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30 Nov 19:12

"But in thinking about the art of asking, Palmer misses its most basic tenet: In our society, certain..."

But in thinking about the art of asking, Palmer misses its most basic tenet: In our society, certain kinds of people are allowed to ask for things, and certain kinds of people are not. She writes as though the biggest obstacle to getting the help you need is a reluctance to ask — not, say, ingrained social structures having to do with race and class.

Who is allowed to ask for help? Who is heard when they ask for help? Whom do people want to help? These are basic questions that get little or no attention in The Art of Asking. Instead, we are coached in letting other people help us: “Your acceptance of the gift IS the gift,” she says.

Palmer accidentally hits on truth when she writes, “Effective crowdfunding is not about relying on the kindness of strangers, it’s about relying on the kindness of your crowd.” “Your crowd” is the crucial phrase. Here, she’s of course talking about her fans — as opposed to random strangers. But the uncomfortable, unexamined reality behind her thesis is that you must have a fairly wealthy, leisured and skilled fan base in the first place. Not everyone can ask their crowd for help, because not everyone has a crowd that can help.


Annalisa Quinn on NPR, deconstructing Amanda Palmer’s The Art of Asking.

I wrote about this a few years ago from a race and class perspective.

(via notyourexrotic)

30 Nov 19:12

escapedgoat: zuky: harrietsdaughter: downlo: micropolisnyc: ...






Why aren’t there more minority models in the pages of fashion magazines?

The answers are often disturbing, and speak to a form of racial bigotry found in the fashion centers of New York and London — as well as a deep-rooted aesthetic that equates prestige and elitism with stereotypical whiteness (and thin-ness).

Here are a few highly-revealing quotes from fashion industry employees, from an analysis of the industry by Ashley Mears, a sociologist and former model. Her article is called “Size zero high-end ethnic: Cultural production and the reproduction of culture in fashion modeling,” and was published in 2009. Mears kept the identities of her sources private.

A lot of black girls have got very wide noses… The rest of her face is flat, therefore, in a flat image, your nose, it broadens in a photograph. It’s already wide, it looks humongous in the photograph. I think that’s, there’s an element of that, a lot of very beautiful black girls are moved out by their noses, some of them.” —H, London Agency Director

“But it’s also really hard to scout a good black girl. Because they have to have the right nose and the right bottom. Most black girls have wide noses and big bottoms so if you can find that right body and that right face, but it’s hard.” —A, NYC Agency Scout

“Okay let’s say Prada. You don’t have a huge amount of black people buying Prada. They can’t afford it. Okay so that’s economics there. So why put a black face? They put a white face, because those are the ones that buy the clothes.” —L, NYC Stylist

“We don’t like using the same model too often, but it’s harder to find ethnic girls. And…well, I don’t want to sound racist, but— well for Asians, it’s hard to find tall girls that will fit the clothes because most of them are very petit. For black girls, I guess—black girls have a harder edge kind of look, like if I’m shooting something really edgy, I’ll use a black girl, it always just depends on the clothes.” —A, NYC Magazine Editor

Me personally, in my opinion, there really is no good, good, black girl around. The really good, good black girl around are still the same, and are still the one that everybody wants… It’s very difficult to find one. The agency don’t deliver enough choice to make happy the client [sic].” —O, NYC Casting Director

[TW for the article]

White logic is circular logic:

The absence of non-white models is also deeply rooted in a Western relationship with race that aligns ethnic women with a heightened sexuality and accessibility. The editorial fashion world wants to downplay sexuality to the maximum, thus they choose child-bodied, excessively thin women with unique facial structures within the parameters of the white aesthetic; no one in the editorial fashion world wants to consider their choices racist but their desire to only utilise a certain appearance and also dismiss ethnic women for a lack of conformity to that standard reveals the latent racism that is perpetuated without question but with a recognisable degree of disappointment and no sense of responsibility.       

“We would use more black girls if they looked more like white girls…the black girls just look too black. Otherwise we really would use them.”

“It’s not that we’re racist or anything like that, it’s very technical and scientific, it has to do with photography and economics and molecular structures and it’s hard to find Black girls who are white girls.”


30 Nov 19:11

palalife: despondentparamour: kuroba101: luanlegacy: waetonyw...







Astonishing X-Men #16

And the winner is… Kitty Pryde!

I never realized how terrifying her power could be. o __ o

…. she can pull you into a brick wall and leave you there :|

Kitty is one of the most powerful mutants.

What I like about her abilities is that even though they’re not very showy like shooting eyebeams or bringing down lightning, she has many tricks at her disposal. It’s easy to forget that her phasing gives her resistance to telepathy, or that she can walk on air/water. Kitty disrupts the system of anything electrical she passes through, and she can do even more things I don’t feel like typing out atm lol. Her powers can be used offensively and defensively, in a plethora of creative ways. Not to mention she’s an expert in martial arts. Kitty may not seem like it at first glance, but she’s a pretty fearsome mutant. I would definitely put my money on her in a fight against most people. 

That is some epic fighting scene, I wish they have that in the movies…:/

30 Nov 19:10

rhubarbes: Pyramid by Te Hu. (via ArtStation - pyramid, Te...

30 Nov 18:29

Marshawn Lynch weighing retirement after 2014 season

by Adam Stites

The four-time Pro Bowl running back may retire after the 2014 season at the age of 28.

Marshawn Lynch's time with the Seattle Seahawks may be approaching its end, but so may be his time in the NFL. The four-time Pro Bowl running back is reportedly considering ending his football career after the 2014 season, according to Ian Rapoport of NFL Network.

Lynch reportedly considered retirement after the 2013 season but elected to come back to the team in 2014, albeit after a holdout in training camp and a bump in pay. With back pain accrued over eight seasons in the NFL, Lynch could elect to end his NFL career on his own terms at the age of 28.

One thing that could dissuade Lynch from ending his NFL career would be a head coaching job for Seahawks offensive line coach Tom Cable. According to Rapoport, the strong relationship between Lynch and the former Oakland Raiders head coach could cause the running back to follow Cable to a new team in 2015.

Still, Lynch may retire to avoid further damage to his back which has been the cause of some pain:

One issue for Lynch is health-related. He's missed just one game in the last four years, but he has battled back pain throughout. Thanks to countless hits over the course of his career, the cartilage in his spinal cord is compressed, which brings him discomfort. That's just one factor as he ponders his future.

Lynch is 39th all-time in rushing yards with 8,345 and 34th in career touchdowns with 67.

30 Nov 18:25

At Least 4″ of Books

by Dorothy

All five Cat and Girl & Donation Derby books – SIGNED – are going for LOW LOW I need room to dry bottles on this bookshelf prices for a LIMITED LIMITED until December 12 time.

$99 in the USA. That is 100 junior cheeseburgers. That is 20 junior cheeseburgers per book. How many junior cheeseburgers do you want?

Your Christmas shopping could be over NOW.


30 Nov 13:59


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



This horrific incident has been well documented, everywhere: from YouTube videos of survivor interviews to PBS Lesson Plans for school teachers. Please do your Google diligence:

  • From May 30 to June 1, 1921, white citizens of Tulsa bombed burned and shot up the “Little Africa” section of Tulsa FOR 18 HOURS STRAIGHT
  • Why would they do that? That same old lame excuse, a Black man supposedly did something to a white woman. But the real reason was ECONOMIC JEALOUSY. Whites may have called it Little Africa derisively, but there is a reason that Black Tulsa is known as Black Wall Street
  • In addition to the 300 Blacks killed, and over 1,000 residential homes burned to the ground, also destroyed were:
  • The Mt. Zion Baptist Church and five other churches; the Gurley Hotel, Red Wing Hotel, and Midway Hotel; the Tulsa Star and Oklahoma Sun newspaper offices; Dunbar Elementary School; Osborne Monroe’s Roller-Skating Rink; the East End Feed Store; the Y.M.C.A. Cleaners; the Dreamland Theater; a drug store, barbershop, banquet hall, several grocery stores, dentists, lawyers, doctors, and realtors offices; a U.S. Post Office Substation, as well the all-black Frissell Memorial Hospital. All told, marauding gangs of savage whites destroyed 40-square-blocks of Black economic and entrepreneurial prosperity!

64 years after the first bombing of an American city was committed against the Black residents of Tulsa… the second bombing of an American city took place in Philadelphia when the city bombed the black members of the MOVE organization. (see the blackourstory archive for details). 

Isn’t it a shame that 76 after the bombing of Tulsa, when Timothy McVeigh blew up the Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City, most historically illiterate Americans - including American “journalists” - responded as if it were the first time such a horror had been visited on Oklahoma. If only we knew.

While there are many lessons to be drawn from this, a few questions that stick out to me are these:

  • If the answer to Black second-class treatment from whites in America is supposedly to become the ultimate American capitalists…the ‘model minorities’… how do you explain Tulsa 1921?
  • For those Black folk who think that the sole answer to Black people’s problems is simply more Blacks becoming business owners and more Blacks spending money with other Blacks… how did that work out for our people in Tulsa in ‘21?
  • Considering not only Tulsa, but Rosewood, Florida, and many other thriving all-Black towns that you may know of that all met the same fate at the hands of murderous, envious, lazy crackers… WHEN ARE WE GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND TAKE SERIOUSLY THE IDEA THAT BLACK WEALTH (ESPECIALLY ALL-BLACK WEALTH) WILL NEED TO BE PROTECTED WITH PHYSICAL FORCE?

There is a reason that Marcus Garvey AND Elijah Muhammad had armies of trained Black men as a huge part of their organizations. Many of us Black folk took those great men as jokes, yet NO BLACK LEADERS SINCE THOSE TWO have reached the same heights of economic and ideological success and unity of Black people. 

Not only do we need to LEARN THIS HISTORY, we need to start taking these events men and movements MORE SERIOUSLY, and doing some CRITICAL HISTORICAL ANALYSIS if we are ever to stop being on the bottom rung of every metric in American life. Not just some casual or accidental reading of history; some CRITICAL. HISTORICAL. ANALYSIS.

TULSA 1921 was real. PHILLY 1985 was real. Will it happen again?

30 Nov 13:52

gilmoregorl: doxing someone by finding their public facebook from their public twitter

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


doxing someone by finding their public facebook from their public twitter

30 Nov 06:11

Idina Menzel says a Frozen sequel is happening - The Week

by gguillotte

oh _let it go_

Idina Menzel told The Telegraph that Frozen 2 is on the way. Asked in an interview about the Disney hit's spin-offs, such as a stage musical and the rumored sequel, Menzel said, "They're all in the works."
30 Nov 05:57

How The Bow Became The Perfect Video Game Weapon


hey saucie

A good bow, properly implemented, can improve even mediocre games, as "Crysis 3" showed us. It was a great weapon in "The Last of Us," once fully powered up. If a player would like to feel like a total badass and there's a bow in your game? They have a destination. The bow is aspirational.
30 Nov 05:56

Pig Ordered Off U.S. Airways Flight


some pig

The pig was ordered off a U.S. Airways plane at Bradley International Airport in Connecticut on Wednesday after crewmembers determined the animal had become disruptive, Laura Masvidal, a spokeswoman for U.S. Airways parent American Airlines, said Friday.
30 Nov 05:56


30 Nov 05:55

Philipp Hainhofer, Herzog August Library, Germany, 1617

Philipp Hainhofer, Herzog August Library, Germany, 1617

30 Nov 05:50

vintagegal: The first black public county librarian, Lucille...


via Russian Sledges


The first black public county librarian, Lucille Baldwin Brown, Florida c. 1940s (via)

30 Nov 05:47

pibroch, n.


'1. A type of music for the Scottish bagpipes, generally of a ceremonial character, consisting of variations on a theme or ground (see urlar n.). As a count noun: a piece of such music. Also fig.'

'1761 Magopico 39 He breaks your rest with a jigg, and rushes on you with all the martial strains of a peebruch.'

'1887 I. F. Hapgood tr. V. Hugo Les Misérables II. i. x. 29 The bagpipe-player in the centre dropped his melancholy eyes..and seated on a drum, with his pibroch under his arm, played the Highland airs.'

30 Nov 05:46

Pot retailers offer Green Friday specials

by gguillotte

how is that any different from any other day in a Couv weed shop

The first-ever Green Friday has been a huge hit with customers, retailers and growers. “I had somebody open a menu and just start snickering,” said Shon Harris of New Vansterdam.
30 Nov 05:40

Landrieu's biggest hurdle in Louisiana? Obama - Yahoo News

by gguillotte

my people, my people

Landrieu got votes from 18 percent of whites, while nearly three out of four white voters said they strongly disapprove of the president.
30 Nov 05:40

My Vassar College Faculty ID Makes Everything OK

by gguillotte

'I expected that four teenage black boys from Poughkeepsie would have security called on them for making too much noise in the library one Sunday afternoon. I expected security to call Poughkeepsie police on these 15 and 16-year-olds when a few of them couldn't produce an ID. I expected police to drive on the lawn in front of the library, making a spectacle of these black boys' perceived guilt.

A few days after Vassar called police on those children, a police officer visited one of the boys while he was in class and questioned him about some stolen cell phones and iPods at Vassar. When the kid said he didn't know anything about any stolen cell phones, the officer told the 15-year-old black child, who might have applied to Vassar in three years, to never go back to Vassar College again.

I didn't expect that.

Vassar College, the place that issues my faculty ID, a place so committed to access and what they call economic diversity, did its part to ensure that a black Poughkeepsie child, charged with nothing, would forever be a part of the justice system for walking through a library without an ID.

There is no way on earth that a 15-year-old black child visited by police officers at school for walking through a library while black is going to be OK.'

The fourth time a Poughkeepsie police officer told me that my Vassar College Faculty ID could make everything OK was three years ago on Hooker Avenue. When the white police officer, whose head was way too small for his neck, asked if my truck was stolen, I laughed, said no, and shamefully showed him my license and my ID, just like Lanre Akinsiku. The ID, which ensures that I can spend the rest of my life in a lush state park with fat fearless squirrels, surrounded by enlightened white folks who love talking about Jon Stewart, Obama, and civility, has been washed so many times it doesn't lie flat. After taking my license and ID back to his car, the police officer came to me with a ticket and two lessons. "Looks like you got a good thing going on over there at Vassar College," he said. "You don't wanna it ruin it by rolling through stop signs, do you?"
30 Nov 03:03

Pro Football|On 'Today,' Janay Rice Says Ray Rice Hit Her Only That One Time - New York Times


'The most alarming part of the 17-page ruling vacating Goodell’s suspension comes in a footnote where Jones lists 20 instances of prior domestic violence incidents over the last seven years, none of which got more than a two-game penalty, including one player whose offences occurred over two years and involved “no fewer than 10 incidents in which law enforcement was required to intervene.” That suspension was reduced to one game on appeal. According to Footnote 4 of Jones’s ruling, the only examples of substantially longer punishments included one involving a gun and one involving a player charged with two crimes of domestic violence. That player got a three-game suspension.

Two games, of course, is the same punishment Goodell originally handed out to Rice, at least until September, when the commissioner viewed a video of Rice knocking Palmer to the elevator floor and suspended him indefinitely. Jones, in other words, was not just holding Goodell responsible for mishandling Rice’s case, but for the NFL’s whole sordid history of minimizing the seriousness of domestic violence — and then blaming that history for setting limits on what the commissioner could do when it came to Rice.

As Jones wrote, if Goodell had originally indefinitely suspended Rice, it is unlikely any arbitrator would have upset that punishment.

Instead, Jones says that Goodell knew all the facts at the time he set the two-game discipline — and later when he excused Rice from application of the new six-game minimum discipline for domestic violence instituted as a result of the public outcry over the first weak penalty. And later again, when he imposed the indefinite suspension based on the same facts he had known all along.'

fuck Goodell, fire fire Goodell

ABC News

Pro Football|On 'Today,' Janay Rice Says Ray Rice Hit Her Only That One Time
New York Times
A forgiving Janay Rice said Monday on the “Today” show that her husband, Ray Rice, the former Baltimore Ravens running back, had not abused her before he knocked her unconscious in a hotel elevator in Atlantic City in February and has not hit her since.
Janay Rice says her husband never hit her before Atlantic City assaultUSA TODAY
Janay Rice says Ray Rice has hit her only onceNew York Daily News
Janay Rice Tells 'Today' Show That Roger Goodell Wasn't HonestCBS Local
ABC News
all 479 news articles »
30 Nov 03:02

US Airways remove woman and pet pig from flight - Maine News Online

Maine News Online

US Airways remove woman and pet pig from flight
Maine News Online
U.S. Airways flight crew asked a woman to leave as she was carrying a pet pig which was disruptive. It is legal to take pigs onboard in the country. The woman was allowed to board the plane with the pig as she said that she needed the pet for 'emotional ...

and more »
30 Nov 02:56

Historical Map: Graphical Time Table for Steamer Routes in the...

Historical Map: Graphical Time Table for Steamer Routes in the Sognefjord, Norway, 1907

 A beautiful early example of a stylised transportation map, showing routes and departure times for steamer ferries along the Sognefjord in Norway (the third longest fjord in the world, apparently), way back in 1907. While the “crinkly bits” of the fjord itself and the locations of the ports of call are faithful to geography, the routes themselves are overlaid with little regard to reality. Instead, they travel smooth, easy to follow paths that make the route of each individual ship easy to follow. Days of service and times of departure are also clearly denoted at each stop along the way.

Our rating: A lovely model of simplicity and clarity, and also really quite beautiful. Four stars!

4 Stars!

Source: BBB1945/Flickr

30 Nov 02:56

asylum-art: Magical Paths Begging To Be Walked Roads and paths...


Magical Paths Begging To Be Walked

Roads and paths pervade our literature, poetry, artwork, linguistic expressions and music. Even photographers can’t keep their eyes (and lenses) off of a beautiful road or path, which is why we collected this list of 28 amazing photos of paths.

Paths like these have a powerful grip on the human imagination – they can bring adventure, promise and change or solitude, peace and calm. There’s nothing like a walk down a beautiful path to clear your head – or to fill it with ideas!

I’ll leave you with an excellent quote from J. R. R. Tolkien’s works while you enjoy these images; “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.

  1. Autumn In The White Carpathians
  2. Rhododendron Laden Path, Mount Rogers, Virginia, USA
  3. Spring In Hallerbos Forest, Belgium
  4. Autumn Path In Kyoto, Japan 
  5. Autumn Path
  6. Bamboo Path In Kyoto, Japan
  7. Hitachi Seaside Park Path In Japan
  8. Dark Hedges In Ireland
  9. Winter Forest Path, Czech Republic
  10. Path Under Blooming Trees In Spring
30 Nov 02:53

GaMBi chiptune app on sale ⊟ If you were intrigued by chiptune...

by 20xx

GaMBi chiptune app on sale ⊟

If you were intrigued by chiptune player/remix app GaMBI, now’s the time to check it out. The app is on sale over Thanksgiving weekend for $3, usually $7.

It plays NSF and other native chip formats, and supports sample export to iTunes. Oh, and it has “60 licensed tracks and two full hours of music from classic and modern composers including: Jeroen Tel, Jon Dunn, C-jeff, Blitz Lunar, Tappy, Hally, and 1H1D!!”

30 Nov 02:43

aaaaa42: postracialcomments: DO NOT GO ON THE OPFERGUSON (dot)...



DO NOT GO ON THE OPFERGUSON (dot) com website!!!!!

There are several reports stating that it is a trap even if that site was real it’d be fucking stupid but holy shit

30 Nov 02:38

latteos: Where is the lie


Where is the lie

30 Nov 02:36

Quirell | Indiegogo

by gguillotte
Quirell is a social network currently in the planning stages being developed by queer/trans collective CollectQT. Quirell differs from traditional social networks in that it aims to be a place for marginalized community members and others to escape the noise and over-saturation of traditional social networks. This project is needed because as users of social media, we are affected by the lack of privacy measures in place on current social networks, ‘real name’ policies, and the way that new features are implemented and security is handled within most social networking sites. Our fundraising campaign is important because of the scope of what we hope to accomplish. A social network for marginalized communities with its level of customization is unheard of, and we aim to deliver a platform that serves the needs of marginalized micro-communities searching for a place to call their own when mainstream social networks are overrun with hate campaigns, stress, or you simply want to connect with others like you.
30 Nov 02:36

California students take a stand to topple teacher tenure; New York up next | PBS NewsHour

by gguillotte
The New York plaintiffs are also aided by a famous attorney, David Boies, who’s leading Brown’s nonprofit. Boies was Al Gore’s attorney after the 2000 election, and he successfully argued against California’s gay marriage ban in front of the Supreme Court. But just like in California, the unions are fighting the lawsuit. New York State United Teachers filed a motion to dismiss the suit; it’s president saying, “Tenure is an important safeguard that ensures children receive a quality education. It enables teachers to speak out in the best interest of their students and it protects academic freedom.   Arguments in the New York lawsuit are expected in January.
30 Nov 02:36

marlouroboros: driltracts: words by @dril, art by jack...



words by @dril, art by jack chick

this is it, this is what i was waiting for

30 Nov 01:13

hcandersen: fyi if youre a tiny child there was a time when browsers didnt have tabs. you just...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


fyi if you’re a tiny child, there was a time when browsers didn’t have tabs. you just had the one window and had to open a separate window for every other page you wanted open simultaneously. it was real bad

30 Nov 01:00

SKA Space Telescope To Offer Neighbors Cheap Broadband

by timothy
An anonymous reader writes The Square Kilometer Array is a giant space telescope currently being built in the middle of the Karoo in South Africa, which when complete will be 50 times more sensitive than any existing Earth-based telescope. The problem is that it's so sensitive, the thousands of antennas need to be protected from terrestrial radio interference. Given that cell masts and technologies like TB white spaces are the only way people living in the remote areas near SKA are going to be able to get affordable net access, this is a bit of a problem. In order that its neighbours aren't completely cut-off, SKA is offering them subsidised satellite broadband instead. Which is nice.

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