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05 Mar 02:06

The official logo of Chip Kelly's Philadelphia Ducks

by James Dator

ICYMI My #Oreagles shirts are back on sale thru Sunday. Get one while you can: #Eagles

— Rob Tornoe (@RobTornoe) March 4, 2015

Chip Kelly is slowly forming his super team -- and this logo is more appropriate than ever. This is what happens when you trade a Pro Bowl running back like LeSean McCoy for Kiki Alonso, an up-and-coming linebacker who happens to be from Oregon.

Philadelphia cartoonist Rob Tornoe made the perfect logo. One we can believe in. Quack!

04 Mar 18:40


04 Mar 18:30

How to respond about on-going outages

by sharhalakis


04 Mar 18:30

How JFK Made NASA His Weapon In The Fight For Civil Rights In America

Julius Montgomery was part of a small cadre of African American mathematicians, engineers and technicians who helped power the space race — at a time when laws kept them from using the same toilet as their coworkers. These men were the vanguard of what became a government strategy to integrate the South.
04 Mar 18:30

The Drug Cartels' IT Guy

What happened to Feli​pe García? One theory suggests he was abducted by a sophisticated organized crime syndicate, and then forced into a hacker brigade that builds and services the cartel’s hidden, backcountry communications infrastructure. They’re the Geek Squads to some of the biggest mafia-style organizations in the world.
04 Mar 18:30

Guy Plays Live EDM Using Terrifying Robot Guitar

According to the description, all this magic is accomplished by using a Fishman TriplePlay midi pickup, a Livid Guitar Wing, Ableton Live and crazy chops.
04 Mar 18:30

There's So Much Snow In Massachusetts That Some Towns Are Postponing Burials

Some Massachusetts cemeteries have had to halt burials in the snowbound state.
04 Mar 18:29

Do You And Your Dog Need Couples Counseling?

Humans may not be the only ones with attachment disorders.
04 Mar 18:28

An Animated Interview With DEVO Singer Mark Mothersbaugh About Being Able to See Clearly for the First Time

by Brian Heater

In the latest episode of the California Inspires Me series (previously) from The California Sunday Magazine and Google Play, Barcelona-based art studio Manson animates an interview with Mark Mothersbaugh (previously) in which the DEVO frontman discusses a pair of glasses that let him see clearly for the first time at age seven.

It was the most incredible day and the most incredible feeling of my life, when we left the optometrist and I saw what a roof of a house looked like, and I saw smoke coming out of chimneys and I saw telephone wires.

Mothersbaugh also discusses the breakthrough of seeing The Beatles on TV and DEVO’s big break after moving to Los Angeles.

04 Mar 18:26

A Bartender Quickly Carves a Perfect Ice Ball From a Block Using a Small Pick and Knife

by Brian Heater

In a video posted by YouTube user cjy2841 in 2011, bartender Kim Jun-hee makes quick work of a block of ice, carving it into a perfect sphere using a small pick and a knife in under three minutes. The practice of carving ice balls is a popular one in Japan, where they’re used for whiskey and cocktails.

via Digg

04 Mar 18:26

The Demolition Of Workers’ Comp

Over the past decade, states have slashed workers’ compensation benefits, denying injured workers help when they need it most and shifting the costs of workplace accidents to taxpayers.
04 Mar 18:14

Misao Okawa,The World’s Oldest Living Person, Celebrates Her 117th Birthday in Osaka, Japan

by Lori Dorn

Misao Okawa

Misao Okawa, the beautiful supercentenarian woman who holds the record as the oldest living person in the world, celebrated her 117th birthday on March 4, 2015 at the retirement home in Osaka, Japan where she currently resides.

Misao has lived across three centuries, which have seen immense social and technological advances including the advent of motor vehicles, flight, mobile telephones, social networking sites and 6 UK Monarchs, 4 Emperors of Japan and 20 US Presidents.

Misao Okawa

images via Guinness World Records

04 Mar 18:10

Mike Epps and Nia Long Will Star in ABC’s Uncle Buck TV Pilot - The return of the '80s continues.

by Dan Van Winkle


If there’s one way to make the ’80s remake machine a lot easier to get behind, it’s diversity.

Mike Epps will take up the role of the titular Uncle Buck Russell, who was played by none other than John flippin’ Candy in the original 1989 movie. For those of you somehow unfamiliar with classic John Candy films, Buck is your average man-child who must learn how to be an adult by babysitting his brother’s three children when the family needs a bit of extra help—sort of the ’80s version of Big Daddy if you’re more of a ’90s kid.

Meanwhile, Nia Long will appear as Buck’s sister-in-law, Alexis Russell (Cindy in the original), who’s “the founder of her own nonprofit that mentors at-risk girls” in the TV reboot, according to THR. That’s likely to come into play with the oldest daughter, who was a bit rebellious in the original and matched wits with Buck.

So the new, racially updated Uncle Buck TV reboot will go ahead and get a pilot despite what John Hughes’ or John Candy’s familes think about it or what historically dubious connotations the title may have. At least if we know one thing for certain, it’s that—just like with the all-female Ghostbusters—this will probably bring out a bunch more anti-diversity crybabies for us to delight in their pain.


(via ABC, images via Visit El Paso and Wikipedia)

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04 Mar 18:10

Awesome Handmade ‘Adventure Time’ Necklaces Based on Characters From the Popular Animated Television Show

by Justin Page

Cake and Fionna Necklace

Laura Li (a.k.a. “Doppledew“) has created an awesome collection of handmade necklaces based on characters from the popular animated television show Adventure Time. The Jake, Lady Rainicorn, Cake and Fionna, and Lord Monochromicorn necklaces are available to purchase online from her Etsy store.

Made with:

– shrink film
– permanent acrylic inks
– brass rings
– gold chain and clasp

Jake and Lady Rainicorn Necklace

Lady Rainicorn Necklace

Lord Monochromicorn Necklace

Jake Adventure Time Necklace

images via Doppledew

via Fashionably Geek

04 Mar 18:07

Apple is training its retail employees to upsell, upsell, upsell the Apple Watch

by Alice Truong
Always be closing.

In preparation of the Apple Watch hitting stores next month, the Cupertino, California company is training its retail employees on the art of the upgrade.

According to a sales document obtained by 9to5Mac, retail store employees should use customers’ interest in the Apple Watch as a way to get them to upgrade their iPhones to newer, compatible models. Even if they’re not intent on leaving the store with an Apple Watch, employees are told to “encourage customers who don’t use iPhone to switch now so they’re ready for Apple Watch later.”

Apple is also taking a more conventional approach with its recommended sales tactics, encouraging employees to strike up conversation with customers, taking note of their interests, style preferences, and how they plan to use the watch. Store employees will also help customers narrow down their watch options by asking if they’re looking for something that’s more casual or formal, and if they prefer metal or leather bands.

Tap image to zoom

As with smartwatch apps, watch accessories will play a big part in the Apple Watch ecosystem. Citing a corporate retail meeting, 9to5Mac says senior vice president of retail Angela Ahrendts recently emphasized that accessories will be a major pillar of Apple’s retail strategy. The two higher-end models of the Apple Watch will come with a stainless steel or gold band, but the entry-level sport version will have a strap made from elastomer, a rubber-like material.

04 Mar 18:07

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen finds sunken warship Musashi - The Hindu

The Hindu

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen finds sunken warship Musashi
The Hindu
Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Paul Allen said he's found a massive Japanese World War II battleship off the Philippines near where it sank over 70 years ago. The apparent discovery of the wreckage of the Musashi, one of the largest battleships in ...

and more »
04 Mar 18:06

Netflix is already flirting with hypocrisy on net neutrality

by John McDuling
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings

Net neutrality has only been law in the US for a few days and already it is creating an awkward situation for one of its biggest champions, Netflix.

The video streaming company is going live in Australia and New Zealand later this month, and as part of its promotion there, the company has struck a deal with local internet service provider, iiNet, that will allow iiNet broadband customers to use Netflix without it counting against their monthly data limits.

Technology sites like The Verge and Gigaom have come out hard against this promotion, asking yesterday whether it brings Netflix’s commitment to net neutrality, the concept that all traffic on the internet should be treated equally, into question. Under net neutrality, ISPs in the US cannot block or slow down certain websites (that, say, might compete with their own services) or charge big content companies that consume large amounts of bandwidth for fast lanes that would speed up service to end users.

Not charging people for certain services (like iiNet is doing with Netflix in Australia) is, in a sense, discriminating in favor of a certain type of traffic. The practice is known as “zero rating.” Since many wireline broadband packages offer unlimited data in the US, it mainly applies to wireless carriers in the country (for example, T-Mobile offers access to streaming music apps on a data free basis).

Some groups insist zero rating violates net neutrality but the US communications regulators haven’t made up their mind on the issue yet. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings himself criticized it last year, complaining that usage of Netflix and other apps counts against his monthly Comcast data cap, while Comcast’s own video services don’t. “Comcast [is] no longer following net neutrality principles,” he wrote last year. “Comcast should apply caps equally, or not at all.”

Which brings us back to Netflix in Australia. Data caps are common in Australia in fixed-line broadband, as are deals such as the one Netflix struck with iiNet. In fact, Netflix’s streaming rival, Foxtel’s Presto service, will be available to customers of the biggest ISP in the country, Telstra (which owns half of Foxtel) on an unmetered basis.

For that reason, Netflix defended the iiNet deal in a statement sent to Quartz via email.

We are committed to the principles of strong net neutrality. These arrangements are common in Australia and we opted not to put our members at a disadvantage to those of rival content providers whose viewing wasn’t being counted.

In fairness, and as others have pointed out, Netflix is merely reacting to the reality of the marketplace. It’s a bit like a politician who wants to limit campaign funding from corporations, but continues to accept such donations until the law is passed to avoid losing an election.

The move is also a reminder that, so far, net neutrality is largely an American concept, not a global one.

04 Mar 18:06

McDonald's cuts antibiotics in chicken. Why more restaurants will follow (+video) - Christian Science Monitor

Fox News

McDonald's cuts antibiotics in chicken. Why more restaurants will follow (+video)
Christian Science Monitor
McDonald's will phase out chicken raised with certain types of antibiotics in the US over the next two years, the fast food giant announced Wednesday. Much of the poultry industry is already moving away from antibiotics as consumers demand it, but ...
McDonald's CEO's radical new plan: actually focus on foodFortune
McDonald's to cut use of antibiotics in chickenBBC News
Good Question: What's Wrong With Antibiotics In Our Food?CBS Local
Albany Times Union -MediaPost Communications -The Australian
all 668 news articles »
04 Mar 17:43



via Tadeu

04 Mar 17:43

Did humans and wolves team up to kill off the Neanderthals?

by Jason Kottke

via who the fuck is Ben Wolf

My answer to that question, having read nothing about it beyond this article, is "it sounds like a bit of a stretch, but what an interesting thing to think about". This theory about how humans and wolves (and later, dogs) teamed up to outcompete Neanderthals for food is being forwarded by anthropologist Pat Shipman, author of the new book, The Invaders: How Humans and Their Dogs Drove Neanderthals to Extinction.

Modern humans formed an alliance with wolves soon after we entered Europe, argues Shipman. We tamed some and the dogs we bred from them were then used to chase prey and to drive off rival carnivores, including lions and leopards, that tried to steal the meat.

"Early wolf-dogs would have tracked and harassed animals like elk and bison and would have hounded them until they tired," said Shipman. "Then humans would have killed them with spears or bows and arrows.

"This meant the dogs did not need to approach these large cornered animals to finish them off -- often the most dangerous part of a hunt -- while humans didn't have to expend energy in tracking and wearing down prey. Dogs would have done that. Then we shared the meat. It was a win-win situation."

At that time, the European landscape was dominated by mammoths, rhinos, bison and several other large herbivores. Both Neanderthals and modern humans hunted them with spears and possibly bows and arrows. It would have been a tricky business made worse by competition from lions, leopards, hyenas, and other carnivores, including wolves.

"Even if you brought down a bison, within minutes other carnivores would have been lining up to attack you and steal your prey," said Shipman. The answer, she argues, was the creation of the human-wolf alliance. Previously they separately hunted the same creatures, with mixed results. Once they joined forces, they dominated the food chain in prehistoric Europe -- though this success came at a price for other species. First Neanderthals disappeared to be followed by lions, mammoths, hyenas and bison over the succeeding millennia. Humans and hunting dogs were, and still are, a deadly combination, says Shipman.

(via @robinsloan)

Tags: books   humans   Neanderthals   Pat Shipman   The Invaders
04 Mar 17:43



via Toaster Strudel

04 Mar 14:42

bae: tell me your wildest fantasy


via Rosalind

bae: tell me your wildest fantasy
me: i'm financially stable in a job that i love with great opportunities for career advancement. i live in a modest home with a good sized yard and a fence for my dogs, there are hardly any problems with the home, but sometimes the garbage disposal clogs. the fridge and pantry are never empty and when they're getting low, i can go to the grocery store at my leisure. my pre-owned car never makes funny noises and when it does, i have the money to take it to the mechanic. i am in good health and most days, i have the energy to carry out my daily tasks and do some things i enjoy as well.
04 Mar 14:22

fanoffandom:hanierose:lackthelighttoshowtheway: This sort of...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




This sort of behavior used to irritate me until I learned about how invasive paparazzi are in America. There are no laws against it.
I’ve also realized, that by flipping off the camera, the pictures can’t be sold to magazines because of “profanity”. So really, she’s just protecting herself.

i did not know that.

Reblogging for the frightening amount of people that this is new information for.

04 Mar 14:17

Rand Paul stole his new logo from Tinder

by T.C. Sottek


The silver lining in giving Tinder a monopoly on the two-pronged flame symbol is that you can say things like "Rand Paul stole his new logo from Tinder."

This is the Tinder logo:

tinder logo

tinder logo

This is Paul's logo:

Rand Paul logo

Rand Paul logo

There are a couple notable differences here. First, Rand's flame is a little sharper, and a little redder — certainly a nod to the states that are most likely to endorse him in a widely speculated 2016 presidential run. Second, the flame distinctively flickers to the right. (Subtext: the winds are changing, give me money.)

Paul has been spending a lot of time in Silicon Valley recently, so maybe biting Tinder's logo was an honest, subliminal mistake. Or maybe he's just really hot for PAC money. Either way, it's not a terrible association — I would totally put a "Swipe right for Rand" billboard on my lawn.

04 Mar 13:24

xtrmntr:abdullahqutbedden: This is Andy Khouri he’s the former...



This is Andy Khouri he’s the former editor of Comics Alliance (the Kotaku of comics sites) and he’s now working as an editor at DC Comics because again the comics industry is in the shitter right now and they are trying to pander to SJW’s and feminists not realizing that SJW’s and feminists don’t really give two shits about comics and just want to complain about stuff because that’s all they know how to do.

You know what’s funny about this whole thing? Comics Alliance used to be very anti DC back in 2011 when the first issue of Red Hood and the Outlaws came out they trashed that first issue and it’s writer Scott Lobdell (even going so far as to publish a hit piece on him calling him a misogynist and sexist because of the way he depicted Starfire) so I don’t understand why anyone from DC would look at this fucking site and decide to hire someone from there to work as an editor. 

Call me crazy but if I was someone who worked at DC and I saw someone trashing the stuff we were publishing I would ignore those people and try to not make contact with them because they’re a massive liability to the business. I wouldn’t bend over and hire someone who worked there to please the “progressives” because those people aren’t the main target demographic. 

This is why I want to make it into the comic business to give people like myself who actually care about good writing and storytelling an alternative to this bullshit. We as comic fans deserve better than having our hobby be run by idiots who constantly defend con artists like Anita Sarkeesian and her ilk. 

I kinda wish ComicGate was a thing because shit like this needs to fucking stop. But that’s the problem with the world that we live in companies are too scared of being called sexist, racist and homophobic that they have bow down and kiss “progressive” ass just to stay relevant in the media. 

Quite right.

It’s true feminists don’t give a shit about comics, only guys are into them oh hang on the biggest selling comics of 2014 were created by women

04 Mar 08:18



all carriers suck forever

04 Mar 08:18


by bubbaprog


04 Mar 08:11

oppugn, v.


'a. trans. To attack or oppose with words, action, influence, etc.; esp. to call into question, controvert, or dispute the truth or validity of (a statement, belief, argument, etc.). Now rare.'

04 Mar 08:09

Valve announces $50 Steam Link streaming box, free Source 2 engine

by Sam Machkovech

followup: no HL3

On Tuesday, Valve Software continued its Game Developers Conference-related trickle of news by confirming scant details on a variety of initiatives. In addition to a few more details about SteamVR and a previously unannounced living-room streaming box, dubbed Steam Link, the company confirmed that its 11-year-old graphics engine, Source, will finally receive an upgrade in the form of the Source 2 engine.

The Source 2 news, which came via press release, confirmed that the engine would be made available to all budding game and graphics developers for free, and that it would receive a Vulkan-compatible build (previously known as Next Generation OpenGL). However, the news was otherwise incredibly light on details, meaning no license-cost information, no release date, and no new or upcoming games attached to the engine.

The original version of Source has powered every Valve-developed game since 2004's Counter Strike: Source, and Valve has previously dodged questions about an updated engine by claiming that the engine had been iterated on to adapt to newer computer and graphics solutions.

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments

04 Mar 07:59

How Bees Revealed A Pot Farm Beneath The Maraschino Cherries



Red-hued bees led authorities to discover New York City’s biggest-ever marijuana farm in the basement of a cherry factory — triggering the owner’s suicide.