or otherwise unable to read print. Despite its name, it's perfectly legal under US copyright law. Out of random interest I typed "Dungeons & Dragons," into the search box.

i was surprised to find not only the Holmes edition of OD&D, complete with "fighting men," but the AD&D 1E PHB, DMG, and Monstrous Manual among other offerings by Gygax. These are scanned and OCR'd I think, so not guaranteed to be 100% error free, but it's still unusual to see them. The Bookshare catalog is slanted towards popular fiction and academic stuff, so games publications are comparatively sparse.

I've previously read through a Braille version of Dungeons and Dragons, though I don't know what edition that was, maybe 1978 or 1980? I think it went up to level 3, so definitely basic.

I'm mostly just surprised to find this sort of thing in an accessible format now. I know there are tons of retro-clones, but there's a charm to the originals sometimes. :)
30 Nov 18:02

Mentirinhas #729

by Fábio Coala

via Albener Pessoa


Será que já tem algum app de lambida na cara?

O post Mentirinhas #729 apareceu primeiro em Mentirinhas.

30 Nov 18:02

Job Listing Points Towards Apple's Continued Interest in Virtual Reality

by Juli Clover


Over the past several years, Apple has expressed an interest in both virtual reality and augmented reality, and has applied for a number of patents related to both technologies. The company has explored a goggle-like video headset that would possibly allow for 3-D viewing, much like the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, it's looked into a motion-sensing virtual 3D user interface for iOS devices, and it's explored 3-D "hyper-reality" displays.

While many companies are following in the footsteps of Oculus VR and have already introduced virtual reality hardware, there has been little to no hint that the technology mentioned in Apple's numerous patents will ever come to fruition.

Apple's interest in the virtual reality arena does not appear to have waned, however, and it may even be picking up. A new job posting on Apple's site for an "App Engineer" (via 9to5Mac) suggests that the company is continuing to explore virtual and augmented reality, at least on the software side. The job listing seeks a software engineer to help the company "create next generation software experiences" designed to integrate with "Virtual Reality systems."
We are looking for a software engineer to develop UI and applications to create next generation software experiences. The individual must be able to participate in collaborative and iterative UI design through the implementation phases & complete performant user experience code for product delivery. This engineer will create high performance apps that integrate with Virtual Reality systems for prototyping and user testing.
It is not clear, of course, what Apple means by "Virtual Reality systems," which could refer to a full-on hardware experience, an augmented reality app experience, or something else entirely, but augmented reality and virtual reality have become increasingly important areas for development. Headsets like the Oculus Rift are beginning to catch on, and Google has been experimenting with augmented reality, both in its Ingress game for iOS and Android and with "Project Tango," an ambitious experimental smartphone that will provide 3-D mapping capabilities and immersive augmented reality games.

Apple is in possession of technology that's quite similar to what's used in Google's Project Tango, which Apple acquired in 2013 with the purchase of 3-D mapping company PrimeSense. PrimeSense famously developed the original Kinect, and its technology could be used as the backbone for virtual/augmented reality interfaces and games.

30 Nov 17:57

oponions: SANTA, NO!


via Toaster Strudel



30 Nov 17:54



via Toaster Strudel

30 Nov 17:54



via ThePrettiestOne
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” ~ John Steinbeck

30 Nov 17:51

Black Residents With Assault Rifles Stand Guard Outside White-Owned Business During Ferguson Riots - Fox Nation

by gguillotte

the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun

A group of black Ferguson residents armed with high-powered rifles stood outside a white-owned business in the city during recent riots, protecting it from rioters that looted and burned other businesses. One of the residents, a 6-foot-8 man named Derrick Johnson, held an AR-15 assault rifle as he stood in a pickup truck near that store’s entrance. Three other black Ferguson residents joined Johnson in front of the store, each of them armed with pistols.