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03 Dec 01:06

"TJ Lane took a gun to a school, killed 3 people and was arrested near his car. Not shot. He was..."

“TJ Lane took a gun to a school, killed 3 people and was arrested near his car. Not shot. He was armed. He was white. Amy Bishop Anderson shot and killed three people, her colleagues, at the University of Alabama. She was arrested outside of the building. Not shot. She was white. Scott Evans Dekraai shoots and kills 8 people in Seal Beach, California. He is armed with 3 different guns. He is arrested. Not shot. He was white. Christopher Speight shoots and kills 8 people in Virginia. He surrenders and he is arrested. Not shot. He was white. The list of white murderers who were arrested and not killed goes on, and on, and on. Michael Brown (aged 18) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was not armed. He was shot 6 times and killed. Michael Brown was black. Trayvon Martin (aged 17) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was shot once and killed. He was not armed. Trayvon Martin was black. Tamir Rice (aged 12) harmed nobody. He was “armed” with a fake, toy gun. He was shot twice and killed. Tamir Rice was black. Oscar Grant (aged 22) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was shot once and killed. He was not armed. Oscar Grant was black. Ervin Jefferson (aged 18) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was shot once and killed. He was not armed. Ervin Jefferson was black. Timothy Stansbury Jr. (aged 19) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was shot once and killed. He was not armed. Timothy Stansbury Jr. was black. Sean Bell (aged 23) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. Sean and his friends were shot at a total of 50 times. Sean Bell was shot and killed. He was not armed. Sean Bell was black. Amadou Diallo (aged 23) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was shot 19 times and killed. He was not armed. Amadou Diallo was black. Aaron Campbell (aged 25) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. Aaron Campbell was shot and killed. He was not armed. Aaron Campbell was black. Victor Steen (aged 17) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was tazed and purposely run over by a police officer in a car. He was killed. He was not armed. Victor Steen was black. Eugene Steven Washington (aged 27) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was shot once and killed. He was not armed. Steven Washington was black. Wendell Allen (aged 20) harmed nobody. He was shot and killed. He was not armed. Wendell Allen was black. Travares McGill (aged 16) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was shot 3 times and killed. He was not armed. Travares McGill was black. Kendrec McDade (aged 19) harmed nobody. He did not commit a crime. He was shot and killed. He was not armed. Kendrec McDade was black. Eric Garner (aged 43) harmed nobody. He was choked to death by police officers. He was unarmed. Eric Garner was black.”

- (via lovemenendawit)
03 Dec 00:59

ladyknightthebrave: thedarklingprincess: hipsterlibertarian: I...




If you would feel ok taking a dog away from a young girl who is confined to a wheel chair, fining her family if they objected, and then killing the dog, there may be a place for you in city government in Moreauville, Louisiana!

On October 13, the village voted to ban pit bulls and Rottweilers.

A letter was sent out to owners saying that if they didn’t get rid of them by December 1, then they would be taken for “further disposition.”

The dog pictured above is a pit bull named Zeus. He is owned by a girl named O’Hara Owens, whose neck problems require her to wear a brace and use a wheel chair. Zeus has never been accused of any aggressive behavior, and he’s a huge comfort to O’Hara:

"If anything ever happened to him, I would just shut down," she said. […] She says Zeus acts as a sort of "therapy dog," providing love and support for her and her other brothers and sisters.

"I can sit here if I’m in pain, he comes and he notices it before I even make any noise," she said.

O’Hara’s family says they will not surrender Zeus, to which Moreauville Alderman Penn Lemoine replies that the village government will take the dog by force, fine the family, and kill Zeus:

We asked Lemoine about dog attacks…

"There have been, but I don’t think they’re documented," he said.

And, if they plan to kill the dogs they collect on December 1…

"I’d rather not elaborate on that," he said.

"Is that what it is? Are you going to kill the dogs?" asked reporter, Brooke Buford.

"If that’s what the ordinance says, then that’s what it says," Lemoine responded.

However, Lemoine did admit that the town might reconsider in the face of enough uproar, so O’Hara’s family created a petition for exactly that purpose. If you wouldn’t feel ok taking a dog away from a young girl who is confined to a wheel chair, fining her family if they objected, and then killing the dog, you can sign that petition here.

Hopefully, the ordinance will be overturned. I hope and think it will, thanks to the media attention and public outcry over this patently ridiculous law. But breed-specific legislation like this is not an isolated incident, and it is not ok. Learn more about this cruel abuse of animals—and liberty—here.







needs about 12,000 signatures GO SIGN IT

03 Dec 00:34

Culture is a Byproduct of War is a Byproduct of

by Dorothy


02 Dec 21:51

Nature Makes All Articles Free To View

by Soulskill

via Tadeu

An anonymous reader writes: Scientific journal publishers have been under pressure recently by both scientists and the public to relax their restrictive rules on the sharing of information. Now, Macmillan has announced that its Nature Publishing Group will make all research papers free to read. This will require the use of proprietary viewing software, but it's a step in the right direction. "Initial reactions to the policy have been mixed. Some note that it is far from allowing full open access to papers. "To me, this smacks of public relations, not open access," says John Wilbanks, a strong advocate of open-access publishing in science and a senior fellow at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri. 'With access mandates on the march around the world, this appears to be more about getting ahead of the coming reality in scientific publishing. Now that the funders call the tune and the funders want the articles on the web at no charge, these articles are going to be open anyway,' he says. But Peter Suber, director of the Office for Scholarly Communication at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, says that the program is a step forward in that it eliminates the six-month embargo that NPG demands for free archiving of manuscripts."

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02 Dec 20:12

dunflower: satanswaitinbitch: dunflower: december starts tomorrow, u know what that means WHAT...




december starts tomorrow, u know what that means



merry christmas fuckboys

02 Dec 20:10

Apple Didn't Want Alabama's LGBT Rights Bill Named After Its CEO

Representative Patricia Todd, the only out lesbian in the Alabama State Legislature, had a plan to get attention for a bill that would ban discrimination against LGBT state employees: Name it the “Tim Cook Economic Development Act.” Apple didn't like the name as much as she did.
02 Dec 20:09

Creative Teenager Builds a Cat-Shaped Snow Fort For Her Beloved Cat

by Lori Dorn

Kitty Snow Fort

In February 2014, a teenager who goes by the name Charmeleon, channeled her love for her cat Tamaki by building a fort in the beloved feline’s image. “I made him a little kitty snow fort and I think he likes it as much as I do.”, even though she complained a little bit about the effort she had to put into it “I spent like an hour on this and I’m so tired now”. Very meta.

Kitty Snow Fort

photos by Charmeleon

via Tastefully Offensive

02 Dec 20:08

Newswire: The Billy Corgan/Anderson Cooper feud has made it to the merch table

by William Hughes

A grown man has printed T-shirts telling another grown man to go fuck himself for making fun of his love of cats. Normally, that’s the sort of sentence you’d only read in a gossip sheet covering the social scene of an emotionally fraught comic book store. But because the cat-mocking man was TV host Anderson Cooper, and the T-shirt printer is The Smashing Pumpkins’ Billy Corgan, here it is: Browsers at the merch table for the Pumpkins’ recent tour dates have had the opportunity to pick up a super-classy “Fuck You Anderson Cooper” T-shirt, complete with a picture of two cats wearing bow ties. It’s a thrillingly passive-aggressive escalation of the feud that’s been brimming between the two titans of influence ever since Cooper publicly mocked Corgan on his CNN show Anderson Cooper 360.

Cooper’s assertion? That things like loving wrestling and posing with his ...

02 Dec 20:08

Newswire: Judge approves publication of files that “substantially contradict” In Cold Blood

by William Hughes

A district court judge has ruled that documents pertaining to the 1959 murder case that inspired Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood may be published by the son of one of the investigating officers. The documents, retained by Kansas Bureau of Investigation agent Harold Nye and passed on to his son Ronald, contradict certain elements of Capote’s landmark true crime novelization of the case. Publication of the files was previously blocked by the courts after the Kansas attorney general’s office sued Ronald Nye over his intent to write a book based on them.

Capote’s book, written after six years of research, centered on the 1959 murders of Herbert Clutter, his wife, and two of their children by two prison parolees intending to rob the family’s farm. The novel has long been held up as a pioneering work in the field of true crime writing, despite occasional ...

02 Dec 20:07

Stephen Hawking’s New Speech System With SwiftKey Delivers His Brilliance Twice as Fast - Hopefully the rest of us are ready for that much knowledge.

by Dan Van Winkle


Stephen Hawking’s brain may be lightyears ahead of ours, but the computer system that helped the theoretical physicist communicate his brilliant thoughts to the world had long been stuck in the past at over 20 years old. Now he’s gotten an upgrade complete with modern text-prediction capability so that he can communicate more effectively and discover what it’s like to try to teach text prediction that you never, ever mean to say “ducking.”

Intel Labs has been working with Hawking for three years to develop the new Assistive Context Aware Toolkit system, which allows him to type twice as fast as before with SwiftKey text prediction and offers a tenfold improvement in performing other tasks like web browsing and email. Hawking has needed the assistive speech system for much of his life due to motor neuron disease, and The Next Web reports that he hopes the new ACAT will help others like him around the world:

Medicine has not been able to cure me, so I rely on technology to help me communicate and live. Intel has been supporting me for almost 20 years, allowing me to do what I love every day. The development of this system has the potential to improve the lives of disabled people around the world and is leading the way in terms of human interaction and the ability to overcome communication boundaries that once stood in the way.

To that end, Intel is making the software free and open-source. So, it’s accessible to any of the 3 million people who suffer from similar diseases or quadriplegia and can be tailored to specific needs with different gestures like blinking or eyebrow movements. No matter Hawking changes the world with science using his new, faster capabilities, he’s already changing it plenty for others who need systems like ACAT.

(via The Next Web, image via NASA HQ)

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02 Dec 20:07

King Richard III's Remains Have Been Confirmed To 99.999% Accuracy

by George Dvorsky

King Richard III's Remains Have Been Confirmed To 99.999% Accuracy

The case is officially closed on what's being called the oldest forensic investigation in history. A new genetic analysis is providing incontrovertible evidence that the skeleton found under a parking lot in Leicester belonged to the king, while uncovering new truths about his appearance and lineage.


02 Dec 20:06

Publisher Changes Title Of Book Series “For Boys” After a Little Girl Objects - Bugs for everyone!

by Victoria McNally


Imagine this: you are a child from California who loves the crap out of some bugs—so much so that, at the tender age of six, you know what the word “entomologist” means. One day you find the coolest book ever about insects, and it’s only after you finish reading it that you turn it over and find it’s part of a series of books “for boys.” You are a girl. This makes you unhappy.

That’s what happened to Parker Dains of Milpitas, California, when she read Biggest, Baddest Book of Bugs, published by an imprint of ABDO Publishing as part of a series called Biggest, Baddest Books for Boys. Other books in the series include Beasts, Monsters, Dinosaurs, Pirates, and Warriors. Yup, because there have never been girl dinosaurs in history. Not even clever ones.

Dains, however, is absolutely a clever girl, because rather than internalize something terrible about how her interests are not conducive to her gender or vice versa, she instead decided to enlist the help of her parents in writing a letter to ABDO Publishing. It read as follows:

Dear Publishers: I am a 6-year-old girl and I just read the ‘Biggest, Baddest Book of Bugs.’ I really enjoyed the section on Glow in the Dark bugs and the quizzes at the end. When I saw the back cover title, it said ‘Biggest Baddest Books for Boys’ and it made me very unhappy. It made me very sad because there’s no such thing as a boy book. You should change from ‘Biggest, Baddest Books for Boys’ into ‘Biggest, Baddest Books for Boys and Girls’ because some girls would like to be entomologists too.

ABDO Publishing took Dains’ words to heart and quickly responded to her letter, telling her that the next books in their series would no longer contain the words “For Boys” in the title and would instead simply be known as the Biggest Baddest Books.

“You brought up a very good point: there should certainly be a ‘Biggest, Baddest Books for Boys’ for everyone. After all, girls can like ‘boy’ things too!” their response letter read. Last month the publishing house also sent Dains and her family special advance copies of the new series, which contain books about ghosts, storms, caves, flight, and space. These new titles will be available for purchase in January 2015.

It’s worth pointing out that women read fiction at a much higher rate than men do, and both publishers and educators often have a much harder time attracting young boys to reading, which can affect their academic success—so it might concern some people to see a book which was once being marketed towards boys change its colors so easily. However, the UK-based Let Books Be Books campaign believes gendered marketing causes more problems than it solves by restricting children at a very early age, and asks publishers not to label books as either for boys or for girls.

“Do we really want to tell children that certain stories are off-limits? That robots, trucks and adventure are strictly for the boys, and butterflies, cakes and friendship are girls-only themes?” their FAQ reads. “Separating stories and activities in this way sends harmful messages to children that only certain interests are acceptable, and also creates an unrealistic division between boys and girls. There is far more variety of personality and interests among boys or girls than there is between them.”

“What of the reluctant reading boy, who is reluctant because he would prefer family or pony stories to snot and football, but daren’t pick up a ‘pink book’?” the FAQ also notes.

In the meantime, Parker Dains has certainly been inspired by her success in lobbying against gender labels, and plans to be an “advice-giver” or an artist when she grows up. “I think it was so awesome and I even got a letter,” she told the Milpitas Post, while apparently bouncing on a trampoline. “They took my advice. I am going to be the best advice giver.”

(via The Guardian)

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02 Dec 20:06

The Original Evangelion TV Series Is Finally Coming To Blu-Ray

by Rob Bricken

The Original Evangelion TV Series Is Finally Coming To Blu-Ray

The wait is almost over! Studio Khara — new owners of the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime franchise — have announced that they will finally be remastering the classic '90s TV series in HD for the show's first-ever Blu-ray release.


02 Dec 20:01

Twitter Finally Improves Harassment Reporting and Blocking Procedures - About time.

by The Mary Sue Staff


Twitter has announced an overhaul to its reporting and blocking systems, both in-app and behind-the-scenes.

Starting today we’re rolling out an improved way to flag abusive Tweets. See how it works.

— Twitter Support (@Support) December 2, 2014

According to Twitter Support, the new process is “much more mobile-friendly, require[s] less initial information, and, overall, make[s] it simpler to flag Tweets and accounts for review,” particularly for those who just observe abusive behavior but aren’t the direct recipients (finally). The social media giant also promises that improvements on the back-end will improve their reported Tweet review system.

With this new reporting process, once you click “This user is abusive,” you’re given the following options:

  • Impersonation
  • Private information
  • Harassment
  • Self-harm or suicide

Then, you choose whether the abuse is aimed at yourself or someone else. The app then asks about the nature of the abuse:

  • Being disrespectful or offensive
  • Harassing me
  • Threatening violence or physical harm

You’re then given the option to include further information, and the report is sent.

This is far superior to Twitter’s current abuse reporting system, which will only let you report abuse perpetrated at you personally—often meaning you have to spend extra time and energy reading and re-reading horrible tweets. The current reporting system also asks for your full name, e-mail, and location, which is obviously incredibly worrisome for anyone already subject to massive online harassment.

Twitter will also now allow you to see the list of users whom you’ve already blocked, and those users will be unable to access your profile. IP banning would still be more effective in this instance (since any user can simply log out of their Twitter account and view a public Twitter profile), but one step at a time; and they do say they’ll be “adding more controls and features to this page in the coming months.”


Currently, the changes are only available to a select few (we’re assuming Anita Sarkeesian is on that list), but should be rolled out to the general Twitter public in the next few weeks.

Twitter also says they’ll be adding “additional user controls, further improvements to reporting and new enforcement procedures for abusive accounts” in the coming months. What further changes would you like to see on Twitter?

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02 Dec 18:09


by aishiterushit

via Tadeu
marvel phase 3 is going well

02 Dec 18:00

Japanese Food Replica Company Releases Line of Hyperrealistic Fake Food Jewelry

by EDW Lynch

via Rosalind


Hatanaka, a Japanese manufacturer specializing in highly realistic plastic food replicas for restaurants, recently entered the fashion business with their line of food replica jewelry and accessories. Among the company’s offerings: a delicious soba noodle necklace, a bacon belt, and a spaghetti and sauce hairband. Hatanaka has English language ordering instructions on their website.





photos via Hatanaka

via Spoon & Tamago

02 Dec 18:00

mvgl: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 2x09 - “Cased Up” (November...


via Rosalind


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 2x09 - “Cased Up” (November 11, 1991)

02 Dec 17:57

NFL will not discipline Rams for pregame gesture

by Hanzus, Dan

via Overbey

The NFL will not discipline the St. Louis Rams players who held up their hands as a gesture of solidarity with protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, prior to Sunday's win over the Oakland Raiders.
02 Dec 17:56



via Rosalind

02 Dec 17:55

#5786: an editorial from the daily bugle publisher


via multitasksuicide

02 Dec 17:53

rubyknits: postracialcomments: Denver Police seize tablet,...


via ThePrettiestOne



Denver Police seize tablet, delete video of brutal arrest. But it had backed up to “the cloud”

Late in August, Levi Frasier saw a violent scene unfolding on the street before him. So he decided to use his tablet to record it.

As plain-clothed men repeatedly punch a Latino man in the face, they can be heard shouting: “Spit the drugs out! Spit the drugs out!”

In the background, a woman is screaming “stop” in Spanish. Two uniformed officers rush up and help restrain the man — and knock the feet out from beneath the visibly pregnant 25-year-old. She lands on her stomach and face.

Some 55 seconds later, someone shouted “camera”.

A police officer stormed up to the witness, who was white, snatching his device from his hands and threatens him with arrest.

“When he took it, I said, ‘Hey! You can’t do that. You need a warrant for that!’ and he said, ‘What program did you take the video with? Where is that?’” Frasier later told Fox 31 News.

The police officer proceeded to search through his files.

“The first officer that comes up to ask me about my witness statement brings me to the police car and says we could do this the easy way or we could do this the hard way,” Fraser said.

“It was survival mode. It was like, ‘Okay, I’m going to make it out of here. Not going to go to jail today for something I didn’t have anything to do with,’” Frasier said.

When police eventually returned his tablet, the video evidence was gone.

“I couldn’t believe it. My heart dropped,” Frasier said. “I know I just shot that video, like it’s not on there now?”

Frasier had forgot he’d set his tablet to automatically upload files to the “cloud”, external storage services fed by mobile communications devices such as 4G phone and Wi-Fi links.


The FBI has now started an investigation into the case. x

02 Dec 17:44



via ThePrettiestOne

02 Dec 17:40

caseymalone: trinandtonic: cah: Here are some of the best...


that note tho

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




Here are some of the best emails we got on Black Friday. These people really can’t believe they really are getting exactly what they ordered.

Just to be clear, this is what was written on our website:


Are you selling any of your normal products today? No.

Is this actually poop? Yes.

Is it also something that’s not poop? No.

Can I return it when I realize that it’s actually just poop? No.

Is the poop dangerous? No. The poop is sterilized.

Is it legal to mail poop? Only one way to be sure.

Why is the poop only $6? Through the magic of incredible Black Friday super-savings.

please read the “fine print” aka the “24 point Helvetica” 

People not believing the FAQ here is a real Boy Who Cried Actual Box Of Bull Shit situation.

One of the Cards Against Humanity founders is a rapist and people have a hard time understanding that the company is capable of tricking people into doing things they didn’t actually consent to?


02 Dec 17:37


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

02 Dec 17:36

spookylangsettte: unfollowback2006: The French justice...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



The French justice minister has been critical of US police violence after the Ferguson decision. She tweeted Bob Marley’s lyric “Kill them before they grow” referring to teenagers shot down by law enforcers.

Justice Minister Christiane Taubira tweeted in French, saying “Michael Brown, racial profiling, social exclusion, territorial segregation, cultural marginalization, guns, fear, fatal cocktail!”

Then, she published a tweet in English.

How old was #Mickael Brown ? 18. #TrayvonMartin ? 17. #TamirRice? 12. How old next? 12 month? ‘Kill them before they grow’ Bob Marley ChT

Taubira later explained to France Info radio that she had expressed solidarity “in an extremely painful situation.”

“I am not making a value judgment on United States institutions [but] when the feeling of frustration is so strong, so deep, so lasting and massive, you have to ask yourself about the trust in these institutions,” said the minister.

“One realizes this only happens to the same people, African American kids. So there is the problem of a certain number of clichés, portrayals, prejudices which can create terrible reflexes,” she added.

French Government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said, referring to the situation, that “one shouldn’t comment about what’s going on in the US” as the country “has its own rules and procedures.”

He added that everyone should “turn their thumb 10 times” before tweeting, an expression in French that roughly means holding one’s tongue before speaking.

Taubira, who took office in 2012, also came under fire from political opponents over her comments.

The right-wing mayor of the city of Nice criticized Taubira for thinking it "appropriate to judge the American justice system" and said the fact that she remains the French justice minister made him "ashamed for my country."

Taubira has been the subject of prejudice and racism scandals for some time: earlier this year, ex-candidate for municipal elections, Anne-Sophie Leclere, known for her far-right leanings, received a nine-month prison sentence and a hefty fine after publishing a photo of Taubira with a monkey.

"I prefer to see her swinging in a tree than to see her in government," Leclere said.

Last year, the right-wing French magazine, Minute, published a cover story bearing the title “Taubira Finds Her Banana.”

What. The fuck

I’m honestly so thankful for tumblr at times like these bc these little articles and stories and anecdotes and snippets - are waking me the hell up and educating the fuh out of me.

02 Dec 17:32

Terry Crews: Modern Day Masculinity Can Be as Damaging as the Taliban

by gguillotte
While you probably know Terry Crews from Brooklyn 99, Everybody Hates Chris or his time playing in the NFL, you might be less familiar with his work as one of the most progressive and thoughtful voices in gender criticism.
02 Dec 17:32

Mega Man 2 Remade | RushJet1

by gguillotte


Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
02 Dec 17:32

K&J Magnetics Blog

by gguillotte

clickthrough for video of them throwing magnet-backed wreaths at a door

For hanging a wreath on a steel door, we like the WPH-SM or WPH-LG magnets best.  These hooks are made with neodymium magnets inside a water resistant, plastic housing.  They are specifically designed for holding a weight on a vertical surface like a steel door.  Their rubbery contact surface provides enough friction to help prevent sliding down the door. We show both of these in the short video clip below.  We found that the smaller WPH-SM magnet was just barely enough to hold a good-sized, 4 lb wreath.  In a protected space behind a storm door, this might be enough. The extra strength of the larger WPH-LG felt more secure.  If it’s windy, consider this size.
02 Dec 17:31

Chromebooks Overtake iPads In US Education Market - Slashdot

by gguillotte
In Q3 2014, IDC notes that Google shipped 715,500 Chromebooks to U.S. schools while Apple shipped 702,000 iPads. Thus, Apple's iPad has lost its lead over Google's line of Chromebook laptops in the U.S. education market as Google shipped more devices to schools last quarter. While analysts say [registration required] that this advantage for Google's Chromebooks can be attributed to their low cost, the presence of a physical keyboard has also been seen as an important factor.
02 Dec 07:01
