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06 Dec 06:14


06 Dec 06:13


DFace paints "Is The Answer LOVE", a massive mural in Wynwood, Miami

DFace paints "Is The Answer LOVE", a massive mural in Wynwood, Miami

DFace paints "Is The Answer LOVE", a massive mural in Wynwood, Miami


06 Dec 06:13


06 Dec 05:59



Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF. Either in it’s full length or only a part of it.

06 Dec 05:56

Gigabit DSL (with a fiber boost) to hit market next year

by Jon Brodkin

A DSL standard that combines fiber and copper to reach gigabit speeds was approved today by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The next step for the new standard is certifying chipsets and equipment. To that end, the Broadband Forum industry consortium is holding a plugfest in January to test interoperability of products, with a beta trial of a certification program to follow in mid-2015. "Certified implementations are expected to appear on the market before the end of 2015," the ITU said. relies on fiber to reach neighborhoods, with data sent over copper the rest of the way. This is similar to AT&T's 45Mbps fiber-to-the-node deployments, but the new DSL standard allows for much greater speed to consumers' homes.

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments

06 Dec 05:55

Why Apple, Google, and FB Have Their Own Programming Languages

by Soulskill
An anonymous reader writes: Scott Rosenberg, author of Dreaming in Code dissects Apple's Swift, Google's Go, and other new languages — why they were created, what makes them different, and what they bring (or not) to programmers. "In very specific ways, both Go and Swift exemplify and embody the essences of the companies that built them: the server farm vs. the personal device; the open Web vs. the App Store; a cross-platform world vs. a company town. Of all the divides that distinguish programming languages—compiled or interpreted? static vs. dynamic variable typing? memory-managed/garbage-collected or not?—these might be the ones that matter most today."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

06 Dec 02:16

Another Comic Book Artist Can’t Stand Change, Competition; Writes Whiny Post About Cosplayers - I left the industry for twenty years and now I'm irrelevant! Grr, blame the women!

by Sam Maggs


First we had Tony Harris. Then we had Denise Dorman. Now, the latest industry voice to come out with a rant against cosplayers is artist Pat Broderick, who just can’t handle this “highest expression of narcissism.”

Broderick worked heavily in the ’70s and ’80s on titles like Batman: Year Three, Captain Atom, Doom 2099, and Micronauts, but left the industry in the mid-’90s when the bottom dropped out (and, according to this interview, because of some negative experiences with both DC and Marvel). Recently returning to the business, it’s clear Broderick doesn’t like what he sees.


In the comments section of the original post, Broderick goes on to say that (all sic) “cosplay are just selfies in costume, and doing multiple selfies is about the highest expression of narcissium,,,,,” and doesn’t undertstand “why the hell anyone pay for an signiture on a photo with a cosplay character…..” Broderick also cites the same reasoning as Dorman did behind her rant; that though con attendance is up, “this has not made its way to both [dealers and artists].” Broderick suggests that cons “completly seperate the media and cospaly guest into their own seperate shows…”

Other industry pros were quick to jump on the anti-cosplay bandwagon. Raymond Lui, owner of the NY-based Muteki Sales (an anime and tokusatsu dealer who, by the way, had their self-proclaimed “best showing” at NYCC in 2012, with tons of cosplayers in attendance) shared a story about a cosplayer in his booth who said they wanted to cosplay Doctor Strange because of excitement over the upcoming film, but didn’t know much about the actual comic book character. Lui kicked the attendee out of his booth. Artist and writer Mike Wolfer (who most recently Kickstarted “a 96-page, black and white, erotic horror graphic novel”) said that he will “ignore con invites that proclaim, ‘HUGE COSPLAY CONTEST (oh, yeah… and Stan Lee).’”

Writer Mark Ellis (who has written many books in the Outlanders series under the name James Axler) added that “[t]urning over these events to people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Zombie #4 from a 10 second scene in an episode of The Walking Dead does nothing to support comics,” and also that he hates:

overweight women in Power Girl and Slave Girl Leia costumes posing, posturing and demanding $20 to take a photo of them. A guy I know just said, “You’re standing around in public looking like a fool…shove your $20″ and took pictures anyway.

side eye

I feel like we’ve tread over this ground so many times that it’s exhausting to continually have to make the same arguments in defense of cosplay, but I can’t stand whiny, bigoted rants like this, so I’m going to do it anyways. Here’s some advice I have for Broderick, and for anyone else who might decide to write some anti-cosplay nonsense in the near future:

1. At NYCC this year, Alice X. ZhangKaren HallionBabs Tarr, and Katie Cook had huge, inventory-decimating lines at their booths every single time I visited Artist Alley. Perhaps creators like Broderick need to find a way to stay relevant, and to appeal to the current generation of comic book fans and convention goers. I hear Sailor Moon fanart sells particularly well.

2. Making elaborate costumes for cosplay, like official con cosplay guests do, takes an enormous amount of time, talent, and effort. I’m not sure who determined that there would be an artistic hierarchy, and that creating art on paper would trump creating three-dimensional wearable art, but I have a feeling Broderick would find himself out of luck if asked to sit down at a sewing machine and re-create any professional cosplayer’s work.

3. Okay, I lied; I do have one idea about this artistic hierarchy. Cosplay is an industry largely dominated by women; it opens up the world of comics—a world which has overwhelmingly felt exclusionary to girls and women—in a whole new way. It allows not only a small subset of women to make money off of their love of comics (something self-proclaimed comic fan Broderick has been doing for decades), but it also allows a large number of female comic book fans who might otherwise feel shut out of the industry to proudly proclaim their love for certain characters or comics. Strange that so many people have taken issue with something that often involves women taking control of their own image, bodies, and sexuality, and commodifying it without male permission or control. So strange.

4. It is not Broderick’s job, nor is it Lui’s, nor is it anyone’s job to be a gatekeeper and decide who knows enough about comics to be a “true” fan. I’ve said this before, but just because you liked something first doesn’t mean you own the rights to liking it. Dressing up as Captain Marvel doesn’t mean I have to know everything about every Marvel comic ever—I could just like the current run, or I could just dig the outfit. Women don’t have to earn the right to dress up in your presence with an encyclopedic knowledge of comic books. Lui could have used that opportunity in his booth to sell that cosplayer a Doctor Strange comic, or to recommend a book, or to share his love—but instead, he decided to be cruel. This doesn’t help anyone.

5. Cool, stop going to the biggest conventions in the world, then. I bet that’ll really help your bottom line. Good luck with that.

I’m just going to leave this right here.

um Pat I’d say the “highest expression of narcissism” is whining publicly that you don’t get enough attention

— BAE AREA (@Leask) December 5, 2014

(via The Telegraph, images via Marvel Wiki, Marvel Swimsuit Special 1995)

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06 Dec 02:12

No, the Game Journalist Who Contacted the Moms of Threatening Trolls Is Not Being Sued

by Jill Pantozzi

Screen shot 2014-12-05 at 11.53.20 AMAlanah Pearce, the gaming journalist who took new and exciting steps to combat those sending her rape threats online by telling their mothers what they were up to would like to clear something up: She’s not getting sued by any of the families for defamation.

Satire website Video Games Made Me Do It posted an article titled “Alanah Pearce To Appear In Court After Outing Harassers To Their Mothers.”

The boys who sent the threats, and don’t want their names posted due to privacy concerns, are going to take Ms. Pearce to court on grounds of defamation, along with being a tattle tale and a goody two shoes.

It also read:

A publishing company is currently working with the boys to tell their side of the story. The book will focus on how these death threats should not be taken seriously and maybe people need to just lighten up. The book is currently titled “Sticks and Stones.”

Which all seems to have an appropriate level of snark if you’re in the know, but considering the climate of the video game world these days, I don’t blame anyone for taking that tone seriously.

It should also be noted the first question on the site’s FAQ is “Is this a video game satire/humor website?” The second is “What is satire?” Ahh, life.

When other outlets picked up the story as fact, Pearce took to twitter to refute the whole thing.

Side note: anything regarding me going to court over this is false. It was originally posted on a satirical website & others ran with it.

— Alanah Pearce (@Charalanahzard) December 3, 2014

Again, nobody is suing me. That ‘story’ was posted on a joke website and others assumed it was true. It’s not! — Alanah Pearce (@Charalanahzard) December 4, 2014

However, Pearce has been incredibly busy lately, as explained in her latest video (which happens to be about that GTA V removal from certain stores in Australia), being interviewed by several major outlets, including the BBC.

She told them “It just got to a point where I was sick of ignoring this stuff and letting these people win.”

The BBC also got an upate form Pearce on the other mother who actually got her messages and responded.

“She has gotten him to handwrite me a letter and she’s also spoken to other parents in the community.”

If that’s not embarrassing enough, the boy’s mum has got his school involved.

“She is going to the school to talk about online harassment and bullying and trying to make other parents more aware of what their kids are saying online.”

Justice, when served, sure is sweet.

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06 Dec 02:12

‘I AM BIG BIRD’, A Film About the Man Who Has Portrayed ‘Big Bird’ and ‘Oscar the Grouch’ for the Past 45 Years

by Lori Dorn

I AM BIG BIRD is a wonderful documentary that tells the incredible story of Caroll Spinney, the man who has portrayed the legendary Sesame Street characters of Big Bird and the ever-irascible Oscar the Grouch since the show’s 1969 inaugural season. Now 45 years later, at the age of 80, Mr. Spinney continues on with no intention of stopping.

Think you know everything there is to know about Sesame Street? You don’t. You might know that Frank Oz turned down an offer to play Big Bird, but you probably don’t know that until a last minute change of heart by NASA, Big Bird was supposed to go to space aboard the Challenger. Or you may know that Oscar the Grouch got his voice from a cantankerous cabbie, but you’d be surprised to learn that a fire in his trash can almost led to Caroll’s untimely demise. Caroll’s stories are the stuff of legend. He has been a constant presence in our lives for over 40 years, his path weaving through American history like that of Forrest Gump. His time inside the Bird has taught him about the world and about himself. I AM BIG BIRD will peel away the instances in Caroll’s life that inspired his creation of characters that influenced generations of children. And, as the yellow feathers give way to grey hair, it is the man, not the puppet, who will steal your heart.


Bird  Legs


Birdlegs Snuffy

Early Oscar

Bob Stone Nelson


Xiao Foo Boat

images via I AM BIG BIRD

via Josh Ellingson

06 Dec 02:12

Newswire: Bill Cosby defended by counter-suit, Cee Lo Green rambling

by Sean O'Neal

Bill Cosby’s attorney Martin Singer has spent the past couple of days declining comment on the civil suit filed by Judy Huth, who alleges that Cosby molested her when she was 15 years old, and now we have the reason why. As expected, Singer has fired back with a rebuttal of Huth’s claims, dismissing her as another opportunist. Perhaps not as expected, that rebuttal came in the form of a counter-suit accusing Huth of extortion—and demanding she now pay $33,000 to Cosby.

In the documents, Singer says Huth’s attorney, Marc S. Strecker, had several conversations with him in the weeks leading up to the lawsuit, in which Strecker demanded first $100,000, then $250,000 in order to stop Huth from going public. Singer says this also followed Huth’s unsuccessful attempt to sell her story to the tabloids “nearly a decade ago” (though he ...

06 Dec 02:11

New York’s First-Ever Permanent Cat Cafe Is Accepting Reservations Right Now! - Eeeeee!

by Sam Maggs


The Meow Parlour is opening December 15th—but you probably want to get in on that sweet kitty action sooner rather than later, because reservations opened up today at noon. Cat! Cafe! New York! Yes!

If you’ve never heard of this wonderful innovation from (obv) Japan, then take a quick peek at Canadian YouTuber Sharla in Japan’s video diary of her experience at several different Japanese Cat Cafes:

Meow Parlour allows you to reserve 30-minute slots at $4 each, for up to a total of five hours. Walk-ins will also be accepted, but why risk it? All the cats are adoptable, and the cafe will also have free wifi, so all The Mary Sue writers will be doing their jobs from the Meow Parlour from here on out.

(via Gothamist, image via Patty)

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06 Dec 02:10

Newswire: YouTube was just kidding about “Gangnam Style” breaking its view counter

by Katie Rife

YouTube is having a laugh at the media’s expense today as the company reports it was just kidding about “Gangnam Style” breaking its view counter. The story originated in what now appears to be a very dry “break the Internet” joke posted on YouTube’s Google+ page which explained, “We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met Psy. ‘Gangnam Style’ has been viewed so many times we had to upgrade to a 64-bit integer (9,223,372,036,854,775,808)!”

Reinforcing the stereotype we just made up that journalists don’t get math jokes, the post was written up in a Washington Post story that was later referenced on a number of other websites, including this one. But a YouTube rep tells Variety that the post was an “easter egg ...

06 Dec 02:10

Hebocon, A Japanese Tournament That Pits Poorly Built Robots Against Each Other

by Brian Heater

Hebocon is a Japanese robot fighting tournament in which contestants pit terribly built robots against one another. The 31 robots are poorly designed, the stakes are extremely low, and the results are pretty hilarious.

The robots in this tournament are nothing like what their builders initially imagined them to be, robots are forgotten on the train, the strategies made with careful planning only result in failure, and the entrants who enter the ring brag about their robot’s secret moves that don’t really exist.
This is the heated battle between crappy, but lovable robots.

via WTF Japan Seriously

06 Dec 01:41

Recursion | Manfeels Park

by djempirical
06 Dec 00:28

The Red Cross CEO Has Been Misleading About Where Donors’ Dollars Are Going

by macdrifter
I still don't trust Red Cross ::: The Red Cross CEO Has Been Misleading About Where Donors’ Dollars Are Going
06 Dec 00:27

Airbnb'ers would need to get city permits or be barred from listing their properties under a proposal headed for City Council December 11

06 Dec 00:27

$15 minimum wage approved for all Multnomah Co. employees

06 Dec 00:26

Non-Liquid Gift Ideas For Drinkers

by Camper English

 Have you seen enough gift guides yet? Answer: NO YOU HAVE NOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS ONE. Below are some gifty things I've made note of throughout the year just for you. 

The CoupeStack, a set of stacking champagne saucers that hold a bottle's worth of bubbly when you stack 'em up. The cost is  £70 plus £20 to ship to the US. 


Online mixology courses from Chris Tunstall of Holiday special of Understanding Cocktail Components and Mixology 101 for $10 ($50 total) off at this link.



Planetary Glass Set from ThinkGeek. It's on backorder through February, so you're loved one is getting an I.O.U. in their stocking. 



Pineapple Hospitality Glasses from Waterford Crystal. 50 UK pounds, but maybe you can find them on a US site? 



Old Fashioned Gift Set from Umami Mart. $99. Dying to get my hands on those tumblers. 


Dobel Tequila in a Guitar Gift Case. $41.99 and includes a silver tequila. Check your local liquor stores.



Generic Surplus and Cutty Sark Sneakers. $150. Super comfortable - I have a pair. 



Oliver Stuffer from Williams-Sonoma. See also their measuring beaker and champagne saber

Olive stuffer


This gold tumbler from Aston Martin for a mere £24,000. Treat Yo-Self! Or if you're on a budget here is a £5,000 shaker




A spring-loaded muddler from Metrokane. Mojitos, Mo' Problems. 



Spiegelau Craft Beer Tasting Kit. Set of four glasses for tasting specialty beers. $40

Beer glasses


And while you're shopping, make sure to buy something for me!


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06 Dec 00:26

steinpratt: pokemonaesthetics: blackladyjeanvaljean: cozyfemme...















this is truly the most disgusting thing to have ever made its way to my dashboard please find the light of the lord in your lives

It looks like Voldemort with a slug in his mouth.

I can’t stop laughing people think this is sexy??????????????????

I had to see it so now so do all of you

if i wasnt already a lesbian this gif would have made me one


@jesus FIX THIS

This is what I’m going to imagine from now on whenever writing informs me that two characters’ tongues “wrestled for dominance.”

06 Dec 00:24

December 05, 2014

popular shared this story from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (updated daily).

ANNOUNCEMENT: We will cease taking Augie preorders on December 15.
06 Dec 00:24

acheiropoietos: yes

06 Dec 00:10

Splashdown! Orion Spaceship Aces First Flight Test - NBC

by gguillotte
NASA and its commercial partners are designing Orion to take astronauts to a near-Earth asteroid in the 2020s, and to Mars and its moons in the 2030s. For that reason, NASA portrayed Friday's test flight as a first step toward deep-space exploration. The mission is known as Exploration Flight Test 1, or EFT-1. Although there are no people aboard Orion, NASA packed a few personages in the payload — including Sesame Street characters and a Captain Kirk action figure. Other mementos flown on the capsule include a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil, an oxygen hose from an Apollo spacesuit and a wide variety of recordings, photos, patches, pins and poems.
05 Dec 19:45

thorinthesassmaster: Saruman’s book.


Saruman’s book.

05 Dec 19:39

Preview: Doreen Green Kicks Bad Guys' Evil Butts In 'Unbeatable Squirrel Girl' #1

by Andrew Wheeler


Erica Henderson

We’re excited about Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, the forthcoming series from writer Ryan North and artist Erica Henderson. Now, sure, Henderson is a contributor to the site and a collaborateur with that Sims fellow, but we’d be excited about this book even if that weren’t the case, because it promises a lot of things we want to see more of in comics: a confident and self-defined female protagonist, smart comedy pitched at an all-ages audience, quirky superheroics, and entertainment that’s squarely welcoming to an emerging audience of young female comic readers — or as we like to call them, ‘the future’.

So now we get our first chance to see if the comic will live up to our expectations, courtesy of an unlettered two-page preview of the book, and a two-page lettered teaser that sees Ms. Doreen Green giving full voice to her own theme song. The good news? It’s charming, funny, and looks fantastic. If you’re not on board the Squirrel Girl train, you may want to follow the example of one of the young men in this preview and reconsider your choices.

05 Dec 19:02

Tony Romo admits he's playing with a broken rib, too -

by gguillotte

at least the Saints did something right this season

He added that the rib injury occurred earlier this season either in a game against the Rams (Sept. 21) or the Saints (Sept. 28), per
05 Dec 18:23

Traffic jam caused by protests kept paramedics from responding to apparent heart attack

by adamg

via Matthew Connor: "Wow, now I have to add Universal Hub to things to be angry at. Fuck this baiting headline. As a commenter mentioned, other things that obstruct traffic: rush hour, parades, the marathon, sporting events, moving trucks getting stuck on Storrow, etc forever. I was lying in the street and suddenly someone yelled "Ambulance," and everyone got the fuck up and HURRIED out of the way, with the help of the police blockade. But yes, all the protesters are ignorant children or whatever."

Good thing Boston has more than one paramedic unit: Boston EMS Incidents reports that when a report of a person suffering a heart attack in the Prudential Center food court came in around 10:30 p.m., the Paramedic 1 unit stationed on Purchase Street was dispatched to the scene - but couldn't even get out of its bay due to the large traffic jam caused by protesters in Dewey Square and police blocking traffic to keep motorists from plowing into the protesters.

Dispatchers then routed Paramedic 2, based on Warren Street in Roxbury, to the mall, where firefighters and EMTs were treating the unconscious but still breathing person until the paramedics could arrive.

05 Dec 18:22

blackgirlsparadise: Clock em.


via ThePrettiestOne


Clock em.

05 Dec 18:22

Rap Genius

by gguillotte


05 Dec 15:58


05 Dec 15:51

Obama Calls For Turret-Mounted Video Cameras On All Police Tanks

WASHINGTON—In an effort to restore the public’s faith in law enforcement, President Obama made an impassioned appeal this week, calling for the installation of turret-mounted video cameras on all police tanks.